Several explosions happened, engulfing Planta on deadly flames. The audience gasped, many of them shocked. Some of them laughing at her misfortune, while other seemed genuinely concerned.
"W-What?! Planta already got hit too?!"
"No way…"
"Hahaha! Happens because she lowered her guard and thinks she's smarter and better than others!"
"Dumb bitch, she thinks she's so special! Well deserved!"
"Yeah I hate her so much man, fuck her. She thinks she's special because she's a woman or something?"
"Bitches like her should go back to the kitchen!!! Hahahaha!""
"Yeah, right? Hahaha- UGH?!"
Some of the audience was going too far though, and they were unlucky to be all Players, because her daughter was lurking around, her blade slicing their throats before they could continue talking nonsense.