42.63% A True Beginning / Chapter 84: Ch.26

章節 84: Ch.26

We made dock on a satellite station for trading and mail service a week later. There Mal and Zoë received a package that concerned us all. When they opened it up and saw the dead body, I immediately stepped forwards and stabbed it in the arm.

A freaked out lieutenant came awake swinging as I backed away. Snorting I ignored Mal and Zoë's dirty looks saying. "He only appeared to be dead. Having been in that state a few times myself I can see the tell tale signs of a forced death like state. His was probably done by drugs FYI."

They calmed down the young lieutenant and mail man that went about his merry way after we returned the coffin the lieutenant used. When the fake dead guy threw up all over Jayne, who then clocked him, we were left with a hilarious mess.

Jayne's new hat he got in the mail from his mother was ruined with a drug induced vomit while Jayne was spitting mad. I of course laughed my ass off while sitting on the nearest bench. Mal waved me up saying. "Let's take him back to the ship."

I sighed. "Are you sure that's wise? He smuggled himself in the mail and there's only one reason to go through such lengths to get away from someone. He's running from the feds."

They each stilled and thought over my words while Mal's jaw grated until he sighed. "Go have Amnon change the papers and fudge the receiving end to Badger. We're close enough to Persephone that it's possible. As for the rest of you, get him and your gorram asses to the ship or get left behind."

I headed for the back of the postal service area and got to work forging the paperwork to reflect Mal's plan. I then modified Amnon's memories with a bit of hypnotic suggestion and a hallucinogenic compound we picked up on Paquin, a border world like Persephone.

When I left, I headed to Serenity and made it just before they disengaged the latch. It wasn't the first time I'd done such a thing nor I feared, would it be the last. We set a coarse for St.Albans and did a full burn while tossing out the party favors to confuse those that might look of our exact destination.

An hour into the trip Tracey, the fake dead man, woke up in the infirmary. There, Simon was stitching up the stab wound I gave him. He flipped out a bit until Mal told him to calm down and sit the hell down. I watched, sitting by River and Inara in amusement at the kid's spryness.

Mal finally got him to settle down and told him. "We already know you got feds on your ass and that you've brought this mess to my door. Now, what I really need to know is why?"

Simon spoke up. "It's smuggling related right? Human organs? I saw the incision marks and the only reason a professional that could leave so little scarring would work on a smuggler is because the product is expense. I'm guessing artificial organs."

Tracey snapped his finger saying. "Give a cookie to the doctor. I got me a full set. They were supposed to put mine back in when I reached my destination but-"

Mal snorted. "You crosses them. What you do, get a better offer?"

He nodded. "It was three times the original price. Would've been enough to get my parents off that cold rock they've been living on and not a decent planet. Thing is, when I got to the location I was supposed to do the trade, my buyers were all dead and I ran."

I grunted. "I've no doubt you pissed off some hard hitters, but you did more than that didn't you? No one leaps to this kind of smuggling unless they're desperate and out of options. How many smuggling crews did you get killed along the way? Five? Ten? Ahh more. You've a bad poker face."

Mal caught on. "And you brought this kind of trouble to my doorstep? Why the hell-"

I grabbed Mal's shoulder. "You can see it can't you? He knew you'd help and didn't care. He's willing to sacrifice you if it means he gets away. Great friend you got there captain."

I lit a joint and walked out of the infirmary saying. "I'll be in my room in case anyone needs me when shit hits the fan. The hallucinogenic won't hold up to torture and once Amnon gives away who and what we're riding in, they'll be on our asses. Odds are we'll either be forced to ghost them, and get tagged for it, or end up being dragged in for some fun time by an alliance carrier."

River followed me out and took the joint from my lips before staring at it in fascination. Jayne pitched a mighty fit that pissed off Mal further. River out the joint in her mouth and I chuckled as she insisted on leading the way to my shuttle quarters.

Simon hollered after me to take it away from her in case it messed with her meds and I ignored it. I had a feeling she'd be fine enough. She lounged in my beach chair while toking away.

When she coughed a bit I snorted and took it from her saying. "Newbies shouldn't take too much at a time. Besides, I can tell you've had enough."

She was feeling the hairs on her arms in fascination now while I kid back on my bed. She'd come far with the mind scape training but she'd barely scratched the surface of what they'd done to her. It turns out she got the raw end of the deal with being a psychic.

She was an empath as well as a one way telepathic and seer. They'd fucked her good when they did the neural stripping of her cortex. Even with the mind scape and the balance it brought, she was still not in complete control nor was she completely sane.

Her mind was chaos and prone to acting out when introduced to new thoughts and emotions. I helped keep her as stable as possible and while she learned not to take in new memories unless they were overwhelming, the memories and thoughts she'd already taken in from others was still in her mind, buried under the chaotic emotions and neural programming.

At times she'd joined me in spars and practices that shocked and scared both Simon and several crew members. It got violent and dangerous on a few occasions as she kept pace with me as our speeds turned the soaring match into a deadly dance.

When I finally stopped us each time, it was with all the skill and reflexes I'd trained over all my very long life that allowed me to win. She was a true prodigy and a deadly weapon to some. I'd had to knock her out on more than one occasion when she felt my own urges that egged me on to do real violence against a worthy opponent and dominate them.

That's when I'd told Simon and the crew that she'd had training as some of the moves she'd used was clearly assassination techniques I'd not used in front of her or any of them. Simon immediately blamed it on whatever the alliance had done to her.

As for now though, she was feeling herself up in fascination at the sensations. It was that child like wonder that kept me amused until her hands went lower. I growled and she raised a challenging eyebrow to me until her hand disappeared into her panties.

Then her face took on a whole new expression as she played with herself. I laid back and watched as she enjoyed the sensations she brought herself until she moaned and brought about her first release.

I connected what she was doing to what Zoë and Wash were doing as I felt out where everyone on the ship was. River panted and stood shakily walking to the bed. Sighing, I rolled when she straddled me. I brought her under me while she pushed up against me trying to undo my belt with her fingers.

Growling I pulled her hands away and went lower, using my trained tongue and fingers to bring her a more complete release. I gave her several more before helping her wash off and covering her in my blankets while she drifted off.

I grabbed a cold shower before making sure all my guns and ammo were all put away in my ring. It wasn't six hours later before Simon came to find River. When he saw her naked in my bed, things got a little heated. We had a shouting match that ended with me pinning his arms behind his back in front of the rest of the crew and that he new guy.

I growled as I told him. "I don't do crazy and I have rules when I sleep with someone. Now you listen to me. She's a fucking empath, she feels what others feel when she hears their thoughts as well."

I shoved him towards Wash and Zoë saying. "When those two decided to make like bunnies she felt them and wanted to react and feel like they did. I'm not saying I stopped her, I just didn't go all the gorram way. She would've went into a worse fit if I hadn't helped her along is all. And I really didn't feel up to another sparing match where your sister either insisted on getting what she was after or slinked off to find someone who would give it to her. Perhaps Jayne or the new guy."

Simon stilled at my words and I growled. "Be pissy all you want, but you'd better be damn glad I'm not an animal like Jayne is, no offense meant idiot."

Jayne held up his hands. "None taken, I do like crazy when it involves sex. Just so long as she's not knifing me is all."

I snorted and walked away as River came out in my bed sheet saying. "Simon, it's okay, it's what I wanted."

I passed her by and went back to my quarters only to be stopped by Mal who spoke quietly. "Are you sure it's a smart thing to go down this road?"

I sighed. "I should've let her go after Jayne? Or you? She wanted it bad enough to do this-"

I pulled the back up my shirt up to show him dried blood and deep nail marks. When I lowered it I told him. "She'd have gone after anything with a penis and taken what she wanted unless of you put her down or managed to lock her up. Like I said, she's an empath. Wash and Zoë we're going at each other with a single minded desire and she felt it and wanted it as well."

He sighed. "You couldn't have stunned her?"

I shook my head. "Her minds already fragile as is. If we stunned her every time she felt or did something she heard others thinking we could do more damage than what's already been done. Not to mention the fact that none of you can take her in single combat if she's expecting to be stunned every time."

He sighed and nodded. "Just try to not cause such a ruckus again?"

I shrugged. "If it's going to be like this every time she wants some sex-"

I stilled before saying. "Hold that thought."

I walked over to where Inara was and Mal followed. I told her in a hushed whisper. "I need a favor. You might not like it and you definitely won't feel entirely comfortable doing so."

She rolled her eyes. "What is it?"

I sighed. "I want you to take River into your bed when Wash and Zoë go at it next time. Perhaps a professional companion would be more acceptable compared to me. This way Simon knows I'm not taking advantage of her and she gets what she needs without possibly feeling violated. If you need money I can-"

Inara shook her head and sighed now. "I'll do it. If for no other reason than to avoid another row like this."

Mal was shocked. "I thought you didn't service crew?"

She snorted. "River's not apart of your crew any more than Osiris was when I took him to my bed. Don't confuse the truth Mal. This is for the best of all."

He fidgeted and I left them to talk before going to tell Simon as River said. "I'll do it."

I nodded to her while saying to Simon. "Inara has agreed to help River out the next time she's feeling what Wash and Zoë get up to. This way you know I'm not taking advantage of her and there's no chance she goes to Jayne or worse."

He couldn't argue with that as I told him. "If Inara decides on payment, I'll be the one to do so."

I left Simon there while heading to grab my workout gear. River headed back to my bed for some reason while I passed her on the way out. I saw Adria laying next to her as I closed the shuttle doors.

I spent a good six hours pushing limits before we were in spitting distance of St.Albans. That's when the feds caught up to us. They went to fire on us and the secondary guns came out as I stood next to Mal while on the coms.

When the feds demanded we stand down to be boarded, I spoke over the coms. "This is Osiris Masters, I am a merchant guild member and my product is on this ship. There is also a companion on this ship. Fire on us again and you risk creating a war of the guilds against the alliance. If you wish to board us we demand it goes through the proper channels. There's an alliance base on St.Albans and we are transmitting this conversation and both our coordinates to them now."

Almost immediately the captain of the other ship backed the hell off. He transmitted back over coms. "There is a mistake in our information. We're sorry to have bothered a guild ship. Please be on your way."

The alliance ship left and a transmission burst went between them and the alliance base on the planet. I hadn't been lying when I told them I transmitted it all to the base. The base sent us a transmission apologizing for the mistake and welcoming us to St.Albans.

I took a few crates of rations and foods stuff with inoculations inside out of my ring and left it in the cargo hold when the others hadn't been paying attention. I made a manifest and merchant guild seals for the crates as we landed.

A fed patroller greeted us in Tracey's village. We unloaded the manifest with their approval and had a few short conversations before being apologized to again. The commander of the base came in person and promised the alliance cruiser wouldn't bother us again as it and it's captain was being shipped back to their quadrant.

They'd apparently wondered seven quadrants over from their intended patrol space. The captain was being reprimanded for his abandonment of his post as it was. When the feds left, Mal told Tracey to get gone and never darken his doorstep again.

When we closed up and went to fly away I told Mal. "He got eleven crews killed for his efforts but I can't but think he really was at the end of his rope before he considered you and Zoë. Whatever his reason or feelings, I can't help but think he tried to keep it away from you as long as possible trying to see a way out of it. Hate the deed but don't hate the friend is my only advice."

He thanked me for my honest opinion but asked that I leave it be.

A week later we got a distress call from one of Inara's friends. When she took it and eventually asked Mal for help, he presented the problem to the crew. As soon as he finished talking to them he told me. "It could be dangerous, and I know how you like that-"

I waved him off. "I was on board when Inara asked for help. It doesn't matter if it'll be fun or not, it's what we do for each other. I'd do the same for you or any other member of the crew."

He smiled and nodded. "Good man. They said guns are needed."

I chuckled. "I'll break out my stash, here."

I tossed him an extra pack for his plasma pistol that I gave him. "It's a full one. It should last you a bit and I know you're running low. As for the weapons on board, well, so long as you can take out any mounted turrets, I can handle the rest once they get close enough. Thirty feet should do."

He nodded and Jayne complained about not knowing what the pay was and not doing it when he wasn't sure we'd be getting paid. Mal told him. "They're whores."

Almost immediately he replied. "I'm in."

I headed to my shuttle and took out the crates of guns and ammo I'd been collecting. I brought it all one at a time to the cargo hold where they were simply stunned by the amount.

Mal cursed asking. "You looking to start a war?"

I shook my head. "This is just what I collected from all the jobs we've pulled. They'll need cleaned before using them again but they should be in fine working condition. Jayne, there's a chest of grenades and rocket launchers we got from those smugglers on Muir in my room at the foot of my bed, bring it down would you?"

He was almost giddy when he headed up there. Mal asked. "Where have you been hiding all this?"

I shrugged. "Remember those inviso tags we got from that rich bastard on Santo? I've been tagging each crate and hiding them in my room in various places."

Jayne came down, struggling to hold the crate of high grade explosives. Mal caught the one grenade that fell as I helped Jayne by grabbing the crate itself and taking it away.

I set it down while both of them were sweating now. Jayne from carrying the crate and Mal from the adrenaline coursing through his veins as he barely avoided getting blown to hell.

He set the grenade down as he told me. "We're going to have to have a conversation about you hoarding weapons in your room with a crazed reader coming and going at all hours."

I shrugged. "I've built up an immunity to her telepathic links. She can at best read my emotions. The rest is fine and unless she sees where I put things she ain't gonna find them. Besides, she's been spending most of her time in Inara's rooms lately anyhow so I doubt she's paid attention to where I'm hiding my ill gotten weapons."

He let that one slide for now as we loaded the weapons and ammo into the mule and they drove it to the whore house. Mal insisted we not take the explosives so I put them back again and followed the rest of the group to the whore house.

There Inara introduced Nadi, the madam, to Mal who introduced Zoë as his first mate and me as his weapon specialist. I was then dragged to the meeting where we listened to her tell us about a local tyrant named Rance Burgess.

When she mention his money enough to build a city, Mal looked to me and asked. "What do you think?"

They each looked to me now and I shrugged. "If it's in accounts it could take days to find it and a few hours to crack them before I can transfer all the funds out to whomever you want. As for the guns and men he has, so long as they get close and you take out any mounted turrets, I can deal with the bulk of them. The rest you lot can pick off as they flee."

Nadi was confused as she said. "Rance has nearly thirty men following him. How are you supposed to take them out by yourself?"

I looked her over before sighing. "Never you mind how. Just watch and see for yourself. As for the laser tech, I'll have to wear my armor to avoid fatal blows. The rest is inconsequential. Tell doc to take care of the baby and have the woman stay away from the front of the house. Give them guns if you feel it's necessary, but don't worry yourself too awful much. I've killed more with less."

Mal sighed. "Then we have a plan."

I nodded. "One last thing. Have Wash lock down Serenity. Last thing we need is for them to get inside while we're distracted and accessing it's weapons and technology. I may be good but I can't fight a ship with swords and pistols."

Zoë spoke up. "I'll get him on it immediately."

Mal nodded. "You do that. That would be the worst case scenario."

Nadi asked. "I thought it was a transport ship?"

Inara told her. "I've taken up residence there. You know the guild protects its own. I signed off on the defensive upgrades."

Nadi's eyes went wide. "It usually takes a lot of time and red tape to get that done."

Inara smirked. "I've had a lot of powerful clients who wish me to stay protected and were properly motivated to see it done."

Mal mentioned meeting this Rance and getting a measure of his character. He offered to take Inara to town to see to that while asking me to help the girls with the weapon situation and see to setting up a perimeter.

Zoë took care of wash while I started cleaning and passing out guns showing the whores, both male and female how to handle and fire the weapons. Once they got the basics I told them all the plans. They were a bit reluctant to not fight but I assured them it wasn't necessary.

River circled me and I suggested they all go protect the pregnant girl during the fight in case Rance sneaks around while his men are dying. They all looked solemn and cocked their guns ready to kill if necessary.

After that I showed them how to load each gun before heading to Simon who was with the pregnant lady doing the exam. He commented as he saw me. "She's not nearly ready to give birth. It'll be tonight or tomorrow when it happens."

He saw River circle me before getting distracted by the pregnant lady. She went to watch the examination while I told Simon. "The whores will be in this room and armed in case Rance gets around the back while we're dealing with his men. Just ignore them and be happy if you need them. Use them as extra pairs of hands if need be but don't send them out."

He nodded and sighed. "Alright, I can work with that."

River agreed. "Me to."

I smiled wryly and left them to exam the poor girl. Jayne took his whore he'd chosen to take as payment upstairs and I headed out front wit a shovel. I began digging a hole a bit into the drive way. Once it would hold me I asked for a tan blanket and one of the whores found one that would do.

I put it over the hole I dug and poured fresh sand over it lightly before waiting for Mal and Inara to return. When they did he told me. "Jayne and Zoë will take turns on watch with the whores in case they come in the night but from what I understand of him, he'll come in broad daylight."

I nodded. "I've my place set up-"

I indicated to hole barely uncovered. "Once they're close enough, take out any turrets and watch for those that flee from behind cover, I'll do the rest."

He nodded and I asked him to slide the last of the sand over as I got in my hole. He did so and I grabbed a nap. I woke up to the sound of hoof beats and yelling. They were coming yet not close enough yet. I got ready and grabbed my sword hilts.

My vibro blades hummed with readiness. When everyone was in place and I heard Mal shoot the guy on the turret after it fired a first volley, I shot up out of the ground and was amongst them.

My blades shot out as energy crackled and shot out blade slices through man and horse as the slaughter began. Screams of agony pierced the air as it became meat grinder of death as the confused and dying horses bucked and died with their riders.

When there was only three living rider fleeing left, I heard rifle shots before seeing them fall. Rance was gone with his hover car but then I expected that. All his men were dead though and if the loud rapid fire from the house was anything to go by, Rance joined them in death.

I went inside covered in blood and guts while cleaning my blades. I'd taken a few laser rifle shots to the armor and one to the collar bone that would need tended so my robe I was wearing was fairly ruined.

I looked like I'd swam in a pool of blood or red paint as I walked through the house until I saw the dead wealthy land owner. The whore were all pointing their guns at me now as they couldn't tell if I was friend or foe.

River walked in front of them saying. "I know you. I can see you in there."

She wiped a bit of blood and viscera off of my face while Inara and Mal caught up with the madam. They saw me standing there with a wall of scared whore pointing guns at me and now River.

Nadi told them. "Put the guns down. I don't think they'd do any good if he was an enemy. He's a friend right now anyhow, let's not change that."

Mal asked me. "Osiris, you good?"

I leaned into River's hand while meeting her eyes and answering while not looking away. "I'm good captain. I could use the docs help though. Got hit in the collar bone with a laser and can't lift my left arm right now."

Simon handed the babe to it's mother while heading to me. I waved him off saying. "After I grab a shower doc. I can't much tell what's my blood and what's others. You can examine me in a bit. I am however going to need a hand scrubbing the blood out if you feel up to it Inara. I'd ask River but she's not there yet, no matter how clear she is right now."

River gave me a sad smile and nodded while I turned to Inara who agreed. "Alright."

Mal gave me a dirty look and I sighed. "It's just a shower captain. You can watch if you'd like. I seriously can't lift my arm and I'd like to get the blood off before it dries."

Nadi showed me the wash room she had for herself and Inara helped me strip my armor and clothes off. When I stepped into the shower under the hot water I groaned. Several of the horses had kicked me every which way while I cut them down.

Even with armor I was bruised and I'm fairly certain I had more than a few cracked ribs. When most of the blood that soaked me from head to toe was scrubbed away my battered body was revealed.

My left arm wasn't just hurting, apparently it was broken from one of the horse kicks. The shot that hit my collarbone continued to bleed till the doc got to it. Mal was a bit satisfied to see that I was at least human.

When he saw the wounds he asked. "How many times did you get shot?"

I shook my head. "Only four times including the collarbone. The rest is all horse kicks. They take exception to dying bloody it seems. And near thirty horses are hard to dodge while avoiding laser fire and killing."

He grunted and Simon finished his exam. "You've twelve cracked ribs and two broken ones. I'm gonna have to go in and set them before wrapping them up. As for the collarbone, that's an easy fix as the laser only glanced it and took out the nerve cluster. You'll be in for some pain when I fix the nerves but it should be an easy fix. As for the clear mental instability, I suggest you see a shrink at once."

Chuckling I shook my head. "I'm afraid I'd make the psychiatrist go crazy, after all, I live with you lot."

They each snorted and Inara smiled a bit though she did appear sad and I could guess why. Mal smelled of sex and gun smoke and so did Nadi. I stood up and walked to the mule saying while the others could still hear me. "Keep half the guns and ammo, the rest I expect returned to the ship with my personal weapons and armor. Doc, I'll be in the medbay when you're done seeing to the babe and it's mother."

I turned to Mal and sighed. "Care to give me a lift. May want to grab Jayne as well. I've a few things I'd like to leave these girls to see to their health."

Simon went to take care of the baby and it's mother while Adria took my ring and took out medical supplies and food from it in bulk, leaving them in my shuttle. When Mal managed to pull Jayne away, we went back on the mule and I had them load it up with the crates before telling them. "These will see the girls don't die of disease or sickness. They're vitamins and inoculation shots. Some can be used to keep the baby healthy as well. Tell them this is all I could spare and that it was from all of us if you'd like."

I then went to the medbay and laid on the chair table meant for surgery before grabbing a nap and letting my body relax. I woke up after the surgery was ended as I assumed he'd dosed me. We were already off planet now and headed to a satellite station where we could hopefully pick up a new job.

When I was back on my feet as it were, I heard Inara had decided to leave as soon as we get to New Melbourne. It wasn't an ideal planet but It was a hub to anywhere and everywhere this side of the galaxy.

I sighed and told her I'd visit if nothing else and send waves when I could. During the down time while we made our way through the long route to New Melbourne from Silverhold I spent my free time with River when she wasn't with Inara because of Wash and Zoë.

We lounged about in my room until this wave of uneasiness hit her and set me on edge. When she stood up and let go of my hand I knew something was off so I asked Adria to keep an eye on her. I was all wrapped up and unable to move easily so I followed as fast as I could until I heard a disturbance in the cargo hold.

There I found Mal taking a gun from her while everyone was talking her down. I walked into the open and took her chin, making her meet my eyes. She was out of it so I told them. "Something's wrong. She's feeling an overload of emotions from somewhere she can't block out."

I looked at each of them before saying. "None of you are having sex right now and while you may be bottling them up, she's used to your emotional states. Wash, check the scanners, we've got trouble. She's feeling someone else and it's fucking with her perception of reality."

Mal grunted and showed me the gun, I shook my head. "It's not mine. I was with her when she left my room awkwardly. It hit her like a drug and I tried to follow but I'm a bit slow nowadays. That's Jayne's gun FYI."

Mal turned to Jayne and I turned to Wash. "Move your ass Wash, someone or something is doing this to her and it's not one of us."

Inara asked. "Could it be whatever it is the alliance did?"

I shook my head. "Not a chance. This is something new and it's causing severe visual and audio hallucinations. If it were reavers it'd be violent and she'd be screaming in pain. Best guess is whomever is close by is a psychopath like Niska."

They each shivered and Mal told Wash. "Check all bands and wavelengths. Use the advanced scanners. If someone's out there, find them and blow them out of the sky. I don't want to take the chance that whoever it is wants to kill us. Jayne, you're on weapons. Turn them into space dust."

Jayne took his gun from Mal saying. "Got it boss."

Simon took River and I headed to my room to strap up in case whomever was doing this got on board. Inara went to her shuttle with Simon and River following while everyone else got ready to fight or flee.

The old scanners picked up little to nothing but the more powerful ones instantly got a hit. A small ship was just above us hiding in the background of Serenity's own energy emissions.

Wash did a barrel roll and sent the man in the space suit flying off the hull while Jayne fires on him and the ship he'd used. Both were destroyed under the secondary weapons fire. I headed River scream before going quiet and heading to Inara's shuttle as I'd just passed it's doorway on the way to the bridge.

Inara was holding river while she cried and Simon was about to give her a sedative. I shoved it away as I sat down next to the females. "Drugs aren't always the answer doc. Sometimes you have to talk it out and deal with the problem."

I took River's hand and told her. "Tell me what you feel little one. Don't hold back, let it out."

She told me everything she'd gleaned from the apparent bounty hunter known as Jubal Early. She told me of his psychosis and his need to cause pain. Of how he viewed the world like a game. She continued to cry in Inara's arms for a while as I turned to Mal and the rest of the crew watching. "Maybe next time you all don't jump to conclusions about her being dangerous."

I gave Jayne a dirty look as I told him. "Next time we hit Persephone I'll buy you a gun safe that requires an eyebrow scan. Until the learn to lock your quarters."

Mal sighed. "Well then, I guess it's settled for now."

I stood and passed them while I told them. "While the bounty hunter may have overwhelmed her, you all bottling up your feelings and emotions is what primed her to be receptive of him. Sort your shit out people."

Two weeks later the shoulder bandage came off and I was allowed light workouts so as not to strain my bruised ribs and other bones. Inara was packing to leave and Kaylee, while sad, was recording every moment with her for memories.

We pulled in a few shipping jobs on New Melbourne while we were there and loaded up more cargo. I'd already been on this ship for nearly six months now and every job we'd taken that I went on was a hoot. Fire fights and outrunning lawmen was a blast to say the least.

That is until Jobs started to slow down because of Mal's temper. He'd been on edge ever since we dropped off Inara and it was loosing us work to the point where only a select few would even hire us. We started running jobs a a month after Inara was gone for a pair of twins called Fanty and Mingo out of Beaumonde.

For two months we ran odd jobs for both Fanty and Mingo until they gave us a bank heist.

next chapter
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