31.25% Alpha Lilly / Chapter 10: The Banquet

章節 10: The Banquet

Lilly's POV

The car rumbled along the road as we made our way through our territory to get to the midnight moon pack. Being the largest pack in North America they host the banquet.

"No one has told me what to expect." I say to Beta Carson as we rumble along.

"Well it's a banquet. What more do you need to know?" He replies. No one seems to want to tell me anything I feel so in the dark.

"What happens at the banquet? You and father are being so cagey. Just TELL ME!" Beta Carson bites his lip at the command.

"You eat." He responds. I want real answers and he's not budging. An unintentional growl comes out.

"Usually the Lunas will stay for the meal then go to an adjoining sitting room to let the boys talk." Sam jumps in trying to give me some information to calm me down. "You will stay with the Alphas of course and get to know some of them."

"Go on." I say and Beta Carson picks up the explanation.

"It is mostly posturing." He says "displaying dominance and securing alliances." He pauses "stick to your father... at least for a while you'll do fine."

I felt better having some idea what I'm walking into but I still have this nagging feeling that they are holding something back. I shake it off. I'm too nervous to add unsubstantiated feelings into the mix.

We finally make it to the banquet hall and it is massive. We are dropped off out front and I just stand there gawking at the elaborate design.

"Come on we're holding up the line." Beta says. I look to see three cars behind us and allow Carson to lead Sam and I into the building.

Inside I see many round tables around a large room. A stage in the corner holds a small band of stringed instruments. The sound of soft music and conversation floods my ears. The far wall is almost completely stained glass the full moon making it glow beautifully.

I look around and find my father speaking to another Alpha. I nod to Beta Carson and Sam and make my way to him. Sam whispers a "good luck." As I depart.

"Evening father." I say as I approach. He smiles at me.

"And this." He says wrapping his arm around me. "Is my beautiful daughter Lilly Anne Blackthorn. Future Alpha of the Red Rivers pack."

They all stare at me. I can even feel the eyes of the men behind me burrowing into me.

"A pleasure to meet you." The closest Alpha says grabbing my hand and kissing it. "I am Alpha Gabriel of Panama and this is my son Carlos." I pull my hand from Alpha Gabriel and shake hands with his son.

"A pleasure to meet you too." I respond.

"Why don't you go introduce the fair Lilly to the rest of your peers Carlos while the grown ups talk." Alpha Gabriel says to his son. I look to father and he nods so I go with Carlos.

The other future Alphas were huddled together against the wall of glass near the stage. Being so close to the stage I couldn't hear the conversation until I was right on top of them.

"Father says they'll do it tonight." Is all I get when they all clam up and look at me.

"Ummmm.." my escort begins "this is... ummm..."

"I'm Lilly nice to meet you." I say to the group.

No one speaks for a moment. Then the guy who was talking when I came up breaks the silence.

"I'm Ronald, ice winters pack." He says arms crossed "this is Blake, Hunter, and Xander." The other soon to be Alphas only nod. Ronald was obviously dominant in this group.

"You can go now Carlos." Ronald hissed at the timid little Alpha and he scurries off back to his father. "Pft. Weak." Ronald continues laughing at Carlos. "I can't believe he's going to be an Alpha."

Then he turns his attention to me and scoffs.

"Female Alpha huh." He says looking me up and down. "I don't buy it."

"Well theirs nothing to buy PUP." I say and I can see the anger in his eyes at my disrespect. "I will be Alpha of the Red Rivers pack wither you like it or not." With that I turn to walk away but he grabs my wrist.

"Are you challenge me little girl." He growls. Claws digging into my wrist.

"I see nothing worth challenging Ronnie boy." I say starring him down. "Now I'd hate to break a nail putting you in your place so would you kindly LET GO!" I issue an order that catches him off guard loosening his grip enough that I could slip out.

I walk along the glass wall trying to avoid everyone. I lean against the cool glass by a door on the other side of the room and look back at Ronald and his gang. They don't look too happy. Ronald glares at me and looks back to his boys.

"What a creep." I say taking a deep breath.

"I know right?" A voice says as a tall Alpha... no future Alpha... leans on the wall next to me.

"I'm Caden. Future Alpha of the blue rock pack."

I rack my mind trying to remember the pack but with 48 packs in North America I can't seem to place it. I only really memorized the top 20... Midnight Moon, Red Rivers, Ice Winters, Black Water, and so on.

"Hello, I'm..."

"Oh believe me I know who you are." I look at him dumbfounded. "Lilly Blackthorn future alpha of the Red Rivers pack. Late bloomer but powerful. Likely to be the first successful female Alpha." He rattles off.

"Well nice to meet you then, Caden." I say not sure how to respond.

Caden seemed pleasant enough. Much better company than Ronald. We talked for a moment then he turned to face me.

"Your hot." He says out of the blue as he steps closer to me. I back away. He's creeping me out now. "We'd be good together."

"Sorry, I'm not interested." I say continuing to back away from him. Caden continues to push forward as I back away.

"Come on Lilly their are worse options." He says gesturing over his shoulder to Ronald and his boys. My back hits the wall and I'm pinned in the corner.

"No thanks." I say and try to walk away but he puts his muscular arm out leaning on the wall beside me to block my escape.

Caden leans in close to me and I can feel his breath on my neck. "Mmmmm... think of the pups we'd make." He says inhaling my scent.

"Please take your seats dinner will be served momentarily." A voice rings through the room. That's my que.

With that distraction I slip under Caden's arm and find my way to my father's table.

"Are you ok?" Sam asks as I sit next to my father.

"Fine, just stupid Alpha wanna bees." I say. Sam wants to ask more but all attention shifts to the front of the room as a large alpha with dark auburn hair and an untidy suit stands up. The room goes silent as he begins to speak. His first words make my heart jump as he speaks with great authority. Every Alpha in the room looks at him with respect.

"Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoy the festivities. Let us eat." He speaks through nearly clenched teeth like he doesn't want to be here.

Waiters begin pouring out of every entrance. I look around amazed by the scene. Waiters with trays were serving every table. It all smelled so delicious each plate caught my attention. When I look back up to the front the young Alpha is gone. I look around for him but he is nowhere in sight.

"Who was that?" I ask father as we eat.

"Aaron." My father replies then thinks better of it and corrects himself "Alpha Aaron Thatcher Rose of the Midnight Moon pack and our host for the evening."

We continue eating a magnificent feast. Slowly the Alphas begin finishing eating and resume conversation. The Lunas along with Sam slip away into the sitting room. As I look around I see Ronald regrouping his posse and Caden eyeing me. My father was off talking to another Alpha so I turn to Carson.

"Hey... Is this thing almost over?" I ask beyond ready to leave.

"Not even close." Carson says "they will chat and drink until midnight then we all go for a run." I can't take this until midnight.

"I'm gonna go get some air." I say. Carson nods.

"Its a lot I get it... don't be gone too long." He says.

"No I don't think you do get it" I think but then again I'm just glad he didn't try to stop me. I make my way to the front and slip out the door.

Outside the air hits me and I instantly relax. My wolf keeps urging me to run but I know that can't happen. I walk down the path of an amazing garden and look back at the wall of windows. The stained glass shows a massive scene of a howling wolf. It is breathtaking. I lean against a lamppost taking in all in. Feeling the cool night air.

"Beautiful isn't it"

I turn to see someone I was avoiding.

"The way the moonlight hits it... its almost as captivating as your eyes." Caden says as he runs his finger down the side of my face.

"Leave me alone." I say trying to hold back my contempt for him.

"Calm down. I just came out to apologize. I have no filter and you are beautiful." He says "I'm Sorry if I freaked you out."

"Ok, you said it now go please." I say swatting his hand away and continuing down the path.

"Wait up I'll walk with you." Caden says jogging to catch up to me.

"I'd rather you didn't." I tell him

Dude can't take a hint. Well I guess I wasn't subtle enough for it to be a hint so he must just be deaf. I ignore him and continue to walk.

"A beautiful woman shouldn't walk alone. You never know what might happen." Caden says beside me.

"I can take care of myself" I say turning to face him.

"Oh really?" He says as he looks around. "I don't think so."

With that statement he grabs my waist and throws me against the wall. I look around and realize we've ended up in a hedge maze.

"You moron." My wolf decides to chime in.

"Not helpful." I tell her but she's right I wasn't paying attention and now I'm stuck. "I really don't want to kill this boy" I think.

"I wouldn't mind" my wolf says and I roll my eyes.

"Let go of me." I say calmly

"You know." He smirks "I don't think I will." He pins me to the wall holding my wrists above my head and kisses my neck.

"I'm done being nice Caden let me go." I say as calmly as I can... keeping my temper in check... not my strong suit.

"No." He whispers in my ear. His hot breath makes me cringe.

"Fine!" I say bringing my knee up full force. He screams in pain. I turn on him pinning him against the wall hand to his throat. I begin to allow my fingers to extend into claws making him bleed when a scent hits my nose.

The scent is like a bonfire after a snow storm. Crisp and clean with a slight burn. I close my eyes a second to inhale then look around for the source. My laps in concentration cost me as Caden slips my grip and now his hand is on my throat. Pinning me to the wall again.


Alpha Aaron POV

What is the purpose of hedge mazes... I asked my mother that once as a child. Why would someone become lost voluntary. It made no sense to me. As I grew I realized sometimes the safest place to be is somewhere where you yourself don't know where you are.

This place became my escape... still is I suppose considering as soon as I welcomed my guests I slipped out and found myself wandering to the middle of it. I sit on the fountain and look at my watch. 2hrs. Till midnight. After the run I can send them home and be free of this night for another year. 12:00 can't come soon enough.

I wander around for a bit but I can't get lost in here any more. I know it too well. Suddenly I hear the sound of someone scream.

As I move closer something catches my attention. The smell of kiwi and sniff sniff fresh cut grass. An odd combo but it makes me dizzy. I make my way to the start of the maze following the scent.

As I near the entrance I find the source of the smell.


A growl escapes my chest and I am no longer in control of my body. I run up to the wolf grab him by the throat and pin him to the wall. Feet dangling he grabs my arm trying to release the pressure on his throat.

I stare at his fear stricken eyes and let out another growl.

"I should kill you!" I say still growling at the scum.

The girl stands beside me and places a hand on my shoulder. I can feel a surge rush through my body at her touch and I turn to look at her.

"Hes not worth it" she says and I turn my attention back to him tightening my grip his legs begin to kick.

"DROP HIM!" The words surprise me when I feel the power behind them... did she just?... did she try to?... I look at her confused and drop the mutt. What was that?

"Run along now" she says with a grin crouching down to him. She blocks his escape with her arm. "Don't talk to me, look at me, or even say my name ever again or you won't have to worry about him because I'll rip your throat out myself. Now GO!" She growls the last word with force and he scampers away

Who is this girl? Why can't I stop staring? I look her up and down. A soft growl that sounded more like a purr rumbled in my chest and I can feel my face get hot. What is wrong with me?

"Take a picture it will last longer." She says but I can see her face redden too. It is a major contrast to her brown hair and... wait a second... I reach out and twirl the curl of black hair that stands out from the brown.

"Are you ok?" I ask. Looking over her body again.

"I'm fine." she says taking my hand with both of hers and detangling it from her hair. Her touch makes my heart jump but its gone too soon as she drops my hand at my side. "I had him under control." She says with a hint of anger at my interference.

"Man, you have a funny was of saying thank you." I reply a little miffed that she's not more grateful. She turns away from me heading out of the maze and back to the hall. I quickly catch up and walk along side her. "Hay talk to me."

She continues to ignore me and picks up the pace "STOP NOW." I didn't mean to command her it just slipped. I don't want her to leave. What is wrong with me?

She stops at my command but then shocks me. She shakes it off! She turns on her heal and stalks right up to me.

"Can't get what you want so you try and command me?" She says angrily

"No I didn't... I... I mean... sorry." What is wrong with me? I'm going mad! Straight answers. Few words. Well I guess that's out the window. I'm havering like a blasted fool.

"No I'm sorry." She says all anger gone. "I'm just..." she sighs and places a hand on my jaw. "I just can't wait for this night to be over." I sigh at her words.

"You and me both sister." I say. She removes her hand from my face and we sit on a bench near the entrance to the hall.

"I did have him tho... if you hadn't shown up with that scent of yours distracting me I'd have taken care of him myself." She says. I smile at the thought.

"So my scent distracts you huh?!" I say with a raised eyebrow. I understand the feeling my head is in a whirl.

"Yea you stink!" She says pushing me. Not that she was able to move me but it was cute having her try. She scoots away from me.

"I'm sorry I'm sooo distracting..." I stop my flirtatious banter when I see her eyes go distant. Mind link. What I would give to be inside that mind.

"Bye Alpha Aaron. Gotta go." She says and jumps up heding to the door.

"Wait you seem to have me at a disadvantage." I say and she stops to look at me. "You know my name but have yet to give me yours."

She turns and runs to the door. I let out a sigh. "The world may never know." I chuckle to myself. And lean back on the bench.

"Lilly." She says and disappears inside before I can turn around.

"Lilly." I think to myself and begin blushing again.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!?" I groan and bury my face in my hands propping my head up with my elbows on my knees.

"Mate!" My wolf says causing me to jump up and turn to the door she just disappeared through. Then I whisper one word that drives me insane.


next chapter
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