60% Borderlands: Siren in the Badlands / Chapter 14: Chapter 11: The Reveal

章節 14: Chapter 11: The Reveal

A/n I'm back, had to re-read all past chapters to get idea of how I originally planned the story since as I said in notice chapter, all my notes are gone. So instead, i decided to massively change the direction I knew my past self was going with the plot and become bold and take a more drastic turn in the story's plot regarding the mc. Instead of dragging Borderlands 1 main plot out for 50 chapters as intended which I remember would be boring rubbish filler, imma focus more on Borderlands 2 plot instead so I'll wrap up Borderlands 1 main plot in about 12 chapters as to not make it too fast, but also Original chances to plot. Please enjoy returning and new readers! Check out my other fics!


"Heyyyy guyyyys~ how's it going?~" I said nerbously as I straighten myself.

Lilith: "I think you owe me, *ahem*...us an explanation."

Hmm, does "me" have an "us" in it?

Wait a second!

I hurriedly looked down at my body, and touched my face, feeling my mask was still on.

"Don't worry, we didn't breach your privacy nor look at your face." Roland eased my worries as he informed me.

"Yeah...although Lilith wanted to take those coverings off your arms to see if you have Tattoos like hers. But we stopped her as you can tell us yourselves. Ouch!"

"Shut up Bird Man, all I wanted was a peak so I would know. What's the harm with that?!" Lilith said as she kicked knee in return.

"Even if you wanted to know, you should ask him, which is why we stopped you. It's his choice for keeping his identity a secret." He responded back to her as Bloodwing caw'd at Lilith for hitting Mordecai.

Oh yeah, I forgot Mordecai got betrayed by that Karen bounty hunter a few hours before he got on Marcus' Bus.

That was actually funny how Bloodwing cut her arm clean off. Mordecai had kept Bloodwing a secret until the betrayal.

I forgot her name, but she was just a random woman who pretended to be wounded and stranded in the wastelands.

Mordecai decided to help her get to her destination, but he was double crossed by her.

She revealed she was going to collect a Bounty on him, alive.

Unfortunately, Bloodwing revealed himself and cut her arm off.

Mordecai then left her with the Bandits so that they can collect the bounty on her, them on Mordecai since he'd just kill them all with Bloodwing.

After that he met Marcus and the rest happened.

(A/n This all happened on one of the few Borderlands Comics there was. There is one for each of the four Vault Hunters and shows their meeting on the Bus and prior to it with some life history. Naturally, Lilith is the most important since it shows her meeting the previous PhaseWalk Siren known only as "The Eldest".)

"Why didn't you tell me you had powers! That's awesome man!" Brick who was in the back couldn't stay quiet anymore as patience was one of his strong aspects.

Angel was watching again. John too.

Piss of Jack!

Stop evasdroping on everything!

Well...when I free Angel, you won't be seeing shit anymore!

"It's just simple Teleportation." I said.

"How is Teleporting 'just simple'..." Mordecai said in a dull tone.

"You can be suprised, there's a lot of ways to achieve it. My sniper [Patience and Time] has a unique feature where it can make the user invisible when aiming down the scope."

"You still owe me that since I won our contest."

"You know what, just take it now. But your gonna have to pick up the slack of having one less sniper on the team until I can get a new one. They aren't hard to get but can be quite expensive. What your holding is worth 2.3 million dollars." I said as I took [Patience and Time] from out of my Storage Inventory, but to them they thought it was my SDU backpack Unit like the ones everyone has.

"How the Fuck did you even get this then!" Mordecai exclaimed. Bloodwing was startled and flew of his shoulder for a moment before resting on it again.

"It was more like a one time gift of sorts at a discounted price. And I had a lot of money before, if I didn't have that kind of cash now I wouldn't be here looking for the riches inside the Vault like all of you to make up for the expensive on my gear."

They all nodded their heads, when one was a Bounty hunter it was a common thing that they would spend all their acquired money from their jobs on enhancing their gear and combat potential to take on higher paying jobs.

Only then would they be able to relax and spend their wealth on whatever they wished.

Lilith and Roland in the original story used the riches they gained after getting paid by Tannis for the Vault Key after opening the Vault to go on a honeymoon to Pandora's Moon Elpis.

"Are you a Siren?"

Lilith's unexpected and sudden question had come out causing a long awkward silence to occur in the room.

I looked at Lilith for a moment and pondered the pros and cons of revealing the truth, or lying and using my excuse of using a teleporter device ro keep my Siren abilities a secret.

Angel and John/Jack was watching and they would also know the truth.

If I lied saying my Tattoos are just for traditional purposes while I teleport with the teleporter device I prepared, they will definitely believe it and leave it at that.

Yet again, what is the point in holding myself back and limiting my strength when I haven't even mastered my abilities yet?

I could slowly improve my power, but would that matter?

All I have to do is open the Vault of the Destroyer, obtain a shit ton of Eridium, use my enhanced power to locate Angel and free her.

And by that point I'll have the power of 3 Sirens on my side. Myself, Lilith and Angel. Not to mention I can begin hunting all the other Vaults and make preparations to obtain the power and treasures within each of them before anyone else or even the Calypso Twins or The Seer can seize the opportunity.

Which reminds me, even if John/Jack doesn't learn that I am a Siren. Chances are that The Seer is secretly controlling him as one of his Puppet vassals.

If The Seer directly makes it's presence and identity known to John/Jack it can just directly tell him that I am a Siren. What is the point to keeping it a secret when I'll be Wanted by Hyperion regardless in a few years when he truly turns Evil allowing The Seer full control over it's influence on Hamdsome Jack.

Having made up my decision I got up from the bed and stood on my feet before i removed the Elven Silk Wrappings on my body.

Not to mention I took of my mask, what's the point in hiding my face? I can just buy a method to disguise myself from the System Shop later.

On my left arm was a series of Silvery-White Tattoos. This was my PhaseCreate ability.

While my Right showed tattoos of a Pitch-Black and Gold colour. This reassembled my PhaseSpace-Time powers.

Before anyone could speak, 2 large wings and 2 smaller ones appeared on my back which appeared as Vulture like wings similar to Troy Calypso's Siren wing.

The right pair of wings were Black-Purple in colour while the left side was Gold-Yellow. Both showcasing that my powers of Space and Time were my most significant abilities.

However, unless I specifically reveal what they are, I doubt anyone can guess or interpret what my powers are just from a glance.

"YOU ARE A SIREN!" Lilith screamed aloud.

She was jumping for joy at having discovered someone like herself. During her childhood, after she had met The Eldest after her father had died, she was bullied and insulted for having her Tattoos. Not only that but she didn't even know what it meant to be truly be a so-called Siren or what it even was to begin with other than a few clues and rumours she had learnt.

"Holy Shit!"



Mordecai, Brick and Roland each had their own respective reactions while Roland was the calmest, he did show signs of amazement.

Meanwhile John, who was casually drinking some coffee, eager to see how this drama would play out, was not expecting this and involuntarily spat out the hot coffee while the cup fell onto his lap before shouting and cursing from the heat of the hot drink.

As for Angel, she was just staring at Spectre the whole time with a sense of awe but sadness in her heart. Sadness because of her ability, her father had been able to learn that he was a Siren and knew that John would pursue and capture or even possibly kill him.

However, when she heard that John was cursing from spilling a hot drink on himself, she looked back and saw Spectre's face that was under the mask. She couldn't help but blush and divert her eyes, but they once again went back and glued to the image of his handsome face.

"He wasn't lying when he said he was handsome..." Angel muttered as her blush grew. She then imagined what he look like nak...

When she realised where her thoughts were going she immediately shook her head, her face red with embarrassment.

She vowed she wouldn't let him know about this or what she was thinking in this moment ever!

Too bad for her, Raime knew full well the emotions and thoughts she was thinking as he had connected to her using his own Siren Telepathy.

"Yes I'm a sort of a Siren but not in a way that you are thinking."

"What do you mean 'sort of'? Then why do you have Tattoos like mine? What do they mean? What is a Siren exactly? Also how can you maintain your wings like this, i cant do it all the time? And how can you Teleport, is that your power?"

Lilith shot question after question at me as she inspected my arms and the 2 pairs of ethereal cosmic wings I maintained on my back.

Angel was definitely confused right now as well. Only females can be Sirens, and yet I had Tattoos just like them.

"I know alot about the Sirens and their Lore, as well as the Eridians who are the creator race of the Vaults we are hunting. I'll answer your questions in order Lilith. I am not a real Siren. There can only be 6 real Sirens in the Universe at any given time. And all of them are female. Although there cab be an exception such as when twin children are born. They could be conjoined twins at birth, but the male child will eventually die on its own unless the female Siren of the two sustains the male Siren twins life with her own power kind of like a parasitic relationship."

"Then how are you a Siren?" Roland asked the question everyone was thinking.

"I am not a actual Siren like Lilith here. A Siren's power is connected to their soul. When they die their power is transferred to either a random girl in the universe, or is bestowed to a suitable candidate who has been prepared and groomed to inherit the power. But they also need to meet specific requirements. The power remains the same. My power is different and I can be considered the unofficial 7th Siren, the first and last one who will have my powers as when I die, it won't be transferred to a new person. I was given this power, but by who I cannot and will not say. That is all I will reveal."

"Okay~ so what is a Siren exactly? You still haven't clarified that." Lilith asked impatiently.

"I myself don't know. I don't know the true origins of the Sirens. But I do know they had a relationship with the race called the Eridians. They were all called by the Eridians to help them in sealing away a monster within a Vault on Pandora. The Eridians are the protectors of the Galaxy we are in, maybe even the Universe. They created the Vaults to contain their knowledge, power but most of all, the Vaults are a prison for dangerous creatures they had to seal away to protect the Galaxy. The most dangerous of them all was known as The Destroyer. An Interdimensional creature that came from a different Universe or Reality or even Dimension. In the end, the Eridians asked a ancient Siren, who was the leader of the other 5 Sirens, to use her ability to leech the life-force of any living thing and control energy...to drain the life of every single member of the Eridian race to use as the necessary energy to activate a machine they made which can permanently seal away The Destroyer in Pandora. The Siren is called Nyriad, and her power was PhaseLeech. During my time leaving of the Sirens, I learnt one thing. Ever since Nyriad, there has not been any 6th Siren in history until now that is the inheritor of her power of PhaaseLeech. That can mean two things, she is either alive still...or her power has vannished somehow which should be impossible."


"Is a lot to take in..."

Lilith was going to say, but Roland finished her words having the same thoughts.

Seeing that the atmosphere became odd I decided to cheer up the mood.

"Say, Lilith. You wanted me to tell you how to maintain your Siren wings just like me?"

Lilith's eyes snapped out of her daze as they went wide with anticipation! "YES TELL ME!"

"Hehe, it really isn't that hard. You're probably unconsciously manifesting them on your back when you use your power of PhaseWalk. All Sirens have this ability happen under these circumstances. Especially when a Siren is absorbing Eridum which is the Life-force of living beings condensed into a purple rock substance. Nyriad used her power of PhaseLeech to drain the life of the Erdians. The reason why is because that life-force of the Erdidans became the substance Eridium which is able to keep The Destroyer in its prison the Vault. I can teach you how to use your power as I am somewhat aware of its capabilities and how to do other things all Siren's can do. And your last question, yes the power to manipulate Space in its entirety is something I can do, though I have yet to master my powers just like you."

"Really!? You can help teach me?!"

"Why are you so desperate? You have the souls of all past users of your PhaseWalk power unconsciously helping you to learn your power. All I can do is help you to quickly master them. As I am right now, I am roughly 30% as strong as you are currently as I need to learn my power on my own without past users to help me, like I said I am the only and the last user of my power. Sirens only have markings on their left arm, but I have it both because I'm unique."

"Wait one second! Last question! You said there are 6 real Sirens, what are the powers of the others?"

"PhaseWalk, is what you have Lilith. It can allow you to faze through dimensions and teleport freely anywhere you desire. PhaseLock allows one to entrap an enemy with a sphere of energy, though there are more effects to it, maybe even the ability to manipulate energy within the sphere freely. PhaseShift allows one to hack and control technology once it has been hacked into. It also has electrokinesis of an unknown degree. PhaseTrance is a little hard to explain. But it is mostly destruction based powers. PhaseLeech is the power of Nyriad, the only known user I can confirm that is able to drain and manipulate the Life-Force of living beings freely. Lilith, and the rest of you. If you ever see a Siren there is a chance they are the ones I mentioned and not PhaseLeech, but if you suspect anyone has the PhaseLeech power, it cab be identified by their unstable personality. The reason is because they might have absorbed too much energy from living beings that it can affect their minds based on the drained victims personality, or even a lack of self control. Also Lilith, last thing, Eridium can enhance a Sirens power. But it will cause death and will weaken the Siren if consumed too often or in large quantities, only the PhaseLeech Siren can survive absorbing large amounts of it at a time because she is the one that can create it at will."

John who was still lostening to everything was surprised to learn all of this, especially the Sirens and Eridium. Actually, he knew what it was, but not what it could do.

I had stressed the fact it could kill Sirens. When he becomes evil one day, I only hope he has a sliver of humanity left inside him to erase his twisted thoughts, and the influence The Seer has over him, of using the Eridium on Angel.

The Seer most likely had possessed him when he had used the Vault of The Sentinal on Elpis so there might be time before that happens to help him as he was originally a good man and a good father...once.

Speaking of which. I actually want to use it. Maybe it can give me insight on how to use and develop my PhaseTime powers.

I'll have to open it before Zarpadon and John/Jack use it.

The Watcher might be protecting it as well. I will need to be careful at that time. I still don't know if it can be trusted...

"So now all the history lesson is over, what i took away from that is we gotta fight a large monster inside the Vault, and we dont know which, heck it could even be this Destroyer. ..great~"

"Not always. But even if we do, there is always treasure if the Eridians inside. And if it is The Destroyer, opening a simple Vault wouldn'tset it free, its most likely sealed away in many differentways with layers to its prison. If we do face it the best we can do is force it back inside, and with two Sirens here, we'll have the ability to ensure it remains trapped should the worst case scenario be that it is The Destroyer we face."

The Vault of The Destroyer had no treasure except the mouth of the Eridian's most dangerous prisoner. It was simply a sacrificial feeding Vault, meant to be used to offer sacrifices to The Destroyer to keep it calm and somewhat satisfied and not angry and hungry to escape.

But the other Vaults definitely do. Maybe I'll take everyone here to the Vault of the Coward.

(A/n Borderlands 2: Torgue's Campaign of Carnage DLC.)

It has loots of loot inside be released, once the "Blood of the Ultimate Coward" is spilt upon it.

Piston is killed because he is a Coward which opened the Vault.

Jack is not a Coward since he still faces the Vault Hunter

I'll need to find a True Genuine Coward to kill...I'm sure I'll find one.

Maybe Sparky Flynt?

next chapter
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