In a realm where ancient magic intertwines with elusive mysteries, a soul, weary from lifetimes lived for others, finds itself reborn into a world steeped in enigmatic tales. Embracing this new chance to live for oneself, the individual discovers an innate affinity for magic, opening doors to powers unknown.
Yet, amidst the wonder of this rebirth and newfound abilities, a grim reality swiftly descends. Pursued relentlessly from the moment of rebirth, the individual grapples with the startling revelation that their existence has sparked a hunt, with adversaries seeking to extinguish this magical essence before it blossoms.
As they navigate this perilous landscape, they uncover fragments of forgotten lore hinting at a destiny intertwined with the world's delicate balance of power. Faced with the weight of responsibility and hunted for their untamed potential, the protagonist must journey through a tapestry of mythical landscapes, unearthing secrets to harness their magic while evading those who seek to extinguish this rare gift.
作者 Elriccen
At the moment the book is going very well. I like the way the author carries the MC describing the youthful age and awakening system. I would stick to this one