35.76% Convict to King / Chapter 49: Puma Meeting

章節 49: Puma Meeting

Arell stepped off the stage, the crowd's energy still buzzing in his ears. Geoffrey was by his side, grinning ear to ear.

"Another banger show," Geoffrey said as they made their way towards the car.

Arell's mind wandered. Ever since "Deadly Silence" dropped, he had been on his way to another show. The demand in Atlanta was insane, and he had offers for gigs in many other states. The day right after his performance, he landed another, and he had pulled in around $15,000 from those two alone. His email and phone were blowing up with requests. He was high in demand, and it felt damn good.

They reached the Subaru and climbed in. Geoffrey started the engine, and the car purred to life. Arell leaned back in the passenger seat, his thoughts still racing.

"Got some news for you," Geoffrey said as they pulled out of the parking lot. "Nike wants to have another chat."

Arell laughed, shaking his head. "Hell nah," he said. "I ain't tryna hear anything from Nike. They bailed when they thought I'd flop. We're going to that Puma meeting, and that's it."

Geoffrey nodded, understanding. "Fair point. Nike did jump ship pretty quick. Puma seems much more genuine anyway."

Arell gazed out the window, watching the city lights blur by. Online reactions to "Deadly Silence" had been wild. Fans and critics were all over it, saying Reese was done for. Social media was lit with people talking about how Arell had shut him down or in Young Dolph's words, 'Made him run to Insta like a bad bitch'.

Reese had been on Twitter and Instagram Live all day, ranting about the diss track. His desperate attempts to save face were almost sad. It seemed as if every hour he had a different set of threats to make or had an even larger amount of money to offer for Arell's death.

As much as Arell wanted to take his words as nothing more than idle threats, he knew what people would do for money or a chance at recognition, he had seen it himself, with Mia.

Unlike before, now, he never entered public spaces without Geoffrey or others at his side, he kept a gun in his possession at all times, and his AR-15 platform rifle, which he had bought a while back, was never not in his car.

"Want to continue our conversation on the label stuff?" Geoffrey asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah," Arell said, nodding. "Did you find Lil Baby, Cardi B, Cochise, and Juice World?"

In his thoughts, Arell went over the songs he got from the system packm"Fair Trade" by Drake and Travis Scott, "Turn It Up" by someone named Cochise, "Freestyle" by Lil Baby, and "Wish Wish" with someone named Cardi B on it.

Geoffrey shook his head. "No luck on Lil Baby or Juice World but I found someone called Yung Cochise, and Bacardi, who makes a lot of videos on this app called Vine, It's likely her you're refering too. Are you sure you want these people to be the first we sign?"

"Yeah," Arell said confidently.

"Well, to even do that, we need to sort out finances," Geoffrey said. "We have around $147k, and 30 of it would have to go back to the bank."

Arell furrowed his brow. "What happened to the other 10 and interest?"

"We scrapped some of our marketing plans because you had enough buzz to get the brand its boost," Geoffrey explained. "I'm hiring a larger team, and we have a lot more to produce as demand is high. So, we'll need to put about $20k towards it."

"So, I have around $80k to play around with?" Arell asked, already thinking on what he could spend it on.

Geoffrey nodded. "And we're going to invest it."

Arell looked puzzled. "Invest it? In what?"

Geoffrey looked at him with a smile. "We're going invest it, double it and then continue increasing it until we have enough to get large stakes in these three companies, Notion, GitLab, and Figma, for now."

Arell stared at Geoffrey, puzzled, he hadn't ever heard of these companies Geoffrey mentioned. "Why?" He asked.

Geoffrey simply turned from looking at the rode and stared at him, a smile playing at the corner of his lips. "Because, my friend," Geoffrey said, "that's how we secure our future. We're not just in this for the short-term gains. I asked you this question long ago, 'Do you want to be a businessman and a billionaire?' and you said yes."

Arell leaned back in his seat, processing Geoffrey's words. "Yeah, I did say that," he replied. "But billionaires? Isn't that a bit of a stretch?"

Geoffrey chuckled. "Not at all. To be a true business mogul, we need to think big. Millionaires are a dime a dozen these days. If we want to leave a lasting legacy, we need to aim higher."

Geoffrey turned his attention back to the road. "If we can get in early and grow with these companies, the potential for massive returns is astronomical. We're talking about becoming shareholders in the next Google, Facebook, or Apple." Arell's mind raced with the possibilities. He had never thought about investing beyond the short-term. The idea of building generational wealth was intriguing, but it also felt daunting.

"I get what you're saying," Arell said slowly. "But how do we know these companies will succeed? What if we invest and it all goes to shit?"

Geoffrey smiled. "That's where my business acumen comes in. I've been studying these companies, their leadership, their products, and their market potential. I truly believe they're poised for massive growth. Of course, there's always risk involved, but that's why we're starting small and building up."

He glanced at Arell again. "Look, I know it's a lot to take in. But I believe in you, Arell. I believe in your talent, your drive, and your potential. If we go down this path, we can achieve greatness, I assure you of that."

Arell let Geoffrey's words sink in. It was a bold plan, no doubt. But the more he thought about it, the more it made sense.

Arell nodded to himself, a grin forming on his face. "Alright, alright, I hear you. But I was kinda hoping to just enjoy what I earned for a bit, you know?"

Geoffrey chuckled, his eyes gleaming. "Don't worry, I'm not taking all your money. How about this - you keep the earnings from your next three performances. That way, you can still have some fun but everything from our next drop in the clothing brand and from your music, it's going straight into investments."

Arell thought it over for a moment. "Okay, fine. I got three shows lined up the rest of this week anyway. Let's do it."

Geoffrey smiled, already shifting gears. "Great! Now, we'll need to start getting our label registered as an official business. I've been working on the paperwork, but I'll need your input on a few things."

Arell nodded, his mind already racing with the possibilities. "Sounds good. What else do we need to take care of?"

"Well, I've been in talks with Puma, and this meeting is going to be crucial," Geoffrey explained. "I've been negotiating some pretty favourable terms with them - nothing too restrictive, and it's all based on you continuing to grow as an artist."

"Favourable terms, huh?" Arell asked, his interest piqued. "What kind of details are we talking about?"

Geoffrey grinned. "Well, for starters, they're offering a pretty hefty advance. And the royalty rates are better than anything Nike was proposing. Plus, there's potential for some serious backend bonuses if you hit certain milestones."

Arell whistled, impressed. "Damn, Geoff. You really been putting in the work, huh?"

Geoffrey nodded, his expression serious. "You know it. I'm not messing around when it comes to securing our future. This deal with Puma could be really important for us." Geoffrey said, pausing outside the entrance, of the building where they were scheduled to meet with the Puma representatives, "there's one more thing I'd like to discuss."

Arell turned to him, curiosity piqued. "Oh yeah?"

"I've been thinking about maybe releasing another song," Geoffrey began, his gaze steady on Arell. "It could be a great way to ride the buzz right off of your back and forth with Reese and good for promotion."

Arell considered this, his mind racing with ideas. "Wait, you mean like a promotional song for Puma?"

Geoffrey nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Exactly."

The idea resonated with Arell. "Promoting them in a music video would be good. We could definitely make waves with that."

Geoffrey's eyes lit up. "Absolutely. And if it hits, we could negotiate a payout from Puma or any other sponsorships we might secure. It's a win-win."

Arell felt a surge of enthusiasm. "Alright, well, make sure to contact Cochise and Cardi. I really want to make sure we can sign them."

Geoffrey gave him a thumbs-up. "Already on it."

As they exited the car, Arell took a moment to admire the building in front of them. Its sleek modern architecture stood out against the backdrop of Atlanta's bustling skyline, the glass facade reflected the setting sun, casting a warm glow that seemed to welcome them.

Inside, the lobby was equally impressive, with high ceilings and contemporary art pieces adorning the walls. Arell exchanged a glance with Geoffrey, seeing his own resolve mirrored in his partner's eyes.

They approached the reception desk, where a polished young woman greeted them with a professional smile. "Welcome to Puma. How may I assist you?"

"We're here for a meeting with Mr. Petrick." Geoffrey responded, his tone confident and composed.

The receptionist checked her schedule. "Ah, yes. Mr. Arell Rose and Mr. Geoffrey Rose, correct? Please follow me. They're expecting you."

Upon reaching the designated meeting room, they were greeted by Mr. Adam Petrick, a key figure at Puma. His welcoming smile and confident demeanour put Arell and Geoffrey at ease as they exchanged greetings and took their seats at the sleek conference table.

"Welcome, Arell and Geoffrey. It's a pleasure to have you here," Mr. Petrick began, his tone warm and inviting.

"I've heard great things about your recent performances and the buzz you've been generating."

Arell and Geoffrey exchanged appreciative nods, acknowledging the recognition of their hard work and dedication to their craft.

As they settled into their seats, the atmosphere in the room was charged with anticipation. Mr. Adam Petrick, a key figure at Puma known for his strategic acumen and charismatic leadership, initiated the conversation with a warm greeting. "Welcome, Arell and Geoffrey. It's a pleasure to have you here," he said, his tone warm and inviting. "I've heard great things about your recent performances and the buzz you've been generating."

Geoffrey, taking the lead, expressed appreciation for the opportunity and acknowledged the potential benefits of a partnership with Puma. "We're excited about the possibility of working together. Your global brand and our unique position in the music scene could create something truly special."

Mr. Petrick leaned in, his eyes focused and attentive, signalling his readiness to delve into the specifics of the proposed deal. "I agree, the synergy could be quite powerful. Let's discuss how we can structure this collaboration to maximize the benefits for both parties."

Geoffrey began outlining their expectations, emphasizing the need for a fair revenue-sharing model and creative control over the project. He subtly employed negotiation tactics, such as mirroring Petrick's posture and using affirming language to build rapport. "We believe in transparency and fairness. We're looking for a high royalty rate that reflects the value we bring to the table."

Petrick responded thoughtfully, acknowledging the importance of equitable terms. "We recognize the value of Arell's brand and the momentum it's gained. We're considering a tiered incentive structure that rewards success."

The conversation shifted to the specifics of the collaboration, with Geoffrey highlighting the importance of Arell's involvement and the potential for leveraging his rising star status. "Arell's quick ascent and his ongoing public engagements, like the dispute with Lil Reese, have garnered significant attention. We see this as an opportunity to capitalize on his growing influence."

Petrick nodded, clearly considering the implications. "That's a valid point. Public interest in Arell is certainly high, and we can strategize around that. However, we'll need to balance the exposure with the right messaging to maintain a positive brand image."

As they negotiated, Geoffrey brought up comparisons with other successful Puma collaborations, such as those with Rihanna, to underscore the potential for their partnership. "Look at what happened with Rihanna's Fenty line—it was a game-changer. We aim to achieve something similarly impactful."

Petrick agreed, noting the parallels and the potential for a groundbreaking collaboration. "Indeed, that partnership set a new standard. We're open to exploring similar avenues with Arell's brand."

The negotiations continued, with both parties discussing percentages and the specifics of the collaboration. Geoffrey remained firm on certain aspects, such as the royalty rates and creative control, while showing flexibility on others, like marketing budgets and joint promotions.

After several rounds of back-and-forth, they finally reached an agreement. Arell's would receive a 15% royalty on all sales from the collaborative line, with tiered incentives if sales exceeded certain milestones. Puma would allocate a substantial marketing budget to promote the partnership, and Arell would have significant creative control over the designs and messaging. He would also receive a $150,000 advance along and if the sales were to exceed $10 million within the first year he would receive another payment of $200,000 and his rate would increase to 20% .

Arell, who had been quiet throughout most of the meeting, spoke up. "I wanted to create something fashionable, not just another method of making quick money. This partnership aligns with that vision."

Petrick nodded approvingly. "Yes, this is good. We see the potential for Infinity to become a subsidiary brand under the Puma umbrella, with additional investment and resources to support its growth."

Geoffrey quickly interjected. "We'd prefer to maintain a contractual partnership with shared revenue."

A moment of silence fell over the room as both parties contemplated the implications of Geoffrey's statement. The air was thick with anticipation and a hint of uncertainty.

"We actually have a music video planned for Arell's best song yet, which we were hoping to use to announce our partnership," Geoffrey added, breaking the silence.

Petrick considered the proposal, his expression unreadable. "That's an interesting idea. Let's discuss the details further in another meeting and see how we can make this collaboration a success for both of our brands."

The meeting concluded with a handshake and both Arell and Geoffrey exited the facility.




After Arell and Geoffrey had left the meeting room, a Puma executive entered and approached Petrick.

"I just don't see what you see in that kid," the executive said, shaking his head. "This deal seems awfully generous, and it's only for 2 years."

Petrick chuckled, a knowing smile on his face. "That 'kid' is special, my friend. Have you ever seen anyone come into the music industry and release music as good as he has without any prior experience?"

The executive paused, considering Petrick's words. "No, I can't say I have. But that doesn't mean we should be offering him such a deal. He doesn't even have any industry backing, no labels, no connections, when you first showed me his analytics, I swore he was simply another plant."

Petrick nodded. "That's exactly why I think this is the right move. Look at his image - positive, despite having been in jail and coming from a tough area. And his marketing and business moves? Impressive, especially considering it's just that man, Geoffrey, handling it all, I've checked his legalities, copyrights, businesses, all locked down, no loopholes, that man is a genius."

The executive hummed, still unconvinced. "So what? Doesn't mean we need him. There are plenty of other artists out there."

Petrick looked at the executive, his expression unwavering. "I absolutely disagree. I think we need Arell. His talent, his story, his connection with the audience - it's all there. And with Geoffrey's business acumen, this could be a game-changer for us."

The executive shifted uncomfortably, sensing Petrick's determination. "Alright, if you're so sure about this. But I hope you know what you're doing."

Petrick nodded, a confident smile spreading across his face. "I do. This is the kind of opportunity that doesn't come around often. Everyone usually signs the artist when they become the biggest in the world, now… I'm signing the next big thing before he gets a chance to become just that."

The executive sighed, conceding defeat. "Very well. I'll trust your judgment on this one. But if it doesn't pan out, I'm holding you responsible and if he does turn out to be what you believe he'll be, make sure we get him on a long-term deal."

Petrick chuckled, already envisioning the potential of this collaboration. "Fair enough. I'm confident it will be a success. Arell Rose is the future, and Puma is going to be a part of it."

With that, the executive nodded and exited the room, leaving Petrick to bask in the excitement of the new partnership.

next chapter
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