100% Code Arc / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Investigation

章節 2: Chapter 2: Investigation

Chapter 2: Investigations

Alright my Doods! I was super surprised to see how well received this book was! So I'm happy to know you Doods are enjoying it and it motivates me to do more

Now then, I'm still taking requests for ideas and ocs.

Lastly I still need ideas for romantic pairings so ideas are appreciated otherwise I'll have to do a poll and no one wants me to do that poll again!

Now while I was looking through my Reviews to see what you Doods thought of the story and I came across 1 that was very interesting, basically rewriting the story when jaune is present. So how would that happen? Give me your ideas on what would change since jaune is there


The Door opened to the Viceroys office then Jaune Li Britannia entered with the Witch behind him "Clean huh, guess Clovis did grow up after moving to Area 11 four years ago" Jaune exclaimed with a bit of surprised as the Fallen Britannian used to only have the maids clean after him which meant he used to be a slob back then.

Looking around the clean room with several book cases lining the walls and a slightly less fancy desk then Jaunes with only the bare minimum that was on it "I'm guessing Clovis didn't possess your need to have material possessions?" Silvaria commented with a smirk as jaune just sneered at the woman "If I'm going to be royalty then I deserve to have the finest possessions"

Jaune walked towards the book cases giving a look as most was Britannian history books which some hasn't even be used at all while others had some worn but not enough to have shown excessive use but one has shown such extreme deterioration which was odd among the other books, the blonde prince picked out this book as it was in the middle section on the second shelve up and it revealed to be 'Autobiography of Charles Zi Britannia' with a section marked with a red sash.

Opening the book to the red sash revealed the book to be a fake, a designed imitation of the original book only to show it was holding a worn looking journal that was unkempt for a very long time. Jaune thought to himself after taking the journal into his hands 'Clovis had some secrets huh? Let's see what your hidden thoughts were...' Jaune then spoke out towards the Silver Haired Witch who was standing in front of the window watching the city.

"Silvaria, I want you to go to the experimental division and inform Lloyd to come here and the rest of the division that they will be housing and upkeep my 'Indomitable Gawain'" Jaune said to the witch which she turned her head towards him with a surprised look "your bringing your personal Knightmare here? Don't you have a code with that thing?" "Normally yes, since I prefer not to completely obliterate the enemy unless the situation is that dire.. however with Clovis dead places Area 11 under chaos without a stable command so I'm forced to put myself as Acting Viceroy until Cornelia arrives from Area 18" Jaune confirmed then informed the witch.

"Of course you'd do that, I believe it's your way to help Clovis...you're certainly a family man, aren't you?" Silvaria said with a cheeky smile prompting jaune to snort at that but chuckled when the Immortal Woman commented as she turned to leave the room "you'll make a wonderful wife" then the witch left leaving jaune to his own thoughts.

Jaune walked around the wooden desk to sit down on the chair before opening up the worn out journal to find some of the pages torn and others fades until stopping at a particular entry that was interesting

-Entry 43-

'After great investigation with Bartley, we found the target hiding in plain sight in Shimada and managed to capture her without rousing the Elevens with our activities so now I can pay off my debt to V.V. who helped me get my position as Viceroy'

-Entry 44-

'This is bad! Bad bad bad BAD! Last Night, terrorists broke into the secret research facility where we kept C.C. while running some tests on her Immortal Code but during the break in, we placed her in a high pressurized containment unit to hide her but the terrorists stole it while thinking it was poison gas as that was the cover story Bartley Pitched to me to hide the truth. Ohhh this is bad! If the terrorists figure out what really is inside that unit then C.C. would be obligated to give them geass as her form of revenge.

Tomorrow I'm going to use my personal forces to track these terrorists down and retrieve the Witch Woman...I'm thinking of contacting Big Brother Jaune to help considering he has a witch in his arsenal too. I'll sleep on it tonight'

Jaune smiled feeling happy that he was being considered to be contacted to help, now flipping the page to learn more only to see that no more entries had been written after this 'so no final thoughts? Clovis didn't expect to be assassinated during the Retrieval mission...' Jaune thought to himself as he closed the journal continuing his line of thought while staring at the Journals cover 'now the question remains on who killed him? No matter how many times I scrub Kururugis record, it just doesn't sing malice intent...now i just have to wait for Rose and Silvaria to bring the required bits of information before I close this particular case'

-To Jeremiah's Office-

A blue haired man wearing an equally deep blue militant outfit with a minor cape which partially covered his right shoulder, his nervous look was very clear as three notable members of the Purist Faction.

Villetta Nu was wearing a purple hued militant outfit with a skirt instead of pants however she holds a similar nervous look.

Kowell Soresi was a nobleman who fully supports the purist faction's goal as he doesn't believe numbers and Britannians should mix, not in the military nor in public.

James Machlin was a spiky black haired Britannian wearing the same outfit Jeremiah had but with a secondary maroon color.

"Alright you three, I've gotten word that the second prince of Britannia has arrived and will no doubt bring us into questioning about Prince Clovis so whatever you do you must give off the impression that you had no involvement in his highness's death" Jeremiah exclaimed towards his subordinates which the respond "yes, My Lord!" All three of them sounded giving the blue haired man a smile knowing that his purist faction would be let off the hook especially after using his position to bar numbers from gaining Honorary Status.

"My lord, may I be upfront?" Viletta asked which the blue man nodded at her "I think prince jaune is going to find out what we were doing using his highness as a way to further our own agenda" the brown skinned woman exclaimed though the Margrave has yet to find out what jaune does to using his family for one's own means "then he will no doubt be impressed with how much we are doing for pure blooded Britannians!" Jeremiah exclaimed proudly however did not see the extremely worried look from the brown skinned woman.

"Understood my lord..." she exclaimed looking over at her other two purist comrades to find both heavily entranced by Margrave Jeremiah's words however Villetta felt something very bad is going to happen then her bad feeling intensified as someone opened the door without knocking which got the blue haired man to scowl at the new woman, wearing a grey combat oriented jumpsuit with powerful deep blue eyes and long braided black hair resting over her right shoulder.

"You just entered without permission, what's your name and rank soldier!" Jeremiah exclaimed angrily but gulped when a glare was directed back "watch your tone 'Ingrate' I am Rosemary Franklin, Knight of Honor to Second Prince Jaune li Britannia" Rose introduces herself which caused all the Pure Bloods to stiffen, Jeremiah was sweating nervously then tried to smile "I apologize for my tone, Lady Franklin. I was out of line"

Rose just rolled her eyes at this as she knew the man was in pre ass kissing form then just decided to get on with her orders "Right...Margrave Jeremiah Gottwald, Lieutenant Nu. Both of you are required for evaluation" Rose exclaimed which caught both listed names off guard which Villetta asked "but My Lady, we submitted our Work Performance Sheets Two Months ago. We shouldn't be called in unless there is valid discrepancy with our Work Evaluation"

The Honored Knight nodded as that was a very good reasoning which then her eyes glared to Jeremiah who flinched at this "you'd be right Lieutenant Nu but it's not your Work Evaluation that's been called for questioning. It's for Private Suzaku Kururugi" Rose informed they true reasoning behind the questioning which got both off guard "not to question you Lady Franklin but I headed the Elevens Interrogation and he's guilty!" The blue haired man exclaimed as he was sweating bullets from this confrontation.

"That is not you're call to make Gottwald, His Highness is taking over as Temporary Viceroy to settle this matter personally now get your asses moving or you'll be suspected for Prince Clovis's Murder!" The Knight ordered stepping to the side watching both nobility walk past nervously as if their plan was going down in flames without even acting upon it.

-To the Experimental Division-

"Lloyd, why aren't you helping Suzaku?" A blue haired woman exclaimed looking over towards her colleague at the high tech console desk, the very same one she's at, Lloyd was a tall skinny man with white hue like hair and a button up lab coat "what can we do? Everyone has made up their minds and declared Kururugi was the murderer" The Scientist exclaimed looking up at a large white and gold Knightmare.

"But we know he didn't do it! We were watching his progress during the Operation!" The Woman Scientist exclaimed trying hard to get her friend to help since he held quite a bit of wave.

Lloyd sighed as he took off his rectangular glasses to rub the bridge of his nose "Cecile...I want to help, really I do but no one is willing to take our evidence so if you know anyone that holds a rank above Viceroy of Area 11 then I'm afraid there's nothing we can do outside of finding an equally good devicer.." Cecile groaned looking down at the screen seeing dozens of calculations on it.

"There is in fact something you can do" a voice called out prompting both Engineers to turn around in their swirly chair to find a woman in a grey like noble outfit and long silver hair with powerful blue eyes staring down at them.

Both Scientists stared back with slight fear "uhmm...who are you? And how did you get in here?" The Tall Man asked unsure of how to respond to her question "Silvaria Arc, Right Hand to Prince Jaune" Silvaria introduced herself while using Jaunes old Last Name as an alias.

All the Engineers in the room became very shocked that a personal aid of the royal prince was in the engineering core "oh my! I'm so sorry My Lady!" Cecile exclaimed getting up from her chair bowing slightly while Lloyd just got up from his seat with his usual smile "so what's the Witch Demon of Britannia's Dulluhan doing in Area 11?" The man exclaimed curiously.

Cecile looked over to her colleague curiously however felt very shocked for her partners attitude which could get them fired, the Witch however wasn't fazed at the least by that comment "Lloyd! You're speaking to the nobility! Higher than you!" "Oh? A helper of his highness is higher than an Earl?" Lloyd exclaimed with his usual wittiness and sarcasm though not registering Cecile's annoyed look.

"I care little for you peoples ranks and titles, much like jaune-" Silvaria spoke only to stop momentarily to see shocked looks of the engineers in the entire room to hear the witch speak to jaune like he's less than royalty "-I only see the skills and talents of others, only then will they be distinguished in mine and Jaunes eyes...now then...Lloyd Asplin, you've been called to be evaluated" The Witch Woman exclaimed her reason for being here.

The Silver haired man looked confused for a moment "Evaluation? I'm sorry to question you My Lady but I've already submitted my work performance papers two months ago" he said with full honesty but Silvaria just shook her head then clarified herself "not your work performance, no no. Prince Jaune believes there was a Coup" "WHAT!?" Both Lloyd and Cecile shouted almost as if they can't believe that someone within their own wanted to kill royalty.

The Silver Haired man groaned as he took off his glasses trying to think who was the most at odds with Clovis until something about the coup got his attention, so Lloyd puts his glasses back on to look at Silvaria "...does his Highness Suspects me?" "WHAT!?" The Blue Woman shouted again especially since Lloyd cared little about anything else aside from his job "there has to be some type of mistake! Lloyd was with me and Suzaku during the Shinjuku Incident!" She shouted at the Witch Woman who gave the look that she wasn't affected by the shouting.

"Fail to report to Jaune, and you'll be suspected. But no since the evaluation isn't about you but Sir Kururugi" The Grey Suited Woman exclaimed the true reason behind the evaluation which caused Cecile to sigh in relief but the glasses man still looked skeptical "and why would there be another Evaluation, Margrave Jeremiah already headed the one sided interrogation on Suzaku especially since he dismissed the evidence we had" He exclaimed which caught the Witch's attention.

"So Captain Gottwald personal oversaw the interrogation and yet that doesn't seem odd that he refused substantial evidence especially since the time stamp of your Visual Recording of Kururugis Performance in the Lancelot matches exactly the time stamp of Clovis's Murder?" Silvaria exclaimed with a raised eyebrow seeing the growing horrified looks on both leaders of the experimental division.

"....Margrave is using Suzaku to get rid of the Honorary Britannian System! He was on the field when the Viceroy was killed!" Cecile exclaimed horrified until rage now sets in her face, she was about to pass Silvaria and a very hurried Lloyd who tried to stop the angry woman until the blue haired woman stopped at the door when The Witch exclaimed "Prince Jaune knows Kururugis innocent Ma'am and he's working to uncover the truth but you barging into Jeremiah's office is going to complicate Jaunes plan" "then what do you expect me to do!?" She shouted as she turned to face the Immortal Woman who just looks back over her shoulder with an amused look.

"I expect you to stay in the back and allow jaune to utilize his plan but in order to do that, he must have the clear picture of Sir Kururugis Character" Cecile was going to retort about that though seeing into the Witch's Powerful Blue Eyes showed truth causing the engineer woman to sigh "very well...My Lady" Cecile walks back over to her station to sit down.

The Glasses man nodded even though not knowing much about this plan but to keep Suzaku under his unit's care was enough for him "very well, anything else before I meet his Highness?" Silvaria nodded though turning around "yes, your unit will be housing Prince Jaunes Personal-" "WHAAAAAAT!?" Lloyd shouted catching everyone off guard, even prompting Cecile to flinch at the sudden noise.

Lloyd ran towards Silvaria who swiftly turned back to him with a surprised look "PRINCE JAUNES INDOMITABLE GAWAIN IS GOING TO BE MAINTAINED BY MY TEAM!?" He shouted which caused the Silver haired woman to flinch however returned to her more emotionless look "no" she exclaimed causing Lloyd to hit the ground in a comical look before returning to his full height then grabbing the women's grey coated shoulders.

"Awwww but why!? The Indomitable Gawain is the world's first Seventh Generation especially the first Knightmare Frame to utilize the Hadron Cannon as a weapon! I even modeled my Lancelot's Blaze Luminous Shield after the Gawains! Ohhhhh why can't I work on it!?" Lloyd shouted more, shaking the woman wanting more answers as he would not be working on one of the worlds strongest Knightmare Frames.

"While Jaune would love such enthusiasm by you Lloyd Asplin but he has his own team that works on the Gawain's upkeep" the witch exclaimed seeing the sheer disappointment was apparent "but if you assist with Jaunes plan, maybe he would be inclined to let you assist his personal team"

The Glasses Man looked up with pure happiness "really!? Then let's go!" He shouted running past Silvaria and out of the Special Core "he's something" The Witch Woman exclaimed with a smile which Cecile nodded "oh yes, as tiring and frustrating he can get me. Lloyd makes the Special Core lively.

next chapter
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