During the night, Zero managed to overhear the officers talking about the person they are supposed to deliver the message to. Apparently, the person's name is Gozuki, and as Zero suspected, he is a leader of some assassination unit but he couldn't discover which one since it was too dangerous to eavesdrop on them with several soldiers in the area. This much information was enough for him, he knew the person and also their general look therefore in case of emergency, he could deliver the message...alone.
The group resumed their journey in the dawn, with still half-asleep eyes.
'If we continue this pace, we should arrive at Toushi before the evening. Even those two greedy idiots realized that they probably lost their chance so they are much quieter than usual. This would be a good time for an organized ambush.' Zero thought but for a few hours, nothing happened.
'Is it possible that the rebels don't know about this operation? No...it's still too early to say and we haven't even seen a single danger beast for hours. Something is fishy here...' As Zero was thinking whether he was keeping his guard up for naught...
"HEY! You imperial dogs!" A loud shout woke everyone from daydreaming as they looked in front to see someone blocking the road surrounded by the forest from both sides.
"Haha! By your reaction, I guess we have got the right group! Let's make it easier for everyone here, come here and die." The guy shouted once again while taunting the group with his hand as 4 more people walked out of the forest to join him on each side.
"You!" The first officer gritted his teeth in anger while he was glaring at the group blocking the road, however, after a few seconds, his anger completely disappeared and was replaced by a crazy smile.
"And here we were thinking you wouldn't dare to attack, but you are underestimating the Empire too much, rebels! haha!" The first officer nodded his head to the second one who returned the gesture before both urged their horse to run at the enemy.
'?! What are they doing?! They are breaking our formation, it's so obvious this is a trap! Still, what are those clothes? They don't look like regular rebels, are they mercenaries?' Zero narrowed his eyes but didn't bother to warn them since they wouldn't even listen to him. The other soldiers had no idea what to do but judging from the earlier "conversation" they already revealed their armor.
As Zero predicted, the moment horses crossed half distance towards their targets, their legs were abruptly and cleanly cut off, making both officers fall down. Before they could get up from the ground, one of them was hit by the dart into a neck, leaving him paralyzed on the ground, however, the second officer was able to dodge a surprise attack.
"As I thought, dirty tactics are all you have. How about you order the others to finally reveal themselves?" The officer said while glancing down at his colleague, checking his status but after seeing that he can't move aside from moving his eyes, he decided to stop caring.
"Do you think we are so easy to anger like you two? Look behind yourself, you left your soldiers without any commands and now they are standing there like the puppets they are. NOW!" The leader of mercenaries widely smiled as he was criticizing the officer, making him even angrier before he raised his arm up.
A few flame arrows were shot from each side of the forest but none of them were aiming to take the lives of the soldiers, instead, they hit the carriages that quickly caught on fire.
"AGH!" The soldiers who were still hiding inside one of the carriages started screaming before most of them escaped from the carriage, some with light burns and some with more severe burns.
The other mercenaries started appearing from the forest, attacking the soldiers.
"Don't let anyone escape! Kill them all, we already secured one of their leaders!" A woman who presumably led this part of the ambush shouted while running towards Zero with a drawn saber in one hand and a small dagger in the other.
And as such, everyone was involved in fighting for their lives, the numbers were in favor of soldiers but the same couldn't be said about their skills and stamina. Not to mention the second officer had to face 4 people alone.
'Already secured one of their leaders, huh? Looks like our annoying leader isn't dead yet and only paralyzed. Still, why do I have to get a woman against me, a leader at that.' Zero thought with a slightly annoyed expression before he was forced to step to the side to dodge the woman's vertical slash.
A woman responded with her dagger, trying to pierce his stomach but Zero stopped her attack with his still half-drawn broadsword.
'Her strength and speed is certainly nothing to scoff at, she would probably be able to slaughter most of the soldiers here on her own. To be honest, this doesn't look like a fight we can win despite us having an advantage in numbers. They even destroyed our supplies, thankfully we are relatively close to our destination' Zero took a step back to gain some distance from the woman but he was forced to slide the sword back into its sheath as he crouched down to dodge her high kick.
Instead of getting caught off guard, the woman used the momentum from missing him and spun around, using her other leg to kick him straight into his face, however, Zero quickly responded and crossed his arms in front of his face to block the attack which caused him to slide a few meters back, giving him enough time to finally draw his broadsword.