20% All For None / Chapter 2: CHAPER 2: Tension

章節 2: CHAPER 2: Tension

You will never realize the worth of something until you lose it.


That one quote never sounded truer to Bakugo Katsuki.


One evening he feels infuriated, the next day he is greeted with clashing and disturbing mixed feelings. One evening he sees the green haired nerd, the next day… Izuku is reported missing. Just like life, the world moves on everyday until a year had almost passed by.


Sitting in a classroom was Bakugo; posture slouched as he idly taps his feet unto the floor's pavement. Although he was physically in the classroom, his mind wandered to an entire new place. The lessons from the teacher aren't registering in his mind. They were just coming in and out of his ear. To everyone else he might seem like he is uninterested, but in reality he was agitated. Bakugo takes side glances at the seat that once occupied the student named Midoriya Izuku.


Bakugo didn't think that day would be the last time that he would see Izuk-Deku. He gritted his teeth, dammit! Had the nerd actually taken his advice to commit suicide? He certainly hoped not. However from the looks of things…


"-Bakugo? Is everything alright?" The worried tone of the teacher prod Bakugo out of his thoughts. Looking around the class, he could see his peers giving him looks. Shit, had he been spacing out again?


"N-nothing." That was the only answer the blonde gave to his teacher. The man raised a brow but decided not to bug the teen on what was bothering him. "As I was saying, the exams at UA will be coming up in a week's time. So best of luck to whoever is willing to take up that hero exam."


Right, the UA exam. That had been the biggest talk in town. Despite the low chances of entering the hero school, many students from different schools will still most likely partake in the exams.


"Hey Bakugo, still wanna get into UA academy? There's a high chance you'll get in for sure!" Noodle fingers; one of the lackeys that follow him around questioned.


"Yeah, like a murder will be accepted to be a pro hero someday." A student sneered at Bakugo. Murmurs and some laughs erupted from the classroom. Little did they know of the swelling anger that statement evoked into the explosive teen.


"Oi, who said that" Bakugo's voice was dripped with spiteful venom, silencing the classroom instantly. Even the teacher couldn't do anything for what's to come.


The dragging of a seat echoed around the classroom. Standing up to face Bakugo was a student with black hair. His posture was relaxed, like he hadn't just awakened the potential wrath of a teen equivalent to a volcano. "I said how can a murder. Someone like you be worthy to be a future hero." Each word he said were punctuated with a step, drawing closer to Bakugo until the two were toe to toe with each other.


Bakugo was vividly enraged. This damn extra…


"Got nothing to say for yourself. Everyone knows that you are responsible for Midoriya's 'supposed' missing state. Won't be surprised if you were the one that kille-" He never got to finish his sentence as Bakugo wrenched his uniform's collar, small sparks of explosives heating his clothing.


The entrapped teen didn't quiver at Bakugo's action; instead; he chuckled loudly. "Are you going to kill me just as you did to your childhood friend? Go ahead, try-" His sentence was once again silenced by a strong blow connecting to his cheek. His body fell to the ground from the impact, resulting to gasps emitting everywhere.


"Alright that's enough! Urie, Bakugo back to your seats!" The teacher commanded. The now recognized student; Urie; staggered slightly to his feet while taking a glance at Bakugo's shaken expression. He gave a wry grin to the blonde as he cleaned the small trail of blood from his bleeding nose.


"You are no better than a villain."


More murmurs resurfaced as the pair returned to their respective seats.


Urie was a new student that enrolled into the school two months prior after Izuku's disappearance. At first, he had been cheerful around Bakugo. But after learning of the nature between the missing student and Bakugo, Urie had made sure to remind Bakugo of how terrible he was. Going to the point of talking of sour topics that bother Bakugo to increase his guilt.


Indeed, what goes around comes around. The bully had become the bullied.


And all Bakugo wanted was for the day to end sooner.




Gnawing pain and guilt. That was all Bakugo only felt today as he trailed down the street of Musutafu, ignoring the way how his feet drag along the floor. Some passers-by give him weird looks, but the frown and literal explosive aura engulfing him makes them not question his actions. Devil wings and Noodle fingers decided to back off as the explosive quirk user was still obviously pissed off.


Lately, he had been zoning out and become more detached from the world ever since the sudden disappearance of Deku. His wandering thoughts brought him back to a memory; one he had tried desperately to suppress.


1 year ago…


It was 9:00 AM. The weather and classroom scenery were like every other day. Bakugo strolled down to where the next class would begin, chatters from students reached his ears. Some were discussing about yesterday's incident, others just normal stuffs teens talk about. Class began, nothing out of the ordinary happened…Until…


"Has anyone seen Midoriya today?"


Now that he thought of it, he hasn't seen Deku since the first class. Was the nerd that embarrassed of yesterday's incident. Not that he could blame him, but still; that's not like him to miss even a day of school.


Or had he fallen sick? Bakugo shook his head to dismiss the thought. Nah, he was overthinking it. Deku will just return back to school tomorrow and everything will be back to the way they are.



Deku didn't return to school the next day. This was starting to worry Bakugo, as much as he doesn't want to seem bothered…he actually is. He counted the days at the back of his head.


2 days


3 days


4 days


1 week


2 weeks…




WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?! Was Midoriya Izuku actually FLUNKING SCHOOL???


Something felt off. VERY off. The quirkless boy would NEVER miss school, even on his sick bed! So what the actual FUCK is going on?!


Bakugo's answer came off in a very unpleasant way.


His old hag of a mum had forced him to listen to the news that day, which almost broke to a fight despite the timid placation his dad was trying to do. That didn't last long as the next news caused the two arguing party to quiet down.


On the news…was the picture of Izuku. And under that picture…was the label 'Missing' written in thick and bold capital letters.


That had silenced the surrounding noise coming from the TV, as well as his mother's call out of his name. Bakugo's voice never sounded ever lighter.




His eyes fixated on the next words captioned on the headlines: Presumed Dead. Bakugo, without realizing it sooner, had lost some light in his eyes ever since. Also; one of the reasons he pushes to be a hero.


The blonde looks back at the apartment where Aunt Inko lives. He tries his utmost best to visit her time by time. The poor woman having being despaired at the news of her missing son. It made Bakugo's guilt churn more. The nerd lived at least two blocks away, and what did he do to him? Cast him aside all because he was quirkless. God that made him more than an asshole.


"We are live, breaking news: Once again another pro hero dubbed striker has been brutally murdered by the mysterious uprising villain Void. Although some prefer to call him The Grim Reaper. Witnesses say they heard the sound of screaming before they could reach there. On arriving to the scene, police state their shocking discovery of the hero's mutilated body strewn everywhere."


Bakugo stops to take a look at the TV screens plastered on the wall. DEADLY VIGIANTE/ VILLAIN? Was the caption of the headlines. The blonde's furrowed brow deepening even more at the news. Villains these days were becoming more rampant. What were the heroes doing all this time before it grew to this?


"Reports show that this deceased pro hero had been dealing with bribery and blackmailing for over 3 years after his debut. Not only does this villain prosecutes targeted that are most likely corrupt heroes, but underground criminals as well. As usual nobody as seen the face of this enemy and none had lived to tell the tale. What is really disturbing, is how this foe strikes fear into the hearts of all; heroes, criminals and even villains. The question remains: Is Japan really safe from this person? What are his goals? Will pro heroes be able to apprehend this malicious culprit? More reports will be heading your way soon."


Bakugo glared at the screen. It still doesn't matter if he is trying to justify his actions. His methods were for too barbaric for executing justice. If the pro heroes don't do something about him fast, then trouble was lurking far nearer than the world thought it was. He quickened his pace back into his home.


If nobody can step up to this villain, then he will do so himself. He will enter UA academy, become number 1 hero, and uncover the face behind Void.




2 hours ago


Walking down the alley of a bustling street was Pro hero striker, a man of cunning and intellect. His quirk allows him to manipulate the tides of the earth ranging from rocks to boulders. Admires and fans looked up at him, some waving while others frantically asked for autographs. He couldn't deny them of course, it's just that most times…


…these civilians were like pests. Annoying swarms who will hover around at any sight of a hero. Frankly, he was not really interested in the likes of fans. Just the money and top positions. Striker gritted his teeth as he went down a distinct block, hopefully nobody will be there to bother him.


He was so close to being the number 10 hero! And they elected Kumai woods over him?! He saved the fucking governor! Striker angrily kicked a trash can near him, scaring away a homeless cat in the process.


What was he thinking, busy getting angry over that mere fact when he is now a millionaire! The supposed 'rescue' of the governor was all a staged up plan. The governor had promised to offer him 3 million yen if he used his quirk to kill his fiancée in a 'rescue mission'. The politician being tired of her nagging attitude and the arranged marriage, found someone else he loved. So all he needed was to get rid of her.


Thanks to his popularity and cunning, he had planed it well. Taking parts of a Shopping mall's foundation where she was at. Striker had purposedly saved all the trapped residents except for her, leaving the poor woman buried alive in the rubble. He had apologized greatly to the masses and media for the loss of the governor's fiancée.


Not that he cares anyway. He's got his money, the governor got what he wanted and he went scout free. So what's the big deal. He has been into this sort of things for a while. Nothing will happen to him.


Or so he thought.


Just as he pulled open a cigarette to smoke, a purple portal opened in front of him. The swirling sound making his hair stand on end. Coming out of the portal, was a hulking figure, about the size of All might or endeavor. The person wore a black hoodie and black trousers, the forearms wrapped with bandages like a mummy. He wore a metal mouth guard around his mouth and had a set of unsettling green eyes. His posture was relaxed yet commanding, like he will get what he wants as he kept his hands in his pockets.


Striker snuffed out his cigarette on the floor and stomped on it. He gave the new arrival a cautious pause. This guy looks like trouble.


Imitating the demeanor of the new person, Striker stood parallel towards him. Giving him a stare down. "Who are you exactly?" Striker questioned.




Striker frowned at the person, was he trying to instigate him? Does this guy even know who he is?!


"I said who are-"


"Pro hero striker, aka Hajime Hakone. Responsible for several cases of disclosed bribery and corruption hidden from the public. Recently responsible for the indirect and direct murder of the governor's fiancée." The person responded in a deep voice.


Striker widened his eyes in panic. Who the fuck was this guy?! "How did you know that information?! Nobody knows, the governor made sure of that!"


"Your days have finally been numbered. Allow me to rectify for your misdeed and unlawful actions." The entity responded back, not even answering the crepitated state of the pro hero.


Striker was in peril. Shit, this guy knows of his hidden secrets. He can't let the mass media know of this. There was only one thing left to do if he can't shut this guy's mouth.


Kill him off.


A smirk grew on his face. "Too bad for you. If you have just kept your mouth shut, maybe I wouldn't have to take you off the picture now."


"I was going to say the same for you. But there won't be need, since I have a work to complete" The being said as he crouched to a low stance, ready to pounce on the pro hero. Heh, like striker will let that happen.


Before the leaker could take any action, striker hurled a large amount of stones to his face, forcing the person to shield his face from any lethal damage. Striker shifted the ground below him to leap directly at the intruder, covering his hands with rocks before landing a resounding blow to his mid section.


A grunt emitted from him, causing a smile to form on Striker's face. "Not so tough shit now are ya?" Striker delivered volleys of punches to the person still defending himself, hoping to find a landing at a lethal area. Soon enough, the intruder countered with his very own attack, almost landing a blow on the average sized pro hero.


Striker had evaded at the last minute, launching himself to the air with boulders before landing a few feet away from his attacker. There was a heavy dent on the now cracked floor, the hand of his attacker going straight right through it! That was a close one, he really was aiming to kill him.


The being looked down at his floored hand, bringing it out with barely any effort. He looked at his palm, it lasted a second but it was enough. During his defending, he had managed to get a glimpse contact with Striker's arm. Now the pro hero was done for.


"Quirk analysis completed. Earth control, manipulation of earth substance once in contact with them. Weakness: exertion of said quirk makes the user vulnerable to attacks for a period of time."


Striker was baffled. This guy knew the in and out of his quirk?! His average time was 10 minutes at most and during that time he had been attacking non stop. He's out of energy. He needs to get out of here.


"Leaving so soon?" Striker looked up just to see the intruder nearly face to face with him! The intruder held his held in a vice grip, only then did striker notice the black disfigurement of the being's arms, leaving stripes of red pulsing scars. Soe parts of the bandages on his forearm had fallen off during their battle. A frown grew on the being's face, as if he was contemplating on something.


"Useful quirk, but far too pathetic for master's use. I've seen better ones." A headbutt from the being ricocheted Striker's brain, making him dizzy in the process. The entity let go of Striker's head, watching as he staggered on his footing before landing a blow on his chest cavity. The force of the blow sending the hero flying to the air, only to be grabbed in the head and slammed downward towards the ground.


Striker's head was pounding with searing pain. He weakly looked at the attacker, who was currently looking down on him with something akin to disappointment and disgust.


"People like you are not worthy to breathe any sort of air." He punctuated every word with a blow to his already battered body. Once the being finished, he looked at the sorry excuse of a lump.


"Who-Who are you?" Striker croaked out; blood spilled from his lips.


"I am Justice…" Striker could tell a predatory smile stretched on the being. "…And your end" Its jade eyes glowing with ominous energy. That was when the injured hero widened his eyes, fear and recognition palpable on his face. This monstrosity. Was. None other. Than-


"V-Void?! Please spare me! Is it money you need?! I will give it to you! In fact, we could make down some arrangements. You like that won't yo-" 


"I don't need your filthy money." The now recognized entity void said, with little to no empathy at the sorry state of the hero. He could see the loss of hope in those eyes of his.


How delightful.


Void stretched out his hands towards the forehead of Striker. The hero flinched terribly at the contact. Then Void's hands started to glow an eerie red mixed with a catastrophic black. He looked at the Pro hero as his body was filled with his dark repulsive energy, his body shaking from the amount of energy poured into him.


"Take your money and filth down to the grave." Void reveled at how the hero screamed his voice out as his body convulsed and expanded. Like an overinflated balloon, it was sure to burst. Striker's body exploded into a gory show of blood and bones. Arteries and veins splattered around the walls, leaving nowhere untouched. Void himself was covered in the blood of the deceased hero.


Looking around, he pulled down his hoodie, revealing slightly long dark green locks of hair under the cover. He brushed through his hair with his bloodied hand, leaving trails of blood on his hair. He gave one last look at the scattered corpse before taking his leave as a purple vortex opened, beckoning the end of his assignment.


Void entered the portal, leaving no trace of his existence or proof there; only a mangled body of a corruptive hero. All heroes are the same. Pretending to be good when all they are after is for their selfish interests.


Next will be those uprising heroes, then the top heroes. And then…


…Allmight himself.


He will pay for his prejudice. The number one hero will pay for turning him to this.

WeebFanthom WeebFanthom

Hope you liked the chapter, put in your comments, reviews and ratings. Would very much appreciate them.

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