After dying from exhaustion in his mundane office job, Hiro Hizashi awakens in a mysterious new world with only the vaguest recollections of his past life. Granted access to a unique cheat system known as CAI (Creating Artificial Items), Hiro must use his memories to create anything he needs. There's just one problem—his memory is temporarily wiped due to the transfer, leaving him powerless in a world rife with problems: famine, war, disease, a demon king, and pervasive corruption.
Now 18 years old Hiro must ask himself.
"Just who was I?" Hiro muses one evening.
"I don't know."
CAI responds, "But I do know how old you were. You were one day late for your mid-life crisis. It was bound to happen, my guy."
Hiro chuckles. "Well, that's not so bad. I get a chance at being young again."
"Yeah, but in this world, everyone starts working their first job at 13. You're 18 and unemployed, with no memory, which is your power. Your power is technically using memory, and you have none. No, bro, just no. We're both dead now because of you."
In this new world, Hiro must find his place, recover his memories, and use his unique abilities to carve out a new life—a life filled with purpose, camaraderie, and peace he never found in his previous existence.
寫檢討作者 ELE_Reed