[ Oh right, I forgot to say, the process of awakening will attract the attention of all-powerful beings in the world]
'What? Doesn't that mean I'm on their radar right away?'' Arthur wanted to curse
[ no need to worry ]
Arthur didn't understand what it meant and as he was about to ask again he felt a flow of power in his body
As each moment passed, this flow of power became bigger and bigger, meanwhile, a dark and destructive aura started to radiate from him.
It didn't take long that the dark and destructive aura to cover the whole sky, the superior and supreme presence of the God of Darkness covered the whole world in a few seconds.
All beings who had reached a certain level of power could feel the awakening of an incomprehensible being whose power exceeded all their imaginations.
Demons Continent
The demon continent is Consider as one of the symbols of the supreme power of the world
As its name suggests, this continent belongs to the race of demons and half-demons
The demons continent consists of seven empires and dozens of kingdoms
The Demon Continent is controlled by the Seven Demon Kings, known as the Seven Demon Kings of the Octagram
Originally, there were eight demon kings in the past, but the first demon king, who was also known as the demon god, sacrificed himself five thousand years ago in the Great War to establish peace.
Of course, all the demons believe that one day their god will return and guide them to eternal glory
After the death of the demon god, the seven demon kings took over the situation, each demon king rules one of the seven empires.
Ice Empire
In the meantime, the ice empire is known as the most powerful empire, this empire is ruled by a demon king who is known as the most powerful after the demon god.
Guy Crimson, one of the seven primordial demons
The Seven Primordial Demons are considered to be the highest in the Devil Racial Hierarchy, they are even purer blooded than the Ancient Demons.
White Ice Palace
In the hall of the floating palace, surrounded by ice and snow, a handsome man with blood-red eyes, "stars of gold and silver dancing in them", with wavy and burning red hair, was sitting on the throne.
he was tall and his beauty was proud and distant-like, He looks like someone born to lead and conquer. he pulls his clothes over himself, revealing a lot of skin.
He was one of the Seven Demon Kings Guy Crimson, as well as one of the seven primordial Demons known as Rouge
"Everything has become boring, oh Lord, when will you come back?" From his tone and eyes, one could see his tiredness and impatience.
Since the death of the demon god, the other continents had been eyeing them, especially those monarchs who only love to destroy and conquer.
If it wasn't for the Shadow monarch restraining them, Guy was sure they would have started a war against the entire world by now
Of course, this does not mean that the Demon Continent has weakened, the Seven Demon Kings and the other six primordial demons are still protecting the continent.
His main problem was controlling the continent, he was tired of controlling the continent, in the past it was his lord who controlled the continent but after his death, as the strongest, he had to rule the continent
"five thousand years have passed, and the Lord has probably reincarnated by now, should I go and find him?"
"Hmm, what's this?" Guy, who was immersed in his thoughts, suddenly noticed an aura and a devastating presence, he got up from the throne and stared at the palace ceiling.
His gaze went beyond the palace and fell to the sky
"What the hell?" Before he could find the source, an absolute force knocked him to the ground
"Is this destruction? No, death and shadow are woven into it, damn it." Guy was not an ordinary person, and in a moment he was able to analyze the aura that knocked him to the ground.
And this aura surprised and shocked him a lot, this aura contained the power of destruction, shadow, and death!
Each of these three powers is very terrifying! But now all three of these powers are intertwined!
"This power is so terrifying! Who is it? Dammit" Guy tried to resist the aura but it was no use.
The power of this aura was intertwined with the presence of the owner of the aura, and this caused the power of this aura to increase tenfold
Guy was a little startled, this power was far beyond any he had seen before, blood began to come out of his eyes and ears.
What a joke! One of the seven kings who is also one of the seven primordial demons that existed since the beginning of the world, someone who participated in the great war, just because of the aura of one person fell to his knees and was even injured!
No one will believe such a thing!
The Demons continent, the central city
The central city of the continent is a city that does not belong to any of the empires and kingdoms, this city was the base of the demon god five thousand years ago and today it is known as the city where the best academy of the continent is located.
Demons Academy, as its name suggests, is an academy that belongs to the race of demons and half-demons.
This academy was opened after the Great War, and its main goal is to compete with the best academies of other continents, including Arcana Academy.
On the sidewalks around the academy, a young man and a young girl were walking together on the sidewalk
The young man had black hair and red-black eyes
He was wearing a white uniform consisting of a black shirt, jacket, and white pants belonging to the Demon's Academy
young girl had pale skin, white hair, and blue eyes that fade into a lighter color at the end. Her hair is short and messy, but she also has long bangs in the front.
She was also wearing an academy uniform
"Anos, How was Klass?" the young girl, whose name is also Misha Necron, asked the handsome young man next to her in a disabled tone.
"Well it wasn't bad" the young man named Anos Voldigoad replied with a smile
"But you were asleep the whole time" Misha didn't tease, she really couldn't understand Anos.
"Well, because the class was so boring," Anos wasn't lying, as the reincarnation of the Demon God, such a low-level class was boring for him.
it's true! He was Anos Voldigoad, the legendary demon god! One of the most powerful creatures in history!
"Hmmm?" Anos frowned looking at the sky
"Is something wrong?" Misha was a little confused when she saw Anos frowning, why did Anos frown all of a sudden? She really couldn't understand him
"Something isn't right-" Before he could finish, a domineering and destructive aura began to knock him to his knees.
Anos tightened his foothold and had to use more physical strength to tighten his knees
Due to the excessive use of his physical strength, the city began to shake, well, his feet were pressing on the ground, and it was obvious that an earthquake would happen.
"Interesting" Anos was able to easily analyze the aura, this aura contained the power of destruction, death, and shadow, all three powers had united and formed the darkness.
The users of these three powers are very rare, for example, apart from himself and the members of the Gremory Clan and the Monarch of Destruction, he doesn't know anyone else who can use the power of destruction.
In addition, the purity of destruction that is in this aura is very pure! The power of destruction of this person is beyond his power of destruction
This also applies to shadow power and death, he only knew two people who could use shadow power
Monarch of Shadows Ashborn and one of the heroes of humanity Temar Runcandel
The Monarch of Shadow Ashborn was one of the most powerful beings he knew and was also one of his best friends along with Temar.
Tamar is also known as one of the most powerful swordsmen in history, and as far as Anos knew, he founded a family before his death.
About the power of death? He did not know anyone who could rule death itself! Death was one of the seven supreme laws! Supreme laws are not things that can not be completely controlled
Even though Anos knew this, he didn't panic, this aura might indeed belong to an existence equal to All-Father and the Dragon Gods, but so?
In his opinion, such a thing was even more interesting and exciting!
"Damn it" his body couldn't bear it anymore, his knees bowed, even if he was a god, it wouldn't be possible to resist the aura of the Great God mixed with his superior presence.
Misha didn't know what happened to his friend, and she was starting to wonder if Anos was crazy.
Why did he suddenly kneel on the ground?
Misha tried to get closer to Anos, but suddenly she felt a terrifying aura that could crush her in an instant.
The Monarchs continent
The Monarchs Continent is one of the most powerful continents in the world, just like the Demons Continent
This continent and its races were created by a being called "The Absolute Being", he was one of the most powerful gods in the world, but unfortunately he was killed by his own creatures in the end.
In the past, the Monarchs continent was divided into two races known as rulers and monarchs
Unlike the rulers who preferred peace, the monarchs loved to destroy and conquer, after the "absolute being" was killed, the monarchs and rulers started a war to dominate the continent.
The war between rulers and monarchs can be traced back ten thousand years ago, in the era of the great war, they had to make peace for a while and after the great war, they started their war again.
In the end, due to an unforeseen anomaly, the monarchs won and defeated the rulers
Due to the temperament of the monarchs, it was expected that they would immediately start a war with other continents, but the shadow monarchs beat all the other monarchs to death and forbade them to start a war with the other continents.
The land of shadows, the palace of shadows
In the monarch's continent, instead of kingdoms and empires, there are "lands", each of the monarchs rule several lands and have turned them into their domains.
The Shadow monarch was not interested in ruling and instead decided to just get one land as his base
"I shouldn't have left the restoration of the palace to Beru." A handsome Asian young man was walking in the palace corridor
He was a handsome, muscular young man with gray eyes and short black hair, and was wearing a black men's sports suit.
He is the most powerful monarch, Shadow monarch Sung Jin-woo
This person has an interesting life story, he is not a person belonging to this world, but a human belonging to the modern era of the earth.
"Hmm?" Jin Woo frowned, he could feel the aura that had shadow power in it
"What's going on?" Jin Woo teleported out of his palace and stared at the sky.
He began to scan the entire continent, When he found nothing, he wanted to scan the other continents as well, but suddenly a destructive and domineering aura make him Kneel down
"Damn" Jin Wu tried to use his strength to resist, but it was no use, his strength was not listening to him!
His power is based on shadow and death, and the aura that brought him to his knees was able to disrupt the flow of these two powers in him!
"your highness, are you okay?" Suddenly his shadow moved and three black creatures came out of it
"I'm fine, it's just a destructive aura suppressing my power" Jin-woo understood that the aura wasn't hurting him and that the suppression of his power was probably because the aura and his powers had the same basis
"Aura?" The three black creatures were a little stunned, Jin-woo didn't say anything, he already guessed that one must be at a certain level of power to feel this aura.
"Could it be the Shadow God? Or someone stronger?" Jin Woo muttered to himself
(A/N/: Temar Runcandel is from Swordmaster's youngest son.
True Dragons and Dragon Gods are different beings)