
章節 17: CHARLES 17

And seeing this all the Bullets and Missiles that were still in the air turned at them. Launched at them at such speeds that no one got the chance to avoid it 



Everything blew up in a giant blast because of 

So many weapons were inside those vehicles and the blast shock waves were so massive that they spread all over the town killing every living creature in the town. As flames burn the whole town spring all small and big places as flames continue to burn everything in their way 

A giant fire cloud covered the whole town. But no flame or heat reached Magneto who looked up far away as if he felt reinforcements that were coming here. 

Trask Headquarters 

"Yes, Mr. President they are the latest models specially made for adoption, and to fight any Mutant threat there is no telekinesis or Metal controller that can control them. but it will be costly and it's not all about money." a Dwarf man spoke while sitting on his chair and looking at the live telecast with a grin on his face. 

"I don't care. I will sponsor and support all the tests you do and we know what you do and like always we will look past that and even provide you with all the taste subjects needed and even the dangerous ones that are in cells. and Money is not a problem,  but you know well I can't send papers for it" Siad a man who sounded very angry and afraid.

"I will take your word, Mr. President, and I will be launching them in 30 seconds now you just watch the Show." Said the Man while the grin on his face grew bigger than before this event, the government was always a problem for him as they didn't let him do any Mass experimentation unlike Weapon X or Black Womb as they were in their control and funded by them. But Now he got freedom from the President of the biggest power in the world. 

While this was going on in the background, The Whole world watched this with eyes wide open and their Jaws hanging to their upper mouth, some still didn't feel it was real. Such power was just a work of fiction. How was this possible and they asked these questions even after witnessing a catastrophic event of the Moon literally wipe them and Millions of people live again? 

But what people were truly shocked by were governments around the world, the US, The White House, Russia, Nick Fury, his most trusted agents, and Superheroes who watch this. All of them saw the display of power… yes it was shocking how much power he is displaying today. But what was more shocking for them was how the strongest weapons against mutants didn't do shit the latest and most advanced mutant suppression waves didn't do shit if they had used it on all types of mutants and even on him and it worked wonders complete live immobilizing their X-Gene and even him and strongest mutants even on Mystique where she will return to her original blue skin form. 

And they were not the only one who was shocked by this but all the Mutants around the world and Just Behind Darkseid watching all this had their eyes and jaws wide open but they noticed how black liquid covered his skin for a second before returning inside his body now they knew what is the reason but they don't know how so they all looked at Darkseid but he didn't speak just watched the show. 

In all this one woman is reminded of life surrounded by a magnetic force field. While watching people her teams are burned alive. With fear and horror in her eyes. As she has done many shady things but there is nothing like this that she watches. As she lifted up, as she was in front of him, Magneto's eyes were red from anger. 

"What's your name?" He asked her in a simple manner, yet with anger in his voice, the woman gulped in fear.

"… Dana Curtis" the woman stuttered out.

"Dana, today is your lucky day… even after you attacked me I am allowing you all to leave… now, to tell the stories of what happened here firsthand as I am sure even if they watch this they still call it a lie. So now you must spare the truth."  Said Magneto as the next second she was thrown far away. While still in the magnetic force field when she will land she will have her legs and hands broken from the shock but she will live. 

Magneto sensed 8 jets were closing towards his direction and those jets and not normal ones as they not only have cloaking but also they were highly advanced that disturb magnetic fields. while they were also trying to remain outside of his magnetic range and four smaller metal objects were launched in his direction… a  smile appeared on his face and He turned the missiles towards the fighter jets. It was clear that they were not expecting this as he was out of the last range according to their records. and they were not able to react correctly… in the next second four explosions resounded throughout the air. The remaining four jets flew past him…

He waved his hand and one of the jets crashed on a building below in another area leaving only three jets. From his senses it was clear that they were getting away… they must have been ordered to return. After all, something big must had coming. … and as soon as he controlled those missiles they must have found out about his range. Or the team he had allowed to escape might have reported back…

No matter what they found out, he cannot allow them to leave… with that thought he blasted off behind them at his maximum speed currently can use. this time he didn't care about anything else other than hunting down those three fighter jets. It didn't take long to get them in his range. He didn't wait anymore and crushed the cockpit of one of the jets crushing the pilot with it… the jet immediately lost power and started to descend. Two jets were left and he took control of one of the jets and crashed it with the last one. He stopped mid-air and turned around to return to the place he was hovering before. While all this happens, the Camera still followed him and the destruction. 

As soon as He returned to the roof he was able to feel vehicles coming in his direction. From their speed, it was clear that they have sent tanks but isn't that stupid?? After all, they just saw him laying waste to 8 fighter jets…plus 20 fighter Jets helicopters, and all the Tanks that were here before his entry. In fact, the whole city has crumbled to dust and is now burning with hot flames even though they plan to enter the area. 

They sending more metal ducks after him is just stupid. Their best option was to bombard him from a distance.

"Hah… with a sigh He started to move towards the edge of the area. He arrived at the edge and looked down. This would make it easy for the tanks to aim at him. Along with the tanks, there were several teams of foot soldiers too…

*boom* *boom* *boom* *boom*

Several booms were heard one after the other and tanks shot their shells in his direction. "Color him impressed! As he didn't think that they would commence an attack on him so quickly even after knowing he could crush them inside, maybe that's why they were so fast. It was their fight and flight reaction." He could clearly see the anticipation in the eyes of those foot soldiers… but unfortunately for them, they were destined to fail.

All the shells stopped right in front of him. He then uses something he never used and he just gets to know he can do it, showing the world his new level of power. 

He used my powers and started to morph all the Shells into lances pointed toward the tanks and the ground squads. All of them were currently watching me with gaping mouths… lightning erupted from his body charging the lances. He then grinned at how easily he was able to do it even on his first try. 

While watching this world was shocked by what they saw as they never thought he could do this even all the Mutants were shocked to see this while looking at Darkseid who had the same grin on his face. 

As he started to launch the lances toward the tanks… he didn't even try to see the look of horror on their faces. As soon as the lances started hitting it raised a giant dust cloud covering the whole street. But that didn't stop him and he continued to fire the railguns in their direction.

When the last lance was finally launched he decided to stop… from his senses he found out that other vehicles were leaving the area… he wasn't able to sense a single life sign within 5 kilometers around him. It was quite clear that the army now knew there was no point in mindlessly attacking him. Not only were they losing soldiers but also these weapons themselves cost a lot, even a jet cost millions. 

The dust cloud finally cleared and he looked at the devastated place… the whole street was razed into craters… only the remains of some tanks were left behind… not a single sign of those ground troops could be seen… it was clear that all of their remains have vaporized…

And every lance not only completely destroyed the area around it but also the overwhelming amount of lightning that travels into the Earth fried the whole electrical supply system that was underground and supplying electricity in the sewage system. 

Seeing no one coming He was about to leave. 

Suddenly His senses picked up something and he immediately looked up. He felt 31 huge metal objects flying in my direction at high speed… It wasn't fighter jets because of their speed differences and they weren't helicopters either… Whatever they were, they weren't sent by the army. Ohhh… then it must be the Sentinels from the Trask Headquarters… 

Trask, you just wait, I will present you as an example to the world. 

As The Sentinels finally appeared in everyone's vision through the cameras as the whole world watches Giant Robots… thirty of them were the old model, the model we saw in Guantanamo Bay, and the last one was the prototype, the Sentinel M. But it won't be a challenge as all of them are made of metals… but he can feel it there is some kind of wave that was constantly released by those Sentinels that somehow interfere with his control but they could have been a problem to him before but not anymore as he now he can feel he easily control them. As those waves did not affect his powers now he now can control anything if he applies enough Tesla of magnetic field strength. 

As he raised his hand in their direction intending to crush them but suddenly stopped…

Well, why don't I test my physical capabilities… After all, I will never get this chance again. With that decision, he thought as he can feel it he had received enough strength boost that he could be called a small powerhouse just by his strength alone. So he was excited to check this new strength out. 

He took flight in that direction at his max speed and punched the prototype Sentinel. "Boom" Yes… he was kind of disappointed now. He blew a hole in its head with his not-so-powerful punch. The sentinel immediately lost its power and started to drop toward the ground. He turned my eyes toward the remaining Sentinels and gave them a dirty glare.

Well, now that he has confirmed that he has huge amounts of physical strength he must use something new. He side-stepped when 6 sentinels launched fire in my direction. He ignores them as he can feel this amount of heat will do no shit So he placed his palms together and started to concentrate his magnetokinesis power in between his palms. He can feel that he can do much more now and his control over them was beyond anything and with his long experiences of using his power had him on another level. 

But what he will do is no easy thing as sweat was building on his body. Slowly he moved his palms apart and he could feel a huge amount of magnetic power being compressed within his palms. He was sweating like never before. 

This was the first time he was using this power in a fight… before now I never used it since he never knew he could do this.  

While the whole world watches as the flames were so hot they were melting the metal of Sentinels the whole world had hope but also questions why don't Sentinels stop the and answer was simple: they can detect life. Now all of them were in one place attacking him with all kinds of nonmetal attacks. Flamethrowers energy beams. But flames don't do shit while energy beams just distort around him. 

Black lighting started to crackle from his palms, 

There is a reason why he was not attacking them as this needs all his concentration

After the 2 longest minutes of anyone's life, a black ball finally formed between his palms. The black ball was so dark that it felt like it was absorbing the light and all the flames from the surroundings. He pulled his palms apart and the ball started to grow in size… black lightning was still crackling around me.

The edges of the black ball started to turn golden… another golden ring appeared around the black ball and he could feel that the ball had started to pull everything around it. So he uses all his strength to pull him toward the ground. a huge grin appeared on his face and he looked towards the Sentinels… the grin turned completely evil and he allowed the black ball within his palms to slowly float towards the sentinels while stopping the supply of magnetic fields. 

"Blackhole" he said and the ball slightly expanded and the pull increased by several folds. The Sentinels weren't able to hold back and started to get pulled into the black hole. Since he had made the black he felt that the ground and anything below them was cracking because of the pull from the black hole. Soon, all the Sentinels were pulled into the black hole 

As everything around the ground had felt such a pull of gravity that it sucked inside the black hole which was growing with every second. 

While the world watches this with horror as the catastrophe was created everyone had their eyes wide open and jaws hanging. This was no game as if this continues not only the earth will be gone but the whole solar system. 

While gravity only takes its effects on the small town and once everything in the town was pulled into the black hole and there was a one-kilometer deep crater in the place of Alamogordo. 

Seeing the destruction Magneto smiles he decided to collapse the black on itself. So he applies a huge amount of magnetic field on it but nothing happens. He tries again, putting in even more. But he failed, again and again, putting on more and more strength. But nothing happens to smart people around the world who realize this by looking at Magneto as how much he was sweating while trying to do something with his hands. 

As blackhole continues to expand it sucks more and more and seeing this world thought it was the end. But " Erik you did great but you shouldn't let the black hole grow this big it couldn't be controlled at your level." Spoke a Voice and all the people looked at him, cameras zooming at him. 

They all were so shocked to see what Erik had done that they even forgot about him. As they saw his face they were shocked to their core as it was him. The man who was now a global terrorist he was just in front of the black hole. 

He doesn't seem to be affected by it. With his Hands behind his back, he looked like he was standing on the air as his eyes were red. 

As Voice was heard the blackhole stopped growing and started to shrink.  As this continues in no time it was no bigger than a football. Then it flew towards him. And seeing this whole world had a sigh of relief and great fear as to what monster this is that is holding a Blackhole. 

Darkseid: "Erik you shouldn't play with such things if you don't have full confidence in controlling them. Stars, Neutron Stars, Blackholes, Whiteholes, and Wormholes are dangerous es...… "Boom" Boom" Boom"


As sonic booms could be heard then a punch directly landed on the face of Darkseid which was so strong that it send shockwaves that can be felt even 10 kilometers away then the puncher had his hand crack then snap because of the force behind the punch while Darkseid face didn't move an inch as everyone looked at who was it. 

It was a man with blond hair and blue eyes wearing some kind of full suit. He doesn't seem to be in pain but in great shock as if something like this never happened to him. As humans had some hope seeing the attack. while all the 

Eternals watch this with wide eyes and even the External had the same reaction now every powerful individual who didn't even react even after seeing a blackhole as they were confident that they could escape it had a great interest in this. 

As Darkseid looked at him placed his other hand on the hand of the man. Removing it without much of a problem.  He then started to apply strength to it "crack crack" bone-cracking sounds could be heard and now fear and pain could be seen on the face of the man. 

Darkseid: "I was just waiting for you you fly like a bug so slow that the show has just ended,  You didn't even show your face last time Ikaris for Eternals that been here since the dawn of Humanity you are weak but what can I expect from a servant puppet of Celestials. I think you have lived long enough. I think it's time to sleep."

 " Drain" 

Darkseid Pov. 

I said to him as I was waiting for him but he is slow as shit Now he first has anything physically good as my powers don't stack up like no matter how many humans I drain I will not get even a single point of strength so I must drain someone that is lest one-tenth of my strength get anything good. But Energy is a different thing as it will continue to increase no matter what and there is a limit to Energy Manipulation which is I can't Manipulate or absorb energy that I know nothing about or have never seen before. 

And there are very few energies that are not 

Omniversal or even if they are no one knows about them or unique to said multiverse like any DC world special energies like Speed Force, Still Force, Sage Force, Astro Force, and above all else The Source. And Marvel had its own Cosmic Energy, Power Cosmic, Gamma Radiation, Chaos Magic, and so on. 

And Once I encounter energy my body will always be able to generate said energy and upon itself and absorption just give that an amazing boost. And this man holds Cosmic Energy which is an ambient energy rattling around the universe, remnants of creation. And this energy is used by every Eternal and Celestial who uses supernatural energies combined with it. I want this. In fact, he didn't come here today. I will look for him. 

Especially since I absorb the power of evolution as without it I plan to give my body a break and let it settle down as I not only absorbed two pretty powerful Gods and a Cosmic Storm and that was bigger than a galaxy. So now I can say I am more powerful than when I came here and with every second my body is adapting and consuming all the energies around and inside me to make it stronger and more capable. That's why I will next look for all the Marks Celestials left behind on this planet then the First host. As I want to overwhelm my body by absorbing a whole Celestial for the first time plus it will not provide me with more Cosmic energy but also their unique powers. 

There is a reason to why celestials have names like Eson the Searcher, Exitar the Exterminator, And will see Scathan the Approver these names are not for the show or the fashion no there a reason behind as a newborn celestial is a clean slate and with time and experience they get a name and with that naves a title comes a unique power or should I say authority over one aspect like Scathan the Approver: A Celestial from the alternate timeline/reality Earth-691, tasked with approving or disapproving situations so if anyone gained power too fast he can disapprove them even if they are as powerful as living Tribunal. 

And by absorbing those prints left behind them I will have more cosmic energy but also there authorities. 

important to read 

So what powers cod best suit for Magneto please commant and I know today's chapter was more concentrated on him but Hii this character least deserves a chapter and now he is part of Darkseid army. And that's why he had Mutants with him all the time he is forcing them to open their eyes while corrupting the Dame's. 

Charles is a one hack of mother fuker messed up

character maybe marvel darkest.

So after this arc  is done with all this I will start world development giving the Povs of most if not all important peoples the space Shi'ar Empire, Universe, Cosmic Beings, Earth, US, Heroes, Heroes who were not on the island and Villains, Future Villains like Kang now time line is messed up for his other variants Asgard, now its strongest weapon strongest weapon broken like that. and especially the females. 

So some if not all people don't know, Apocalypse is the smartest when it comes to genetics and Mutant X Gene most of you think he is all because of Celestial tech but you should know he is first born mutant with thousands of years experience with it and if you count his money he will be trillionaire as he was a farrow of Egypt, and you can imagine rest if it in fact, any true older person with enough brain will have enough money to put Tony stark in shame. 

Now he is using Celestial for years imagine we gave him a cave man our tech he can use it but can't explain how it works and how its do so he be called smart or dumb this is what Apocalypse place and he can use frist because he got knowledge from a Celestial but remember he is using it for thousands of years and he had learned it even if he can't explain it like how many of you explain what internet is. 

Why are Comments getting fewer When I am putting more effort into them? Uploading images and writing this long chapter Do it write some comments 




Peggy Carter had an unscripted scene in The First Avenger that made it to the final cut. 

During the scene where Captain America steps out of the chamber that turned him superhuman, Peggy Carter examines a shirtless Steve Rogers with her hands. Because of how spontaneous this scene flowed together it was kept for the authenticity. 


That's it, folks, please comment and give some power stones

please join my discord server for Fiction knowledge


Please share

✌️ Peace ✌️


GodOfGreedAs GodOfGreedAs

Peggy Carter had an unscripted scene in The First Avenger that made it to the final cut. 

During the scene where Captain America steps out of the chamber that turned him superhuman, Peggy Carter examines a shirtless Steve Rogers with her hands. Because of how spontaneous this scene flowed together it was kept for the authenticity. 

next chapter
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