Inside the spacious and air-conditioned Blessed Academy school bus, students of diverse backgrounds found their seats as they prepared for their first-year examination mission. The atmosphere crackled with a mix of nervousness and excitement, each student aware that their performance on this mission could determine their fate at the prestigious academy.
Adrian, a twenty-year-old student, sat alone near the window, his head gently resting against the glass. As the bus rolled along, he gazed out at the passing scenery—lush green fields and towering trees—a stark contrast to the intensity of his thoughts.
Wendy, a fellow first-year student, noticed Adrian's contemplative state and contemplated approaching him. However, her friend Amy intervened, holding her back with a concerned expression on her face.
"Wendy, I don't think it's a good idea to talk to Adrian right now," Amy cautioned, her voice tinged with worry.
Intrigued, Wendy questioned, "Why? What's going on with Adrian?"
Amy sighed, releasing Wendy's arm, and began explaining the situation. "You see, Adrian's been struggling with his grades throughout the past term. If he doesn't pass these first-year exams, he could face expulsion from the academy."
Surprised, Wendy's curiosity deepened. "Why is he in such a precarious position?"
Amy nodded, understanding Wendy's intrigue. "Adrian's blessing, unfortunately, doesn't offer much practicality when it comes to combat or mission performance. It's more of an aesthetic enhancement, giving him an alluring appearance."
Wendy's initial interest waned as she absorbed this information. Having been raised with an emphasis on strength and protection, she realized the implications for Adrian's future at Blessed Academy.
As conversations buzzed throughout the bus, the students engaged in animated discussions about their upcoming mission. Some exchanged strategies, while others eagerly anticipated showcasing their newfound abilities. Amidst the excitement, Adrian seemed detached, his focus fixed on the darkened screen before him.
The screen illuminated with a message, as if carrying the weight of Adrian's hopes and fears. It was a pivotal moment—one that could determine his destiny within the academy.
"Congratulations, Descendant of the Dracul lineage. You have successfully endured the testing period and proven yourself worthy to inherit the ancestral power—the 'Dracul's Descendant System.' Do you accept the absorption of this profound legacy?"
Reading those words, a surge of determination coursed through Adrian's veins. This was his chance to prove himself, to rise above his academic struggles and demonstrate his true potential. With unwavering resolve, he whispered his response...