4% Between Light and Darkness: The Void / Chapter 2: Dark Demon Regal: The Awakening of Darkness

章節 2: Dark Demon Regal: The Awakening of Darkness

"....a ..ke.....p"

...What is this sound, It's disturbing...


Did someone call my name?...

"Wake up Dark Demon Regal."

I heard the voice again and this time it was clear...I woke up slowly and found myself in the unfamiliar place..

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Finally You have Awaken Dark Demon Regal, the ruthless entity!!"

The man standing in front of me was wearing a mask along with the hoody jacket, completely in black colour. He said I m dark demon? And a ruthless entity? I wondered if it was some kind of misunderstanding and asked the man standing in front of me.

"Where am I and who are you?" I asked again while adding the additional question.

"You are in the hideout of Anti-Libra Dark Demon Regal and I m the leader of Anti-Libra. Welcome back, you are now ready to perform the actions you failed to do a long time ago."

I understood who he was, he is the guy who is the leader of Anti-Libra, in other words he is against Libra..I understand this much despite not knowing what is this group or what is Libra.....But one thing brothered me because of his last sentence. Actions? Dark Demon Regal? Ruthless entity?..I don't understand this nonsense but It seemed I forgot about my past....maybe this guy has somehow tried to wake me up knowing that I could be evil entity.... Don't tell me this group has evil plans!! I want to know more about my past and i have to ask this person but I wonder what will happen if he knew that I forgot my past, will he kill me? Try to do inhumane experiments? Still despite knowing the potential risks I asked the question indirectly.

"Unfortunately I don't remember my past anymore."


There was the unsettling environment where people were panicking and whispering around me.

"He...he doesn't remember his past no way!"

"What is happening here!"

"Don't tell me this is true!"

"Silence everyone, It is indeed unexpected turn of events but it can't be helped now. We have to adjust our plans." said the leader.

His voice silenced the entire hall that was filled with so many sounds a second ago. He turned towards me and asked.

"Do you really don't remember who you are?"

"No I don't know but I wanted to ask you who I was..."


He was thinking something else, I don't know what's on his mind right now but I want to get out of this area as soon as possible after knowing what I really did in past. I was waiting for his response and then he replied.

"Alright, I will explain you what you were before."

He started telling me that I m the Dark Demon Regal who spread the fear, anxiety and other negative emotions to the world. I was the most dangerous being in the world in past and people eventually gave me the simple title of Dark Demon, because I was the most cruel person. Then naturally with the dark aura around me, I eventually became a real demon. There were many brave warriors who fought me in the past but none of them came out alive. The despair spread to the entire world....but suddenly someone with inhumane power showed up and the people gave him the title of "The Grand Summoner". Usually summoners can summon real entities or just the shadows of the real ones with limitations because of limited magic powers, However The Grand Summoner was able to summon without any limitations because he had limitless magic energy for some unknown reasons but that was not all, he was able to summon the higher level entities because of his unlimited magic energy he had. Summoners can summon the entities according to their magic capacity but this Grand Summoner summoned deties to defeat me. It seemed like I fought really hard to defeat the Grand Summoner but in the end I was defeated because the summoner just summoned gods after gods and it became useless for me to kill them because he kept summoning and when I managed to kill the gods, then Grand Summoner summoned the shadows of gods and shadows can be summoned unlimited times as long as you have magic energy. It seemed like he was able to go beyond the nature of this universe and because of this I was defeated and was sealed away.

"So that's the story of how you were defeated a long time ago..." said the leader of Anti-Libra.

Apparently this was the ending but there was something that didn't fit into my mind. So I asked the question.

"Why was I sealed and why he didn't killed me?" I asked.

"Well that's the question many people ask but there is no clear answer to that, there are only rumours some say the Dark Demon Regal was Immortal and so on."

If that was the case then it makes sense. Though it seems like I m in my human form or maybe I was originally the human before dark aura converted me into demon. Well I got my answers but it seems like I did some horrible things in past....Was I really like that in the past? I don't know the answers and I don't know who was I before but I don't want to do those horrible things again and even if I regain my memory I swear I won't hurt anyone....but what if I forget about this memory and gain my old memories? Will i really start destroying everything!? Well thinking about it won't help me right now, maybe I should get some help but I don't think it will be that easy because people may show their hostile nature towards me because of my past....

"Sir, what should we do now, he doesn't seem to remember anything." said a member of Anti-Libra.


"Um...excuse me but.." I said while a little confused.

"You seem to lost your memories. It can't be helped. You are free to move around this base but don't get outside of this base or else I will kill you."

"Eh!? Ehhhh!? No I would not do that!"

That was scary! He seriously thought about killing me. I think I was right...they are...they are the real disaster...

".....Hey you! take Regal and show him his room he will be staying with us while we think of what we can do." said the leader.

"Y-yes sir!" said the member

"Um thank you?"

"Come with me and I will show you your room."


The member was showing me around the base so that I won't get lost in any case and then we arrived near the entrance gate where two members were standing...

Wait! What? This guy should be taking me to my house then why we are at the entrance of this base or is this really not the entrance?

"We reached to the entrance now I will try to knock out the members without getting their attention so hide here." said the member of Anti-Libra.

What did I just hear! So this is the entrance afterall! Why the hell is this happening to me! Is this guy for real or don't tell me.....it's the spy!? Assassin!? So that means this member was roaming around the base for opportunity to escape!!

"Hey what are y-"

The guards were knocked out.

"Lets go they might have noticed our movements."

"W-w-wait who are you and what are you doing, I don't understand."

"I will explain later."


We came outside the base and we were in the forest. We were running at full speed, though I don't know this guy but I guess I m a little glad that this guy is helping to escape from those tyrant monsters. That leader was sure scary.

"Where the hell are you going brats." said one of the member of Anti-Libra.

What the hell we are surrounded by the whole bunch of people! We are doomed! Damn it that scary-looking guy will kill me!!

"A traitor huh? So can you reveal your identity brat?" said the member.

This person who is talking seems to be the one of the captain or something who is leading this group.

"Hm well I hate this weird outfit you guys wear, I guess I should reveal myself now."

And they took off their Anti-Libra outfit and it was revealed that the person was a girl with the blonde hair, azure blue eyes, holding a sword, her dress was also blue. Well I already noticed, her voice was like a girl but now it's confirmed she was a girl after all.

"ha...hahahhahahah....man really, a girl? What can you really do against us. And you have some guts to show up and try to mess with our plans." said the captain.

"..."she said nothing in return but glaring at him.

"Huh? What are you staring at you brat, hey show her what will happen if you mess with us, get her!" he said.

This is bad. What should I do, she can't fight alone with so many members.

"Heh it seems like I may get a praise if I just defeat you lady! Now come now an-"

She slashed him and knocked him out in one move. What is she!

"What!?" said the shocked captain.


"Don't think just because I m girl I will not be able to stand up against you, I'm Voila, the guild member of B rank."

"Above average huh?" said captain.

Apparently It seemed like she was one of the guild member and she is B ranked. It means she can fight on her own and she is above average. But still that guy who is leading these bunch of people seems unfazed. Are you saying that captain is confident that he could beat her and this doesn't seem good enough, no matter what if the other side outnumbers you then it will be hard to fight back.

"Heh, are you that scared? You are all against a girl, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Bitch!! How dare you insult Captain Zephyros, you piece of-"

"Stop, let me handle her and see what she has got." said Zephyros.

"I like your guts lady but sorry to say this, you will be a dead meat for my pets in a second!" he continued.

"Stay there and wait and don't run or else you will get in trouble yourself" she said.

"I won't as long as I can escape..." I muttered but she heard me.

In the blink of an eye, the battle began! Zephyros started fighting by making the first move. He manipulated the shadows around him and hide himself and tried to attack Voila from the blind spot or tried to give surprise attacks. Voila was dodging all of the attacks but Zephyros managed to slash Voila few times. The slashes were not deadly thanks to Voila's reflexes but then she suddenly made her move and manipulated the dark element that was emitting from Zephyros when he used his dark skill to hide into shadows and then she controlled the shadows around the Zephyros and made Zephyros suffocate. Zephyros forcefully cancelled his skill and saved himself but in that split second Voila immediately dashed towards Zephyros and slashed him so many times and knocked him back, apparently Zephyros got two deadly slashes and he was bleeding heavily.

"Ha...haha...who would have thought you could manipulate the elements and make it advantageous for you, not...only that...but you also healed yourself and increased your strength...I believe that magic is not really a healing magic but rather it is the ability to use the opponents magic or other magic traces surrounding the area to heal and increase attack power...well if that is the case then."


"huff....huff...huff so.....huff.....you have...the ability to ...drain magic...huh?... interesting.." said exhausted Voila.

"I don't have any healing ability or alternative ability like you to heal myself but atleast it could be much worse situation for you if you can't use your magic right? In that case....it's game over...." he said while smirking.

No! That's no good! This way it will be the end for her.. what should I do...oh yeah I was the Dark Demon Regal before right? Then maybe I can help her! But I realised that I was not strong enough..my powers must have been Vanished when I was sealed away, no I will not give up even If I don't have the strength that I had before, I will protect her. I don't want to repeat hurting anyone anymore and see them in pain! My original powers must have vanished but atleast 10% of your magical strength will never vanish according to the nature's law unless the special case occurs. I tried to dash but before I rushed, I saw something unpredictable!

"Gah!.... Don't....tell...me...you...hav..e...the.....same...skill....as me!?" said Zephyros.

I was shocked to watch this moment I thought Voila was in trouble but she was hiding her ace card up her sleve and when the opponent reached her thinking they won then suddenly she slashed him with her sword.


"Go take him to hospital or somewhere, he can be saved and if you are late say goodbye to your captain." she said.

"....Hey forget about her let's treat the captain and take him to infirmary quickly!!"

"But leader will not be happy if we let them go away!?"

"But we can't beat that woman and others are also coming this way but we can't hold for long time so retreating is the only option and if you are so afraid then I will take responsibility let's just go!"


They retreated back to their base, but where is there base!

"Heh....seems like their leader moved the base. So that means their base can be moved." she said.

She looked at me and then grabbed my hand and started running.

"Run fast! We need to go and find the safe place, no one knows when they will show up again."

After a few minutes we arrived at a city. This city was unknown to me.

"This is Rednaught city and this place is lively isn't it?"


"Lets go to the guild and rest for a while. I believe you are tired because of all running we did a few minutes ago." she said.

"Now you mention it I feel very tired now..."

We arrived at guild and there seems to be many guild members. I saw the receptionist and we were headed that direction.

"Hi! Voila I m glad you are safe!" said receptionist."

"Well it was too dangerous and I felt the dangerous power from the Anti-Libra Leader. But I managed to get the information."

"We still appreciate your efforts but don't do risky things like that I was worried you know! please don't take on such dangerous missions because S rank members can also do this." said receptionist.

"I get what you are saying but as long as I have the ability to communicate with spirits I can find my way and they showed me guidance and also I can create illusion like duplicating myself or hide behind the illusions and make enemy confuse.. you don't need to worry I was personally interested in this and besides I knew you will just send S rank members even if I said not to send them." she looked in the direction towards the S ranked members.

What! So some S ranked members were also there!?

"Ah don't be like that Curie was just worried about you Voila so she sent us after you but it seemed we were not needed afterall you fought well against those bastards huh." said one of the S rank member."

"I know what you want to say Alex and I appreciate her help but it's still not good! I'm not kid! I'm 19!" Said Voila.

"So who is this guy besides you?" asked Curie.

Oh shit! If they know I m Regal I will get in trouble but I can't do anything. I can't believe I forgot that I was the Ancient Demon! No I should have escaped, Voila knows about me since she was eavesdropping!

"Well can we talk in private?" asked Voila.

The receptionist looked a little surprised but she understood and let us use the private meeting room for a while. Should I escape? No I don't think I can escape now...what a blunder on my part..

"I see so that's the case." said Curie.

Apparently Voila explained the situation about how I was revived to fulfill the requirements of Anti-Libra, she explained that I lost my memories along with my powers.

"So what do you think we should do with him." said Curie.

"Thats not my job you are one of the co leader of guild so it's your job to decide." said Voila.

If Curie decides to execute me, I m done for or maybe I can not be killed since I was not killed but sealed away right? That scary leader also said something about it...but I don't think that would be a bad idea if I were to be executed or maybe they will re-seal me if they find a way to do so. There are so many things running in my mind.

"This guy don't look like the cruel Ancient Demon who tried to destroy everything. Hm...for now let's keep this a secret and give him a new name so he won't get suspicious looks, what do you say? Voila?"

"If that's your decision I won't deny it but is it okay to let him go around on his own?" asked Voila.

"I will leave him in your hands Voila since you are the one who knows this guy so don't let him go and keep him in front of your eyes." said Curie while giving the playful look.

"Eh? W-why me!"

"Oh come on its just for a while. We will look for what we can do but for now please accept my request Voila. Please, please."

"sigh... Alright It can't be helped."

"Thanks! I appreciate it! And I have made arrangements in inn so you can rest for tonight, it's a reward and also take the guild tokens!." said Curie.

Now the sun was no longer in this night time. We were going to inn.

"So Regal do you really don't know anything about your past?" she asked.

"No, I don't know what happened but it seems like....I did some terrible things before....I don't know what happened to my memories but I just hope it never come back, i don't want to hurt anyone. It's just too ridiculous." I said

"...." she said nothing.

Well it's obvious she will be afraid or maybe wants to kill or seal me away because of my past actions. But I will happily accept those things if it means people can be saved...

"So what's your favourite dish, It will be my treat today! So you can choose your favourite food and if you don't even remember it then try tasting the food and choose it, I believe you are tired so let's get some rest." she said while she was smiling.


"I know what you are thinking but that was the Ancient Demon not you right? Besides it seems you genuinely never wanted to do those things right? In that case you are not Ancient Demon that people fear but you are you right now and I believe in you." she said


I thought she might dislike me because I m one of the dangerous demon who slaughtered many people in the past but that doesn't seem to be the case or is it that she is just lying and hiding her true hate? No her eyes and her behaviour doesn't seem to be lying. I guess there are many good people in this world huh? I really don't want to hurt these people when I go berserk because of my old memories that could kill my new memories. I don't know whether I can keep both memories or not but I don't think I can keep both and even if I did i don't think can handle it so..

"By the way, let me say thanks for before." she said thanked me.

"Eh? But I didn't do anything besides I was saved by you."

She shook her head and said.

"No when I looked like I may loose you tried to help me despite knowing that you are a weakling."

"Thats mean! Voila!.....eh? No I didn't meant to say your name like that miss-"

"Haha...you are kind but you can call me Voila and I never meant to be mean. I was just teasing hehe. Besides...I don't know about who are you but I m glad you tried to save me back then." she smiled while saying that.

Apparently it looks like she doesn't hate me for who I was before rather....

"Lets be friend Regal!" she said while offering me a hand.

I shook her hands and accepted her as a friend.. she thinks me as a friend not as the Ancient Demon or any other evil entity but rather a friend. I was happy I met her, my first friend. And also last one...

"Ah we arrived at the inn let's go inside."

I listened and followed her inside and we enjoyed chatting about common stuff while we were eating and she explained me about this new era and I learned a alot about this new generation. I guess there are many people like her with kind heart. I would make sure not to hurt anyone. I will find a solution for this before my memories come back and change my personality. I m not the Ancient Demon right now but as a normal person. I know people will be scared of me so Voila gave me the new name and that was "Ryuji". I will not live as Regal but Ryuji, this also defines my personality. I was grateful for this name.

"Alright, good night Ryuji!"

"Yeah, Goodnight."

I was on the bed and bed felt soft. I had so much fun with Voila when I was chatting with her. Her kindness shows that good people exist.....

But no matter what there is a chance I might go berserk and kill all those people. I would never let that happen no matter what. I will not hurt Voila and others. And that's why.....

I went outside while holding Voila's sword..

"Yeah that might be better....I have already found the solution for this....I m grateful I got a name and was glad I found that people like Voila exists and i enjoyed chatting with Voila and that's why I will..."

Heh I guess I m not immortal after all that's good, the sword was stuck in my heart and I was bleeding badly... I can die and destroy the plans of Anti-Libra to use me and the memory that could take over will never be reborn....This is the only solution that works better. This time I will not be the Ancient Demon...this time I m Ryuji who will protect everyone.....Tch....it hurts...I'm .... losing.... consciousness....

"Are you mad!? Why are you doing this. I thought we are friends!!" said Voila

"H-How...did...found.....me...I.... thought...used magic....spell....to....make..you sleep?" I said

"Don't talk idiot!!" she was ordering me to not talk, is she crying?

Suddenly I felt some warmth... apparently she used high level magic energy from her and healed my heart and body while taking her sword.....!!! What incredible healing strength.... no it was the surrounding energy.....and I guess how she knew I was here...she has the ability to communicate with spirits that guide her...as expected of her incredible powers. I guess that's why Zephyros lost against her.

She healed me completely and I stand up

"Why did you do that!"

She slapped me as hard as possible. She was extremely angry while being worried.

"....huff...huff... Don't leave me alone Ryuji. You were supposed to be my friend and are you worried you will be in trouble because of guilds unexpected decisions don't worry about it I will talk with Curie....! And didn't we agreed we would find a solution to not let your old memories take over you! then why!!?" she started crying.

"But No matter what, this is the only valid and easiest way to-"

"Don't!!" she said and hugged me.

"Don't do this stupid things. I will protect you... don't act like you are the best tactician!... promise me you won't do this again!"

I thought she would agreed but I guess that's what a kind person would try to do maybe...I detached myself and said.

"Then what we will do. I don't think that will be good for both of us you will get in trouble." I said

I was not saying this without giving any thoughts....Aside from Grand Summoner, I was still dangerous who also defeated many gods that were summoned....

"I don't care about it...I don't want you to disappear like that when you have a new chance to enjoy. Don't worry.....I will find a way so that you live peacefully besides i will be sad and feel guilty that you died because of me, I don't want you to go away like this.... please let me help you, please don't die while thinking you will hurt someone..." she said and was exhausted.

She was exhausted maybe because she just used extremely high level of magic strength to heal me... I don't think I can convince her.

"I know you also don't want to die right? So let's find a solution together." she smiled a little.

I.... Personaly don't want to die.

"I believe you honestly don't want to die, right? She asked again.

Before I knew it I was also crying like a child...

"I... Don't want to die.....I want to live!! Get some friends and enjoy with them!!..."I said with my honest feelings...

"Right! Let's sleep for now and think what we can do...or do you want me to sleep with you?Hehe" she teased me jokingly.

We laughed and went inside inn and chat a little bit more before going to bed. I guess I will have to find another way to live. This is not the end but beginning...I smiled gently..I was glad...

To be continued...

next chapter
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