As we walked to the execution tower, we managed to find Sanji and Usopp carrying a huge fish.
"Yo, Sanji." I scream as I wave my hand up so he can see us.
"Nami-Swannnn." He didn't even call me and only had Nami in the vision ...
"Ho, Kotarou." Usopp as a big brother as he is, is here to support me.
"Usopp, how are you?" I swear I won't talk to that damn waiter anymore.
"Hey ... Were you here ... Dry head?." ... Where did that nickname come from? ... Just because my hair is natural brown? ....
"AHhhhHHH?!?!?!?! ... Is what you said, Snail? ..." I see veins rise on your forehead ... But I didn't care, the insults continued
"The temperature is dropping a lot and fast. I have never seen such a violent change in weather." I hear Nami say beside me, that made Sanji and I stop our childish fight. Nami was looking at something that I have no idea about, but what she said filled me with interest ...
"Storm ?." It was Usopp who said that.
"We have to get back to the ship before it's too late." Nami is right ... This storm is going to be violent ....
"Hey ..." A familiar voice sounded close to us.
"Hey Zoro." Usopp, Nami and I waved at him.
"Didn't you happen to see Luffy around?" Did he get lost from Luffy? .... Did the location crisis begin? ...
"Were you with him?" I ended up asking to be sure ...
"Yeah, but I have to lose myself. Besides, I have a bad feeling ... I'm feeling that something out of the ordinary is going to happen soon." Zoro ... Can you predict the future? ... I'll leave it for another time, I have something more important to think about.
"Luffy must be in the execution tower ..." I say after thinking quickly about what I can do. Dark clouds began to fill the sky ... A terrible storm is about to arrive ...
"So come on ..." Zoro had a serious face ... This damn monster ...
"It's an execution."
"Will start."
"It's Buggy, the clown. He's going to execute Luffy from the straw hat."
They started shouting around, getting everyone's attention.
"Shit ... Are you really a psychic? ..." Hey Usopp, the real psychic here is Zoro.
"Take care there." Sanji threw the big fish for Usopp to take care of, while running with Zoro.
"I'm going ahead, guys, watch out." I say with a serious face, I increased my speed to catch up with Zoro and Sanji. If I have something to be proud of, it's my speed.
"Hey ... Are you really going to leave us alone? ...." shouted Nami ... She will know what to do ...
Soon I, Zoro and Sanji arrived at the place.
"CAN STOP ..... WITH THAT EXECUTION." Zoro was the first to act, and then Sanji and I gitar together with Zoro, loud enough for the whole place to hear ... He was on Zoro's left side, while Sanji on the right ... I don't know when, but Zoro put the scarf over your head.
"ZORO, SANJI, KOTAROU." I can hear Luffy scream from the tower.
"Hey, Hey ... What situation did you get into Luffy ...." I couldn't help saying it loud enough for everyone to hear ... I took my new Katana out of its Sheath, it glowed together with the dark clouds that gathered in the sky.
"Why is this happening? Give me a little time with this funny joke, Luffy." Zoro also spoke ... Luffy has the talent to get into these situations.
"If a game is going to start, do you mind if I join you? So I'm going to end these stinking pirates to begin with, maybe." Sanji also commented on this situation.
"It's the pirate hunter, Zoro." Someone shouted at the situation.
"It's the new Pirate with the 12 million reward, Kotarou." KEh? ..... Am I famous now too? ....
Soon all the people started to run from the place, making room for us to run to the tower.
"Zoro ... Traitor? ... You arrived .... But you were late this time." Buggy said and started preparing his sword.
I know something is going to happen to save Luffy ... But damn it ... I feel like my heart will stop at some point.
As I ran towards the tower, with my katana, cutting off any pirate that appeared in front of me. My ability with her was deficient ... Copied from all the fights that Zoro used a single sword ... But I had something that Zoro did not have. Velocity.
So, I managed to defeat the pirates faster than Zoro and Sanji.
Buggy started screaming random things, we won't be able to get there in time ... My forehead was full of sweat, my hands were tense .... Buggy's sword started to descend ... My heart felt like it was going to explode .... Destiny, Dragon, whatever it is .... Save Luffy soon.
"ZORO, SANJI, KOTAROU, NAMI, USOPP ..." I hear Luffy's scream ....
"It was bad ... I ..... I'm going to die." I feel my heart stop and my body freeze when I see Luffy's smile on the verge of death ...
Damn ..... Lightning fell from the sky ... Over Luffy's head .... It really happened .... Just like Anime ... Luffy got up from the tower that was on fire , and picked up his hat .... Rain fell from the sky ....
"My captain is amazing ...." I say, as a smile grew on my face ... Even though I knew it would happen, the difference is between real life and animation ...
"Hehahahahahaha. Dammit, I'm alive. Too much." Luffy laughed at that fact .... He was the same, whether he knew he was alive, or when he was about to die. Luffy walked towards us, as if the fact that he was alive was fun.
"We have to go, now." Soon my attention wandered from Luffy and focused on the sailors who started to appear and surround us.
Buggy pirates vs sailors ... The number of sailors was much greater than that of pirates, but even so they did not yield ...
"Hey, Luffy. It's not time to get excited, let's go." Zoro was holding Luffy by the back of his shirt, and seemed to want to pull Luffy.
"We have to get back to the ship soon, or we will never leave this island again. We will not be able to explore the Grand Line." Sanji said getting ready to run.
"Nami and Usopp are waiting for us on the boat, I hope they are well." I also commented, I was a little ahead of them.
The sailors started shouting that we were running away ... Well ... That's true ... But we've never been fighting in any way.
Sailors appeared in front of us, but we defeated them easily, and we continued to return to the ship.
"Damn, what's the deal with this storm? ..." Zoro complained, I was also annoyed, but I knew it was here helping us, more than delaying.
"We can be stuck on this island forever. That's why Nami-Swan sent us back to the ship." Sanji is right ...
"Nami is incredible, isn't she?." ... We were running like crazy to get to the ship in time.
A girl standing in the rain caught our attention ... She had blue hair, it was Kuina ... She wanted to take Zoro's swords ...
Until she focused her vision on me ... More specifically on my sword ...
"Meito Yami ..... I will take you too." She said with an absolute look of anger.
"Hey, Hey. You can take your eyes off what's mine ... I bought it fair and square, you won't get it ..." I say as I show the language, something that seemed to irritate ..
"You guys go ahead, I'll take care of her." Zoro said as he took out one of his swords.
"Bleeee, you were lucky to go against Zoro, if it were me, you would suffer in the fight, whether you are a woman or not. I follow Kazuma's rule of life. Equality of Genere." I show my tongue again and together with Sanji and Luffy we step back ... Sanji said that you can't hit a lady ... But I didn't listen and I continued to step back. I could feel a look on my back, but I didn't pay much attention.
As soon as we ran a little further, we met someone else, this time it's Smoker ... This fight will be complicated ... But running away is not a problem ...
"Finally arrived ... Luffy from the straw hat and Novato Kotarou." Smoker said, as smoke flew around him.
"I said, that if I couldn't defeat me, I would never enter the Grand Line. Remember?."
"Yeah, I forgot ..." Luffy .....
"What a clueless kid ..." Hey, Hey .... Luffy is not that clueless .... I think ..... I take back what I said (I thought )
"Sanji, Kotarou, Go ahead, I'll catch up with you soon." Hu .... I want to, but I don't know if smoker will let ...
"It's the end of the line for you." Sanji looked at Luffy and as soon as Luffy shouted to go, Sanji and I ran, while Luffy attacked Smoker.
"Who says you can leave Newbie Kotarou?." Fumassa started to surround me, so I used my speed to get out of there, but because of that I was only able to retreat.
"Thc .... Go ahead Sanji .... I will have to wait for Luffy to finish his fight first." Sanji nodded and continued to run towards the ship ... I backed away while waiting for Luffy with his fight ...
He watched as Luffy fought Smoker. Smoker was attentive to any move I might make, but I have no interest in stopping the fight yet, I want Luffy to understand which beings we are facing on the Grand Line ...
The fight was a little more intense than that of Anime, since Smoker was aware of any movement he could make ... But the fight still ended with Luffy's defeat .... Smoker was on top of him holding the head of Luffy .... Smoker withdrew his weapon, but was stopped by someone's hand ....
That was how it was supposed to happen .... But ....
"What is this? ...." Shocked smoker looked at Luffy's head ... Which was actually a stone ...
Dragon also looked at this ....
"It looks like we were made fools ..." Dragon was looking with curiosity and a smile at what happened ...
Meanwhile, I was carrying Luffy by the collar of his shirt while we ran ....
"What are you doing Kotarou? ...." Luffy fidgeted in my hands ...
"Saving us, we have to get to the ship fast, you can't defeat Smoker, and we don't have time, you can finish this fight on your next encounter with him ..." I say as I carry Luffy ....
What had happened was an effect of my new ability ... Illusion Of The Worlds ... I found that I can transmit my records out of my body, with a limited range ... So I can make an illusion, although not manage to hurt the opponent with it, I can confuse it as what I did with Smoker now .... He thought he was holding Luffy's head, but in fact it was a rock .... By the way, what I do not limit myself the visual only, is all that I have registered, smell that I felt, touch that I felt, taste that I felt, anything, it is a true and false illusion at the same time.
As we ran, something happened that I didn't expect ... An absurd wind arrived and started cleaning everything around ... Luffy and I were dragged flying away from where we were ....
When we recovered, the rain had stopped ... At the sea was Going Merry .... Soon Usopp, Sanji and Zoro appeared, and Luffy with his best idea we were sent flying towards Merry .....
"Luffy ....." Not only me ... Everyone was annoyed by what he did.
The rain that had stopped, began to fall again ..... And the sea shook the ship as always ....
"Safe, the Boat will turn ....." Usopp shouted, I'm already holding on as if my life depends on it ... In fact it depends, if I fall overboard, Game Over ...
Soon the boat calmed down again and so I was able to get up to approach Nami.
"Look at that light over there." Nami said, while pointing to the Light at the lighthouse.
"The island's lighthouse?." Usopp asked, he was holding a part of Merry ... I was also like this for a few seconds .... Cof Cof ...
"That is the guiding light. At the end of it is the entrance to the Grand Line." Nami said while leaning on a part of the Ship, looking at the Guiding Light with great happiness evident in her eyes.
"Look ... The Grand Line is just ahead." Luffy comments on that ... I also have bright eyes ... Soon I will be able to register the many islands and adventures that we can have ...
"Well, then no one needs to run, right?. It's all rain." Usopp .... You know how to ruin the weather sometimes ...
As if everyone had ignored his comment, Zoro and Sanji waved, they were also looking forward to what's on the Grand Line.
I think we all had smiles looking forward to it, I looked into Nami's eyes, to which she replied by looking too, and then we laughed .... And then we look forward to the question of what lies ahead.
"Okay, how about we take an oath before we enter this legendary sea?" Sanji manages to have good ideas in those moments ...
"Oh, good look."
"I'm in."
"Here we go."
"Hehe, I like that too."
We all agree with that idea.
"I start. I'm going to find the seas of All Blue." Sanji said, as he put his foot in a barrel.
"To become the Pirate King." Do I need to say who was that?
"To be the best espachim in the world." Zoro did the same, with a smile on his face.
"I'm going to finally draw my World Map." Nami did the same, placing her foot on the barrel.
"And I will ... I will go to become the brave sea warrior." Usopp even stuttering, took his oath.
Everyone then looked at me, since I just needed ...
"Me? ... I'm going to have no regrets in this life, to register not only our adventure, but also to discover everything about this world ... And especially, to see the Pledge of all here realized." My smile was from ear to ear, just like that of everyone who took the Oath here.
"Come on, Towards the Grand Line." Luffy screamed, with the sound and raindrops falling on us. We lifted our feet up and then we went down with everything towards the barrel.
And like us, Merry also took her oath, jumping one of the waves.
And so our adventure towards the Grand Line continues.
That's it folks. I said I would go to the Red Line, but I think this is the best time to end it.
Until my next story, or even the continuation of that story, there will be a continuation, that is one of my wishes.
By the Way, I will try to do this Writing Formula Practice, exactly to see what I can improve.
Until next time and that you continue to enjoy my work.
— 結束 — 寫檢討