80% BNHA: Minutely Hero / Chapter 4: 4

章節 4: 4

Izuku groaned as he swatted the thing that was tapping his cheek, "Kid, wake up. I'm getting hungry!"

Midoriya rubbed his eyes as he sat up, but a sudden pain hit his right shoulder. Izuku brought his hand and held onto his shoulder, but the pain was going down his spine, it was as if there was an open wound, and it burned as hell; making him go all dizzy and nauseous.

"Breathe kid, the pain is clouding your vision. Breathe in and out,"

Izuku obeyed the voice, soon he can make out a white figure, "N-Nyanko-sensei? Why does m-m-m-y shoulder blade fe-e-e-els like it-s on fi-i-i-re"

"Oh that it is normal since I bit you and claimed you~"

Izuku rose up from the dirty floor only for him to fall back once again; the shooting pain on his shoulder grew worse, "You DID WHAT?!"

"How do you think we are going to avoid other yokais preying after your weak ass? Anyways, I needed to drink your blood to form a contract, so it worked out in the end?"

"What the hell did I throw myself in?" Izuku groaned, groaning in frustration and pain.

The cat cackled at the younger pain, "With that scar on your back, we are connected; I can feel whatever your feeling. God, What kind of messed up kid are you? Your emotions are all over the place!"

"Excuse me! I've been through a lot!"

"Ah shaddap, you are not the only one with problems in this world!? Quit it with yer whining!"

Izuku frowned, face red-ing in embarrassment, what the yokai said was true, but "So, am I not allowed to be sad or be frustrated?!" Tears were falling once again, the cat sighed; looking tired, "you really should fix the waterworks!"

The cat walked and sat on the greenette lap, and for the first time, the teen touched the yokai. For some reason, the pain lessened. He ran his hand over the fur. It was so silky and smooth. "For an ugly bobtailed cat, you sure are soft and cuddly,"

"For a broken child, you sure run your mouth loose, I should just eat you now and get rid of your sassy ass!"

Izuku chuckled as he was paw punched again, he placed the cat on the ground before he rose up and swatted the dirt off his uniform. He looked up at the sky, geh, it was pitch black, what is the time? He dug into his pants pocket, fishing out his phone.

Nine o'clock, well, he sure was passed out for a long time. Sensei pawed his pants, "I'm hungry!" he whined.

"Sorry, let's go, but did you have to bite my shoulder to form a contract?"

"Nah, a drop of blood would have been good to form the contract," The cat said as they walked out of the alleyway side by side, Izuku felt a vein appearing on his forehead, he seriously wanted to strangle the piggy cat to death, "THEN WHY DID YOU BITE MY SHOULDER?"

"To show the idiots who are hunting my prey that your mossy ass is mine. That will avoid the problem of you being hunted. Remember, I am feared by my own people, so they would never dare to touch what is mine. They touch you, I'll have their heads be it humans or yokais. No one is touching my prey! Talking about preys, hey, I'm starving~"

"YOU CAN'T KILL HUM-" his outburst caused the people around him to look at his direction.

'Shut your trap, you dumb kid! It will look weird if you are talking to a cat out in public.'

'Why can I hear your voice in my head? Wait they can see you?'

'Yeah, I'm so powerful that I can materialize into something that can be seen by humans. I told you I'm connected to you now you idiot. We formed a contract, didn't we!'

'So, it's because of that…How does the contract even work?'

He heard the cat humming in his mind, 'It's actually a one-sided contract, I can hear your thoughts in your head if I were to spew thoughts in my head; you won't hear 'em. So, what's your name Moss head, can't call you that all the time.'

'My name is Midoriya Izuku and my quirk is as you may have known is seeing Youkai. Oh, and there is no food in home, so we better dine at one of the restaurants while we are out or we will starve till tomorrow, wait you are coming with me?'

The cat stopped walking and looked at the teen, making sure Izuku could see him rolling its eyes. A pout involuntary formed on Izuku's mouth, 'No need to be mean about it, I know nothing about this contract you are talking about except for that we are connected? Give me a break!'

'Ah shaddap, what is there to know other than that?! let's go eat!'

Izuku's shoulder slumped in defeat, he knew that if he didn't feed the cat, he would not get his answers, so he decided in filling the fat one's stomach.

'So, what do you want to eat? Any cat food brand will do?'

'nu-huh, honey, I'm eating whatever you eat. Remember, I'm not your usual cat.' Sensei had a Cheshire grin stretching on his mouth.

'You must be kidding me,' he thought helplessly. He could hear an undignified cackling at the corner of his head, this is seriously weird hearing an additional voice playing in his head.

He looked up at the sky shooting it a sigh for the umpteenth time. Hope it falls as a meteor on Sensei's head.

Izuku entered a random restaurant, his feet couldn't carry him any longer. Izuku talked his lil sensei into hiding him in his backpack, and thankfully after some pushing; the cat was finally in the bag. He is so exhausted. He thanked god that the place he set on was not lively with people as he was not that presentable. Well, he was wearing tattered clothes and it was dirty as heck. He might also smell funny because of the slimy villain.

God, he felt awful.

Let's just get done with this! Takeaway is all it takes and then vroom vroom to his humble abode.

"Izuku? Is that you dearie?"

Or not.

'Hmm…someone you know?,'

Izuku turned to the feminine voice, there she was, sitting with her husband and only son. God must really hate him, what the hell did he ever do. He plastered a fake smile and headed meekly towards the table. Oh shit, Kacchan doesn't look too happy to see him. When was he?

"H-Hello, Aunt Mitsuki,"

She smiled brightly like the way Kacchan used to when he was little, "What are you doing out here so late, and oh my goodness, what in freaking hell happened to you?" She stood up from her seat as she took a closer look at the teen.

Her carefree expression pinched into a worried one, even Masaru stood up after her after seeing his state, Izuku blushed real hard at the fretting adults, and now the other customers are looking at the commotion. He was so not used to this kind of treatment at all!

He waved his hands, "I-I-I'm okay, nothing big happened, I don't want to impose on your dinner any further, so I'll be going now."

Before he could even attempt to move away, Mitsuki had a scary looking smile on her face, and a held his shoulder in death grip, "You are not going anywhere, brat. You look too thin for your own good, so your dinner is on me tonight."

"I-I-I-I can't possibly d-do tha-"

'Turn away and I'll kill you right now,'

Izuku felt shivers cascading down his spine. Sensei's tone was laced with venom. Well, he can't afford to die today. Today is not the day he should die on and free food won't actually hurt him.

"No, I insist, don't let me force feed you," she threatened, and he finally caved in.

He smiled sheepishly at her, "Well, if you don't mind."

Izuku slid reluctantly beside the fuming Pomeranian, the shorter teen placed his yellow back pack between him and Kacchan. He apologized mentally, if Kacchan were to attack him, Sensei will be the scapegoat.

'I can hear you, you dipshit.'

Izuku bit his lips, not allowing the smile to blossom on his face. Mitsuki tilted her head, grabbing a plate and placed it in front of her friend's son.

"You are just in time, the food should come in any moment now,"

Masaru nodded at her, smiling kindly at him. Izuku's chest tightened in a familiar pain, it is such a weird happening to be the receiving end of such kind smiles. He looked down at his lap, willing to dry his tears that started gathering in his eyes. He doesn't deserve kindness after the stunt he pulled. Quite funny that he knows the day he'll die, and who is gonna rob away his last breath. Just a year, he should just hang on for a year. Is this considered…suicide? Izuku shook his head, don't think about that.

Izuku flinched at the sudden hand that was on his hair. He looked through his tussled bangs. His eyes widened, breath hitching, no, no 'Please, don't look at me like that,'

"Izuku-kun, are you okay?" The man looked worried, eyebrows pinched in concern; he wanted to shy away from the warm hands. He does not deserve this at all. Swallowing the bile that rose up to his throat, a timid smile quirked up his lips.

"I guess, I'm still shaken up from my encounter with the villain," Izuku brushed up their concern with his fearless smile. Masaru smiled sadly, "I'm sorry that you had to go through that,"

Izuku shook his head, his curls bouncing with him, one of his hands rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm seriously fine since All Might managed to save me,"

At the mention of the symbol of peace, everybody sprang from their seats, even Kacchan who was silent through the exchange, still had that mean-ass scowl, but curiosity betrayed the tough demanour the blonde usually supported.

"ALL MIGHT? YOU MUST HAVE BEEN SO HAPPY IZUKU!" Mitsuki exploded in happiness. A genuine grin lifted her grim façade.

Was he?

He nodded. A slight blush color his cheeks; fake it 'till you make it.

"Y-Yes, it was such a magical moment for me. I can't even believe I met him!" and mouthed him off. A chuckle resonated in his head. Oh, he totally forgot about the cat. Mitsuki looked like a hyper pup, shaking with unconfined excitement, "Izu, how did All Might save you? Did you get to see him in action?!"

Kacchan lost that frown on his face, he leaned closer, Izuku chuckled softly, he forgot that All Might was also his childhood friend's favorite idol.

"Sadly, I couldn't witness it since the sludge villain suffocated me to the poin-" he stopped mid-sentence when he saw the shocked, fallen expressions on both parents. "Oops?" he ended hesitantly.

Kacchan also flinched at the word 'suffocated', Izuku would like to contradict him, to tell him that he gave him worse injuries, but Kacchan never meant to kill him when he bullied him. Hmmm… he saw from his peripheral the taller teen clenching his fists. Shit, was he gonna get punched, but his attention felt onto the mother who grasped his hands. Worry swimming in the red orbs.

"You were suffocated? Was that why your uniform is torn? God, Izuku, did you go to the hospital?"

Izuku's smile slipped, why was she fretting over him? Why? Why is she making that pinched up expression?

'Dumbass, they are just worried,'

Izuku tilted his head, worried? But, why?

'Because they care. Oh god, you are so emotionally detached that you can't even recognize the emotions anymore!'

Izuku refrained from rolling his eyes, but that'd be rude. Why got the cat be hella rude? He's such a meanie!

'Seriously, meanie?!'

Izuku heard him cackling hysterically, so he rested on smacking the bag, an offf was heard from the bag that deflated for a second, 'You damned weasel, I'll make an alfredo sauce for my pasta by squeezing all your blood outta you!'

Alfredo? Isn't Alfredo the white sauce?


Izuku ignored him for the sake of keeping his sane image in front of the adults. "But I didn't get hurt, I passed out just in time as All Might came in and rescued me from the villain, so really no need to worry!"

"Son, that must have been scary."

Scary? Yokais were hundred times scarier than that measly villain.

He shrugged and smiled, "It all worked out in the end, so no biggie!" Kacchan scoffed from beside him, "That is expected from you, Deku. Being even a burden to All Might,"

Thankfully, he didn't need to internally curse him as his mother smacked his head upside down. 'Serves him right.'

"Brat, how could say that to your friend, for all we know he could have been dead if Al Might hasn't arrived on time?!"

Katsuki slammed his clenched fists on the table, "HE IS NOT MY FRIEND, OLD HAG!"


Masaru was trying to calm both of them down, but the poor thing got yelled for interfering. Thankfully, the food came just before their argument escalated into a fist fight. All kind of food started appearing on the table. Izuku drooled over the variety of food, there was ramen, pizza, other fulfilling appetizers, and a pizza; god, he didn't notice till now, but he's starving.

He snapped out the heavenly trance when he heard a chuckle, he blushed and swiped his dripping saliva with his fist. God, he felt embarrassed.

Mitsuki moved the ramen closer to him, "Go help yourself kid,"

He shot her a beaming smile and started slurping the noodles like there is no tomorrow. The parents shared a smile before diving into their food. Katsuki spared the shorter teen a disgusted glare, and started chewing lazily on the pizza.

Deku felt that he was forgetting something important, but he couldn't put his finger on it, so he just shrugged and continued filling his stomach.

And then, it happened.

Nyanko-sensei was boiling with anger, 'how dare the brat forget about ME?!'

And just like that cat punched its way out of the bag, making his prey choke on his food. The others were spooked out of their wits. They are suddenly watching a cat that miraculously punching its way out of the bag to the air, while being midair in slow motion, strangely making a superman pose.

Izuku was pondering between drinking water to sooth the burning sensation in his throat, or to cover the screaming cat ("NYAAAAA") mouth before he blew their cover away. He decided on the latter, he quickly moved his hands, covering the mouth.

A muffled "MMMNYMMM" could be heard. Izuku circled his other arm around the cat placing him on his lap, looking around alertly to check if any of the staff saw the unreasonable yokai. Thank god, they were sitting in a secluded area.

He sighed in relief when he made sure that that they were safe, but then hesitantly looked at his table. A nervous smile playing on his lips taking in the bewildered looks on the Bakugous'. Gosh, Kacchan looked so funny, making a dumb face not knowing to rest on anger or confusion.


A pregnant silence fell on them, but Kacchan broke it, "Deku, the hell is that?" he pointed at the cat that was struggling in his grasp, throwing a tantrum.

Izuku winced when sharp canines dug into his flesh. "Umm a cat…"

"A cat?" Mitsuki repeated slowly, trying to comprehend the creature in front of her.

"Yes… A fat cat."

And that seemed to anger the cat more as he finally broke free and jumped on the teen clawing his face, "OWwww OWw-w Sensei, it hurts; leggo sensei. Ouch, that's my eyes!!!??! You are gonna make me go blind Nyanko-sensei leggo!!"

At that Masaru stood, looking alarmed, wanting to help, but not knowing how. Mitsuki covered her mouth, horror flashing on her usual strict façade. "I-Izuku-kun, are you okay? From where did this cat come from? How can I help you?"

Izuku tried pulling the cat away from his face, but the claws hung deeply on the side of his face, sensei didn't budge at all. He sighed and let his arms fall to his sides, "Umm, uncle Masaru?"

"Yes?" The adult sprung from his seat once again, ready to aid the kid.

"Can you pass me the food, anything would do!" Izuku extended his arms, hands waving. Whatever fell in his hands was shoved directly to the cat's mouth that was chewing on his nose.

Oh, it was a shrimp.

And it worked like magic. Nyanko-sensei slid slowly from the teen's face, moving like a jelly down his chest, landing softly on Izuku's lap, both paws were busy shoving the shrimp in the curled mouth. His leering eyes turned to crescents as the cat started enjoying the taste. Flowers and pink hues started forming in the background.

Izuku sighed in relief once he knew that the cat won't jump on his face again.

He looked up, and scratched the back of his head. The Bakugous were eyeing the cat warily and started looking at the green headed teen with questions.

"Uhh, this is," he placed his hands under the cat's front legs, raising him up, "Nyanko-sensei,"

At the mention of his name, the cat waved its paw at the family, and then continued eating. The family were startled by the action, "Did it jus- Masaru did you see that?! The cat just waved!"

Masaru looked impressed, "Yes, I saw that Mitsuki, but Izuku-kun, I didn't know that you had a cat!"

"Ah, I just met sensei today, he is a stray that I found in a box."

"Sensei?" Mitsuki inquired.

Izuku nodded, "Nyanko-sensei! Apparently, that is what the previous owner called him. Plus, it was written on the box!"

The cat glared at him, 'I told you to drop the stupid nickname!'

A grumpy voice echoed in his head, but he decided to ignore it.

"So, basically you are adopting Nyanko-sensei," Izuku grinned as he heard the name, 'look sensei they like your name!'

'The hell they do!??!?'

'Oh hush, I know that you like it too!'

Further screaming was ensued, but he reminded himself to pay 'em no heed. "Does your mother know about him?"

"Yes, she does, and she sounded so happy when I told her that we would have a new member joining our family," he lied through his teeth.

Both parents looked happy at the genuine joy that appeared on the shorter teen's face, but that was not the case with their son. Katsuki rolled his eyes, and pointed out a finger at the yokai.

Izuku moved his chopsticks, picking up the noodles and feeding them to sensei who inhaled everything that touched his mouth.

"The hell are you picking up that pathetic creature, when you can't even take care of yourself?" Katsuki snorted, losing his appetite.

Izuku chose to shut his mouth, his hands tightened its hold on the cat, "Poor your mother who has to look after your quirkless ass, I won't be surprised if she abandoned you since you are nothing, but a burden."

"KATSUKI!" Mitsuki exclaimed, shocked by how brute her son is being.

Izuku froze in his place, the memory of an empty apartment was flashed in his head. The house this morning left an empty hole in his aching heart. His eyes stung with a familiar prickling sensation, he rose his head, a fake smile plastered on his face.

How true those words were.

"Auntie, Uncle, thank you for inviting to dinner. I think I overstayed my welcome. I'll be heading now," he grabbed his backpack, not waiting to hear what the adults going to say. However, the cat seemed to have a different plan.

Izuku felt his mouth forcibly opening, and gravity pulling him back to his seat, he can't move his body.

"You want to be a hero?" the words rolled off his tongue, Izuku extended his arm towards the pizza that was left untouched. He grabbed the whole thing. The cat inhaled the whole pizza, now chewing messily and gulping down the food in one bite.

Izuku's eyes fell onto the cat, and they widened in realization.

'Sensei, it is you who is speaking? Then, that time too!'

The cat had shit eating grin on its face, 'Nyahaha, I'm using youas a medium to say whatever i want!'

"Why the freakin hell are you asking when you know the answer?! I'll become the number one hero and I'll surpass All Might, leaving him in the dust!" A cocky expression lit his face, moving his arms to the side. Making small explosions popping from his outstretched hands.

Izuku's lips quirked into a smirk, as he stood up, throwing his hideous yellow backpack over his shoulder, "A hero? You make me laugh," his smirk grew when he saw the blonde Pomeranian smirk fell off his face instead of that a harsh snarl shaped his lips, "Didn't know that abusers like you have what it takes to be a hero? Well, with the world being a corrupted place, can't say I'm surprised tho?"

"The hell am I gonna let you look down at me!" Katsuki growled, reading himself to punch the shorter teen.

"Oh, I'm not looking down at you, I'm shorter than you if you didn't notice, but," Izuku grinned, sharp canines shining when all of his teeth were shown, he climbed on the chair, now looming over the other teen, "Now…. I'm looking down at you,"

Before hell breaks loose, he turned to the parents, a huge smile adorning his face, "Thanks for the food," He exclaimed, the cat jumping on his other unoccupied shoulder as he raced out of the restaurant, leaving behind all the screaming and threats.

Izuku finally felt the control being handed to him once he was standing a safe distance from hell hole.

"What in the name of god did just happen?" Izuku blinked, watching his hands.

'Oh, that I took control over your body, but man his expression was priceless,'

Okay, that was funny. The blonde didn't seem to know what to do when he was talked down like that, and it was even in front of his parents.

'So, you can take over my body?'

'Any youkai could do that, but since I'm connected with you, it's a lot easier to do it,'

Izuku rounded the corner, his apartment was now in sight. 'Wait, any yokai could take over my body?'

'Yeah, your body is a vessel to us. It is the same concept as the goo that attacked you today,"

Izuku nodded. Crossing his arms, he placed his fingers under his chin, so yokais can take over his body. That's new. He didn't know that was a possibility, explains more on why they are intent on hunting him down, but that is weird, no yokai before sensei controlled him. He was conscious during the process where sensei i. He didn't feel pain, nor did he felt disconnected. It was more like Izuku was paralyzed.

The teen walked up the creaking stairs, passing the apartments doors, not that there were many of them. There were four apartments on the upper floor, and four down. He was the second door, and he finally relieved a sigh as he entered his humble crib.

"The hell is this?"

Sensei jumped from the greenette's hold, taking in the state of the house.

"Welcome to my humble abode," Izuku grinned, closing the door behind me.

"You are kidding me," Sensei cried out as he jumped into the apartment. "No wonder your mother escaped from this place! 'tis nothing but a shit-hole!"

"No kidding," Izuku said bemusedly before closing the doors. "But, I like it here, so may you enjoy your state,"

The cat groaned in despair, "I didn't sign up for thiiiiiiiiis!"

Snorlaxin Snorlaxin

Thanks y'all for reading~

next chapter
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