/ Anime & Comics / Black Clover: Ozul
In a world where magic determines one’s destiny, Ozul, a young outcast with the ability to control cursed black flames imbued with red lightning, struggles to find his place after being shunned by his village. Rescued by Yami Sukehiro, captain of the Black Bulls, Ozul joins the infamous squad and discovers his true potential with a rare four-leaf clover grimoire. As he learns to harness his powers and control formidable flame constructs, Ozul forms bonds with his new comrades, including the spirited Asta, and faces formidable challenges that test his strength, loyalty and resolve. Amidst battles and betrayals, Ozul’s journey to acceptance and greatness unfolds, marking the rise of a mage destined to leave a blazing legacy in the Clover Kingdom.
寫檢討作者 stxrm23
mc is not a villain ................................................................................................................................................................