97.4% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 75: Disciples of Justice Part 1

章節 75: Disciples of Justice Part 1

The Disciples of Justice have taken yet another loss and their remaining forces start to gather at their desert base in the Qindora desert. The sky is a misty yellow-orange color and sand blows in the air from heavy winds. The DOJ commander Voren glides through the sky at just fifty miles an hour as his body and damaged metal wings tire. The man descends into the sand as he is just a few meets from Zerrel's base.

Voren coughs roughly as steam still flows from his damaged dark grey battle armor. The DOJ leader Zerrel slowly emerges with two liberation guards beside him. Zerrel: "Ahh, Voren, you look down."

Voren snarls, "My enemies have struck me, but I hunger for revenge."

Zerrel shakes his head, "You and your remaining wingmen will have the opportunity for that very soon."

Voren asks, "What is the plan sir? Our super airships have been destroyed and we are running out of devices!"

Zerrel calmly reassures him, "We have done well and caused a lot of internal damage within the nations. Our ultimate goal is the dismantling of the governments. Without our super weapons, that will be a gradual process. Our next mission will be to lure our enemies out here and they will be coming for a great assault. We will have an opportunity to break their spirit by destroying Macai, the 31st Company, the Vindicated Avenger, and whoever else they bring with them."

Voren: "Who else do you think might arrive?"

Zerrel: "My spies believe the United Way will also join them. This is our moment of glory. The day the Disciples of Justice made a glorious stand against the enforcers of the nations." Zerrel points at Voren and looks at his liberation guards, "Take Voren to the healing room and we'll have his wings patched up. His armor can also be worked on, so he's ready for action by the time our enemies make it here."

Elsewhere, the 31st briefs on a beachhead. Unlike most days, it is windier than usual outside and clouds cover the sky; making the beach less pretty than normal. Macai stands outside the beachhead with Rosh standing across him. Dengo stands at the commander's left side and Irina waits on his right. Rosh: "So Zerrel's forces have been spotted at the Quindora desert? Sounds good, they've lost all their major leaders outside of Zerrel himself and maybe Voren."

Macai: "If you can't find the body, then he's probably still alive. But we have a chance to end this once and for all. Don't expect it to be easy, I think they're going to have a lot of toys at their base."

Dengo: "They always have tricks up their sleeves, so I definitely believe that. It won't save them though."

Irina looks down at her spear, "We've been waiting too long for this moment to get discouraged now. And we've lost too many friends along the way, let's do it Macai, for the fallen."

Macai slowly nods and looks Irina in her eyes. Macai: "We will have a meeting to get everyone fired up before we make this great push."

Kett steps forward with Kanna at his side, "Macai, I've called a team of United Way forces in to assist us. Some of our friends are still out of reach after that last big battle they had with the DOJ but expect to see a couple of old friends join us."

Macai: "We'll take all the help we can get, but we don't have much time."

Kett: "Don't worry, they'll be here tomorrow. I've got us covered." Azula arrives with Firelord Zuko and General Mak beside her.

Azula: "I also brought someone." Zuko looks Macai in his eyes before glancing at Kett and the others.

Kett: "Are you sure we should risk the Firelord in a battle like this?"

Zuko points at Kett, "Don't let that Vindicated Avenger title go to your head. I'm more than capable of defending myself. You know I fought alongside the Avatar right?"

Kett smiles, "I know Zuko, I'm not doubting your abilities. I'm just saying you're a very important person, maybe you shouldn't risk getting hurt in this battle."

Zuko replies, "Zerrel has already taken the fight to my palace once before, it is time I take this fight back to him. And the public wants a leader who fights alongside his men sometimes, not one who cowers behind the safety of his palace. It is time and some of General Mak's army unit garrison will assist us on this mission."

Dengo: "Sounds like this is going to be a really big battle and I'm all for it." As they talk, Dade and Sonna walk across the beachhead.

Dade: "It might not be the most beautiful day outside, but that wind sure feels good doesn't it."

Sonna nods while walking forward, "Yeah, we've got to take the good with the bad."

Dade: "It's been a long road. We've seen a lot together Sonna and you've been more of a friend than I could ever imagine."

Sonna: "We fought together, cried together, and nearly died together time and time again. It has been more than an honor to have you at my side."

Dade: "And if I went back in time, I'd do it all over again. Sometimes my only regret is that I didn't talk to you more before now but life is what we make it."

Sonna flips her hair, "Exactly."

Dade looks the archer in her eyes and extends his right hand, "You have been everything I ever wanted in a partner and you are more than just a companion to me. Whatever happens, let me know now. Will you be mine?"

Sonna smiles and chuckles. Dade looks at her earnestly. Sonna: "Honestly..." Dade becomes uneasy as he waits for her response. Sonna: "Yes." Dade is elated and holds both of Sonna's hands. Sonna leans in toward him, "I'd be honored." Sonna rubs her nose against Dade's and Dade hugs her.

Rosh shouts from behind them, "Oh, oh, ahhh! What am I watching?!" Dade and Sonna turn around.

Sonna grins, "Oh hey Rosh, how's it going man?"

Rosh: "It's going, but I'm feeling a bit lonely, to be honest."

Dade: "Aww, that's too bad man. Zuko is going to help us in battle, maybe his Kyoshi warriors will be around."

Rosh puts his right index finger on his chin and suddenly gets nervous, "Oh." Ty Lee and Suki emerge from Rosh's left flank.

Ty Lee: "Did someone say Kyoshi?!"

Rosh looks at her, "Wow, Ty Lee, you look official in that outfit."

Ty Lee chuckles, "Oh ok."

Suki shakes her head, "Hi Rosh."

Rosh: "I don't think we should put such beautiful women at risk."

Suki points at Rosh, "I have a boyfriend."

Rosh: "So you don't take compliments?"

Suki: "I'll take it, I just wanted to get that out of the way."

Rosh looks at Ty Lee, "Well, that honestly doesn't bother me." Ty Lee laughs again. Rosh: "But thank you both for coming, we honestly could use your help and it will be an honor to work with two of the most talented nonbenders on this planet. Like really, you both are famous."

Suki: "So is the 31st."

Rosh proudly laughs, "Yeeeeaaaahhhh, hahaha." Rosh (to Ty Lee): "It really is an honor though, but I think you should join the battle after our team initially engages the enemy. We are expecting some hard contact in the beginning."

Suki pokes Rosh in his chest, "We will be fighting on the frontlines from the beginning of this mission. We will take the risk and also die if need be. We are warriors just like you."

Ty Lee: "Well, she's a bit more a warrior than me."

Suki: "Ty Lee please, you single-handedly took down an Earth Kingdom garrison."

Ty Lee: "I know but it wasn't like this. The Disciples of Justice are always blowing people up."

Suki: "Then we're going to give them a taste of their own medicine."

Dade: "Sheesh, that sounds pretty violent to me. Would the Avatar approve?"

Suki responds, "Aang isn't here right now, so we're going to have to do what works. Once he gets back, we can change our approach a bit."

Sonna: "Wasn't the point of Aang being around also to inspire us and change the way we think? I know violence is necessary at times, but we shouldn't throw everything he did out of the window just because things are a bit harder for us to do without him."

Ty Lee: "I agree, but we also needed his spiritually. Everything happens for a reason you know and we are being tested. It is important that we have ourselves grounded so we know how to better navigate our roles when Aang returns."

Rosh nods, "Wise as always Ty Lee. I'm humbled by your presence." Ty Lee giggles.

Suki groans in disgust, "Oh here we go."

As Macai prepares to give his speech a heavyset elderly man slowly emerges behind the young man. Iroh: "Macai, I have some interesting news to share with you."

Macai turns, "Iroh?! Zuko didn't tell me you were coming."

Iroh smiles, "That's because he didn't know. But I had to come quickly to tell you something important."

Macai nods, "What is it Iroh?"

Iroh exhales deeply, "In order for us to truly understand ourselves, we must look back deeply into who we are. When we learn about our roots we have an idea about what our role is."

Macai: "Roots? My family has consisted of Fire Nation nobles for centuries. With a few exceptions, like the story behind the wedding ring that's been passed down by my recent family."

Iroh: "There is some hidden history. I've done my research and found some old documents."

Macai: "Snooping around to learn about my ancestry, that's creepy Iroh."

Iroh chuckles, "I didn't just randomly do it. It happened because I found a strange report about your family during my early White Lotus days when I was trying to learn how to maintain peace through the nations. I felt this information might one day be used to encourage peace but I didn't think it was my place to publicly reveal this. The members of the White Lotus agreed to not display the information with anyone but a family member and only when the time was right."

Iroh continues, "I kept that report which came from the Fire Nation military which states that one of the family member that your family member father's side of the family came from a village that was located between the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation border. There some of the family had heritage from both sides but this information was secretly hidden to avoid them being harassed or discriminated against."

Macai gasps, "What?!"

Iroh: "That's why you fight like an earthbender. You are bold, usually strong for a firebender, you like to brawl, you a great defensive guard, and you like to stomp your feet. But there is more. Your relative Kairi is a relative, the equivalent of a first cousin to Kyoshi." Macai nearly faints.

Iroh leans in, "You were destined for greatness Macai but not just for the Fire Nation but for all people. You must always remember that, so your loyalty must not only be limited to one place. Later on, one of your relatives discovered this and rejected it. Only wishing to embrace one side of his roots, but these kinds of actions make people lost and confused. Never forget who you are Macai and here are the documents."

Iroh hands Macai the documents. Macai turns toward Iroh, "What is it with you, Zuko, and documents?" Iroh is suddenly gone, and Macai is there by himself. Macai looks back down at the document and back up with confidence.

Macai talks to himself, "Well, I used to hate Kyoshi when I was growing up. But deep down I always admired a lot of things about her. Her tenacity, charisma, courage, and boldness. It honestly makes a lot of sense."

Motivation Time

The next day the winds have calmed themselves a bit but a breeze still flows outside. The sky is a mixture of blue and light orange as the sun beams brighter than usual this morning. A United Way (UN) unit arrives. Several Water Tribe and Earth Kingdom warriors emerge. The UN representatives have beige uniforms with violet markings. Everyone gathers outside of the beachhead and Kett stands at a podium with the ocean facing his back.

Kett: "Women and men, warriors and friends, it has been an honor to stand beside all of you. Several years ago, the United Way was formed with a pledge to end the tyranny and oppression of different groups of people that was done on the basis of inequality. We were taught that no one is less than anyone else because of how they were born. Instead, all people are equal in value but being equal does not mean we are the same. We all have something special and unique to contribute to people in the world around us."

Kett continues, "The Fire Nation Empire fell and now a new group stands against us. Now, a group of people wants to take innocent lives in the name of equality." The crowd laughs at the absurdity of the claim.

Kett: "Of course to them, no one is innocent. To them, anyone who stands behind a government or a nation is guilty of oppression. But why should people be punished for thought? Why should they be punished for working differently? We have an order of people who said that inequality on the basis of birth was wrong, they agreed with us on that. But they believed in inequality on the basis of opinion and that everyone with a different opinion should suffer so that their opinion would be dominant. Do you see the issue here?"

The audience murmurs about Kett's statement.

Kett: "I know, that's crazy right? The Disciples of Justice inspire people in a similar way to how we inspire people. They notice people who are at a weak point, people who need something to believe in. They appeal to their pain and give them a solution. Our solution is to work through things together and create a future method of discourse that discourages unnecessary violence. Their route is to destroy people who can no longer be responded to and reverse the societal order. The difference between us and them is that domination is not our goal. Our goal is lasting change which comes from love and understanding."

Kett pauses, "Their goal is to force their way on others. But you know what happens when you force your way on others? Deep societal wounds begin to grow, and people start to lash out at others who are different than them. These wounds create instability and opportunities for people to dominate others in the future. The game of hate and domination never ends. If Zerrel succeeded in destroying the states he would only create a new great threat that would emerge and rule everyone else. That might not happen immediately but mark my words it eventually would."

Kett: "I read the old history scrolls that were once banned by the Fire Nation. I read about local stories where governments were toppled and new bad ones emerged at some point after. Technology would eventually come back if Zerrel hampered its advancement and new leaders would look to use it with bad intentions. Some things will happen naturally but if we build up love, trust, understanding, and mechanisms to look after the people then we will have a much better chance of making a brighter future for everyone. A future where powerful governments can be kept in check. Even if I am wrong, we deserve the chance to try because mindless bloodshed is never the answer and should be the last resort not the first."

The crowd cheers. Zuko looks at Macai, "Wow, I'm inspired."

Macai: "Maybe you should give a speech."

Zuko: "Not this time, I'm burnt out on speeches. But don't worry, I'll give one after this battle, I promise."

Macai: "Fair enough."

Zuko: "Maybe Azula will give one."

Macai: "Now that would be something..."

Zuko: "She's better than me at most things, but I'm pretty confident in saying I'm the best at giving speeches. But don't tell her I said that." Later that day, 31st officers, several United Way members, Zuko, General Mak, Ty Lee, Suki, and Azula meet in the Prompt Adjudicator's conference room while sitting at the conference table.

Macai stands during the meeting, "We will deploy by assault transports. They travel at a decent speed and can hold a decent amount of troops. They also have defense cannons that keep enemies at bay."

Kett: "The United Way issues Earth Kingdom transports which can handle abuse and carry more soldiers than most Fire Nation transports."

Macai: "We can all travel about the same speed so we hit our enemy around the same time. Once we get a certain distance from our enemies, we will exit the transports and continue on foot. We don't want to risk getting hit by artillery shells and losing too many men at once. I've heard Zerrel has a lot of defense catapults outside of the base."

Zuko asks, "Do you think most of the fight will be in the base this time or outside of it?"

Macai: "When we fought recently at Demarius's base, they didn't expect us. I can't imagine it will be like that this time, especially since Zerrel uses this base to deploy many of his military forces. The other one was more like a research facility and innovation station. I think they're going to come out against us for one last hurrah. It's going to be insane."

Azula: "Good, I've been waiting and hoping to end this. No one takes my brother and gets away with it; except me of course."

Kett: "Then it looks like we all know what to do. Let's go out there are hit Zerrel's base before he changes his mind and decides to abandon it."

Macai: "I've got a funny feeling that he's waiting for us, but this is the right move." After the meeting ends Azula looks at Ty Lee.

Azula: "Ty Lee, my friend, you've grown a lot since I've last seen you."

Ty Lee smirks, "Yeah I have and I'm honestly loving it. Being a Kyoshi warrior is the best decision I've ever made, they are my family now."

Azula: "We're family aren't we?"

Ty Lee: "Of course." The women hug each other.

Suki requests, "Can I jump in?"

Ty Lee: "OF COURSE YOU CAN, GET IN HERE!" The three women hug each other and laugh.

Azula: "We were quite a team, Ty Lee. You, me, and Mai. We were nigh unstoppable. But I know the Kyoshi warriors are definitely the most elite team of nonbenders in the world right now. And Suki, you earned my respect when we fought. You are the bravest woman I know."

Suki firmly shakes Azula's hand and looks her in the eyes. Azula: "Godspeed girls. I'll see you on the frontlines and afterward to celebrate."

Ty Lee: "In case, I don't make it, it's been an honor Azula. Even with all the ups and downs."

Azula: "Don't talk like that Lee, you WILL make it. Don't get all soft on me now."

Ty Lee: "I've always been soft but somehow it still works."

Suki: "Don't worry Zula, she's in good hands."

Azula: "Ok, she better be. Otherwise, I'll come back and batter the both of you."

Suki looks at Ty Lee. Ty Lee: "Classic." The worst part about this joke is that it's already happened before but Azula told it instinctively. A bit of her old self is still there.

Azula returns to the girls, "Oh and I'm sorry if that came off wrongly. I'm really bad at being good."

Ty Lee laughs, "It's ok Azula."

Suki: "Honestly, you made our day."

Azula grins, "Well maybe I don't need to do away with everything. Love you both." All of the troops meet outside at the beachhead as they prepare for battle. Several transports are docked outside and supplies are shipped as soldiers ready themselves for battle.

Macai raises his hand to rally everyone for one final message. Macai points at Firelord Zuko, "Zuko, this is the man that did it all. He traveled with the Avatar and without him, I probably wouldn't be alive right now. He won a war and did the impossible."

Zuko: "Thank you, but I couldn't have done it without Aang's help. He was the real hero that day."

Macai: "And even outside of that, this man really has been a legendary leader. He has already managed so much. Assassination attempts, protests, terrorists, and even family turmoil."

Azula uncomfortably chuckles. Macai: "Ok, maybe that was too soon. But he's managed a lot, so let's give a round of applause for him." Several troops clap and Zuko blushes. Macai: "And a big thanks to the wonderful woman of fire, Azula. She stepped away from the only livelihood she's ever known and has helped us in our time of need. A lot of people have judged her for what she's done in the past, but everyone has a story. Today is a new story for this Princess as she forges her own legacy."

Soldiers clap and Azula gets teary-eyed but still beams. Macai: "And a special thanks to Rosh as well, he's been by my side this whole time. He followed me through the ends of the earth. With every legend, there is a legendary companion." Rosh claps heavily for himself. Macai: "And to Kett, we've not always been on the same terms but in the end, you've always been one of the best troopers I've ever had. And now look at you, you stand as one of my greatest allies."

Macai: "To Dade, thank you for being you, I've always valued your opinions. To Kanna, thank you for your bright energy that never ceases, you make my day every day. To Sonna, thank you for the little things you do to support everyone in the crew." Macai continues his thank-yous until he has mentioned everyone in the 31st.

One man pushes through the United Way crowd and Macai continues Jarue. Macai: "And JARUE, thank you sooo much for coming. This was one of my old rivals in the past, but we put everything aside and worked together to end the Fire Nation. Now he's here again to help the 31st in our time of need. One thing I noticed about Jarue is his sheer dedication and heart; that's something you can't train." Jarue steps up and embraces Macai before he steps back down.

Macai: "And to all my 31st members, it has been more than an honor to serve with every one of you. Time and time again, we have been tested. And time and time again, we made it through the storm together. Let us always keep up the good fight and remember that we fight on principle. No matter what happens around us, we will do what is right and if we do that we will be spiritually honored. Let us keep fighting with fresh energy and positivity remembering the fallen who stood beside us. DO NOT LET THEIR DEATHS BE IN VAIN, let us fight for them and everything they gave up!! In their memory, we must always fight to make this world a better place."

The crowd shouts, "For the fallen!!"

Macai continues, "And to all the warriors who have joined us in battle, thank you for coming. You all have put your own safety and livelihoods at stake for our cause. For that, I thank each and every one of you. I vow and I hope every person in my unit agrees that we will do the same for you if the situation is ever reversed. And if not, you still have my eternal thanks and admiration for this. Now let's get out there and show those tyrants the power of love and hope!"

The soldiers cheer. The sun shines bright and troopers throw their helmets up in the air. Some warrior pump their swords up or slam their shields against the ground. Macai looks around him and is overwhelmed with awe. Rosh runs at Macai's left side, Azula emerges at his right, Kanna steps forward with Kett in front of him, and several other marines line up as they await his orders. The commander has already given out orders of where each squad will go but wanted a special meeting with the officers.

Macai: "Rosh, you know you're going down the main flank to hit the enemies. I expect they'll have heavy artillery waiting for us, but you will have a massive team at your side. Dengo and Arret will also be with you. Azula and I will move down the mid-right flank and push ahead. We will immediately get their attention when we strike. Dade and Sonna will travel with Zuko and General Mak who will hit the far left enemy position. Kett will go with Kanna, Jarue, and Konbo who will strike the enemy's mid-left position.

Dade asks, "What about the Kyoshi warriors?"

Macai: "They have been repurposed to work with a team of Fire Nation Army and United Way troopers on the far right flank. They will not be working directly with the 31st or even Zuko this time. But I wish them the best." Hundreds of troopers enter their tanks before they sail off to battle.

A Call To Action

Meanwhile, Zerrel stands in a massive auditorium. The walls are light grey, the ceiling is dark grey, and the ground is dark brown. The room has several steel dark grey tables and chairs where many soldiers sit in their dark grey armor. Zerrel: "My friends, my family, our enemies have gathered and swarmed around us. They intend to undo all that we've worked for. But I want each and every one of you to know that our goal is greater than they could possibly imagine. We've already inspired thousands when we stormed the Fire Nation Capital and damaged the nations with our weather control device. When we humbled and captured the Firelord, we showed the world these governments can be beaten."

Zerrel continues, "Whether they know it or not, we have already won. Our fight will be longer than expected but it has been far from fruitless. Stand with me now, as we take the fight to them. This is your chance of glory. How do you want to be remembered? As the cowards who ran and were blown to dust?! Or as the triumphant and bold warriors who passionately fought until the end?! We will not die, no we will be remembered as legends and martyrs. When you fight against them, remember every injustice that you have ever witnessed that these elites have created."

Zerrel: "When you fight, I want you to draw out all of your anger, pain, and hatred. Then UNLEASH it upon them. We will soak the desert sands red with their blood. We will make sure the nations will never forget the Disciples of Justice. And that stand will be far greater if we send Zuko, Macai, and Azula back to their homes in caskets!!" The crowd roars.

Zerrel: "So FIGHT!! With all your being and all your might. FIGHT!! Because in life, that's what you have to do for everything that matters. FIGHT!! History will remember this day, but you all have a role in how it will be remembered. Now and forever we will be, the Disciples of Justice!!"

Members of the crowd shout, "Huzzah!!!"

Zerrel: "Go now troopers, fulfill your destiny!" The troopers passionately gather their weapons and storm out of the base. Thousands of troops in grey armor camp outside as they prepare for battle. The sun shines bright as a mix of yellow and light blue light covers the sky. Zerrel looks in the distance at the massive armies in front of him and exhales.

Rock, Sand, and Fire

The 31st, Fire Nation army, and United Way transports travel across a hot valley until they move into the Qindora desert. The transports arrive about three kilometers outside of Zerrel's base around 10 am. After about three hours of travel, the troops start exiting their vehicles. Macai, Azula, two swordsmen, a swordswoman, two spearmen, and a firebender exit their vehicle while two marines stay behind with the transport. Several other squads exit around them and start marching toward the enemy base.

As the team advances several DOJ troopers wait in the distance behind catapults. A cultist trooper points in their direction and the catapult suddenly swing forward. The catapults launch explosive balls of fire at the government troopers. One three-meter-wide fireball flies between a marine swordsman and spearman before blowing them to bits. The ground shutters and Azula falls to her knees.

Halo 2 OST- Earth City [Youtube] (Music Starts)

Macai turns toward her, but Azula quickly leaps back to her feet. Azula looks at him, "Keep moving." Another motor shot flies and lands a couple of feet in front of a firebender. The marine flies three feet backward and rolls in the dirt unconsciously. Another swirling ball of fire descends toward Azula's location, but the warrior princess hops left.

A thunderous explosion erupts behind her as the princess lands in front of several enemy troopers. A firebender (front center), waterbender (front left), earthbender (front right), two swordsmen, and a hammer brute charge at the prodigy. Azula pulls her left hand back then hurls a light blue flame into the cultist with dual swords; the man's body flips backward from the blow.

The earthbender rotates his body and spams a volley of bricks at Azula. The young woman raises her hands, and a wall of blue flames absorbs the bricks. Azula extends her right hand and launches the blue gust of flames into the earthbender; burning the man to ashes. The DOJ firebender pushes his arms and shoots a beam of orange fire at Azula.

Azula rolls right and kicks a flame into the man's chest. The waterbender shoots a beam of water at the princess but Macai rolls and pumps a large brick of white fire into the beam. The waterbender turns and pumps two water torpedoes at the 31st commander. Macai creates two white fire gauntlets around his arms and blocks the water torpedoes with them. The water immediately evaporates as it hits Macai's white fire guard.

Macai stomps his right leg like an earthbender and a shockwave of white fire blasts the waterbender away. A marine spearman charges forward but gets smacked aside by a berserk heavy trooper with a battle hammer. A marine firebender leaps and pumps two orange flames into the heavy warrior. The trooper backpedals twice as he takes the shots but is still standing.

The firebender swirls his arms and hurls an explosive four-foot-wide ball of fire into the brute. The large man is blown three feet backward and his body rolls sideways as steam flows from his battlearmor. A DOJ swordsman swings down vertically at a marine swordman's face. The marine rotates his blade diagonally as he blocks the strike then knocks his enemy's weapon to the right. The marine pulls his sword back then lunges it forward through the cultist's heart.

Azula rotates her body and pumps a blue flame into an incoming swordsman. Macai and Azula look forward and notice two catapults about ten feet away from their position. Azula rolls and zaps a beam of blue flames into the right catapult. Macai punches a barrage of white fireballs through the left catapult, and it collapses.

Macai looks back at Azula and Azula catches up with him. Macai: "Looks like we're off to a good start."

(Music Stops)

On the center battle flank, Rosh lead's the charge against an enemy unit. Arret, two firebenders, two swordsmen, a spearman, Dengo, and Irina join the charge against their enemies. Two orange fire motors are hurled in the air and they sound like a crack in the sky as they come down. One ball flies into a marine swordsman, blowing him to oblivion. Another ball flies between Rosh and a firebender.

Rosh: "Keep going, press forward. Wait, look out!" Rosh darts right and the firebender beside him is blown up. On the other side of the battle a DOJ swordsman, earthbender, firebender, mace warrior, spearman, guard with a morning star club and a round shield, and curved sword. A marine swordsman slams his spear through a cultist swordsman's upper chest. A mace warrior horizontally cuts down a marine swordsman.

A spearman lunges at the mace trooper's chest. The mace warrior swings left horizontally and butts the spear away from him. The mace warrior runs at the spearman and vertically lunges at his opponent and vertically cuts down the marine. Rosh charges and an earthbender ducks before launching a barrage of stone rods at the captain's legs. Rosh launches himself five feet in the air with a gust of red-orange fire.

As the captain soars down, he pumps two red-orange fireballs at his enemy. The earthbender raises his arms and punches two bricks into the incoming attacks. The firebender lands a few feet across his adversary then rotates his right leg forward and diagonally with an overhand kick. A rod of red-orange flames flies at the earthbender and the man leaps right.

Rosh runs toward his opponent and the earthbender pulls his hands back left before he sways them in Rosh's direction. A cascade of dust, rocks, and other materials is fired at the 31st officer. The young man pulls both of his hands back and quickly generates red-orange flames behind him. The marine has little time and quickly directs his own swirl of orange flames into the earth materials.

Smoke flows around them but the battle continues. A DOJ firebender pumps two orange flames at Irina but the young lady moves left. Arret proceeds to launch an arrow in the firebender's neck. A DOJ spearman swipes at Dengo's face but the marine ducks then roll and thrusts his blade into the spearman's stomach. A 31st firebender kicks an orange flame into a mace warrior's stomach.

As the smoke clears, Rosh hurls a red-orange fireball into the earthbender's face. The bender's body flies three feet backward into the sand. The man with the morning star club and round shield charges at Rosh. The noble punches three red-orange flames at the man, but the shield absorbs the shots. The warrior closes the distance and lunges at Rosh with an upper strike.

Rosh spins right and backward. The captain counters by pumping a red-orange flame from his right hand horizontally into the man's right side. The warrior bends over. Rosh pounds the trooper in the face with a jumping right kick. The man rolls over and falls into a slumber. A cultist with a curved sword lashes down vertically at Irina but she blocks the strike then spins backward before lunging forward and thrusting her blade into the man's abdomen.

Rosh spreads out both of his hands and fires two beams of red-orange flames into the two catapults in front of him. Both objects break like twigs. as the team advances triumphantly. Meanwhile Dade, Zuko, Sonna, General Mak, a fire nation army trooper, and an army mace warrior battle against a DOJ swordsman, waterbender, spearman, firebender, earthbender, and broadswordsman.

A female earthbender lifts her left hand and pulls a massive boulder up off the ground. The lady lifts her hand and throws the boulder at the Firelord. Zuko dives left, and the boulder leaves a crater in the ground. Zuko pounces toward his opponent and punches two bright orange flames at the earthbender. The woman punches two balls of earth into the shots then Zuko kicks a rainbow flame into the left side of her stomach.

A DOJ warrior with a long and thick broadsword strikes horizontally and cuts down the Fire Nation mace trooper ahead of him. Sonna propels two arrows at the man, and he knocks both of them aside. Dade taunts, "Try that with me blockhead." The man charges at Dade and his armor shakes as his feet stomp against the ground. Dade knocks he can't block the powerful strikes of that man's sword for long.

The duelist lunges at Dade and horizontally swings his long sword at the marine. Dade dives left in the sand and quickly gets back up. The broadswordsman lunges at his neck horizontally. Dade ducks and cuts down the man with an upward swing. A spearman looks to creep up on Sonna but she turns and notices him. The warrior chucks his weapon at her, but Sonna rolls. The warrior switches to a short sword but Sonna launches an arrow in his chest.

A swordsman runs at General Mak's left flank and a waterbender moves on his right. Dade turns, "Protect the General!"

General Mak replies, "I can defend myself." General Mak enters his battle stance, and the swordsman diagonally lunges at him. Mak twirls left then rotates his arms and pops a red and yellow fireball into the man's chest. The DOJ waterbender points his arms and shoots a beam of ice at the Fire Nation officer.

Mak hops left and hurls a red-yellow fireball from his right hand into his opponent's stomach.

Dade comments, "You can firebend?"

General Mak: "Of course I can."

Dade: "But you don't' have that spark in your eyes."

General Mak: "Not everyone does."

Zuko: "I sure didn't when I was younger, but it eventually came to me overtime. Not every firebender is the same. Macai doesn't always have that spark."

Dade: "That's true but he sure does when it's sunny outside, like now." On the mid-left flank of the battlefield Kett, Kanna, an earth swordsman, a United Way (UN) earthbender, a UN waterbender, Jarue, and Konbo face off against several hostiles. Hostiles consist of a warrior with a chainblade, a trooper with a longax, a firebender, a double-bladed swordsman, two archers, a man with a bronze short sword, a waterbender, and a knifethrower.

The man with the chainblade hurls his weapon and horizontally sweeps at Kanna's face. The firebending scout rolls left and pumps two dark orange flames into the man's body. Jarue extends his left hand and pumps a beam of cold water into the double-bladed duelist in front of him, the man flies several feet back and his blade slashes the cultist waterbender beside him. The longaxman swings horizontally at Konbo but the earth spearman spins backward.

The longaxman diagonally lunges at Konbo and the Earth Kingdom trooper is rammed in the lower right side of his stomach. Konbo yells and falls to his knees, "Ahhhh!!"

Kett shouts, "Konbo no!!" The axman horizontally decapitates Kett's ally. Kett pushes a beam of light orange flames into the axman. A firebender lunges at Kett and pumps two orange flames at him. The Vindicated Avenger blocks the flames with his arms then pumps a fireball from his right arm into the firebender's gut. An archer propels an explosive arrow into a United Way earthbender, blowing the man into dust.

Earthbender: "Awww!!!" A UN waterbender projects a volley of ice projectiles in the archer's chest but another archer takes aim at the waterbender. Jarue shifts his right arm and knocks away the archer with a water tentacle. The DOJ knifethrower tosses two blades at the earth swordsman but the trooper knocks the knives away from him. Kett fires a beam of light orange flames at the knifethrower but the man jumps right as sand is blown up beside him.

Jarue hurls a brick of ice into the man's chest, laying him out. Kett looks back at Konbo's remains and gets teary-eyed. Kett: "Stupid terrorists!! I can't wait until this war is over."

Kanna reassures him, "Stay focused Kett, we're almost there."

On the far-right flank Ty Lee and Suki battle alongside an Army firebender captain, a Fire Nation archer, a UW earthbender, a UW waterbender, a water swordsman, and an army Fire Nation spearman. Their team goes up against a DOJ mace trooper, earthbender, swordsman, spearman, waterbender, and a trooper with a long battlehammer (he is not a brute).

The DOJ earthbender launches a stone into the water swordsman's face. The man's teeth are cracked and blood gushes from his mouth as he falls into the hot sand. The Fire Nation archer pops an arrow into the DOJ mace trooper's right rib; the man screams as he falls to his agony. A spearman lunges at Ty Lee but she flips behind the man and kicks him in the back of his ear. The spearman tumbles over in the dirt and the DOJ waterbender directs a volley of ice knives at the Kyoshi warrior.

Ty Lee flips forward as she evades the attack. A DOJ swordsman charges at Suki and vertically swings at her. Suki raises her fans as she blocks the strike and butts the man's sword to the right. Suki dives and kicks the man in his face with both of her legs before cleanly landing on her feet. The trooper falls hard.

The United Way earthbender proceeds to launch a column of stone at the DOJ earthbender across from him. The DOJ earthbender stretches his arms and blocks the object with his own mound of earth. The cultist earthbender raises his right hand and the upper half of the halted stone column breaks off and flies back at the other earthbender. The UN earthbender dives left and the UN waterbender shoots a surge of hot water into the DOJ earthbender's chest.

The earthbender's body flies five feet back and the DOJ waterbender punches four waterballs his United Way counterpart. The United Way trooper raises a wall of ice to block the shots, but the wall is not as strong as it would be if they weren't in a desert. The DOJ waterbender horizontally crosses his hands and causes the wall to shatter into fragments. The flying fragments injure the UN waterbender and incapacitate him.

The firebending captain leaps and pops a rod of orange fire into the waterbender across from him. The trooper with the long battlehammer charges toward Suki and the earthbender in front of him but the earthbender nonchalantly lengthens his right arm and pumps a large rock against the man's nose. The trooper's nose cracks, and he falls. As the battle rages on, Zerrel looks to reveal the next part of his plan.

next chapter
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