"He's dead. He'll die the moment I cross paths with him. That white asshole." I growled, being pissed about my loss. That commander or whatever it was didn't know how to fight properly. He was only grabbing the tail of my transformed form. Did he have a fetish or something?
This weird thing on my wrist is powerful and it also contains a lot of information. The moment I transformed into Humungousaur my brain was flooded with information about its powers, species, weaknesses and more. I have to try more aliens out.
"C'mon Kevin, aren't you going to go after that spaceship? I need to beat that alien's ass." I encouraged the jacked boy to go after the disgusting creatures.
"No Ben, we'll be in danger yet again. Plus my car doesn't have enough gas to go after that spaceship. If you want to fight that much, you can transform into something with wings and fly."
I looked at my wrist. The previously green symbol was now turning on and off.
"Why is my watch doing this all of a sudden?" I asked while pointing at my wrist.
"Oh, that's called a timeout or a recharge mode. During the recharge mode, the Omnitrix gathers energy to replenish itself, allowing you to use its transformative abilities to switch between different alien forms. This green glow indicates that the Omnitrix is actively recharging and will be ready for use once the process is complete." Gwen answered while observing my watch.
"As you can see Kevin, my device is recharging itself. So can you bring the car so we can get moving?"
"If I bring my car here, there's only one destination that we will go to. Home!"
This piece of shit. Does he have no self-respect? I can't take the disrespect that this white alien put me through. I need to deliver some beating to his ugly ass, just like Batman does with his stupid villains.
"God damn it, fine. Take me home. I'll kick his and your ass some other time."
A couple of minutes later I was sitting in Kevin's car, in the back seat of course.
I was messing with the Omnitrix when I heard a ticking sound.
"Might be one of your girlfriends, Kevin!" Gwen said with a bit angry tone and reached into Kevin's pocket. She took out a device with the same symbol as on my watch. This one was bigger though.
"Hey, what's that?" I asked curiously, wondering if it did something relatively similar to my device.
"It's a Plumber's badge, Ben. It can serve as a locator or tracking device, as an identification badge, has access to various advanced technologies used by the Plumbers and allows communication between Plumbers across different locations or even across space." Gwen provided me with a nerdy answer.
This device has access to advanced technology huh? You don't have to tell me twice.
The badge stopped ticking and showed us a map-like thing, on which there was a small dot shining.
"Hey, look at that. This might be where Grandpa Max is. Hurry up Kevin, let's go."
"As you say, Gwen!" Kevin agreed happily.
"What the fuck? I thought you said that you had no gas!"
He just gave me a slight glance and smirked. This motherfucking SIMP!
After driving for like half an hour, we approached a building which had a logo that said "ICE" on it. However, there was something unusual. There was a giant hole blasted through one of the walls.
I got out of the car and dashed inside, looking for the same aliens I fought earlier. But I found nothing except a similar badge to the one that the emo boy owned.
"Sorry to inform you Gwen, but Max might not be in this building" I said while glancing over the hole in the wall.
"Then why was this here?"
"No idea, but we have to keep searching for Grandpa and the aliens." I said as I walked through the exit.
Going out of the building, I noticed a trail of burnt corn. Without saying another word I followed the trail hoping to find something. Gwen and Kevin were following closely as we ran through the cornfield.
After approximately two minutes of running, we noticed a blast of fire in a small distance. Running faster towards it, I approached what I'd call a "crime scene". There was a burning magma-like thing, that had a human build and appearance. However, it was glowing like a sun. There were policemen on the ground, supposedly unconscious.
"Hey now, I thought I was the one who liked fighting." I said to myself while trying to make my watch work.
Pressing the two buttons, it started glowing and showed me a hologram of another alien. This one was even weirder than the others. It looked like a mix of a bat and a Pterodactyl. Being too lazy to switch to another alien, I smashed my hand on the watch selecting the weird creature.
I started deforming as usual. My frame lowered and I was gaining a tail yet again. My skin got tighter and tighter and for a moment I was unable to breathe. Two of my fingers merged, as the others repositioned themselves. Some horn-like things grew out of my forehead. I was red, short and deformed... I had wings though.
The information about this alien was shoved into my brain in an instant.
I staggered, almost falling over, but managed to right myself and looked at my body momentarily. While I knew about the abilities, I still needed to assess my physical condition.
Not because I wanted to know if I could punch a skull in or anything... not at all.
"Don't come close to me!" The humanoid magma said while it developed a fireball out of thin air. Still confused, I jumped up and started to move my upper limbs in a synchronised movement. I managed to dodge that fireball with my jump but this burning bitch had another ready for me.
Thinking I was still on the ground, I tried to jump on my left, but from the outside, I was just moving my feet aimlessly.
"You're still in the air, dumbass!" Kevin shouted.
Looking down at my feet, I smirked and charged up my eyes. I shot two beams that directly hit the ground near the magma guy. I don't know if it bitched out or what, but it started running while trying to charge up its burning feet.
After the charge was enough for the feet, it started to fly up. I followed it with lightning-fast speed while still providing my eyes with the energy to shoot another beam.
The Magmaboy or whatever it was started shooting small fireballs while flying. I was already losing my temper. Not wanting to damage my eyes, I directed my energy to the tail and shot.
The beam from the eyes hit the alien in the back of its head, while the beam from the tail- in the lower back. Its burning body fell on the ground in an instant and I followed it down.
My watch started ticking while I was approaching the alien's body, however, I managed to land safely on the ground.
"Hey, wake up!" I said while I kicked the alien in the chest. "Wake up you moron!"
The alien opened its eyes and jumped up from the ground gaining a distance from me.
"I told you, don't get too close to me. I can't control these powers well." The alien started speaking.
"Yeah, yeah, stop yapping and tell me what you are."
"Freeze!" I heard from my back. "Put your hands up, where I can see them!"
I took a glance. Four or five policemen were standing behind me with their guns ready to shoot.
"Great, just great!" I said to myself while activating the Omnitrix.