When Yang Yun woke up again, it was bright outside. The sunlight passed through the window, and a bright light shone from the ceiling. Instinctively, Yang Yun raised his hand to block the blinding light from his eyes. He winced when he felt a tug on his right hand. A needle penetrated his skin, and he saw something long attached to the needle.
Yang Yun raised his left hand to pull out the needle. However, his left arm was bandaged. It looked like he might have fractured his arm.
"You're awake!"
Yang Yun turned to the source of the voice and saw a man looking at him with a delighted expression. The man stood up and immediately left the room. Yang Yun tried to speak, but his throat was too dry.
Soon, the man came back with a woman dressed in white trailed behind him. The woman went close to him and tried to put her hand on his body. Subconsciously, Yang Yun raised his hand to slap the woman's hand away.
Thank you for reading~