In the heart of the vast Zahara Desert lies the Kingdom of Azura, a realm where the harsh beauty of the desert shapes the lives of its people and the pulse of ancient magic flows as freely as the shifting sands. At the center of this mystical land stands Al-Qamar, a city of architectural marvels and deep-rooted traditions, ruled by a dynasty as old as the desert itself.
Crimson Sand follows the story of Zayd Al-Azraq, a young prince born into the luxury and intrigue of the Royal Palace. With his piercing yellow eyes and a mind as sharp as a scimitar, Zayd is the epitome of a royal heir. Despite his privileged upbringing, his spirit is as wild as the desert winds, and a sense of entitlement shadows his every step. Spoiled yet charismatic, Zayd navigates the complex labyrinth of palace life, where every whisper could be a secret and every glance a challenge.
寫檢討作者 sus_doa