
章節 21: POWER OF COURAGE: Chapt.8


Courage can be challenging. When complex business problems arise, you need to be prepared to meet them head-on and be resilient as you work toward a solution."Resilience is the capacity to not only endure great challenges but to get stronger in the midst of them," Koehn says. She adds that resilience isn't something everyone intrinsically possesses; it's a learned capability that leaders can hone with experience."Each time we navigate through a crisis and find a little strength in it, we're able to pick out an insight we can learn from; at the same time, we resolve not to get bitter, weaker, smaller, or more frightened, but, rather, to get the tiniest bit braver," she says. "A leader's ability to do this is profound, not only for him or you-in when it comes to change initiatives. Koehn says becoming a leader who is attuned to your emotions requires a "willingness to cultivate, enhance, and deepen your self-awareness, and to learn to trust it." To heighten your self-awareness, consider taking a leadership self-assessment. By doing so, you can gain greater insight into your workplace behaviours and how others perceive you.

a. Self-discipline In Addition To Building self-awareness and a deeper understanding of your emotions, you need to exercise self-discipline and demonstrate poise—even in the most trying circumstances."We live in a world that's characterized by one nonstop crisis after another, like waves breaking on the shore," Koehn says. When facing a crisis, you need to be prepared to lead under pressure and remain composed. Koehn says a key initial step is to take stock of the circumstances surrounding the situation at hand, rather than acting prematurely."Realize that in the heat of the moment, nothing an individual leader can do can solve the whole situation," Koehn says. "You're better off acting from your strongest, calmest self than you are taking the first reactive, immediate action."

b. Commitment To Purpose

Purpose is critical to both individual and organizational success. A report by EY shows that 96 percent of leaders believe purpose is important to their job satisfaction. In a separate study by DDI, it was found that purpose builds organizational resilience and improves long-term financial performance. For you and your firm to reap these benefits, it's imperative to consider how you can be more purpose-driven and leverage your organization's objectives to instil your team with a sense of mission. Seek to empower your employees by tying their work to important strategic initiatives, and delegate tasks that drive key projects forward. Through such actions, you can inspire faith in your employees and ignite their desire to perform at their best."It's what we're thirsty for now," Koehn says. "We're looking for leaders who can help us make a leap of faith and be integral to creating a better world, and to believe this is worthy of doing and possible."

Becoming A Courageous Leader

Growing into a courageous leader can pay dividends for your company and career. By committing to a leadership development plan that builds your authenticity, resilience, emotional intelligence, self-discipline, and commitment to purpose, you can acquire the skills to lead with bravery and conviction in challenging times.

c. Leadership Courage

Using those three buckets of courage, you can take precise actions that will make you a stronger leader for yourself, your team, and your business.

d. Claim Your Courage

The first thing you have to do is decide that you are going to be a courageous leader, no matter what. You have to be willing to climb over obstacles, to do what's difficult, and to keep doing that every day. A courageous leader is someone who constantly asks themselves if they are being courageous enough. Courage is a muscle that must be strengthened day by day and choice by choice.

e.Get Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

Courageous leaders are people who are able to push through uncomfortable situations. They are willing to make difficult decisions and do not back down when things get too hard.

f. Reveal Vulnerability

Revealing that you are vulnerable to your employees lets them see that you are human, just like them. You make mistakes and clean up after them. You understand what it's like to be in theirshoes and you want to show that you aren't just a massive ego.

g. Confront Reality Head-on

Strong leadership means fully understanding the state of your company. If you don't completely understand what's wrong and aren't willing to admit that there needs to be change, then you face the possibility of losing good staff members and maybe even losing your business entirely.

h. Seek Feedback And Actually Listen

Unfiltered feedback is often difficult to hear, but accepting it is one of the best things you can do for your business. Having your employees give their feedback not only allows you to better understand your company, but it also empowers them to share their thoughts and ideas.You don't need to have all the answers. A courageous leader lets go of their ego and encourages guidance and suggestions from their employees. If you encourage constructive disagreement and healthy debate over ideas, you will reinforce the strength of your team and show them that you value their opinions. Allow employees to give feedback not only on your ideas, but the ideas and tasks that the entire team is working on. Encourage invention, creativity, and risk-taking.

I. Communicate Openly And Often

Keep the lines of communication open between you and your staff, even when you don't know the answers. Courageous leaders do not hide behind their computers. They don't use industry jargon or avoid answering questions. They use straight talk. They aren't afraid to say, "I don't know." They communicate openly and honestly with their team. Courageous leaders are open with their information. They don't hoard ideas. They create open lines of communication at all levels of their business.

k. Give Credit To Others

Courageous leaders don't seek praise from everyone around them. Instead, they offer praise to those who deserve it. They let their employees know when they've done a good job. They don't need to take the credit for the work that is done by their team because they know it wasn't their work in the first place. A good leader takes more than their share of blame and less than their fair share of credit.

k. Hold Yourself Accountable

If you expect your employees to perform and deliver on their commitments, then you have to do the same. You must hold yourself accountable and be a role model for your employees to emulate.

l. Delegate To Your Employees

Courageous leaders have confidence in their staff. They empower them by delegating responsibility. This also means that you need to accept their mistakes. Create a work environment where employees don't fear making errors. When errors are made, show everyone how they can learn from them too to admit when you've made a mistake Remove ego and pride from your leadership style. Own up to your errors so that you can correct them. Demonstrate to your staff that you are strong enough to continue leading and turn errors into learning opportunities.

m. Stand Behind Your Employees

If you know you are capable of mistakes, you must accept and stand behind your team even when they've made a mistake. Build a team where they know that they are trusted and that if something goes wrong, you'll be in their corner.

n. Change Direction When Required

Businesses of all sizes need to be able to change direction onshort notice. When you are faced with the need to change, you need to be courageous about taking the next step. You will be leading a workforce into unchartered territory, and you need to have the confidence to guide them.Weak leaders will doubt their choices, they will fear change, and they will worry. Eventually, their employees will see this. If you cannot show your employees that you are fully behind your own changes, how can they get behind them?

o.Establish Higher Standards

Courageous leaders establish higher standards for themselves and for their staff. As a leader, you need to set up personal standards for yourself to reach your full potential. By demonstrating this to your employees, you allow them to reach their full potential too.

p. Showcase Your Talents

While you want to make sure that you leave your ego at the door, showcasing your ability is an important factor in becoming a courageous leader. Employees want to know they are working with someone who is competent and capable of getting the job done. Showcasing your talents to your team energizes the workplace. It shows people that they can trust in you and your work. It allows people to learn from your example and therefore be better at their roles as well.

Remove Yourself From Bad Situations

Sometimes, the most courageous thing a leader can do is to leave a toxic work environment. If you have done all that you can to lead a company to a better place, but still no one follows, it may be time to take your expertiseelsewhere. Knowing when it's time to move on when you have reached your highest potential at your current job, and actually taking action, is an incredibly courageous act. Courageous leadership sets the stage for progress and confidence. Use the above tips to show your team and the world what you're made of. There are many benefits to having courageous leaders within an organization and many people believe leaders have to be courageous in order to be truly successful. Bold, confident leadership can help drive organizations forward and create growth, something that's undeniably positive. Courageous leaders lead their organizations in authentic and sustainable ways. They stick to their principles, are willing to innovate, take risks, make changes and won't walk away when times get tough or things are difficult. Courageous leaders are able to create a culture of trust and respect, which makes those around them be prepared to follow them. This all creates a recipe for success, development and evolution within an organization.)

i. Having The Courage To Seek And Receive Feedback

A courageous leader is someone who isn't afraid to honestly and openly seek out feedback from those around them. They'll be open to listening to the unfiltered feedback (which may not necessarily be easy to hear) and will be willing to learn from and make changes based on this.)

ii. Having courage of convictions

Courageous leaders must be prepared to hold steady and be absolutely clear on their values and principles at all times. They must have the courage to stick to these, even when the easiest thing to do is to compromise in order to chase profits, reach targets or avoid difficult or crucial conversations. They will always strive to do what is right, rather than what is expedient. 'Why do I do what I do'? is a question they will always ask themselves and challenge those around them to ask too.) Being prepared to let go of 'precious practices'Someone who is a courageous leader won't be reluctant to let go of doing things in a way that it has previously always been done. They'll have the skills to recognize when a practice or way of doing things is no longerworking or fit for purpose and will have the courage to challenge this. This means they must be prepared to let go, take risks and try new things.) Having the courage to innovate Courageous leaders aren't reluctant to innovate and do things differently. iii. Acknowledge the word FAIL means First Attempt In Learning. Therefore, courageous leaders must also be able to accept (in themselves and others) the potential failure that may come from trying to innovate and see failure as a learning tool for future business growth and development.)

Having The Courage To Admit Mistakes

Being able to admit to mistakes and vulnerabilities is something all courageous leaders must be able to do. By staying in 'adult' mode and acknowledging errors and vulnerabilities, leaders create a culture of trust with those around them.) Having the courage to challenge yourself to be different and think differently. A courageous leader must not be afraid to embrace diversity in all its facets, seeing diversity as an opportunity rather than a challenge.)

iv. Having The Courage To Have Difficult Conversations

Courageous leaders should not walk away from having potentially difficult or uncomfortable conversations. Instead, they must be strong enough to initiate difficult conversations and work through them in order to move forward. This means having real, honest conversations, even when there is the potential for conflict.)

v. Having The Courage To Step Out Of Unproductive Or Unhelpful Situations

A courageous leader must be brave enough to both recognize and move away from unproductive, unhealthy or unhelpful situations. They should be able to recognize these for what they are and be able to step away from them towards more positive and productive interventions that help them and their organization thrive.


Courage is not something that is simply isolated to martial arts. Once you develop the "courage trait", you can apply it in all every area of your life. You see, courage is not a skill. Courage is an attitude, a state of mind. Once you have a courageous state of mind, it will help you achieve anything you put your mind to. It might be telling the teacher you are being bullied, or you know someone who is being bullied. For adults, it might be approaching your manager with a new idea for work, or starting your own business. It might be trying that new activity you have always wanted to do. It could be anything that makes you feel afraid, but you step forward and do it anyway. Having the courage to do the things that are important to you, but you are fearful of, has so many long-lasting benefits for you, such as:It will increase your confidence. You are developing the habit of ''action'', irrespective of the fear you feel inside. When you constantly keep proving things to yourself, it can only increase your confidence.You will start looking at life in a more positive manner. And why wouldn't you? You are overcome the things you are afraid of. All of sudden, that "scary obstacle" may not seem so scary anymore. You will start to lose that negativity and look on things morepositively; You inspire those around you. How often have you looked at someone in awe of what they achieved? I see real life examples every day. What you may not see, though, is what that person was feeling before they achieved something wonderful. They could have been filled with incredible fear and anxiety. However, they went out and performed anyway. You can draw strength from this;You get experienced at taking chances and overcoming obstacles. The more you confront challenges, the more you feel comfortable in dealing with them. I am not saying you will ever feel completely comfortable with challenges. However, you learn your emotions and how to deal with them in challenging situations. This will help you go forth and be courageous in other areas of your life;You will exude success and rightfully so. You never get anywhere in life by playing it safe. The world makes wayfor the courageous and disciplined person. Take that courageous step forward and be successful at the things that are important to you;Most importantly, you will be truly happy as you are having thecourage to chase what is really important to you (even if you are afraid). Isn't happiness what we all want in life? Are you willing to go through a bit of discomfort (such as fear) to achieve your goals and, in turn, be truly happy? I know I would. Confidence lets you go through your day without the fear of rejection or failure. It's a great trait to have, but fearlessness is the next level beyond confidence. When you mix fearlessness with confidence, you have the courage to take big leaps into the unknown. You can live your dreams, build bridges to places that you can't see, and take chances others wouldn't even imagine. Sure, the pain might sting if you fail in your next endeavour. But if you succeed? Oh, the rewards! Yes, being fearless comes with a lot of benefits. Here are seven benefits that fearless people experience:

1. Fear opposite of courage: Most people handle their fear in one of two ways. They give a nod to it and then bury it in other emotions and actions. Or, they grab onto the fear and blow it out of proportion. When you're fearless, you acknowledge your fear for what it is: your body's concern for your safety. You take that fear into account, adjust your actions accordingly, and move forward.If your safety is truly at risk and you can't take any protective measures, you probably won't follow through with the idea. But if it's a matter of fight-versus-flight, you'll get through the hard part for the thrill of the glory on the other side.

2. They Never Stop Growing: The only time that growth occurs is when you are no longer in your comfort zone. This is a topic researched and discussed frequently by motivational speakers. And it's covered in depth in entrepreneurial articles. Life is meant to be lived, not repeated in pre-set patterns.Those, by definition, are called ruts. Jumping out of the realm of complacency into brand new, uncharted territory is the job of a fearless person. Because of this,these people are always growing and learning.

3. Rejection Doesn't Faze Them: Once you overcome the fear of rejection, it's easier to do anything in life.Most of our dreams are killed by the words, "What would people think?" If the thoughts and opinions of complete strangers don't concern you, you can focus on fulfilling your dreams and goals.

4. They Know Themselves: Being "fearless" doesn't mean that you don't feel fear. It means you have the skills to analyse any problem that comes your way. As you think through problems, you begin to analyse yourself. Why do you have this fear? Is it because of past experiences or potential consequences? Are you hardwired to feel that fear biologically?Once you dig deep and identify your fears, you can overcome any mental obstacle you encounter.

5. Asking for Help Comes Easily: You might not realize this, but a lot of people have a difficult time asking for help. They worry about bothering the other person or getting rejected. For a fearless person, turning to someone else for assistance is second nature. They don't worry about it, because they know its part of life.We can't do everything alone, and any job is easier when two or more people put their heads together.

6. They Don't Regret What They Didn't Do: Regret is painful, especially when it comes to missed opportunities. No one wants to stay awake all night thinking about the chances they never took. When you're on your deathbed, will you be happy with the choices you made, or regret the things you didn't do?Taking chances may have consequences, but you'll never sit there and wonder what might have been.

7. But They Do Have a Lot of Stories Usually, fearless people end up with the best stories later in life. They did something courageous, and whether it worked out or didn't, they survived and came out on the other side.That gives them a story to tell about the time they did something crazy that no one else thought would work. Or the time they threw their hands up and took a chance, knowing it could mean pain or sorrow if it failed.Nearly every movie is based on the premise that someone, at some point, is going to act fearlessly. Whether it's to risk it all to get the girl or face the bad guy to save the world, the movie needs a fearless action. Without it, the movie is dull and pointless.Think like a character in a movie would. Remind yourself that the first 15 seconds of anything new is the hardest. Get through that short time, and an adventure awaits on the other side.The confidence to take big risks is a part of being fearless that others envy. Most people wish they had the gumption to make the choices that would take them closer to their dreams, but they worry too much about the details.When you're fearless, you take the risks. You chase the goals. And you deal with the consequences, both good and bad.It's not easy to be fearless. But if it were simple, it wouldn't be such an incredible trait. Acting courageously generally makes us feel good, because it involves mastering emotions.The very fact that we celebrate courage so much tells us that it is a very human activity. Courage, in the sense of acting in a way that responds to risk appropriately, not over-confidently or in a cowardly way, will also help us to accomplish 'good' things.Courage also helps us to act against those who threaten, or who act in a bad way. The Western world has traditionally revered bravery for itself; success is not necessary if courage is shown.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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