7.69% Chat Group: Plus Ultra! / Chapter 1: Chapter: 1
Chat Group: Plus Ultra! Chat Group: Plus Ultra! original

Chat Group: Plus Ultra!

作者: StarWaves

© WebNovel

章節 1: Chapter: 1

[A/N: This story is rated R-18 and will feature such scenes. I'll be labeling each of those chapters as such beforehand.]

Chapter 1:

My name is Akane Yagi. I'm currently 18 years old. I have long blond hair and bright blue eyes – somewhat odd features considering I'm supposedly Japanese. But then again, there are plenty of people in this world much stranger than myself when it comes to appearance.

Also, I'm the daughter of the world's greatest hero, the symbol of peace, All Might. Not that anyone really knows that. It's pretty much just myself, my mother who abandoned me, and my best friend who's been letting me stay with her after I left the orphanage. Other than that short list, the world doesn't know that All Might has a child. That was pretty much by my own design, though. This world was dangerous for heroes and their family members. As All Might's daughter, I would have been constantly targeted by villains had they known about me.


"Seriously, who the hell just dumps an entire refrigerator at a beach?" I muttered as I carried the large appliance off the sand. I'd spent the past week or so cleaning this entire beach of all the trash dumped here. That fridge was the last thing remaining from making this beach spotless. I was pretty proud of myself for this accomplishment. I'd also done it way faster than Izuku would have in canon. Although I did use my quirk… quite a bit. Not that anyone would bother punishing me for it since I was using my quirk for a good deed.

"And with that, I have completed my goal of cleaning this entire beach in under 10 days!" I smiled to myself proudly at my accomplishment. While it did feel nice doing community service, it wasn't done completely out of the kindness of my own heart. In order to get into UA College, prospective students had to complete 200 hours of community service before they applied. That was a lot for most students still in high school, but thankfully I had plenty of time as I had graduated early a year ago so I could focus more time on my training.

I looked around the entire clean beach around me with a smile. I had cleaned all of Takoba beach by myself over the past 100 days! I also recorded the process occasionally, just in case someone else tried to claim credit for themselves…


I looked down at my phone and smiled. It was my best friend calling – the girl who I owed so much to. She and her family were the reason I had proper food to eat at the orphanage by donating to it, and then they took me in when I just couldn't take that place anymore and left.

"Hi Momo!" I said as I answered.

"Hello, Akane," Momo said all proper-like on the other end of the line. "I'm just calling to let you know that Mother and Father will be back from their business trip later today, and they wanted to dine with us."

"Okay, I'll be there... it's just that I'm pretty sure today is the day, you know." I said.

"Today!?" Momo exclaimed in shock. "Are you sure?"

"I'm absolutely sure. I've been checking in on this world's 'protagonist' for the past week, and this morning on the news was Mount Lady's official debut. You know, according to my memories, that was suppressed to be the start of 'canon'." I said that last word with a snort. I never liked the fact that my world resembled an anime I had vague memories of in my past life.

"Okay then, I take it you're planning on meeting your father and announcing yourself to the whole world?" Momo said with a sigh. She was not onboard with my 'debut plan' to the world and called it too show-boaty. She thought I should try and meet my father in private. I, on the other hand, disagreed. I wanted to make a big splash in this world!

"That was always my plan!" I smirked to myself. "How else can I get an amazing harem of beautiful heroines if I don't put myself out there? And speaking of heroines, I don't suppose you've reconsidered–"

"N-no." Momo cut me off immediately with a bit of a stutter. I couldn't see her, but I'd known her long enough to tell that she was blushing from embarrassment on the other end. "How can you just so casually talk about such a crass concept as a h-harem? You've never even been on a single date before!" She sputtered out. Oof… she had to hit me right in the gut with the truth didn't she?

"Neither have you. All you've gone on are a few arranged marriage interviews set up by your parents. You always come back from those upset that the men always ignore you and only stare at your chest the whole time." I replied back. One time she actually got so angry when one of her suitors tried to cop a feel that she created a taser and shocked the guy so hard he shat himself. I wish I had been there to see it live, but the security footage from the restaurant was still pretty funny. That footage also may or may not have ended up on HeroTube and racked up over 1 million views so far…

"That's still more experience than you." Momo replied to me. Her voice was a bit smug. Fair enough I suppose. I still found it fun to tease the girl though. She was just so prim and proper, and blushed at absolutely any innuendo. "And at least I don't become a blushing mess whenever a pretty girl tries to speak to me!" She added.

"That's not true at all!" I denied.

"Oh really?" Momo's voice had an amused tone to it. "Then why is it everytime you talk to my mother, you turn bright red?" She asked me accusingly.

"That's not my fault! Have you seen your mother!? She's one of the most beautiful women in the whole world!" I declared. Momo's mom was an absolute gorgeous 10/10 milf.

"That's my mom you're talking about!" Momo said annoyed.

"Oh, I know…" I said teasingly again.

Momo scoffed. "It doesn't matter, she'd never leave my dad anyway. She loves his money too much!" Momo declared plainly. As if that was the basis of a healthy relationship. It was not. "Try and talk big after you get some actual experience." She added at the end.

I didn't really have a lot of worldly experience. Ok, I didn't have any at all… I may have gone a bit overboard on my training and neglected my social life outside of Momo. Having to hide my true identity my whole life was absolutely staggering, but I knew it was necessary. I'm truly glad when I awoke to memories of my past life. Otherwise, I probably would have been arrogant like Bakugo and showed off my quirk at every opportunity. Some villain would have probably made the connection between myself and the symbol of peace. I probably would have been killed off or abducted early on before I could ever master my quirk and defend myself properly. For that reason, I hadn't exactly gone out of my way to stand out. After all, still ruling this country from the shadows until recently was All for One. If that guy ever found out about me before I was strong enough to defend myself… I shuddered at the thought.

"Okay, Momo, I'm gonna let you go now since it's already past the time local schools let out." I need to head in the direction of Aldera High and wait till I start hearing explosions.

"Please be safe, Akane," Momo said before I hung up.

I had been keeping up with my father's hero patrols and had noticed that over the past year, his hours spent patrolling had significantly dropped. I figured that this meant that he was injured after he had defeated All for One (for now), and it was safe for me to come out to the world. I knew he wouldn't be able to be a hero much longer, and it was time for someone else to take up the mantle.

I WANTED to be the next symbol of peace. As All Might's daughter, I felt that I deserved to be his successor and not some kid who had never gone out of his way to train even a little bit to be a hero. I knew this because I had been subtly checking in on this world's Izuku Midoriya every few months. He was a scaredy-cat twig of a young man.

I honestly don't know what my dad will see in the kid to make him his successor. Not in those first few meetings at least. Later on, Izuku matures and becomes worthy, but that wasn't the young man that All Might met initially. If it wasn't for the 'plot', All Might would never have picked Izuku, even if he did seem 'brave' when he tried to fight the sludge villain to save Bakugo.

These past years, I had spent blood, sweat, and tears building up my body to be able to handle the power of my quirk. I think that's one of the reasons it never manifested until I was ten. Instinctively, my own body must have known my quirk's insane powers would have killed me if it activated when I was four. I'm not sure how, but I had also inherited One for All. Not the same as Izuku's though.

My version of One For All was the same as my father's. Unlike Izuku's version, which seemed to be an emitter quirk, my version was always on. I had super strength, durability, and speed at all times. Thankfully, I could instinctively toggle down my speed so that the world wasn't always moving in slow motion.

I'm not quite sure how I stacked up compared to my father in his prime in terms of power. I was incredibly strong, fast, and durable, but I didn't know the exact extent of each. I'd never had an opportunity to go all out and truly let loose with my quirk. A lot of destruction would have ensued if I had. That was one of the reasons I was so excited for today. The start of 'canon'. Maybe I'd challenge my dad to a spar in a couple of days to see how I measured up to my old man.

With that, I leaped up high onto a nearby roof and headed towards the general direction of Izuku's school as I listened attentively for any explosions. As I traversed the rooftops, I was moving far too quickly for the majority of people to even hope to see me, so I wasn't worried about getting yelled at for illegal quirk use. As I approached the area, I heard it.


"Let go of me, you son of a bitch!"

From a block over, I heard an explosion followed by some cursing. That could only mean Bakugo was nearby, and it sounded like he had just been captured by the sludge villain.


"Fuck you! You're not taking my body!"

I headed towards the noise with a smile on my face. This is what I had been waiting my whole life for!


"Let me go, you slimy son of a bitch! Aaagh, dammit!"

I stood among the crowd of onlookers and watched as Bakugo struggled to escape the sludge villain. This was it – the start of 'canon,' not that such a thing ever really existed in this world.

I looked around at the crowd of about 50 people who were watching the sludge villain try to possess Bakugo. The teen struggled with all his explosive might to break free.

"Someone help that poor guy!"

"That villain's going to kill him!"

There were numerous people in the crowd calling out for a hero to help, yet no one intervened. They were too scared. Despite his stupid appearance, the sludge villain was actually a well-known serial killer who had over a dozen victims at this point. One of them was even a pro-hero.

I didn't expect any civilians to jump in and help. What irritated me was that the heroes on the scene weren't helping either though.

"We just have to wait for a hero with the right quirk to show up and handle the situation!" A hero shouted out loudly. I think his name was Death Arms. An average hero with a minor strength quirk. Nothing special from my perspective. He was standing next to two other heroes I recognized. They were Kamui Woods and Mount Lady. All three of them were standing around doing nothing but complaining as a teenage boy was being attacked by a villain right in front of them…

More explosions and curses rang out as Bakugo continued to fight.

Finally, in the crowd of about 50 spectators, I spotted the person I was looking for. He was someone I had been waiting my entire life to meet. His current physical state, however, almost brought tears to my eyes. His emaciated and scrawny form didn't suit him at all. I pushed my way through the crowd and stood next to him. He was intensely watching Bakugo continue to struggle against the sludge villain.

"It's sad, isn't it?" I said to the man.

With his staring interrupted, he turned and looked towards me. Even with gaunt and sunken-in eyes, I could still see plenty of strength and resolve behind them. "What's sad?" He asked me.

I pointed to the three whining heroes behind me. "There are three perfectly capable heroes back there. If they worked together, they could have easily defeated the sludge villain and rescued the boy. Instead, they stand around and complain, waiting for someone else with the right quirk to save the kid," I said as I pointed over to Bakugo.


"Die, you fucker!"

"Stop struggling! You'll be my new meatsuit whether you like it or not!"

The man in front of me and I grimaced at the same time. I chuckled at that. We were both so similar, and yet not a single person ever saw the resemblance when they looked at me. This man himself doesn't even see the resemblance when I'm staring him in the face.

"I guess it is sad. Heroes are right here, and yet they do nothing," the man said somberly. I felt like he wasn't just talking about the other three heroes but himself as well. I didn't think that was fair. Those three were perfectly healthy, and yet the man in front of me, All Might, was on the verge of keeling over from his built-up injuries.

"KAAACCHAN!" A loud shout drew my attention back towards the crowd. I turned my head at the loud voice and saw the 'protagonist' pushing his way through the crowd. "Let Kacchan go!" Izuku Midoriya yelled out as he fully pushed through the crowd and started rushing towards the villain. "Raaaaaw!" Izuku screamed loudly as he threw his… backpack at the villain. The backpack bounced off and did nothing obviously. I just facepalmed at how pathetic that was. Bakugo had blasted apart the street all around, there were chunks of cement everywhere to throw. And Izuku throws his squishy backpack…

"Deku, get away from me, you asshole!" Bakugo shouted out as Izuku tried to pry him loose from the villain.

"I'm not leaving you Kaachan! I'll save you! That's what heroes do!" The green teenager shouted out like he was actually doing anything besides pissing off the sludge villain.

"Those kids are going to die!"

"Someone, save them already!"

The crowd was growing a bit restless. I turned my head to look again towards the three official 'heroes' on the scene. All of them were grimacing, and yet none of the three were making any moves to intervene. That was disappointing…

"You're that guy All Might saved from me earlier. I'm going to kill you too!" The sludge villain had a mad look in his gelatinous eyes as he yelled that aloud.

"How could I have been so foolish?" I heard All Might next to me mutter as I turned back to him to see fire back in his eyes. Somehow, Izuku's somewhat pathetic display had truly inspired All Might to act. I could tell he was about to save them.

I couldn't have that… It would ruin my carefully planned out debut! Whether Momo thought this was a good plan or not, I was going through with it!

I could tell All Might was about to transform and jump in and save those two despite the risk it would pose to his health. Before All Might could transform and leap into action, I reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder, stopping him. He startled slightly, and a hint of realization came upon him as he turned back towards me. In all his excitement, All Might probably forgot I was even there talking to him…

"Excuse me, young lady, but there's something I have to do!" He said to me with some panic in his eyes.

I shook my head at him. "I can tell you're on the verge of keeling over already," I replied to him. "Let me handle this. It's time for me to introduce myself to the world… And to you." I said to All Might with a wink.

All Might looked confused. "Introduce yourself? What are you talking about?"

I smirked at him proudly. "Just sit back and watch, old man. Everything is going to be fine after all. Because I am here!" I declared loudly. All Might's eyes widened at my declaration as I pushed through the crowd before launching myself towards the sludge villain and the two protagonists.

After I got clear of the crowds, faster than a speeding bullet, I rocketed myself forward and was instantly in front of the villain and the two protagonists!

"What the hell!?" The sludge villain exclaimed in fright as, from his perspective, I came out of nowhere.

I ignored him temporarily as I stabbed my arm forward and grabbed onto Bakugo's collar. With my superior strength, I easily ripped him free from the sludge villain's grasp. I then casually tossed Bakugo a few feet backwards towards Izuku, where they collided with each other. I snickered as both of them flopped to the ground from the unexpected collision.

"Uggh, what the hell, bitch!?" The foul-mouthed blond exclaimed as he stood up. "Where did you come from? I didn't need your help!" He pointed his finger at me with a scowl.

He 'didn't need my help?' I laughed at that internally. He was mere moments away from being asphyxiated and un-alived. All his dreams of being a hero would have ended right there. Who was he kidding? I knew just how to respond to really piss the guy off though.

"Everything is going to be okay," I said with a smirk towards the two boys. "Because I am here now!" I gave them a thumbs up and a smile. I was 100% imitating All Might in front of two of his biggest fans just to irritate one of them.

Bakugo immediately glared at me, and Izuku just had his eyes widened in shock that I was bold enough to say All Might's catchphrase in public.

"Huuuh!? Who the hell do you think you are!?" Bakugo shouted at me. "Are you trying to imitate All Might? You're nothing like him!" He gave me an angry glare.

"Oh, but that's where you're wrong," I replied while smirking. "Allow me to demonstrate."

I turned back towards the sludge villain, who was looking pissed that I had just freed his hostage and then proceeded to completely ignore his existence

"Whoever you are girly. You'll pay for interfering. Time to die!" His body swelled up as his tentacles reeled back. He was preparing to engulf me in his disgusting slime! There's no chance I'd let that happen though. My quirk was truly OP. From my enhanced perspective, he was barely moving. In the time it took his tentacles to move a few inches, I had already drawn back my arm before rocketing it forward and upward at the same time. I delivered a powerful uppercut towards the gross mass of sludge. This was a move I had always wanted to try out for myself!

"SMASH!" I exclaimed loudly as my uppercut blasted the sludge villain apart, scattering him all around. The force of my punch shook the very air itself, and a few seconds later, the clouds in the sky were immediately sucked together by the vacuum displacement of the air... and then it started raining. The rain started falling down and began to douse all the fires Bakugo had started when he was trying to escape the villain.

"Oh my god! She instantly defeated that villain, and her punch was so strong it changed the weather!" I heard someone from the crowd shout out in excitement.

"That was amazing!"

"Who is she!?"

I smirked to myself as the water drizzled all around, putting out the fires that Bakugo's quirk had started. The explosive boy looked like he had swallowed a lemon at my display of power.


"All Might!" Izuku shouted as the buffed-up form of the number one hero appeared in front of us. Even Bakugo was speechless at seeing the symbol of peace in front of him in real life. All Might temporarily ignored the two of them, however, as he turned towards me and gave me a thankful but cautious look.

"That was amazing work there, young lady. I couldn't have done it better myself," he said loudly. I noticed that once he started talking, everyone around us immediately quieted down. I snickered at seeing Bakugo look even more upset than he already was, when his hero just praised me publicly for saving him.

"Thank you, All Might," I said. "I was happy to help."

"And what's your name, young lady?" All Might asked me. The people all around were still quiet and staring at me. Numerous cell phones were out, recording the whole event. I couldn't have planned a more perfect opportunity to make myself known than this!

I smiled at All Might and towards the crowd. "It's nice to meet all of you! My name is Akane Yagi. The next symbol of peace!" I declared boldly to which everyone in the around was shocked at my audacity. "...Oh, and also I'm your daughter, All Might." I added at the end.


"Eeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" x50


Hi Everyone! Welcome to my first story! I'm planning for this story to have a lot of adventure, but it will also have a fair amount of R-18 scenes in it. I have around the first 15-20k words currently written and I'm just in the process of editing them. Expect them in the next few days. Among those chapters are the first R-18 for you fellow degenerates out there ;)

If you'd like to support me or read ahead, then visit p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m/StarWaves.

My Pat.reon is R-18 so you'll have to google or directly type in the url.

My other story is also starting up there. It's called -The Fallen Gamer-]

next chapter
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