83.24% A True Beginning / Chapter 164: Ch.49

章節 164: Ch.49

Sighing, I put the eye of Agamotto back and teleported back home to continue my work. After I'd reassured myself my plan was beyond foolproof, I knew I had to kick things up a notch. I spent another two weeks working on distilling the DNA sequences down to a mere hand full of mutant gene sequences.

Damned if they didn't stand out either as both were the most powerful mutant genes in the world with ties to both the time and reality stone in essence as well as several links to the power stone but most of all the sheer power of the links to the mind stone was mind boggling.

Both were over omega level mutants with psychic powers linking them directly to the mental energy aspects of the mind stone. As such when I fused them into my own DNA sequences, my mental realities expanded to the peak of twenty five realities worth of near sold mental energy and mental avatars to accompany them.

It was so much that my psychic powers went beyond just the mental and astral plane, I felt the beings and realms bordering earth's domain at all times now. I could feel the very breath of all beings below Dormammu in power and tell where they ranked.

Even Dormammu wasn't much compared to me now, even in his own plain as he was made up of energy, corrupted but still energy. I've a feeling the moment he dies, something much larger will eat his realm, that feeling led me back to the premonition aspects of Franklin's powers and I shut that shit off.

I went through them one by one and shut off all the active and passive powers except the sensing boost I'd gotten from them. The rest could wait until I needed them and after I'd had a chance to practice safely to control them. When I sensed a familiar feeling, I went outside of my lab after grabbing another shower and said hi to the girls before following the feeling.

Natasha was in a mood and taking it out on the recruits but that was fine as a few more had joined them. I continued outside and down to the back ally ways until I found what it was I sensed. It was a poor fool covered in a Klyntar and eating another idiot.

I covered my own body in my original and growled in dominance at what I knew to be venom. The Klyntar stilled and dropped the mugger before grinning at me. "Here I thought I was the last of usss."

I growled again as I dropped both the body and the glamour, scaring the man inside and the Klyntar for two very different reasons. The man saw me as an Avenger and a seriously powerful one at that while Venom saw my father and our creator in me as I was nearly his spitting image and all Klyntar's knew what he looked like.

Venom stilled and I told it while compelling it. "Come, leave the mortal and come with me. I've much use for you."

My words were like law to it as it practically ripped itself off of the human as it pulled itself onto me, feeling the restrained violence and horrors our father and myself carry as a cloak against fools. My ability to command Klyntars actually came from him so thanks dad!

Venom didn't stand a chance once the human was free. I tossed it onto a Kree warrior that had managed to survive all this time and gave it it's own world of carnage to play in for now.

I turned to Eddie Brock saying. "You shouldn't play with aliens you can't control. I'd make myself scarce if I were you."

He ran like Cerberus was on his ass and I smiled before heading to another familiar feeling. I arrived at a dojo where I felt the presence of an old friend and dragon. There I saw two women and a man sitting and eating take out.

The man seemed to notice me first and he was a bit stunned. "You-"

The other two turned to me and just like before they were each stunned for different reasons. The female I recognized as Claire Temple, spoke up. "You're Dark, the Avenger!"

I shrugged while Colleen, the dojo master and former hand disciple said coldly. "You killed Bakuto!"

I nodded. "Yes, I did. He was a finger of the hand and like the rest of them, a former student of mine in Kun'Lun around two thousand years ago."

They each stilled and the young Iron Fist spoke up. "You're Dark, the undying. A supreme grandmaster of Kun'Lun."

I raised an eyebrow. "I once went by that title a long time ago but no more. I left Kun'Lun when my students decided they'd start sacrificing living beings so that they might gain a measure of immortality. After I banished the five of them from Kun'Lun, I left that life an tittle behind."

Colleen tried drawing a blade on me but I shook my head. "Don't try it girl, I'm the one who taught Bakuto how to hold a sword. Drawing a blade against me is suicide and a futile one at that."

Rand stopped her as my words did little to dissuade her of the notion. Shaking my head I sighed. "I had my people slaughter the hand and I killed my former students because after they left Kun'Lun, they started worshipping a demon. It in tern told them of a way to use dragon bones to prolong their lifespan and even revive themselves from death itself."

She cried out. "Bakuto was a good man!"

I growled. "Bakuto was a monster! Do you think immortality is cheap girl? They sacrificed thousands of children each year to the demon so it could feed and in turn it ensured they always came back to life if ever they should be killed or died of old age! Those they didn't sacrifice were taken in, trained and indoctrinated into the Hand as disciples of their twisted cult! For two thousand years I watched on as they murdered millions in the hopes that they'd change their ways! Not once did that happen! Not even a glimmer of hesitation until I cut them down with my own hands! Silly naïve child!"

My last words shook the dojo and finally I turned away. Sighing I shook my head. "Believe what you will girl, but I cannot regret taking their lives. Not when they themselves took so many just for a taste of immortality, when all they had to do was repent and ask. I'd have helped them find a different path but instead they chose their fate."

I looked over Claire before turning to Rand. "I felt the presence of an old friend and came to see who it was. Now that I know Shifu Shakti has passed and someone else has taken up his mantle of the Iron Fist, I should warn you. Your duty was never to seek out and destroy the hand. The duty of the Iron Fist is to guard the gates of Kun'Lun as beings far worse than the hand may wish to enter and desecrate one of the last vestiges of the chi masters of this world. They along with the masters of the mystic arts and a few others are all that protects this realm from beings much worse than a silly demon playing with the Hand. You should return, and although I strongly advise it, I will not make you. If you no longer wish to do your duties, go back and return the power you took. Kun'Lun needs it's guardian or this world may not survive."

He paled and I turned to Claire. "Your fate is not to be a simple aid to those with powers, but to lead them, if you can find that power within yourself. Fate is a fickle mistress and while she powerful, all bend knee to free will. You can choose your own path and no one has a right to change your choice but you."

I opened a portal and looked back to the devastated Colleen. "If you continue the path you're on now, you can find happiness. I cannot nor would I if I could, bring back Bakuto, but I can assure you he is no longer bound to the demon or it's hell realm. I hope that serves as some measure of comfort for your loss of the man you thought you knew."

I stepped through and closed the portal behind me. There at the head of the class where Natasha was teaching teamwork and combat instructions, was Wade and a pregnant Vanessa. She was absently touching her slightly bulging stomach as she was clearly at least five months pregnant.

I raised an eyebrow and Wade pulled out a gun before firing it at me. I didn't dodge as bullets were useless against me. They flattened and fell off my skin without so much as a blemish.

When he emptied both clips, he pulled out his swords and broke them against my skin before dropping them and gasping while holding his red leather clad cheeks. "Aaah! You killed Kenny, you bastard!"

I rolled my eyes and backhanded him into the training field where Ant-Man went mini and threw him into Wanda who seemed to want to train here for some reason. She blasted him into her brother before he kicked Wade in the head at lightning speeds and sent him back to me, landing before me face first into the ground.

I ignored his antics before he cried. "Why does it have to be your kid? Your super sperm melted her UTI thingy and knocked her up!"

I raised an eyebrow and turned to Vanessa who nodded. "Sorry about finding out like this but you're going to be a father."

I shrugged. "Well, if it helps, I have Wade's mutant DNA in myself as well so technically it's his kid to. Though I'm not sure how much is him, Banner or one of the dozen or more super friends we have out there. To be honest the only real DNA that's originally mine doesn't show up as genetic chromosomes for humans. So the kid won't look anything like me at all or share any of my abilities. Odds are it'll at best end up looking like Captain America or Tony Stark."

Wade seemed to get up really quickly and jumped up and down. "Are you saying that baby is really mine?"

I shrugged and held a hand over her pregnant stomach and altered it's DNA to share the parts of Wade I have in me now as well as express more DNA I took from the blood on my knuckles when I backhanded him. When I lowered my hand I told him. "It is now. I suppressed all the genes except your own so it's basically all you and her now. I had to add a bit more of you, but you're not gonna miss some blood."

He didn't seem to hear or care as he swept up Vanessa in his arms saying. "We're having a super baby. Quick, grab the strap on!"

I rolled my eyes again while Vanessa laughed. "I don't think it works like that Wade, but ok, it won't hurt to try."

When he set her down she thanked me and I nodded while she asked. "Seriously though, how much is you because if it's male-"

I waved her off. "Yeah, that's now happening. It's male, yes, but none of it is really me. Though it may have mutant, inhuman and enhanced powers it can unlock later, it's still yours and his kid."

She nodded before turning to Wade who looked at me. "Are you joining us cause I gotta say, I don't think I mind if it's you big daddy-"

I sent him flying through the air and into the trees several hundred yards away. Shaking my head I turned to see both Natasha and Jessica looking at me as if expecting something. Finally Natasha spoke up. "When were you going to tell me you don't have DNA?"

I sighed. "I do, well, sort of. It's complicated, but suffice it to say when we're ready for kids, it'll be a whole different story."

She seemed relieved by that saying. "Good, cause when we have kids, I want then to be ours and not some mashup of everyone else's."

I kissed her before whispering. "I promise."

Jessica was a bit nervous but I turned to her sighing. "Just like I promise that our kids will have bits of me and you mixed in as well."

She blushed a bit but agreed and I sighed before telling them I needed to train now to balance and control my powers. I let them be while I went to my training room and worked out the least dangerous powers I'd gained over the course of the next month before having a great shag and heading to the Black galaxy to practice my more dangerous ones.

I'd ended up destroying several planets and a couple black holes there before returning after what seemed like days but was in fact three months by earth's perspective. I did however discover Banner had fallen through a portal and ended up in Sakaar.

Thor was on a galactic wide travel to find the infinity stones and secure them from some vision or such he'd had as well so that left me as the worst case scenario on earth. When I arrived former General Ross had been named Secretary of State and was pushing with president Ellis for the Sokovia Accords as they were aptly named.

An incident in Lagos had given them the backing to make such demands and I'd arrived just in time for the former general to begin his speech to the team. "Where might I ask, were you Mr.Dark?"

I snorted. "Practicing my powers in a safe environment off world if you must know. But if you want more of an explanation I can refer you to some space travel, no safety rocket necessary."

Natasha smirked as I was offering to send the jackass into space without a safety net. He shook his head. "It doesn't matter now."

He set the packet down and began his speech about how five years ago having a heart attack gave him perspective. When he continued on to say the world owes us a debt, I let it be until he started in on the accords.

He showed images and videos of the battles we'd faced, some as a team and some not. When he went to mention the accords again saying the world wanted us to sign them basically agreeing to act like slaves to a special council, I spoke up. "So you're saying you want us to sign these papers so that every move we make is dictated by a special council? I mean, do you realize we don't get paid for saving the world? Or have you even thought this through? This literally signing away our freedom and becoming slaves."

That didn't sit well with the group and even Tony who wanted the accords by the looks of it, frowned. Secretary Ross spoke evenly. "You'll be well compensated for your work as an Avenger-"

I waved him off. "I'm sure you think this is about money or perks but you're just trying to down play what you're really doing, don't forget Mr.Secretary, I'm a telepath. I can see your intentions as well as why you and President Ellis are pushing this so hard."

They all frowned now especially Secretary Ross who shook his head. "It doesn't matter what my reasons or goals are, this is happening. Soon enough you won't have a choice. Either you'll sign the accords or you'll stop being an Avenger and start being a wanted vigilante, hunted by all governments of the world."

I shrugged. "Fine then. I'll stop being an Avenger. And when this world faces immanent threat as it has since before the Bronze Age, you'll all die screaming and begging for help."

I looked at him coldly as he got frustrated and asked. "Do you know where Thor and Banner are? Do they share your opinion?"

I smirked. "Thor is going from world to world, hunting down the infinity stones in the hopes of protecting them. I'm sure you've read up on what an infinity stone is?"

He nodded. "Some stones of great power made by some alien creature before the dawn of civilization-"

I waved him off. "It doesn't matter. So long as you know that all six together could wipe out half the universe or more. Now, as for Banner, he fell through a Shield portal they were trying to stabilize and ended up on a different planet. I believe this particular one is the trash heap planet Sakaar. It attracts all kinds of destroyed alien ships and is decently a fun place, so long as you like gladiator style fights to the death."

Ross grunted. "Then why don't you bring him back?"

I chuckled. "One, I'm not a taxi service, and two, the planet is ruled by a powerful immortal called the Grandmaster. He's an elder of the universe. That is to say he's the last surviving member of an ancient alien species and instead of dying off he grew so powerful that he couldn't die naturally. He's a master strategist and he routinely pisses of entire civilizations for fun because no one can kill him."

Secretary Ross snorted. "Are you saying you're afraid of this alien?"

I rolled my eyes. "Hardly afraid no. But I'm also not an idiot like some here. The Grandmaster can't be killed so easily and I avoid headaches as much as possible, it's not good for my stress you see. As for Banner, knowing him, he's having the time of his life. He gets to work and understand fascinating technology and let his inner beast fight whenever he's hit a wall and can't think. As powerful as he is, if he wanted to come back, he'd be here by now. After all, he can travel like I can so it's a moot point."

Ross did not like that one bit but from his thoughts he couldn't come up with a viable way to force me to bring Banner back either. Smiling, I listened to him change the subject on how the accords worked and I finally asked. "And how will you be enforcing these accords? Is there a timeout box or are you just going to pray someone can stop something like me?"

He grunted and Vision spoke up. "The rest of us-"

I waved him off. "Save it. You're an idiot even with the mind stone in your forehead. You've no real access to it's powers or knowledge so don't assume you're enough to hold a candle against me."

Secretary Ross growled. "Are you saying you'll fight-"

I chuckled, stopping him in his tracks as I spoke up. "All I'm asking Ross, is how do you expect to enforce these accords? Are you planning to use those that do sign against those that don't? Ahhh, I see, you are! And what's this? A prison for powered people! Yeah, that sounds both disturbing and a bit funny. So, you'll use us to fight us if necessary as our moral compasses will demand we do the right thing and so long as you can dictate what the right thing is, you can control us. Damn, these accords really are a useful tool for you!"

My words were irrefutable and yet he still tried until he sighed saying. "Sign it or not, but this is happening ladies and gentlemen!"

He left with his assistant saying. "You have until the conference to sign them. If you don't you can hang up your gear because any actions after that are both illegal and considered a terrorist act! Think on your next moves carefully!"

When he left, I waited while they argued their points. Vision said his peace about our power drawing conflict and I merely informed him. "You've no proof of your words."

He pointed out the conflict that's happened and I shut him up saying. "Like I said before tin can, this world has always been a point of conflict. Whether we reveal ourselves or not. Before Captain America became a super soldier Hydra already had alien technology and Johann Schmidt was already a super villain. Before Tony became Iron Man, the Ten Rings were working for a secret organization called the Hand who worshipped a demon and sacrificed millions of children over the course of two thousand years."

My words were like a cold shower to their heated conversations. I continued. "Our power may invite open conflict, but the conflict itself is still there. We just brought it into the light. These accords do nothing but shift the ultimate decision, to act or not, out of our hands and into someone else's. The human mortals wish to try and have a measure of control over what is essentially an uncontrollable situation. These accords are little more than a political power grab and they'll use them either way as an example and reason to force their larger issue."

Steve frowned. "What's their larger issue? What's bigger than this?"

I rolled my eyes. "The powered and enhanced people of this world. If this works they'll use it as an example to begin making a list of powered individuals. You of all people should remember the last time such a list was made. They'll either use that list to try and control or handle all powered individuals and if it doesn't work, they'll simply terminate the problem on a global scale inciting that we were against their laws and therefore were terrorists. It's Secretary Ross and president Ellis's big plan."

"Ross has wanted powered individuals under his own control for military purposes since before Banner has his lab accident and while I can't be sure about Ellis, I've seen that he's at least in part backed by a group of individuals called the Hellfire club. They're more concerned with profits than lives or causes. This accord paved the way for them to begin secretly enslaving mutants and Inhumans for their benefit while the accords will keep our hands tied. When the list comes out, if any slave acts up then they'll be put down legally as they're causing a powered commotion."

They all paled and I nodded while I sat back. "Either way the accords are just the beginning. If we sign then we give them cause to say, 'since the Avengers are doing it, why can't we?' If we don't sign and continue to fight we'll be labeled as terrorists and eventually the hellfire club will use it to take over our companies as no terrorist can legally act in any allied country. And if we don't sign it and don't act, we give them free reign to do as they please, turning this world into their own personal playground."

All of them were on edge now as I sighed. "I won't be signing these accords, just FYI. I don't believe in slavery and they're specifically designed to take away our power to choose."

Vision spoke up. "I may have a solution."

We all turned to him and he sighed. "We don't sign it and you take your companies to more politically advantageous waters."

I frowned before smiling. "I have just the thing. I can even get it done before the accords!"

Tony asked. "Get what done?"

I smirked. "I'm going to move my company and all my assets to a new country and you're going to do the same. You can relax as it's an island approximately 1,100 square miles and it happens to be a living island that moves around!"

They were all flabbergasted so I explained. "This planet is weird, even by my standards. Some few billion years ago it gave birth to a sentient landmass. This landmass was then cut in half by a powerful being who had stolen an Asgardian weapon. Said being was then locked away with one half of the island in a different dimension. The other half, Krakoa, wonders the earth in search of its other half, forever lonely yet pushing away mortals or eating them depending on their psychic powers."

Tony snorted. "That's what you're proposing? We move all we value and hold dear onto this man eating psychic island? Really not seeing the upside here."

I chuckled. "I'm the strongest psychic you're likely ever to meet. I can literally bend Krakoa's will to my own and force it to do what I want-"

I waved off the others. "Relax, that's just the pull in case of emergency method. What I intend to do is make a deal with Krakoa, the psychic force. I'll free it's other half and kill the entity that attacked it and both islands will rejoin, making it a decent sized country called Okkara. With it's ability to move around and my magic, I can ward it against all attacks as well as set up a decent form of government over night."

Roads asked. "Why haven't you mentioned this island or any of this before now?"

I rolled my eyes. "Kid, I'm old. Older than the air you breath and the ground you walk on. What seems important to you is merely a trinket to something like me. I can literally destroy worlds so a simple island, no matter how powerful psychically, is just a strip of dirt to me and one I didn't really think about until Vision suggested a safe place to make a company headquarters."

He held up his hands. "Fair enough. So, why don't we trade this in to the government instead?"

I smacked him upside the head. "Even if they could find the island, it would eat them alive by the thousands until they dropped a nuke on it and really pissed it off. Then in theory, it could lure millions of people to simply walk into the ocean and drown. It would take more than a few nukes to kill it and in the end there'd be no land or anything for them to use. A bit of a waste of life and real-estate don't you think?"

I shook my head. "No, I'll go pave the way for us to move our companies to it legally and Shadow as well as Grim will both see to it that all the forms are filled out."

"On it sir!"

I chuckled. "Then we officially declare it a sanctioned country and I see about getting it's citizens to move there legally. I know some mutants, inhumans and regular humans who'd love to live on a tropical island and not worry about extradition. I'll even smooth it over with Shield to prevent any incidents."

I teleported away and landed in the center of said island next to the living tree. I made a telepathic link to it and started negotiations. I'd save it's other half and it would ensure I and all those that came to it were protected and could live and build on it.

The negations failed however when I found it was trying to eat my psychic energies. I quickly suppressed it and wiped out it's consciousness before linking my own to the island, effectively taking over. I went to the edge of a cliff where it had been split in half and felt out for the portal that locked it's other half away.

When I found it, I crushed the entrance and out came Arakko as well as a god. I wasted no time in ripping the God's powers away and found it to have been Arawn, the Celtic god of the dark forest and death. His powers went into me after he attacked and I ripped them away before taking his life.

I then watched as Arakko rejoined with Krakoa and became Okkara once more. It was an odd sensation and one I hoped never to repeat as I crushed it's consciousness and took over the now owner two thousand square mile living island.

I spent the rest of the day changing the landscape to my will as it became a sort of paradise island while buildings went up and airports were made while I bent reality around the island to my will and repeatedly summoned Gradium in large quantities for the structures.

While I was working on that, a part of my mind was making runic formations all over the island as I made and pulled out a hundred giant diamonds meant to be ward stones for the island. It would need them as it had no set ley lines because of it's constant moving.

It could refill and even sustain itself on magic in the air and atmosphere and refill the reserves when it went over a ley line. I made it as technologically advanced as I possibly could with all my knowledge so not only was the island now protected by making, but also shield generators powered by potentia.

The rest of the buildings and technology were all crystal technology and arc reactor powered. Thousands of homes and dozens of hotels were erected and a central hub under the twin towers of the Avengers and Frosthaven was made for the brains of Shadow and Grim.

With how advanced everything was, they'd be able to react instantly and stop any violence on the island even if it were mutants or powered individuals. I set up a link and they began the transfers while my house elves packed up the company. I had a sit down with Gordon the new leader of the inhumans and promised him they'd be safe on the island and he'd be able to bring them back to their world they could keep if he needed to.

I wanted him to have them register as citizens of the country Frosthaven. He agreed so long as I allowed him to bring in all the inhumans that were being persecuted outside. After a bit we both agreed I'd help him make it legal if he made sure that's what they wanted and they weren't mass murderers and such.

I made a gateway to my inner galaxy that no sane god would willingly enter as they'd be putting themselves at my mercy and he used it to bring his people out. I then teleported to the moon and summoned all the inhumans there as well as their people into their gathering place.

I sent out a telepathic message saying I'd give them a safe place on earth to live and procreate and even allow them to join the inhumans population there as citizens as well as have their own world to retreat into for safety if they followed my laws there and registered as citizens.

I gave them a full rundown of the laws I'd come up with thanks to my multiple law degrees and vast knowledge of what worked and what was just petty. I showed them all a mental image of what I was offering and in the end even the king and queen agreed so long as all had a chance.

I agreed but stipulated I'd banish any who broke the laws or tried a coupe to an uninhabited jungle planet where they'd survive or die at their own pace. All citizens heard me and only a few refused, specifically the brother of said king, a human.

He wanted to use their powers and technology to rule the humans and with a thought, I sent him and his ilk to said jungle planet while taking the rest of the inhumans to Frosthaven.

The inhuman city was then turned over to Coulson and Fury while I'd taken the inhuman whom turned into a living portal wall as well. For him I made a special bracelet that would allow him to bind his powers and control them when needed.

He and quite a few others appreciated my gifts and settled in to learn the technology that was even more advanced then their own. With my company officially registered as a foreign company, I paid the heavy taxes that came with it for the American branch businesses and all the stuff except the buildings themselves were moved to Frosthaven.

Once everything was handled legally, I had Shadow contact the Avengers and have Tony begin his own company moves, telling him everything was set up and built just like his current offices. He had his own legal loopholes to jump through while I was busy registering and declaring Frosthaven a country and as such, foreign soil.

It was under my name as it's first president and founder while shit hit the fan in the UN. I already had thousands of citizens names as even Shield and Coulson made base there for his people under the laws I agreed to have enforced to protect them.

Shield, hundreds of inhumans and their families, and finally the mutants as Xavier agreed to the change in scenery since I'd provide extra protections there. All the mutants he and Eric had gathered were ecstatic to find a safe haven against the racism that while wasn't as extreme, was still apart of their everyday lives.

I made another school for the gifted and an exact duplicate before he and the rest destroyed Cerebro there and moved over through a portal. All in all it was a busy two weeks and having no other choice, the UN officially recognized my sovereignty.

I had to play the diplomat but as a telepath, it wasn't hard. I swam in the political mucky waters like a predator, taking as many advantages as I could and avoiding being called a hostile foreign power. With Frosthaven as an official country, all my branches were declared foreign soil as I worked it out with each country.

I'd still sell technology and products and at a cheap price compared to my competitors while they agreed to make my companies official embassies. I made my body suit do the diplomatic parts from then on, looking as I did. It was still me and I still had to do the mental work, but I could partition my mind to avoid any in battle issues.

Natasha was the first Avenger to register as a citizen as Russia had given up on her and the US was avoiding declaring her a citizen or enemy combatant until the Accords went through. Now they were hung out to dry as Shadow erased all her official records from the internet and I sent Frank to erase the rest.

Soon all they'd have on her were rumors and whatever they could remember themselves with no proof. Even Shield lost their copy's of her background and history. An unfortunate accident Coulson assures me.

The US and the rest of the political Superpowers were the only ones refusing to acknowledge the sovereignty of my nation and even if those, it was only Russia, China, North Korea and the US. Even Great Britain and France agreed to my country being foreign soil.

I'd moved Frosthaven to the center of the North Atlantic Ocean between North America and Europe. There we could not be ignored. Now came the hard part as to get acknowledged by the rest of the superpowers you had to have some form of military.

To that I made a navy, Air Force and army of bots. Each one was a registered citizen and damned if that didn't stick in their craw. With advanced gate ships and even hover crafts, no smart foreign power could deny it any longer.

That led to issues in the UN about the balance of the world power until I do arrogantly stated before the council. "Then consider Frosthaven the next superpower. While we don't have nuclear missiles, we do have weapons just as effective and have less radioactive fallout. We will not bend to foreign rule and we will not be manipulated by those who would use us to their advantage any longer. If we are not allowed our own military, consider it an act of war!"

The US ambassador asked with narrowed eyes. "An act of war on whom?"

I smirked. "The world!"

Shouts and clamoring ensued as threats were declared and allegiances made. Seeing most of the foreign powers backing no side but their own, the US ambassador called a break and minutes later a nuclear missile went rouge as they put it, heading for my island.

What they didn't expect was that the missile would be blown out of the sky and the American submarine that launched it, hacked. All American submarines were then surfaced and their payloads launched into space.

It was a real big incident and embarrassment as all the superpowers had launched their payloads thinking the US had lost it. All nukes were redirected to space where I sent them through portals to the Kree home worlds.

Now that was funny to see as millions of Kree died without even knowing why or how. The US apologized while declaring we hacked their technology but I merely smiled saying. "Prove it. If not you'll be apologizing for more than your simple act of war, I'll personally blow up your capital and see how your government survives with no leaders if you try this shit again!"

The dangerous aura that I exuded caused the US ambassador to pause and consider the consequences of his actions. I wasn't just some foreign king, I was the most powerful Avenger who on television literally turned into a dragon and stopped an alien invasion.

Even now the world had no real ideas of what all my powers entailed and as such the ambassador backed off and apologized for his rude accusations and outburst. Seeing the US back down and as they'd all lost a great deal weapons wise as none had spared any nukes, including the US, they all saw the way the wind was blowing and acted accordingly.

Two days later Frosthaven was announced as the worlds six superpower. With that title came expectations and reserves. I'd filled up a giant vault underground full of gold bricks and made it public that Frosthaven had a hundred tons of gold in it's reserves.

As it was nearly half as much gold as the recorded amount on earth in circulation, it drove up the new currency which was in US dollars. The US themselves declared for us to hand over the gold for their reserves or change to a different currency as it would drastically change the value of their money so I made a deal with the European Union and changed it to Euro's so long as I wasn't required to join the Union itself.

They'd in turn be assured I'd hand over any inflated currency if it ever went tits up and allowed me to print my own money with their currency. It was a simple yet elegant transaction as they got the acclaim and the gold if things went south, and I had a currency that worked.

The boarders were even opened up to all European guests should they wish to partake of the casinos and high tech lifestyle while I'd warned them that all technology was confined to the country and any spies would be weeded out and dealt with.

The entire UN was fine with it as spies were meant to be abandoned in their eyes. I have Shield the security work of weeding out spies and dealing with them while imbuing a few dozen of Coulson's greatest assets with telepathic powers.

They could weed them out and do the work themselves. No foreign weapons were allowed on Frosthaven soil as well so it was interesting to see how it all played out. Just before the Accords, Tony finished his legal loopholes and moved Stark enterprises to Frosthaven, crashing the stock market severely on his way out.

He'd simply burned all his US cash after selling off all the useless lands and properties he no longer needed as he wasn't making weapons anymore. Millions of people in the US lost their jobs and Stark literally pointed the blame on the president and the Secretary of State.

The US was in the toilet until Grim industries picked up where Tony left off, hiring everyone he let go into many subdivisions and pulling the stock market out of the toilet. Grim industries expanded so much in both Stark and Frosthaven absences that it more than filled the vacuum.

Once everything was stable again, Grim announced Grim industries was a subsidiary of Frosthaven and the US government practically begged him and me not to crash the market again or move over seas.

Grim industries was after all responsible for all the stuff Stark and I left behind but all the emergency responders equipment and even household appliances. Nearly all the basic amenities now a days in the US had Grim, Stark or Frosthaven logos on them and all that was now supplied by Grim industries.

A monopoly doesn't even begin to describe how tight a hold I had the US by the short and curlies.

next chapter
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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
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