Ok slight distraction from the little short story I just found out that I can see a ton of really cool info and statistics about my book! Like the fact I've written 3.88k words already! I didn't realize it'd already added up to that point! Or the fact I can see how long someone read my chapters , feedback and even seeing what genders read my book so far!
I started this in July and didn't notice until January... this has to be a new feature right?? Because if all this information has just been a click away the whole time I think I might cry... not that I have enough interaction to even register in the stats... but still it's good to know it exists!
Also huge side note but I just thought it would be cool to not only work on my English writing (first language) but also on my French writing!! Ever since I graduated I barely ever write in French. I speak it every now and then but I'm really feeling my fluency fall. Hmmmm I might give it a go. Though it'll be tricky seeing as how I would have to actually grammar and spell check. Well I guess we'll see where the future takes us!
I also forgot how to go from aux vol. to vol 1 to vol 2... if anyone could let me know that would be grand
Thanks for being patient with my random off shoots of thought... I'm thinking of starting an actual story but I'm kinda worried no one will read it. Right now I'm just writing down my thoughts and practicing but if I put my heart and soul into an actual story and no one reads it, I think I'd actually cry. Not to guilt anyone into reading. But I'm just worried I won't hold up over time with no recognition. I think it would be very disheartening
Anyway now that everyone is all nice and depressed I hope you enjoy the rest of my stories! I just made a goal of writing 500 words on the daily... I have a couple days off here so we'll see how that goal holds up. I'm very good at not competing them.
Ok j'ai besoin plus que 120 mots pour atteindre mes 500 mots pour aujourd'hui alors je vais pratiquer mon français ici. Je n'utilise pas un peu d'aide, seulement se que je souviens de mes classes de français et vocabulaire vraiment limité. J'espère que personne vont lire se paragraphe car je suis sûre que c'est rempli d'erreurs et fautes stupides... c'est la vie? Au revoir et à demain! Maybe...
Have a fabulous new year! Hope 2020 was rock bottom and we’ll just get better from here :)