66.66% Berserker of the sea / Chapter 2: Camp half-blood

章節 2: Camp half-blood

Artemis stared at the swordsman sitting in front of her as they waited for the other demigods. Last time she saw him he was savagely stabbing a laystrogonian giant with a broken blade. He wasn't equipped with a prostetic at the time. By the looks of it, it could do quite a lot beyond acting as a replacement. "What brought you here?" She asked expecting him to simply blow her off, or to give her his whole life story or just to remain silent.

It was one of the many ways he was unpredictable. One moment he's a cold calculated warrior and the next he's a cackling maniac eviserating someone with an honest smile on his face.

He intrigued her, mostly because all she knew about him came from the stories shared around and the few encounters. The giant massacre was only the third one until now. This was the fourth and now he was aparently working for someone, but whom? He never hesitated to curse a deity into next century, but no consequences ever came. She couldn't blame a minor deity for being afraid of this boy. His ferocity made Ares was his children's look like upset kittens.

"I'm here because I owe they're father a favor and nothing else. Honestly they're lucky I showed up. Otherwise the only thing you and you're hunters would have found are the corpses of a few kids and maybe the remains of that chopper crew I killed."

"So that's what you meant by don't worry about it." He shrugged "I always cut every loose ends."

"So i've heard, but i'm curious who is you of all people could owe a favor too?"

"Now that I can't tell, as for why it's personal."

"What can you tell me about yourself?"

"Why do you wanna know, you're not flirting with me are you?" The goddess chuckled "even if I wasn't an eternal virgin I wouldn't go for a man who violently slaughters his ennemies and act like nothing happened."

"I don't act like nothing happened!" Protested the swordsman. "I messed with they're mind before killing them and it wasn't a clean death either. That's not my style, anyway where did you send these kids the other side of the forest?"

Just as he finished complaining Zoe accompanied by Bianca and Thalia entered the tent. In the next few minutes much happened. A beast was loose and Bianca became a huntress, but the swordsman was only interested by the mention of a new prey. He even went as far as to ask Artemis if he could tag along. Much to Zoe's outrage.

"Can I ask something of you?" She asked the boy as the others dispersed back to the campfire. "Depends what I can get out of it." He replied, "I was wondering if you could go to camp Half-blood. I sense something big looming over us and they'll need all the help they can get."

"Hmm hang out with a bunch of sheeps singing around campfires waiting for they're death. Yeah you're gonna need to have something big to give me in return."

"How dare you boy! Thundered one of the huntress. Serving Lady Artemis is the only reward you need!" The swordsman shook a metal finger in a face. "Zip it! The grown ups are talking."

Artemis raised her hand before her huntress could rant more. "Name you're price, but please do try to be reasonable." The swordsman's expression suddenly turned serious. "I'm hunting some people myself. You probably haven't heard of them. They call themselves the hand of god or the Aposlte, but don't let these title decieve you. They're no choir boys."

"Then what are they?" Artemis asked wondering what could possibly make the mad man in front of her mellow down. "They're grotesque, but extremly powerful demons who all have one point in common. They all used to be human."

"That's impossible" denied the goddess of the hunt. "In normal circumstances yes that'd be true, but when you sacrifice what you're heart holds dearest to an interdimensional demon god. Then everything becomes possible. I would know, i'm one of the many people they were meant to feast upon, body and soul. A sacrifices to fuel they're immense powers, but luckily or regretfully, depending on how you see it. I was saved from they're pocket dimension, by someone I assume even death doesn't want to reap."

"Now apart from the titans they're the biggest threat to humanity. They prey on the weakness and avidiy of mankind as a whole. With every soul every heart and drop of blood they become more powerful. If I don't kill them then they might become the number 1 threat. I'm not asking you to face them, not because you couldn't win, but because they're, all mine and mine alone to kill in the most painful ways possible. I just want help finding them, bitches went into hiding after the member I impaled on a spike ass first. There's eleven more to go counting they're leader he dies slowly." He vowed darkly.

Artemis blinked not expecting his vocabulary to extend that far beyond profanities. "This is doable, once I have hunted the beast i'll focus on these Apostle. You have my word."

"Yeah, make it matter." He replied knowing full well that gods enjoyed screwing over mortals. And not in the fun way. "He's nearly there" stated Artemis as the sun started to rise.

"You might want to cover you're eyes when he starts parking."

The swordsman raised an eyebrow at the demand, but did as the Goddess asked. He opened his eyes to a red sports car. A blonde teenager barely older than the one's present stepped out of the vehicule. "Hey little sis." He greeted the goddess. "Hello brother she sighed "how many times are we going to do this? I helped mother give birth to you for crying out loud!"

"Hey you're the one staying in the form of a twelve year old." Shot back the god of the sun. Before his sister could rebute he raised his hand "oh, wait I can feel a haïku coming." The entire group of huntress groaned in pure agony. "Ever since lord Apollo's trip to japan he's been making... Let's say less than original haïku's." A huntress informed the group as Apollo spouted an honestly terrible poem.

"Ok that was shit can we go now? I want to spend the least ammount of time possible in that camp." Bluntly stated the swordsman. Apollo lowered his glasses to take a better look at the offender. His eyes widdened "my me, I never thought I'd see that face again."

"We've never met." Coldly replied the swordsman. "No, but you're father enjoys bragging about you whenever you kill a monster. Can't say I blame him, you're hardcore even for Ares. Anyway I don't mind critisism so I won't burn you alive."

"Good luck with that." He scoffed, not caring that he had just disrespected a god. Apollo turned the sports car into a bus. "You may want to change tones, Perseus Jackson." He whispered as the swordsman squeezed in minding his sword. He froze and sent Apollo a single warning look before walking inside the bus. He took an entire seat to himself because of his sword.

Reed who had recovered from the nasty hit he took. Glared at Perseus and his sword. Betting to himself that it was just some trick from a weakling. He just needed to get his hands on it.

Apollo thoughtlessly asked who wanted to drive the sun chariot. Nico volunteered, but he was much too young. Grover tried to do the same, but he was too hairy. So the surprisingly nervous Thalia was chosen to do it. "So where is this camp anyway?" Perseus asked a huntress.

"Rhode Island" she curtly answered. His eyes widdened, much to the surprise of everyone that noticed.

"Shit" he muttered right before the perious travel began. As it turns out being the daughter of Zeus did not put Thalia at ease in the slightest. After nearly torching several places the bus ended up taking a dip in the lake of Camp Half-blood.

"Sorry!" Thalia called back at passenger. "Well that happened" huffed Apollo. "Ok kids let's go make sure we didn't boil alive anybody important- wait where's Perseus?"

"I don't know who that is, but the swordsman fell out with his sword shortly before we crashed." A huntress said gesturing to the open back door. "Crap" was the only thing Apollo said before driving the bus back on shore.

It wasn't everyday that the sun chariot crashed in they're camp. So the year round campers ran out of they're cabins to check it out. They arrived just in time for Apollo to wave at them and take off.

Next they saw a tall armored teen with a massive sword step out of the water. Like he hadn't just fell hundreds of feets.

"You drive like a fucking donkey" he casually told the daughter of Zeus as he walked past her. "Let's go to the big house." She said throught gritted teeth. The half-bloods gazed at the newcomer from a distance. Even Clarisse who was hesitating to do her usual welcome tradition. Usually those we're for newbies, but this looked like the furthest thing from a newbie. So she kept her distance, although she did scoff at the sight of the sword.

The demigods and hunters found Chiron and Mr. D locked in a fierce game of pinochle. Well fierce for the bratty god that is.

"Ah, it's good to see you again Thalia. And" he froze at the sight of Perseus. His gaze bounced from Mr. D to the unclaimed demigod several time. The door being behind the god of wine he hasn't seen who came in yet. Chiron shook her head frantically making Perseus smile so much his eye became smaller. He thankfully remained silent, for now.

After a quick report from Thalia Chiron asked the milliom dollar question. "Where is Annabeth?" Just by Thalia's grimm look the centaur seemed to age several years. "Oh, no." He whispered mournfully. "Well one less brat to worry about" Grumbled Dionysus as he shuffled his cards. Desperatly trying to reign in her anger. "We need to issue a quest right now to find her."

"Oh, and who would be leading this quest to find Annabelle?"

"It's Annabeth" Thalia said throught gritted teeth only earning a dismissive wave from the god. "And i'll lead this quest, obviously."


"Excuse me" Thalia said her fingers sparkling with electricity. "She's just one Half-blood, nothing worth making a hassle for."

"You'd like to do that with everyone wouldn't you?"

Dionysus glanced at her raising an eyebrow. "Ignore us and let us all die! You'd like that wouldn't you!"

"Thalia." Chiron began warningly. "NO!" she snapped "the only thing that fat bastard does is complain and make everyone's lives impossible. You act like you have no responsabilities, you act like none of this concerns you! Well newsflah you useless fatso! It's you're world too, so why don't you actually do something to help for once!"

After a long shocked silence Dionysus rose from his chair, his eyes glowing maliciously. "You think because you're my father's daughter that you can get away with disrespecting me!" He thundered the entire room shaking. Before Chiron could defuse the situation Perseus's voice calmly rang over Mr. D's "no she can get away with it because I agree with her. You are quite the useless piece of shit."

The god spun on himself so fast he knocked in the tabble behind him. "You!" He yelled regaining some composure. His eyes glew full force towards Perseus, but nothing happened. He didn't even flinch. "Oh please Didi, you already tried that over a dozen times already, but I guess that by some herculean leap in logic, that we mere mortals may never comprehend. You figured it would work if you tried again." He chuckled mockingly.

"You know the otherworldly madness i've witnessed in such a short existance. Yet you're still hellbent on making me more insane. Seriously it's getting old. Another thing that's not aging well is you're attitude. So i'll make a few things clear, while i'm here I can do as I damn well pleases. And if you even look at me the wrong way, i'll kick you so hard in the nuts they'll fly out of you're mouth this time. Now I have buisness to attend to, i'll be back later tonight ok, ok." He condescendingly patted the god hard on his chubby cheek before walking towards the door.

"You'll get what comes to you one day Perseus!" The god spat hatefully. Perseus half turned to the god with a wide smile. "Bring it on you olympic level bitch, but i'm warning you. You'll have to take a number, well that is if you can count." With one last mad giggle he walked away throught the protective border of the camp. Earning a suspicious look from a few huntress who nodded at each other.

Back in the big house even Thalia's jaw was left hanging open. "What the fu--" she began before a very exited Nico burst into the room. Clammoring about his card game and how he had Dionysus's card and figurine. Which did distract the god of wine from the nightmare that is Perseus Jackson.

Said demigod walked all the way back to New York. The huntress thought that he didn't notice them, but Perseus wasn't intimidated in the slightest. First he walked into a flower shop and came out with a bouquet of camilia and blue roses. His massive blade remained unnoticed by the mortal gaze.

Most probably assuming that it was a guitar case or something like that. The huntress, Phoebe, Bianca and Zoe herself were having a surprisingly dificult time tailing him. They stopped in the alleyway next to another store. Peeking around the corner they saw him walk out with a plain blue vase. Most likely for the flowers, next he bought cleaning equipment. Bianca grew uncomfortable as they ended up in a cemetary. Hiding behind a tree they looked on as he kneeled in front of a grave.

He started rigurously cleaning it. He did so, so well that Bianca could now read the name engraved on the stone.



It was conjoint with another gravestone. So they were most likely a married couple. All Bianca could discern from the stone was the first name.


For some reason Perseus didn't bother cleaning his tombstone.

"Hey mom." He greeted the motionles stone. "Sorry I didn't come by sooner. I was busy reaping justice for all these people. Including you, now I know you'd want me to go make friends and have a normal life, but I can't do that, not yet. Either I put an end to this and do that, or i'm joining you relatively soon." He paused and Bianca felt so wrong for witnessing this moment. "I miss you so much, and I hope that wherever you are, you're in peace. Can't say the same for me though." He chuckled, "these demons are relentless and no matter how hard I try to get rid of it. The mark remains for as long as he and I lives. Which won't be for long. Speaking of which i'll visit sooner next time. I promise."

With the very personal moment done the hunters quietly went back to camp. Bianca taking her time to marvel at how much techological advancements the world made in just a few years.

The three hunters made they're way back to camp before the capture the flag game began.

Perseus wanted nothing to do with it, so he simply stayed behind. Stating that no game could ever prepare them for what's waiting for them outside this border. Reed assumed that it was because he was scared. So thinking that he had something on Perseus he approached the swordsman before the game.

"So, you're too scared to fight a bunch of girls?" Perseus didn't bother saying a word to the son of Ares. He simply wasn't worth his time. "Yeah, you're not so though now are y-aARRGH!!"

The son of Ares tried to poke Perseus in the chest, but he caught his finger and swiftly bent it backward. Reed's high pitch yell of pain attracted a lot of attention to the two.

Thalia rolled her eyes, the hunters snickered and Clarisse looked conflicted. Percy kicked Reed's feet from under him and dropped dragon slayer on it's flat side on top of the son or ares without saying a single word. Though he did smile as Reed started flailing his legs as he simply couldn't push up the blade.

"Perseus please" gently said the ancient centaur. Perseus rolled his eyes and picked up his sword. Reed scrambled back glowering at the other demigod who maliciously smiled back. Making the son of Ares gulp and quickly walk away.

When Chiron announced the start of the game. Thalia didn't expect the game to go so wrong. The hunters had perfect control over they're environnement. By expension they controlled the battle on almost every point. Which resulted in a very short capture the flag game.

"And the hunters win, for the 26th time in a row." Chiron sighed as the hunters cheered. Frustrated Thalia stomped deeper in the woods, her weapons still drawn.

She growled and thrusted her spear in the direction of a small boulder. An arc of blue lightning sparked from the tip of the spear. Reducing the boulder to dust and bits.

"Well you're a sore looser." Thalia spun around her shield raised. Perseus gave the usually terror inducing shield a lazy glance before looking at Thalia in the eyes. "Oh, no I do not have the patience for you right now! Beside you're the one too cowardly to play!"

"Exactly, play. There's no stake to this battle. So why not instead of throwing a temper tantrum, you actually learn from you're defeat while you have all you're limbs intact."

"Speaking from experience!" Thalia snarked without thinking. She only realised what she said when she met the stone cold glare of his single eye.

She absentmindly wondered if that was what looking at Aegis felt like. "Do you know how I slaughtered all of these men and women back in the forest?" He asked stalking towards Thalia who suddenly backed up against a tree. They were now nose to nose.

"It's because every injury every scar marring my body like a goddamn Picasso painting is a lesson. A small to major mistake I managed to walk away from. That's why they stood no chance of even put a scratch on me. I've made hundreds of mistakes, but i'm not so prideful as to ignore them. I'm stronger, faster, smarter and more skilled because I see every death experience as a learning one. If you wanna live past you're twenties you should too."

"Why are you telling me all this!" Thalia demanded. Perseus pulled back "it's because we have more in common than you think. And honestly i'd rather not see you die in a few years." Without another word he walked away. Leaving Thalia shellshocked once again. She walked back to camp pondering on a words for a short time. For what came next would occupy her mind for the years to come.

She stopped in a clearing where a mummified corpse stood, the oracle of Delphi stared at the daughter of Zeus and croaked the following words. Her voice drier than a desert.







The corpse fell to the ground motionless. Just as the people around her currently were. Until they're head solwy raised in her direction.

Although Perseus was the only one to softly speak up.

"Well shit."

next chapter
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