Meanwhile, war raged outside, with more and more slaves trying to destroy the gates with sheer numbers.
They didn't care about anything else but to damage Belluga's walls and gates. This was why there were a lot of deaths so early on the enemy's side.
Only a few hours after the war began, there were already hundreds of corpses and injured people lining up the walls.
It was a nauseating sight.
What's more, Slaves weren't counted in the numbers—it was as if they had no identity.
That was to say, even if they comprised most of the enemies, and even if they all died, the attacking territory wouldn't lose.
It was the main reason war slaves were so sought after. They could cause so much damage to a defending territory, yet they were basically risk-free.
However, seeing so many deaths, Jake and the others were naturally boiling.
But this was the way of the world and they weren't powerful enough to change it.
At least not yet.
Thank you for reading Alterrans! As always, special hugs to those who send more support *HUG*