40% BNHA: Minutely Hero / Chapter 2: 2

章節 2: 2

Izuku aroused from his slumber when he felt his desk rattling with a bang. His back was strongly shot against the chair. His eyes were fogged with dizziness, "K-Kacchan?!" was his automatic guess, sure enough, a blonde Pomeranian came into his sight.

"The hell are you sleeping in school like a homeless bum, shitty Deku? What? Did your mom finally abandon you, and you no longer have a home to sleep in?!" Katsuki sneered at him. 'Guess it's time for class?' Deku bemusedly thought; he was still groggy from being woken up, so he was quite expressionless and that irked the other teen.

Bakugou kicked the desk making it hit Izuku in the gut. The tired boy doubled, groaning in pain. "Who are you ignoring?! You are only a Deku!" And thankfully, he was saved by the teacher entering the class. The blonde clicked his tongue in annoyance and headed towards his seat, never forgetting to toss the greenette a glare before throwing himself in his seat. Izuku yawned, drowsiness making his body go heavier, his eyes lazily followed the teacher who started talking. He propped his chin on his hand, his eyes glazed as he drifted to pointless daydreaming. He wonders distastefully when did the bullying started being a norm in his life.

At first, he thought he was being delusional. Suddenly, pointing at stuff that weren't actually seen by others. Seeing things that looked like monsters swarming the world, seemed ridiculous. It was even more of a lost case since he was only four. Only a kid, and kids have wild imaginations, but those mythical creatures are not part of his mind. His quirk allowed him to see them, talk and interact with them. Some of them were pretty harmless, but the majority tried to eat him, but did they believe him? No, not even the closet person to his heart.


Yokai, that is what they called themselves. They were always there, but never seen, so he can't really say it's a quirk? He doesn't understand it quite clearly himself. Any normal human could not see the spiritual monsters, but if the timelines were aligned, he is quite sure that his kind would be able to see them. Fear them, be helpless against them as he is with them.

He really wished he'd get rid of this ability, he wished he was quirkless at this point. He would prefer if they looked at him with pity, not as if he lost his mind. An insane, mental kid. He even went through all of the tests to prove his sanity. Got locked up in those creepy institutions. Ran never ending tests with those fake ass, creepy doctors. Finally, he was diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder. He guffawed as he searched the internet for the meaning of this disorder. That is what those self-proclaimed doctors could come with, he was nothing but an attention seeker. They presumed that he was only longing for a quirk. Therefore, he came up with one and started to act crazy with his desperateness. Izuku wondered just why was he given this useless power, he can't really control the monsters or even fight them back.

He always ran, ran and ran, but thankfully Izuku had the luck of a devil. Even if one vicious yokai caught, injured, or cornered him; he'll always find a way to escape them. That is so weird. Maybe that is his quirk, escaping them, but it's not really useful in the human realm.

One thing for sure, they would not try to attack humans only if they were threatened, and that is highly unlikely since he never saw a human interact with the yokais. However, some really nasty monsters would hurt the innocent humans to the point of killing them. Unfortunately, he witnessed a couple of cases, but he was powerless and couldn't save them. He would see their body snapped like a toothpick. Being devoured by those monstrous creatures, the corpses disappearing into their drool dripping mouth, fangs dripping with the victim's blood, and Izuku could only cover his mouth and quiver in fear; praying that he would not be their next meal. Please don't wander in the forest, please don't be eaten by them. Please live.

The only good thing about his quirk is the fairies. He loved them, they always followed him around, healed him. Their singing is so soothing that they'll sometimes fill his empty heart with warmth.


He just loved them a lot. Please don't take them away.


He also loved his tormenter. It must be twisted as hell for him to be fond of someone like that. He may be sick in the mind for liking someone as a bully. They were not friends, but Kaachan is his savior in a weird way. The blonde never ignored him. Sure, he looked down at him, belittled him, beat him till he was a bloody mess. He would seriously like to change that one day, but he always acknowledged his existence. He always head-butted him straight ahead, he was his reminder of the human world. When he is so deep into the yokai realm, Bakugou would be there to pull him back and remind him that he is a human, not a spiritual creature. Not a meal. Indirectly. Izuku is aware that Kacchan doesn't know about this, and the blonde never intended to do it in the first place, but he was seriously thankful. Everybody just treated him as if he was transparent, sure the other bullies would hurt him, but that was only when Kacchan would be there. They were kind of creeped out from him, but Izuku can't really blame them, he knows how look on the outside. Dark purplish circles under his eyes. Eyes are as dull as a dead fish's orbs, skin so pale on the borderline of sickness, body extremely skinny, that if bent it would snap.

Kacchan is weird too, he doesn't really understand why the blonde bothers with him. He is going at it for like ten years of beating, abusing (whether its verbal or physical), but sure he would get bored of it after a year or two, but no he kept doing it as an everyday chore. God forbid, but he seriously thinks that Kacchan might be…attached to him(?).

Was it his dream of being a hero aggravating the Pomeranian to keep coming back at him, he seriously doesn't know. Before he becomes a hero, he should learn how to defend himself, fight back against hid deadly quirk. If only there was a mentor who could teach him.


Bakugou grabbed Izuku by the collar and shoved him hard making the shorter teen wince as his back collided with the wall.

"Shitty Deku,"

"H-hello to you too," Izuku wheezed, wincing when he was kneed in the gut.

"I'll beat you to death till you can't walk. I'll freakin' break your legs, so you can't escape!"

'that… can't do, I need my legs, so I can run from them"


Izuku fell on the ground, he rubbed his sore bum, he hesitantly moved his head up. Bakugou was looking down on him. Eyes raging with hatred, he could feel his spiteful vibe raining shards of hostility succeeding in tearing his heart.


Izuku refused to cry, 'Just what went wrong?'


When they were kids, they were happy. Their days were filled with nothing but laughter. The friendship blossomed in something so beautiful yet fragile. All the hugs, fond stares, boyish grins. Life was so simple before their quirks manifested.

Maybe the reason he is so attached to him is because he misses his friend.

Sometimes he would find himself, deep in the woods, huddled under the trees large roots that grew so large; making all the way above the ground, proceeding in forming a shelter for him.

'Give him back, you took everything from me! Return Kacchan to me, don't take him away too,' hugging his knees, tears falling from his eyes freely, trembling hands covering his mouth to stop his whimpering from attracting the lurking monsters around him.

Izuku raised his arms, protecting his head from the continuous stomping. 'Just what the hell went wrong, Kacchan?'


The yokai boy fixed his gakuren, eyes so dim, yet shining briefly when the singing intensified and small bodies of glowing fairies hugged his limbs and torso. He could feel them working their magic on his fresh wounds, the bruises were fading at a moderate pace as the sun bled its waning hues into the vast sky.

'I need to hurry back before it gets dark,' He started heading back, his limbs softly aching at the movement. He rounded a corner, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw his tormentor ahead of him with his lackeys behind him talking animatedly.

He just healed from those bad injuries, he won't go in for a second beating, so he looked dejectedly at the forest that was on his right side. He doesn't really want to go there, soon it'll be dark and all of the freaks would jump him. He looked at the sky that was tinted with different shades of orange. He mused and gnawed his bottom lip. If he ran, he can make it back home just in time. Izuku hastily ran into the green wonderland. Good thing that he knows the place so well like the back of his hand. He jogged between the bushes, avoiding the territories of the powerful yokais, he doesn't want to fall into the clutches of another asshole, so he observed his surrounding carefully and marched to the safest shortcuts. He started running again as he heard the murmuring of Youkais in the background. He panicked when he heard,

"Do you smell what I smell? I can sense a human lurking here!"

"It's a human child; that's even better!"

"After it!"

"shit," Izuku cursed. From his peripheral, he saw a fairy beckoning him. The teen ran after the her. The poor thing was moving hastily bumping into every leaf. Her eyes going swirly from the dizziness.They were passing the trees at an unbelievable speed, "This way, idiot; we can catch him if you'd run faster!"

Izuku ran faster, but they were hot on his tail, "Oh there he is," Now nothing matters, he no longer chased after the small beacon of hope, the kid was sprinting blindly. He wanted to overrun them, but they were so close, and goddammit, it was not the time for him to stumble over something. God no, he fell on face, hastily sitting up, the two yokais were looking at him with wicked grins. One was one eyed and bald, his slitted eye similar to ones of a cat. The other wore a mask, only revealing its beak, his hair was shaggy; both were wearing yukatas.

Izuku shook to his bones, 'Shit, shit, shit, I need to escape! Think Izuku, think!' He was running out of options, they were so close, he could only shuffle back, hands getting dirty with the soil, clothes ripped from all of the running.

Claws started reaching to him, "Oh don't worry, hito no ko*, we will try to make it as painless as possible!" The one-eyed yokai's jaw dislocated, teeth elongating to canines, saliva dripping of the shiny sharp white fangs. The other beak snapped wide open, large molars were decorating the inside of the beak, the molars looked like the one that an elephant had, but they were more than four, probably more than thousand were in the bill.

The hand that creeped to his face halted, Izuku scrunched his nose, 'Why did they suddenly stop?' he looked at them, eying both yokais that looked...scared? He doesn't get it, but the yokais were crapping their panties from whatever they saw. He didn't care, it was a sign from god to move his timid ass and fight! Izuku took his chance and swung his backpack smacking the one eyed in the face, taking him off guard. The masked one snapped from whatever trance he was in, he turned his head towards the youngster, but Izuku was a step ahead, he invaded the youkai's personal space and grinned. The teen got his hands on the mask and started pulling it, making the strings that rounded the birdie's ear elongate, "You shitty human!" the Yokai bellowed, raising his hand to hit him, but Izuku released the mask hitting him back hardly on the face. The youkai groaned in pain, the masked one felt his brain rattling from the pain.

Both monsters stood up, ready to kill the human that dared to attack them, but suddenly they stopped from marching off to their meal. Izuku raised his hands, balling them into fists, "OH HELL NO, I won't die at the hands of weak yokais!"

That should have enraged the mythical creatures, but they staggered back and shared a look of terror. They retreated hastily to the other side of the forest, disappearing between the bushes.


An eyebrow rose, Izuku was flabbergasted, "Wow, did I manage to scare them off?"

The green bean's jaw fell slack, mouth wide open, and then he started to do his victory dance. Shaking his hips and moving his arms into waves. "I managed to fight back a Yokai, not only one but TWO!" After 14 years of struggling, he finally did it. Even though they were weak, but still he's taking a step. Baby steps, he reminded himself. Izuku paused, feeling eyes on him. Shit, he lost track of time. The sky is darkening. It was purplish blue with a hint of orange that was quickly fading. He could still feel the stare burning his skull; hesitantly turning his head, opening his eyes slowly (when did he even close them?). Izuku's eyes flung open, orbs widening so fast.

Behind him, there was a pig, no, a piglet who had a betrayed look on its face. Izuku paused taking wobbly steps towards the wide-eyed animal.

"And there goes my dramatic first appearance,"

Izuku jumped a foot or two in the air, "THE PIG TALKED!"


Izuku frowned and crouched down to the pig(?)'s level, "So…Since I can hear you, you must be a yokai…?" he asked as he took in the appearance of the small animal. It was…fat, and the fur was all white except for its back and head. There was a circle covering the back of the animal, it extended to the beginning of the chubby thingie's forehead. The colors were separated neatly, in a perfect half on each side of the circle. On one half there was orange, and the other side it was grey coloring. It had small red markings under its eyes and also above it at the corner. Oh, the eyes…were just creepy, it looked like an upside-down crescent. It's the eyes of leering perverts, he shuddered at the thought. Lastly, it had a cotton like tail, it seems fluffy. Izuku's fingers twitched. He wanted to touch it.

"AHA, yup, I'm the strongest youkai in the world! Kneel before me you trashy human!" The little pig pointed its chubby…paws(?) at itself, looking all smug.

"Hmmm, yeah sure, I didn't know that pigs came in these colors," Izuku said as he sat cross legged in front of the talking pig.

"I'm not A PIG, I AM MADARA, ONE OF THE OLDEST YET STRONGEST YOKAI. YOU MIGHT KNOW ME MORE AS THE ONE TAILED FOX, the legend who had the world underneath his feet!"

Izuku froze in his place, "As in one tailed kitsune, the feared monster that had every yokai fear his presence?"

"Yeah, that's me!"

"But you are a pig, it's nice to dream big lil guy, but you gotta smell the coffee!!"

He could feel the petite yokai bubbling with anger, "You better be thankful you foolish kid that I'm not eating you right now!"

Izuku wanted to humour the piglet, so a playful smile stretched his lips for the first time in many tiresome years, "Yeah? And why is that?"

"Since you broke off the seal."

The teen frowned, 'what seal?', he looked around him there was a small alter that was deformed and had moss growing on it.

The creature sighed and rested its gigantic head on its chubby paws, 'Come to think of it? He doesn't really resemble a pig, he more or less looks like a-"

"You see that rope over there," he pointed at, it was a worn out rope, snapped into half, he didn't notice it, "You stumbled over it and it finally snapppped," glee escaped the serious squeaky tone the yokai was speaking with, "I didn't mean to do that, but good for you, I guess." Izuku smiled weakly, "for how many years were you locked up?"

"more than a thousand years."

Izuku's eyes misted with sadness, "You must have been really lonely,"

The piggy rolled its eyes, but a soft smile stretched on its mouth, "Nah, not really, humans nor my kind ever liked me. I was always feared, so there was no one to actually miss me, moss head."

"M-Moss? Hey piggy, that's mean of you, but anyways; feared you? You are smaller than me and don't seem that dangerous,"

"Kid, this is not my real form."

Realization dawned on his face, he has seen yokais who actually take different forms, and those kind of yokais were bad news, so the weaklings who he had been chasing him were not scared from him, but were scared of piggy right here!

"Call me a pig one more time and you'll be my dinner for tonight!"

Opps, he was muttering again out aloud, "AND I DON'T LOOK LIKE A PIG, DONTCHA THINK I LOOK LIKE A CAT?"

Izuku snorted before cackling out loud, "You were a cat????!!! That explains the paws, but seriously you are too ugly to be called a cat!!!???" The cat hissed in anger and pounced on him, making him fall on his back, but he was too busy laughing to register the cat that was biting, pulling his cheek. Izuku felt relaxed, the stress that was eating him alive was slowly disappearing, the cat radiated with warmth. Izuku shook his head, snapping himself from the happiness he just felt. Izuku, you don't deserve to be happy. It is like what she said; people like me should always be ignored and saddened.

"Okay, its nice to meet you…uh Mr.cat, but I need to go and thank you for scaring those yokais away,"

"Yeah, it's better for you to leave before the sun goes down and call me sensei!" A smug look descended upon the chubby one's face.

Izuku stood up, and swatted the dirt of his trousers and jacket, throwing a grin at the self proclaimed sensei, "Sure, so I'll see you when I see you….Nyanko-sensei!"


The incredulous look on the cat's face was priceless.


The sky darkened by the time popped out of the forest. The apartment was in front of him right now, he ran up the stairs, slowing down when he saw his apartment. Izuku stood in front of the door, hands hovering over the knob. Squeezing his eyes shut, he sighed one last time before finally opening the door and entering his humble abode.

Snorlaxin Snorlaxin

*hito no ko: human child (I might use the phrase more, so heads up)

Soooo, hope you liked it? Please Do tell me what you think about it. Criticism is welcomed. I'll try to update the story more, oh and I might include characters from other fandoms in this story; it'll be fun.

That was Nyanko-sensei from Natsume yuujinchou (It is an awesome anime) Took the idea from the it, but there are huge changes from the original timeline of the anime. This fic is kind a multi fandom story, so I hope u don't mind that.

next chapter
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