25% Boundless Gaming Cafe / Chapter 1: A Store Like None Other
Boundless Gaming Cafe Boundless Gaming Cafe original

Boundless Gaming Cafe

作者: EternalFreeze

© WebNovel

章節 1: A Store Like None Other

Before this begins, just wanted to say that this story was highly inspired by the story 'Black Tech Internet Cafe System', so I suggest you go and read that book. It was a pretty pleasant and interesting thing to read.




{Game Characters}


"Aruto, you ready over there?"

"All good, Kaito! Ready for business!"

The one known as Aruto had responded to the older male as he could currently be seen pressing a button near the door of the building they were in, the button seemed to switch on a neon plaque that was located outside of the building.

The older male was seen standing behind what looked to be the combination of both a receptionist desk as well as a bar, with a number of comfy stools set up along it. Behind the bar was a large board with a few items being listed on display.

Aruto was the younger of the two and appeared to be eleven or twelve years old, he had fair skin and a lean build. He had neat straight black hair along with a pair of beautiful silver eyes. He wore a simple pair of black shorts reaching halfway down his thighs, along with a pair of white running shoes and a white t-shirt.

Kaito also had fair skin and a lean physique, though he was far more muscular, though his muscles were compact. Kaito appeared to be seventeen or so and had straight neat black hair as well, similar to his brother's, but with silver bangs. He also shared the same silver eyes, though his eyes were sharper.

Kaito's attire consisted of a tight royal blue t-shirt along with long sleek black pants, along with a pair of black running shoes to go along with it. He had on a white belt with a silver buckle, and also what appeared to be black wristbands on each of his wrists.

These two would be considered quite attractive to the opposite gender, and also a few males.

The building itself had nice polished wooden floors along with pure white smooth metal walls. In one section of the large room was a number of couches and a few coffee tables, and on the opposite end where around ten or so desk were set up, a computer could be seen set up at each of then, along with each having a strange mechanical sleek helmet resting at each.

Each of the computers looked impressive and rather futuristic, definitely standing out a lot within the building. Near the end of the bar, there appeared to be a staircase leading to the second floor, which was actually where the bedrooms of these boys were located.

Finally, each of the computers had a flatscreen TV screen attached to an extruded part of the ceiling above each of them.

This was the building of Boundless, the simple name given to the gaming cafe that these two brothers now run. How this came to be? Well, the story itself is a rather bizarre one, honestly completely unbelievable unless you experienced it yourself.

These two brothers had actually died in a blazing fire due to a psychotic maniac, and had been reborn with incredible abilities by a supreme deity. Why they were chosen, they didn't know. However, they were extremely grateful for having been.

The job that the god had given them was to run this gaming cafe in this new fantasy world, a place similar to those in fictional books. A world that was truly full of mysteries and magic, a concept that came from the human imagination, except it was truly real.

It had only been four hours or so since they had been reborn, they had already gotten settled in as the god had provided them with everything they needed. They both held incredible powers to protect themselves, and according to the god, they were probably the strongest in this world now.

They had been told everything they needed to know prior to arriving. Such as being what they needed to do, which was obviously run the shop by providing all the services required. That being introducing people of this world to video games, which would benefit them in numerous ways, and also serving things like drinks and snacks.

That was the purpose of the bar, which was where Kaito was currently at. They had a limited menu at the moment, but were certain it would increase over time if what the god told them was true. What they sold right now were as follows.

『Boundless Menu』

✦ Milkshake [Small (500 Gold), Medium (600 Gold), Large (1 Platinum)] [Flavours: Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate] [Effects: Relieves fatigue and grants temporary faster growth in one's magic capacity. Lasts for 3 hours] [Limit: 3 Per Customer Each Day] [Ages: All]

✦ Mimosa [400 Gold] [Effects: Relieves fatigue and replenishes magical reserves back to their maximum] [Limit: 2 Per Customer Each Day] [Ages: 18+]

✦ Mimosa Mocktail [380 Gold] [Effects: Relieves fatigue and replenishes magical reserves back to their maximum] [Limit: 3 Per Customer Each Day] [Ages: All]

✦ Chicken Wings [Type: Regular and Hot] [2 Platinum] [Effects: Increases ones magic capacity by a small amount] [Limit: 2 Per Customer Each Day] [Ages: All]

✦ Sandwiches [Fillings: Ham, Cheese, Bacon, Egg, Lettuce, Tomato] [2 Platinum] [Effects: Increases ones magic capacity by a small amount] [Limit: 2 Per Customer Each Day] [Ages: All]

The two of them were Japanese, though there wasn't going to be a language barrier thanks to the supreme deity granting them the power to understand any language. From what they could see through the windows of the people passing by, none of them looked Asian in the slightest, all English. Whether or not they spoke English or not didn't matter though.

From what they have been told, the place this shop was located was in a place called the Extarion Kingdom.

"Oh, Kaito! Put on some music, it's way too quiet in here!"

"Got it!" Kaito waved at his brother in understanding as he placed down glass of water he was drinking from. Kaito then walked on over towards a tablet-like device that was attached to the wall next to the bar as he quickly searched a song up. "What do you say to some Mass Destruction?"

"Persona? Heck yeah!"

As soon as the music began to sound out through the speaks that were placed up at each of the corners of the room, it caught the attention of the people walking by as they stared at the shop in confusion from hearing the rather strange piece of loud music.

The brothers don't really expect to be getting too many customers just yet, maybe not even for a good while. The store stood out like a sore thumb compared to the other buildings, but that is both a good and bad thing. People would be hesitant to go into such a foreign-looking place.

They honestly wouldn't be too affected if they got customers at all, it wasn't like they really needed money since they had all their necessities covered by the god. Though, they would like to see people of this world experience the greatness of video games and such.

Speaking of money though, the prices here were rather steep. The only game that was currently on the computers cost five platinum, which was usually a price only noble families would be able to afford. So, they wouldn't be getting any common customers ever.

The currency system here was Bronze ➙ Silver ➙ Gold ➙ Platinum

Anyway, as all of this was happening. A certain young man was walking down the street, he appeared to be twenty-five or so in age, and he was wearing royal red prince-like clothing. The young man had purple neat hair reaching down to his shoulders along with a pair of blue eyes.

This young man was Reiss Ortland.

He was the son of one of the major noble families here in the Extarion Kingdom, being the oldest and have one younger sibling. However, despite his status, he wasn't arrogant at all and waved politely to everyone that he passed by, along with greeting them.

There were many arrogant noble families out there, but the Ortlands were not one of them. They were highly respected in the kingdom. Not just because they were high-ranking nobles, but overall were really nice people that treated all commons like any other respectable noble person.

"Hm? What is that sound?" He formed a small frown on his face, not of annoyance, but of confusion and curiosity. He could hear this strange music playing, a type that he had never heard before. Though, he didn't mind it at all. It was quite interesting and exciting. "From there?"

Reiss stopped walking with curiosity as he was now standing in front of a large building made entirely of a smooth beautiful white metal, along with having a fancy glass door with a metal frame. Just by looking at the glass, he could tell it was pretty strong and dense.

He then curiously turned his attention up towards the plaque above the door, which simply read 'Boundless'.

"Boundless, huh? Interesting..." Reiss couldn't help but mutter as he stared at the building with interest. The building itself was unique, very much sticking out amongst the other places in the street. He had honestly never seen a building made majorly out of metal before, it must be very expensive. "Might as well check this out."

Reiss then walked towards the door and opened it up slowly as he peeked in.

"Pardon my intrusion..." Reiss voiced as he walked in. When he looked around, he was fascinated by the interesting interior. There were so many things inside that he didn't even know what they were, especially those strange black objects on the numerous tables on the right side of the massive room. "What is this place..."

"Welcome to our gaming cafe known as Boundless. How may we help you today, sir?" A young voice got Reiss's attention as he looked to see a child no older than twelve greeting him politely with a bow and a calm smile on his face.

Reiss was going to say something in surprise since he didn't expect to see a child welcoming him, but immediately stopped when he felt something. The kid looked calm and barely moved, but he could feel the immense magic pressure within him. The kid was holding back yet he felt as if he was standing in front of a monster in human clothing.

His family may be quite famous for having many generations of powerful mages and mage knights being born into the family, but he felt like none of that would matter in the eyes of this kid who just unintentionally leaked immense pressure. Any normal person wouldn't notice it, or idiot, but someone trained like him definitely would.

"Gaming cafe...?"

"Yes. That's the business my brother and I run here. Oh, my apologies. My name is Aruto Koji, just call me Aruto." The brothers had already found out this kingdom didn't introduce themselves with their family name first, so that's why he stated his given name first. Aruto then gestured behind him. "That's my brother, the other owner of this place."

"Greetings, my name is Kaito Koji. Just call me Kaito." Kaito smiled as he walked on over after having turned down the music, making it play softly in the background, soft enough that it didn't at all make it hard to hear one another easily. "Welcome to Boundless."

"I-I see, my name is Reiss Ortland." Reiss decided to introduce himself. He noticed how they looked like foreigners, and he had never seen them before either, so he doubted that they knew of him. Maybe they had recently come to the kingdom. "What exactly is this gaming cafe?"

Reiss just decided to ignore the feeling of their magic pressure as they were thankfully holding it back. He could tell they didn't have any intentions of hurting him, they would have been able to do so easily if they wanted to.

"Well, our cafe provides a number of services. Such a simple bar over there where we sell food and drinks for our customers. our menu is limited right now though." Kaito explained as he gestured to the bar. "However, our main purpose is to provide our customers with the ability to experience video games."

"Video... games?" Reiss frowned in confusion as he repeated this. He obviously knew what games were, but what were 'video games'. Was it a specific type of game or something else? He wasn't entirely sure. Though, it has gotten his interest to find out.

"Video games are better explained through experience, but I guess you could say that it's a type of game that takes place within a world of code. A world that exists within virtual space." Aruto explained. Reiss just seemed more confused as he listened. "We wouldn't expect you to understand that. Would you like to try though?"

"I suppose, how much is it?"

"Take a look there." Kaito gestured towards two neon boards that were attached to the wall beside the door as they displayed a number of prices on it and more.

『Boundless Opening Hours & Computer Game Prices And Times』

✦ Opening Hours - 6am ➙ 12am

✦ Maximum Playtime Per Customer - 6 Hours

✦ Price Per Hour - 1 Platinum

『Current Games』

❂ Warning: Some games will be marked with the symbol at the start of this sentence. This meaning that the game is not advised for the younger audience due to brutal violence, blood, and/or more.

✦ Bloodborne [❂] - Hunt your nightmares. A lone traveler. A cursed town. A deadly mystery that swallows everything it touches. Face your fears as you enter the decaying city of Yharnam, a forsaken place ravaged by a terrible, all-consuming illness. Scour its darkest shadows, fight for your life with blades and guns and discover secrets that will make your blood run cold – but just might save your skin... [Activation Price: 12 Platinum]

"That's pretty expensive..." Reiss couldn't help but gawk as he looked at the prices. It sounded kind of ridiculous what he was reading. The prices were completely out of reach for commoners, a bit steep for low ranking nobles, though he was in a major noble family. So, a price like this wasn't much to him. Still though... "Is it really worth it..."

Reiss also read the description of this Bloodborne game and couldn't help but feel rather intrigued. He assumed the text was the plot of this game, similar to that of novels that he has read in the past. However, this one sounded rather unique, unlike the others.

Novels he had read always had common themes and were pretty exactly the same as one another. The story of some main character going through the world of magic and stuff and getting stronger, and also saving the world. That was the basic premise of every novel he has read.

However, this one sounded much more interesting than those...

"Before you consider anything. You should take a look at that board, make sure you understand the consequences." Kaito stated seriously as he pointed towards another neon board on the other wall beside the door. Reiss read in in confusion.

『Video Game Warnings』

✦ Pain felt within the game is as painful as if you were experiencing it in the real world

✦ For those who cannot take a lot of stress and can't deal well with things such as blood or death, it is advised that you either take a rest or stop playing altogether if you are playing one of those games

✦ For certain games, you will end up experiencing death. However, as it is a game, you don't truly perish

✦ All abilities that you may have access to here in the real world will not transfer over to the video game world

Reading these warnings, Reiss couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. He would have first thought that the owners were playing a bit of a joke with the prices, though considering these warnings and so much more, maybe it was for real...

Also, a lot of things on these warnings sounded rather impossible. What did it mean that the pain he would feel in the game would be as if he was actually experiencing it? Isn't he going to be playing a simple game? And experiencing death? That sounded crazy...

"Are you being serious...?"

"Completely. So, if you understand and are still willing to play. Then you know what to do." Aruto was the one that responded as Reiss seemed to be contemplating. It took a few seconds before he gave a sigh before taking out a number of coins from his pockets before giving them to Aruto. "Thank you. Since you gave me thirteen, you wanted to pay for one hour of playtime, correct?"

"Yes, I'll try it out for now." Reiss didn't see much of a reason to be paying for an entire six hours if he didn't know what he was getting himself into. For whatever he knew, it might not even be worth it. Kaito and Aruto didn't mind at all.

Aruto went to put the money away as Kaito then addressed Reiss.

"Alright, Reiss. Follow me, I'll show you how to get started."

Reiss could definitely tell that these two didn't know him now as everyone called him Lord Reiss, not like he minded not being called it. He would prefer people speak to him casually than formally due to him being a high-ranking noble's son. He just followed curiously as Kaito lead him towards one of the computers


It took a bit to help Reiss get familiar with the computer as he needed to help him create an account to store all of his progress on any games he played. The account was to make sure that only he would have access to his own game characters and no one else unless he gave them his information.

Upon booting up the game, Reiss could see a cloaked man standing back facing the screen as he held two weapons, one in each hand. He was standing in a ruined city street with blood covering him, weapons also drenched, the pools of blood gathering beneath his feet.

Just looking at the still image on the screen made him incredibly intrigued and also a bit nervous. The atmosphere just by looking at this image already felt cold, he had a feeling whatever this video game was, was something more than he had initially thought.

"Alright, do you see what it says at the bottom of the screen."

"Select Keyboard And Mouse... or Virtual Dive?"

"Yes. You see, you can either play using the keyboard and mouse here, which you already know what they are. Or, for a better experience though far more terrifying, you can play it in Virtual Dive. You'll feel as if you are really there yourself."

"Is that... really possible?"

Kaito just nodded his head in response. Both he and Aruto had already played for an entire two hours to test out the game before opening shop, and they were very much surprised by how incredibly real it felt. They had also definitely felt the immense power given to them by the supreme deity stripped away from them when they entered the game.

They had also very much experienced the feeling of being hacked into by the crazy monsters, and it wasn't pleasant at all. As crazy as it sounds, they actually got themselves hit a few times on purpose to experience if what the god said about the pain actually feeling real was true or not. It was definitely true.

"Then I'm going to go for Virtual Dive!" Reiss declared as Kaito nodded and helped him put on the VR Headset. As soon as he did, the screen suddenly flicked off before the TV above the computer switched on, displaying the original opening sequence to the game when a player started a new game.

The difference this time being that the character was actually looking around in directions they normally wouldn't be. Aruto finished up what he was doing and walked on over, he and Kaito

This was because of Reiss. As soon as he put on the headset, he could feel himself actually becoming the person as he could feel himself lying down on whatever it was he was lying on, and it felt as if the room became colder suddenly. He soon took notice of the man watching him, who soon started standing up.

{Oh, yes... Paleblood...}

'Paleblood...?' Reiss could only think in confusion as he looked at the old man, his vision still blurry as it threatened to darken at any second. Reiss couldn't move his limbs, it was as if he paralyzed. All he could do was listen to this man.

{Well, you've come to the right place} Reiss could feel the man's breath on him as he spoke, and it shocked him because it felt so damn real. The temperature of the man's breath, the feeling of what he was lying on, and so much more. {Yharnam is the home of blood ministration. You need only unravel its mystery}

'Yharnam... blood ministration? Mystery?' Reis thought as he heard this. Whatever those words meant, he didn't know. He knew that Yharnam was a city, he read it in the description. Though, his interest was piqued right now as he listened more. These strange new terms and mysterious unknown story interested him greatly.

{But, where's an outsider like yourself to begin?} The man then got closer to Reiss before leaning over him and staring him directly in the eyes, despite the fact Reiss couldn't see his eyes, he felt as if they were boring into him. Reiss felt his heart beating rapidly in nervousness. {Easy, with a bit of Yharnam blood of your own... But first, you'll need a contract}

Reiss suddenly felt his vision completely fading away before finding himself staring at the still model of a person who looked exactly like him. The difference being the clothes as he was now wearing black pants, black leather shoes, a white dress shirt underneath a brown leather vest, and also what looked to be a black shoulder cloak over the top with a hood.

"This is your character. You can see all the stats on the right and a few options can be chosen on the left." Kaito's voice sounded from the outside to Reiss, which Kaito did so by using the mic at the computer. Reiss looked to see that what he said was true.

There were a number of attributes that had different values pertaining to each, such as strength, vitality, endurance. Those he understood, but there were a few that he didn't quite understand. What did it mean by level? What are Blood Echoes?

He just decided to ignore that for now and turned to the left to see that the only option he had that he could change was his origin. His name was unchangeable as it took his name from the account he made, which was simply his own name. He curiously tapped onto the origins tab, to which it displayed a number of different options to him to choose from.

✦ Milquetoast

✦ Lone Survivor

✦ Troubled Childhood

✦ Violent Past

✦ Professional

✦ Military Veteran

✦ Noble Scion

✦ Cruel Fate

✦ Waste Of Skin

"Kaito, what should I choose...?"

"That entirely depends on your style of fighting. If you want to wield heavy weapons that deal great damage, then Violent Past is a good route to go, though you will be attacking slower. If you want to wield faster weapons, then Professional is a good one. You should be able to read on what each of the stats mean if you tap on them."

Following Kaito's instructions, he clicked on each of the stats and nodded after reading each one, having a better understanding of what each meant. The one he still really didn't understand much about was Blood Echoes, it said something about the echo of someone's will.

For Kaito and Aruto, they chose Milquetoast and Military Veteran respectively. Kaito liked to be balanced in all fields, being heavy and light weapons as well as guns. Aruto preferred close-ranged weapons, so he would be able to skillfully use both heavy and light weapons.

Reiss thought on it for a few seconds before deciding to go with Noble Scion, which was rather fitting for him in many ways. He has always been trained to fight swiftly with lighter weapons, so he didn't have any experience wielding weapons of incredible size and weight. He also wanted to try out these firearms from what he had read, they sounded interesting.

The arcana also sounded very interesting, though he wanted to find out more about these firearms. They sounded similar to bows and such but not at the same time. Anyway, he quickly chose his origin before seeing a confirmation button appear.

Upon tapping it, he began to slowly awaken...

{Good. All signed and sealed} Reiss once again saw the same man from before speaking again in front of him. It seemed that whatever he had just done was this 'contract'. {Now, let's begin the transfusion. Oh, don't you worry. Whatever happens... You may think it all a mere bad dream...}

Reiss felt uncomfortable when the man began to chuckle in amusement as his vision began to blur once more, though it was only for a second before everything became clear. Reiss still couldn't move his body, but his head was fine as he looked around the dark room.

'Wh-What the...?' Reiss couldn't help but gulp as he looked to see a wolf-like demon creature with decaying flesh rise from a pool of crimson blood. It was staring at him with its round white eyes, slowly making its way towards him. Reiss couldn't find the ability to speak, all he could do was lie there. 'This creature... I can feel its bloodlust! It's breath! Is this really a game?!'

Reiss was utterly shocked, he knew that he was actually still in the store from what Kaito and Aruto had told him, but this felt way too real! It was as if he had been transported into another world entirely! He could feel his heart beating in both fear and also... excitement?

He was surprised though when the wolf began to catch on fire before flailing around as its body continued to burn in a blazing fire. He could feel the heat, it was too real. It didn't take long though before the wolf fell to the ground dead.

'What is this feeling...?' The room had become quiet after the wolf had perished, though he soon felt something crawling all over him. He looked down at his body before widening his eyes in shock when small white humanoid demonic creatures began to climb all over him, soon making their way towards his face.

Reiss instinctively just closed his eyes tightly, hoping for them to go away. Even compared to the demons within this world, these small creatures were far more terrifying in appearance alone compared to them.




{Ahh, you've found yourself a hunter...}

"Wh-What?!" Reiss suddenly shot open his eyes and unconsciously forced himself to sit up as his breath was ragged. He panted heavily while holding his head with his right hand. He had heard a feminine voice speaking for a second before he found himself forcefully waking up suddenly. "Where are those creatures...?"

Reiss looked around at the room, which was the very same one that he had spent the past twenty or so minutes in. However, there was no longer the pool of blood, the wolf creature's corpse, those white demons, or that old man.

He calmed himself down before looking around the room, an eery silence ruling the area as he decided to push himself off the bed he was on as he stood upon the creaking wooden floorboards. Reiss then walked towards a nearby wooden table before tracing his hand along it.

"This feels real, far too real..." Reiss muttered. He felt his ability to speak return as he felt the rough decaying texture of the wooden table. It truly felt as if he was in another world. "This is what this Virtual Dive is...? Incredible..."

"Reiss. You can tap onto the icon on the bottom right of your peripheral vision to take off the helmet." Reiss blinked and did as told as he soon found his vision switch to white, to which he soon reached for his head and lifted the helmet off of his head. Reiss looked around to see that he was back in the store, with both Kaito and Aruto looking at him with smiles. "So, what do you think?"

"It's... incredible. Everything felt so real..." Reiss responded as he shook his head. "Just what is happening in this... Yharnam? Why was I lying there with that man?"

"Well, to summarise it. You're someone who had come to Yharnam seeking the cure of a disease that you had been infected with, and that is why you were in the clinic. That cure is Blood Transfusion that you saw being performed on you." Aruto explained as Reiss listened intently. "However, there are many secrets within Yharnam, mysteries that you can solve."

"Mysteries I can solve, huh?" Reiss muttered as he looked back at the computer screen. The TV above the computer still displayed the game, though it was seemingly on pause as everything was frozen. Reiss then gave a small smile excited smile, though it was soon replaced with a small frown. "The price is still a bit much though. Even if that was an incredibly real experience, what makes it worth so much?"

"Well, do you feel any different?"


"Your body I mean. Is there any change?"

Reiss blinked before looking at his body, seemingly confused as there were no physical changes at all. He was about to ask something, but stopped when he felt a strange sensation in his chest. The feeling was coming straight from his magical reserves.

"My magic capacity...!" Reiss could only widen his eyes as he felt that his magic container within him had increased by a small amount. While the increase wasn't much, it was still an increase. To be able to increase one's magic capacity, it either required some kind of ritual, special artifact, or a very rare and powerful spell that has probably been lost for many decades. "You don't mean...?!"

"Yep. The stronger you become in the games here in our shop, the more your magic capacity will increase." Kaito smirked at Reiss's gobsmacked expression. One's magic capacity, determined upon birth, highly affected one's ability to be a Mage Knight and Mage.

The larger your magic capacity, the more magic power you would have to empower your abilities such as your body, spells and more. Talent was also important, but the amount of magic power was also very important. Even if a mage had incredible talent, if their magic capacity was pathetic, that talent pretty much was useless.

Mage Knights were talented in empowering their physical bodies with magic power to enhance their strength and also to temporarily strengthen their weapons with magic energy. Specially made weapons can also generate spells when magic was poured into them, such as causing a sword to temporarily catch ablaze.

Reiss was shocked that by simply playing this Bloodborne game, his magic capacity had increased. He was a person with incredible talent according to his family, but his magic capacity was only a bit better than average. So, just by having a way to increase it so easily was honestly a god's blessing to him.

"So, the stronger I become in the game... the more my magic capacity increases?" Reiss looked at both the brothers nodded their heads with grins. Reiss then seemed to give an excited look on his face as he quickly placed the helmet back onto his head. 'Yes, with this I can truly become the greatest Mage Knight in the family! Not only will I get stronger, but I get to explore this fascinating world!'

Reiss had always been limited by his magic capacity. His talent as a Mage Knight was incredible, but it was just his capacity that held him back. He wouldn't admit it, but he was also a battle junky that loved the thrill of the battle. Considering what he had been told of this game, battling was something you would do pretty much every few seconds of your time.

Through this game, not only will he get to satisfy his thrill of battle, but also increase his power at the same time. Considering all of these incredible benefits, he couldn't help but feel that this price was absolutely cheap for such an incredible jewel.

The brothers smiled seeing their first customer's excited expression on the screen as he was now facing down the very same wolf-like demonic beast from the starting sequence, after having read some useful notes from the Messengers.

He was definitely having trouble since he didn't have a weapon yet and his strength was low, not even considering the fact that he had low vitality and endurance. However, he was still grinning as he continued to fight back against the beast while dodging its strikes.

Compared to the normal Bloodborne game, the freedom of movement was incredible with the Virtual Dive. It was truly like you were walking in the shoes of The Hunter.


next chapter
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