In late November, after the final examinations are over, the details of the school trip are announced. The destination is Hokkaido. There will be no special exam, and the trip will be a normal school trip, including skiing and sightseeing.
However, it is a unique trip in which a total of eight students, one boy and one girl from each class, will be grouped together for the five days, four nights. Ayanokōji and Kushida are in a group with members of other classes, including Ryūen of all people.
However, things will not go so smoothly.
"Aren't you misunderstanding something, Ayanokōji?"
"What am I misunderstanding?"
"The prelude to my battle with Sakayanagi has already begun."
An omen of turbulence--?!
On the other hand, an event is going to happen that will drastically change the relationship between the students.
"I-I'm properly confessing to Suzune. I'm going to ask her to go out with me."
作者 SerenixIO
Good impressive really nice fffddggttrtffffdsddrfggggfgfgggggggggggfgggghhhhhhhhhhhhh nn gghhhmñhhyyyyhhddhxhjssnnsnssnzghzbzghxxhhxbvdhdhdhhshshsyhgssgfsgdgshdhdhdbdbdgdbdhdjfjfjfjfhfjnfjfjfjfjfjfhfbfbdbfbfbfbfnffhufjdjdhdjrjrjrjjrhrjb.