14.28% Catwoman: Twisted Addiction / Chapter 1: 1.
Catwoman: Twisted Addiction Catwoman: Twisted Addiction original

Catwoman: Twisted Addiction

作者: Ryswell

© WebNovel

章節 1: 1.

This story is TWO chapters ahead on my Patreon!

patreon.com/ryswell - or check my profile for the link!

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Gotham at night. 

A city permeated with fear, rot deep in its foundations. And under a cloudy night sky, not even the bright towers of downtown could truly stave off the dark. After sundown, the danger poured in, seeping into every crack and crevice, every corner, every dirty alley. 

That was just how the Catwoman liked it. Danger gave the true thrills. And opportunities were never so sweet as when Selina had to work for it.

Tonight was looking to be a little tricky. Penthouse apartment thirty stories up. Wall safe behind the family portrait in the study. Rotary lock. That's all her contact was able to give her. No combination though - she'd have to crack the safe on the spot. That meant she'd need to work quickly.

Tricky, indeed. But not impossible. Certainly not for Catwoman.

Selina observed the penthouse suite through her binoculars. From her spot on the roof directly across the street, she took mental notes of her target. Empty, no lights on. Sparse of men. A very juicy mark. 

Selina just couldn't resist.

"No guards. Very careless, Roman." Selina murmured. The infamous cat thief lowered her binoculars, smirking. "At least make it hard for me."

It was a little disappointing - Selina would have liked to get into at least a small scrap. She'd just sharpened her claws and was itching to see just how effective they were. Maybe crack her whip a couple times. That was always fun. But a clean steal wasn't bad. Breaking and entering always got her blood flowing.

She stood up to her full height, stretching out her back, her slender arms, and her long, toned legs. She clasped both hands together, linking her fingers, and stretched them up, up, up above her head. 

Selina gave a light huff, almost moaning. Even suited up in her Catwoman garb, she was nice and limber. Years of training, discipline, and field work had sculpted her body into a sensual - and dangerous - work of art. 

And nobody gets to touch. Unless I let them…

Catwoman. The untamed stray. Selina loved that. Not even the big bad Bat had managed to tie her down.

She was a woman who did whatever she wanted. And what she wanted was a thrill ride.

Released her hands, her arms dropped back down to her sides. Selina breathed in, feeling a tiny shiver roll through her body. Her heart was picking up speed, her blood pumping hot. The rush was sweet. But it was only just starting. The real fun had yet to begin.

The tower across the street had ledges, gargoyle statues, flag poles sticking out into the air. That'd be her way in. She just needed to make the jump.

Selina walked back across the rooftop, her boots thumping against the smooth, gray surface. Each step thumped in rhythm with her heart. She breathed in again, deeper this time. Her whole body thrummed with excitement. The ghost of that delicious high she so craved.

Eighty feet of open air between her and the target building, give or take some feet. She'd aced bigger jumps before. It was the thirty story drop that gave her pause. But only for a second.

It wasn't a choice. It was instinct. That wild craving that lashed within her gut.

She broke into a sprint, legs pumping hard against the roof, propelling her forward. She picked up speed - she needed enough, just enough to make it within reach. The ledge screamed towards her and the apartment tower beyond came into crystal clear focus - everything else was a blur.

Selina hit the ledge, her boots digging into the concrete. She pushed off, all the power and strength in her legs launching her forward.

Catwoman was flying, flying through the open air. She didn't dare look down. Her heart hammered hard in her chest - it felt like it was about to burst out. Every nerve in her body was alight, she felt like a star, brilliant and burning hot. She was alive.

Gravity began to take her. She felt that familiar force, that weight - it seeped into being, becoming all around her, making her drop. Her arm shot out. And in her hand she gripped her whip. It cracked out through the cool open air, a wild black tendril reaching up into the heavens. It found salvation. The whip caught onto one of the flag poles, wrapping around it quickly, tightly. 

Selina felt pure exhilaration as she dropped into a heavy swing. She could feel it in her insides, that wonderful weightlessness. It only lasted for a moment, the dream of wind rushing against her face. All the while, Selina was smiling, laughing. She lived for this.

The swing slowed just as Selina was brought up to the tower's ledge. She set down with a soft thump, quickly finding her balance. And through the window before her, Selina could see she was placed right at level with the target penthouse. A perfect landing.

For Selina Kyle, there was almost nothing better than being Catwoman.

With a flick of her wrist, her whip came loose from the flagpole. As she coiled it up around her fist, Selina glanced up and saw she had come up right beside one of the stone gargoyles. It was a big brutish thing, but not without its charm. The cat thief found herself smiling at the stone guardian, reminded of someone special.

A shame he couldn't be here to watch. But he never lets me have any real fun…

A quick inspection of the window told her there was no alarm to spring. At least none that Selina could see. She slid the glass panel open without any resistance. That she felt was a little startling.

"No guards. No alarm. And unlocked windows, too?" Selina muttered quietly. She eased herself through the opening feet first. The cool evening air was replaced with warmer air conditioning, feeling nice against her cheeks and lips. "Tsk, tsk. It's like you want me to rob you, Mr. Sionis. Not that I mind…"

Excitement bubbled even more, her blood up and hot. The tightness of her suit was delightful, caressing her skin as she moved forth with purpose and confidence. 

Selina gave a soft hum, strutting as if on a runway as she sought out the suite's study. There was little more exhilarating than being where she didn't belong - and taking what wasn't hers. 

Roman Sionis had something she wanted. And she wasn't leaving his tower without it.

- - -

The Blackheart was even more splendid in person. 

It gleamed brilliantly as Selina shined her flashlight upon it, dazzling the thief with its gorgeous imperfections. A rare black diamond that had been sold at auction for ten million, worth more because of the people who had once claimed it. Kings, emperors, even pharaohs had at one point or another called it their most precious treasure. The Blackheart had passed through the centuries, changing hands again and again until finally coming into the possession of the infamous Gothamite, Roman Sionis - who some fearfully called the Black Mask.

Fitting. But now it's mine.

Selina felt so giddy, having such a precious stone right there in her hand. She couldn't help but savor it, admiring its beauty even as she stood in the middle of Sionis' private study. The safe - which had been pathetically easy to crack - was left wide open. She wasn't even listening for anyone who might walk in on her little crime scene. 

Catwoman's addiction once more reared its head. Selina loved the thrill of pushing her luck.

With a self-satisfied smirk and a pleased hum, Selina let the Blackheart drop into her palm. She clamped her fingers down around it, holding it tight. 

All mine.

The cat thief departed the study, leaving it without covering her tracks. She wanted Roman and his goons to know just what she had done. It made her tummy flutter thinking about how they'd react, finding out Catwoman had come and gone without any trouble at all.

There was a strut in her step - she couldn't help that either. The confidence, the joy, the thrill, it oozed from her body with every step. She made for the window she had come in through…

Only for the apartment lights to suddenly come on. Selina faltered then, the smirk dropping from her face, replaced with tight lips and wide eyes. What had-

"Cat." A man's voice cut through the silence. Cut Selina right down to the bone. She went still, frozen on the spot. "That doesn't belong to you."

It was a rough voice, hard and cold. But not in the way the Bat was. It had a cool tone, but underneath it was threatening. Deadly. 

Selina recognized it. 

She turned slowly, her hands rising. She remained still otherwise, but her heart raced in her chest.

There in the corner of the penthouse living room, sitting on a leather chair, was Roman Sionis. Head of the Sionis crime family.

He sat there unmoving, but Selina could see the tension in his body - like a panther ready to pounce. His dark eyes were trained on Selina… along with the barrel of a silver Colt 1911.

For a moment, neither spoke. Seconds ticked by and Selina remained bullet-free. Her heart beat slowed as she realized he wasn't going to kill her - at least, not right then.

Maskless now, he wore a shirt of black silk, the top buttons left undone to expose the dark hairs of his chest, and black slacks. Selina normally would have found him appealing, with his lean figure and his pleasingly stern face. But indeed Roman was the last man she wanted to see. 

Selina kept calm. An idea quickly formed in her mind and she rolled with it, seeing no alternative. She allowed her body to relax, breathing in as a sweet smile spread across her face. 

"I just wanted to see it up close, Roman." Selina spoke with feigned innocence - though more coquettish than outright mocking. She held up the Blackheart, gently pinching it between two fingers. As if to show the man, yes your diamond is safe.

Roman snorted. Neither his eyes nor the gun barrel moved away from Selina.

"I was going to host a party next week. The Blackheart was going on display then. You couldn't have waited a few days?" He spoke flatly, unimpressed. His words remained icy, deathly cold. But still he hadn't shot her.

Selina slowly moved closer, her posture relaxed, her gait casual… almost sensual. She didn't want to lay it on too thick. But she gave just enough. A slight - very slight - sway in her hips. Enough to distract. Hopefully.

"Diamonds are a girl's best friend. You know I can't resist." She hummed softly, drawing closer to Roman's corner. For a second, his eyes broke from hers, drawing down her leather-clad body. Selina's smirk grew just a tiny bit. Catwoman's appeal had yet to wane, it seemed.

Roman gave a half-nod, the lines above his brow pressing together.

"Of course. This is just who you are." He agreed. Selina blinked then, stopping some feet away from the foot of his chair. "It's just your nature. In your blood. You just love taking things that don't belong to you."

A ghost of a grin was there on his hard face. His eyes seemed to light up with something other than cold rage. But Selina couldn't quite place it.

It bothered her, not being able to read the man. But still Selina smiled. She had to play up the sensuality, buy herself some time.

"There's nothing better in the world." She purred.

Roman nodded again, saying nothing. He studied her for a moment, unblinking.

"I feel the same way." He said. Then his voice dropped low, flavored with subtle menace. "But I don't think I believe you."

Selina shifted some on her feet, but kept her hands where they could be seen.

"I'm sorry?"

"You love the thrill of stealing, but it's not the thing you love most." Despite his tone, the grin on his face only grew. Roman eyes, so sharp and cunning, seemed to see right through her.

Selina felt a turning in her gut. But it was the wicked sort - the kind she really didn't need to feel right now. She tried not to let it show on her face.

"Oh? And how do you know that?"

"The way you talk. The way you move." Roman made a show of leering at her again, his smirk turning lecherous. "I've known a few women like you. Your kind makes good company. Especially for a man like me."

Selina's heart sped up. Her suit, once so delightfully tight, now seemed to hold her body in a vice grip.

"My kind?"

"Women like you have one great love and we both know it's not jewels." Roman gave a dark chuckle, reaching down and grabbing his crotch through his pants. He gave himself a shameless squeeze. "These are the only jewels that drive you wild."

Selina stared as the man groped himself, stroking his length through the fabric of his pants. Her lips parted, eyes going wide, and she tried playing it off like she was scandalized. 

Ignoring that her heart was racing now, Selina forced a snorting laugh, cackling out loud. But even as she did, she never took her eyes off of Roman's groin. She could see a faint outline, a thickness that stirred just under the fabric.

"Roman, you're being ridiculous." Selina tore her eyes away from his crotch, dragging them back to the man's face. He was still smirking, his own eyes alight with pride. He knew she had seen it. "I think dropping ten mil on a jewel really went to your head. Both of them."

"You can always see for yourself."

Once more, his words cut deep. Selina's eyes flashed down to his crotch again. The bulge had grown. There was the outline of something lengthy along the inside of his thigh, stretching the material of his pants. Selina had to stop her tongue from sliding out across her lips.

Selina started to edge back towards the window, Roman's gun be damned. The situation was heading sideways fast. And if Roman kept pushing…

"That's… a generous offer, Roman. But I really should be-"

"You should set the Blackheart down." Roman spoke with an iron voice. He sounded like the sort of man she could only dream up. Forceful, commanding, indomitable. It was a hammer blow to Selina's willpower. "Get down on your hands and knees. And crawl over to me."

Silence settled between them. Selina stared down between Roman's outstretched legs. The bulge had grown even more. It was no trick. She knew in her heart that her eyes were not deceiving her. 

Selina wanted to see it. Her whole body was begging her to obey him.

But Catwoman kept up a brave front. She lifted her chin, cocking her hips to the side as she set her hands on her waist. Her more rational self screamed at her to take the opening. To lash out with her claws or her whip. To end Roman's little game and book it with the prize she had right in her hand.

Instead, her lips curled into a defiant smile and she kept playing along.

"And why would I do that? I crack my whip and you're screaming on the floor instead."

"Like I said: I know your type." Roman spoke huskily, his eyes showing both hunger and supreme confidence. Like he knew things were going to go his way. "And doing what I say is the only way you're getting a taste of this."

Roman undid his belt and pulled down his pants. His manhood sprung up, a stalk of flesh rising from its cloth prison. Selina nearly stumbled at the sight of him. 

Inches and inches and inches of hard ivory. There was a voice in the far back of the cat thief's mind that cried out in absolute joy. Selina Kyle gave a tiny moan as she looked upon the most perfect cock she had ever seen.

The beautiful, awful truth throbbed against the open air, taunting her. 

Roman Sionis was hung.

And if Catwoman had a weakness, it was a fat fucking cock.

next chapter
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