In a museum under a clear sky an old man and his grandson walked through the Hall of heroes as he narrated the feats he had witnessed in his lifetime, pointing at each Hologram and relic as they walked passed; Lady gaga's whip of truth, Lana Del Rays ray gun, Drakes polished marble statue, PSY's cybernetic helmet he had something to say about all of them,
"And that was Halsey, the hornet," He paused in nostalgia, "she really gave the boys a run for their money, such a strong youth,"
"Yeah yeah yeah, why are we here again grandpa? I wanna go to the Holocade!" the boy whined crossing his arms
"Now, now we're here to learn what would your mother say if she heard I was letting you rot your brain plugged into some console,"
"Mums not here, come on gramps lets have some fun!"
"This is fun!"
"Didn't you have games in the olden times? What was it called forge night?"
"Fortnite and that's a classic!"
"See, come on let's go already I already know every one of these guys, anyway."
"Hmph, then whose that?"
He pointed at a horned statue with the face of an incredibly beautiful man
"Loki Odinson, brother to Thor Odinson. You guys were dumb enough to think they were gods-"
"Don't be disrespectful, your mother was completely in love with him for three years...okay a hard one," the old man looked around, "Ah, him who is he,"
The boy didn't even pause, "Tupac the hero of legends one of the first who mysteriously vanished after the incident with Nitrous B.I.G, can we go now?"
"Fine fine, wait what about them?"
"B.T.S everyone knows them the hero league that took down Recko and inspired an entire army to revolt against his killer robots,"
"Yes, but do you know how they became heroes?"
"Well RM was already pretty smart, to begin with, but after an accident in his lab-"
"Not their origin stories how they became the League of BTS?"
"Were you even born yet when that happened?"
"Ha! I was there at their first save!"
"Wow, grandpa you really are old..."
"You'll be my age soon enough," he sighed staring at the seven holograms before him,
"They were incredible, I remember it like it was yesterday, the sky was clear just like today everyone was going on their lives without we didn't even notice the giant robot falling from the sky until it was far too late,"
"We interrupt this program with a live report, the Xeno Bank is currently under attack by what appears to be….a giant android?! citizens are advised to steer clear and-"
"What in the- did it just blow it up?!"
Rubble and rained down on the fleeing people as smoke and dust filled the air the Mecha watching them its unseeing red eyes showed no emotion, like a child watching ants it turned back to the half torn down building scanning the debris its targeter locking on the banks vault raising a fist the Mecha punched the vault door.
The state of the art chromium alloy stood no chance against the brute strength of the mechanical marvel.
"I've never seen anything like this, Dave go get a better shot!" she ordered her cameraman,
"Whoa, no way Nina, I'm not going near that thing!"
The Mecha's fist whirled as it morphed into a suction device, pointing it to the open vault as it began sucking out all its treasures,
"It's for the story! We could win an award for this!"
"No thanks, my health insurance doesn't cover bones crushed by Mechatroids,"
"Whoa, that's a good name!" she stared at the Mechatroid as it robbed the cities greatest bank just one close up shot would set up their careers for life!
No more filler pieces, no more light news! They could pick any story they wanted and no one would dare bat an eye,
Interviewing the delegates from the World Union? Give it to Nina and Dave,
Exclusive interview with the president? Give it to Nina and Dave,
A time slot opened up for a new segment? Great! Give it to Nina and Dave.
"Don't be such a baby," she whined, the dreams of a successful future blinding her to reason
"Its called common sense actually,"
Nina huffed at her stubborn friend, "Come on what's the worst that could happen?"
The Mechatroid turned, spotting the two arguing it raised its other arm a bright light glowing from its palm, the two froze staring up at the hulking machine,
"Why did you have to say that?" Dave sighed
"Dave run, Run!!" she grabbed his hand and bolted for their van, an ominous sound filled the air as the Mechatroid took aim, the bright blue glow in its palm shining like a blue sun before a devastating ray shot out of its palm,
They were only a few feet away from their car,
"Oh shit!" Dave grabbed the running Nina and ducked out of the way, the blast blowing up their van, red flames and shrapnel threw them off kilter as they rolled out of the way.
The lay in the rubble half conscious Nina shook Dave
"Come on wake up! We have to get out off here!"
Dave didn't move,
"Come on, wake up you idiot!" she screamed tugging at him as her eyes frantically searched for cover, but she couldn't focus on anything
She heard a loud crash behind them eyes wide in terror she turned, paling at the sight the Mechatroid stood before them its red eyes staring coldly at them
"Wait, Please!" she begged as a red targeter pointed at them its ominous red glow their death mark, she froze, nowhere to run, too weak to run anyway.
There was no hope, she realized as the ray gun was pointed at them the hopeless fear dimming her eyes as the blue glow shone brighter and brighter she closed her eyes not wanting to see what was to come hearing the blast she accepted her fate waiting for the pain,
Any minute now
Any second
Maybe I am already dead?
"Wow, the thought of not dying is seriously giving me anxiety..."
She fearfully opened an eye shocked at what she saw both eyes opened wide
the ray gun had indeed been fired but a hooded figure was shielding, them meeting the death ray with an energy blast of his own Nina felt the scene had truly gotten out of hand, what was wrong with today a killer robot and a superhero?!
"I can't hold him off forever, grab your friend and go!" the man shouted
"But what about you?!" she asked
"Don't worry about me, my friends will be here in a second! Just go!"
Nina grabbed Dave pulling him away from danger,
"Wait what's your name?!" she asked
He turned his head meeting her eyes and smiled brighter than the sun itself
"Call me, Hope."
Watching the dimpled smile face off the Mechatroid with no fear in his eyes moved her heart.
She hoped he would be alright and hoped he would win.
What a fitting name.
"Grandpa, you used to be a woman?"
"Huh, no! why would you think that?"
"You weren't anywhere in the story,"
the man crouched down to meet the boy's eye level and with the most straight forward voice he said,
"Min jun... My first name is Dave,"
"Oh," The boy paused thinking, before yelling
"then grandpa you're even older than I thought you were!"
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