"Our lives would be on hold too if you hadn't saved us. Rest, Prince. You have improved again without fully absorbing the gains given by your past breakthrough. Leave the Utra nation to us for now." Dreaming Demon said, and both elders revealed stern expressions at her words.
Noah felt another wave of tiredness filling his body and decided to perform a slight bow before leaving to reach one of his caves.
The battle against Thomas had injured him, but most of those wounds could have been avoided if he used all his abilities.
Yet, he had to remain unknown, or at least avoid leaving irrefutable clues on the scene. The hood would protect him from eventual recording devices, but he still had to avoid using his signature moves.
His body had paid the price to defeat an incomplete rank 5 cultivator while using only new abilities, but that amount of damage was something that he could endure.
Noah spent the following months in a partial hibernation.
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