66.49% A True Beginning / Chapter 131: Ch.16

章節 131: Ch.16

While they dealt with the dementors, the ministry Auror's started showing up. Shacklebolt and Mad Eye we're together this time. Mad Eye asked. "What happened?"

I sighed. "Voldemort. He broke out his people once more and this time the dementors sided with him from the looks of it. They kissed the human guards and let them just walk right out from the looks of it. I just got here right before you did. Excuse of the attack on the head of the DMLE Madam Bones's place. I killed Yaxley, Dolohov and a bunch of traitors that were finally swayed by the death eaters as well as what appears to be the last of the werewolves working for Voldemort."

They nodded and took my report and I suggest. "I can repair and upgrade the wards on this place but I suggest you start using house elves to keep the prisoners calm and for the worst ones that are in here for life, either kill them or dose them with the draught of the living death."

Shacklbolt asked that I begin working on the wards immediately and I did so. The ward stone and scheme for Azkaban was just a small stone required to make it impossible to Apparate, use magic or break out through force or by picking the locks of the cell doors.

I replaced the ward stone with three massive engine block sized ward stones and carved out a stronger and better ward scheme. Only house elves loyal to the DMLE office could come and go while the prisoners were locked in doorless and windowless rooms.

The anti magic wards prevented attacks from either side and only the head of the DMLE could take over the ward scheme. Inside the cells they'd find all the comforts and amenities of home so there'd be little resistance and even illusions of their wives would help them bang out the aggression.

Little by little a calming spell on the room would seep into their bodies and minds making them not want to leave, as if they were addicted to the place. The house eleven would bring them food and if necessary bring them to the waiting room for visits from their families.

Other than that the place was basically a honey trap. It took me a while to purify the dreadful essence of the dementors out but I was successful in the end. When madam bones showed up she asked. "Where am I going to find enough house elves to do all the feeding and work?"

I waved a hand and fifteen house elves came out. I told them their mission and the work required of them to maintain Azkaban and they were happy to agree as they knew by now that I wasn't abandoning them, I was transferring them to where they were needed most.

Amelia Bones took on their bonds and set them to work while she bonded with the ward scheme. With the ley lines pumping magic into the elves and the ward stones there was little for her to actually do as she wasn't even needed to feed the elves or activate the wards as they were constantly active.

Even the temporary cells meant for those that were here for only a few years had compulsion charms that made them model citizens over time. I left her there to suss out who would stay to guard the prison as I headed home. A week later I was invited to Bill and Fleur's wedding.

I attended with Nym until I got a message from my elves. "I gotta go, the minister's home is under attack."

Several guests followed while I warned Harry to have them take the wedding party to my family's place behind more powerful wards. He set out to do so and I fought the death eaters until Voldemort himself showed up with Snape and Bellatrix at his side.

They circled me and attacked as one though I could tell Snape's heart wasn't truly in it. I sent him dollying with a blast and barely avoided the cruciatus curse sent by Bellatrix. The party guests that had come were fighting with the death eaters now.

I sent a massive wave of green water out and Voldemort countered with his own blast of a fiery python. I transfigured the ground into adamantine steel chains and pinned the python down while sending out more that burst out of the ground, crushing the death eaters all around us fighting.

I sneered at Voldemort. "Let's see how you like having your friends killed."

More death eaters died before the rest gave up the fight and retreated behind Voldemort. I gave him a cold glare. "I'm not Dumbledore, I kill and will continue to do so as long as you're alive. You should not have had your followers attack the place my sisters resided nor my family's home and businesses. I was happy to stay out of this war, but you've forced my hand."

Voldemort's red eyes flared back at me before he casted a silent killing curse at me and I returned it with a blast of sheer magic and an overwhelming cutting curse. The two curses met between us and destroyed the field to his surprise.

His eyes narrowed and I sent out two more just as powerful, forcing him to retreat. He'd dodged and deflected until he called it and they left. I turned to Arthur and the rest as well as the minister who seemed relieved. "This won't be the end of it minister. The next time he'll come with beasts and creatures or perhaps turn those loyal to you by threatening their families."

Indeed my words came true as two days later word came of his demise at the hands of his aid Dolores Umbridge. The ministry wasn't in nearly as bad shape as it would've been as Nym had been there and killed Umbridge at the same time. Madam Bones took over as minister and Shacklebolt as head of the DMLE.

Voldemort used the minister's death to fuel a terror campaign as he declared that no one was safe. When he sent death eaters to pillage Diagonally, I'd arrived and overheard them talking about an extra reward if they capture Nym or a Greengrass.

The death eaters that had showed their masked faces and created chaos were then quickly and brutally killed as I'd pulled out my swords and split them in half. I wasted no time and managed to kill all but five who were trying to break into Gringotts. The goblins had sealed it off and the guards and curse breakers they'd hired were easily fending off the death eaters except Bellatrix whom was far more powerful than the rest.

They had definite difficulty there. As half of Gringotts was consumed in cursed fire, the goblins and curse breakers retreated into the secret tunnels where they entered my realm through suitcases. I blasted Bellatrix back and she cackled madly before taking the remaining death eaters and vanishing with apparation.

The cursed fire spread over most of the shops until it hit my family's wards and was stopped in it's tracks. Half of Diagonally had burned and witches and wizards everywhere fled behind my family's wards that seemed to stop it all.

It wasn't but a half dozen shops but they were in key positions so the fire, having nowhere else to go, burned itself out. My father became the political champion as he offered protection under my family's wards.

They would suss our intent and keep the bad ones out that wanted to cause problems inside. The rest were let in freely into the farms and training places. Soon our estates were jam packed. I had nothing to do with it as I left it to him and eventually Harry to deal with.

Harry came up with the plan and when he asked for my help, I agreed. The ministry was declared fallen and collapsed as people lost faith in it and Voldemort swooped in. He only had the dark families and those who sided with him as the rest were under my family's wards or hiding in places like Grimmauld place.

They declared a blood purity society and declared being a muggleborn illegal. Next Voldemort took over Saint Mungo's as they were healers and put up no resistance. Then came what Harry had planned. Voldemort has gathered his forces to march on the last historical beacon of the magical British society, Hogwarts.

There all those willing and able to fight had gathered with my help. Harry ran into Draco there and disarmed him thanks to my request before the younger students were all put in the room of requirement for transport if the school were to fall if something unexpected happened.

I was there and ready but what I saw made me sick to my stomach. They'd turned so many beasts, trolls, giants, dementors and through the dementors, lethifolds. Their army matched and surpassed all those that had joined the Hogwarts side.

When Voldemort declares we surrender, many thought to do so. I shook my head and tossed down a suitcase. Nicolas and his wife Perenelle came out first then Tina and Newt. Their pollyjuice potions wore off and they seemed to de-age in front of everyone, even Voldemort was surprised.

Nicolas told Voldemort. "I've fought and defeated dozens of would be dark lords over the years, but I have to admit, you are by far the dumbest. Using Horcrux's, a magic that every pureblood family knows around the world to call fool-hearty, trying to force a change by claiming to be superior, just like the muggles back then that forced the founders to create this school. You Tom Riddle, half-blood and would be ruler of the magical world, are the biggest fool I've seen in my very long life."

Bellatrix took exception to that and tried to attack but the wards held. Voldemort declared. "I have the elder wand."

Nicolas shook his head. "You may hold the wand, but you aren't it's master. Besides Tom, you've pissed off a wizard not seen since the founders and Merlin himself, one who doesn't need a silly wand and has yet to show his true power. You defeat is guaranteed and your death along with it. Even if you had stolen my philosophers stone you would die all the same."

They made a path and I waited as the death eaters began bombarding the wards. Hogwarts was officially under siege now. Blasts rang out and giants hammered at the wards with clubs and rocks. I waved a hand and Harry nodded. All he had to do was fight Riddle to the death. Which he was more than capable of.

I summoned Nagini to me with an overpowering Accio charm and caged the snake in front of Riddle before pulling out the Horcrux inside it, forcefully destroying to and freeing the mind of Nagini who'd been suppressed by Riddle.

Riddle screamed as the last of his soul anchors failed and was destroyed. I spoke as I put Nagini in my realm. "Now Minerva."

She had the wizards fire spells back as the wards dropped. I summoned all the adult dragons in my realm and the lethifolds. They followed my command and began burning the death eaters alive and killing the lethifolds that came. I case a supremely powerful patronus that rammed into all the dementors as sent them hurdling away into the forest before flying inside the nearby giant and stunning him and doing the same to the rest of the giants.

I put them away and dealt with the beasts with Newt's help. Many of the death eaters were dead by dragon's fire and Harry was battling Riddle at the moment so it wasn't a big deal if I wasn't on the main field. Nym was taking down Bellatrix as they both cast killing curses and fought like they were desperate to kill each other.

I put up wards for anti apparation and activated them, preventing any escapes from the death eater's sides. We then began to hill them off as I blasted Bellatrix down. "No time to dawdle love, it's time to end this."

She nodded and hit Bellatrix with a killing curse before helping me kill off the death eaters. My own lethifolds were winning and eating the others so there was little worry there. Selene left her meal half eaten and clearly dead in favor of Bellatrix as I promised them all fresh food.

I summoned the Basilisks to clean up the battle field and brought the dragons back in. My basilisks were careful and I'd already warned everyone of the plan so it was fine. Soon enough it was just Harry and Voldemort fighting as all the dark families involved had been killed off.

I'd used an ancient spell before hand to allow me to claim right of conquest and now all the dark families who lost heads of the family in this battle had lost a lot more. Their vaults and everything else belonged to me by right of magic.

Soon enough Harry revealed that it was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore and it was he himself who disarmed Draco not long ago and as such the elder wand belonged to him. The wand heard his call and as their last clash happened, Voldemort was overwhelmed and killed.

With the death of the dark lord, the light and grey families cheered. Harry and I met up afterwards as the wards around Hogwarts were back up and I'd finished repairing the damage to the forbidden forest so that the centaur herd could return.

They were the dominant force in the forest now as they cared for the creatures in absence of anyone else. A truly closed ecosystem. Harry passed the cloak and stone to me and I disarmed him with a quick expelliarmus.

He looked relieved to be rid of such a burden and I let him think that for a minute until I officially declared. "I name you successor and rightful heir to all my titles and properties in this world up to and including Frosthaven enterprises and all those I'd gained from today's battle. As I will it, so more it be, Lumos."

My hand lit up and he frowned. "Your a git."

I chuckled. "If you find any new magic's or books-"

He waved me of. "Yeah yeah, I'll send them to Nagnok and he'll pass them to you."

I nodded. "Then as the half owner of Hogwarts, I present to you the legacy items of the school."

I waved a hand and the repaired locket, cup and Diadem appeared floating in front of him. He took them and Nym said. "We suspect the sword of Gryffindor is in a magical pocket in the sorting hat."

He nodded and sighed. "What am I supposed to do with these?"

I shrugged. "Put them on display for all to see in the great hall. Make sure to put up powerful protections to prevent thieves but otherwise it's up to you. By the way, all the dark families can be disbanded and you can keep the votes to force the system to change now. Father wishes to retire so it's up to you to decide the future of the family from now on."

He looked at me flabbergasted. "But I thought you'd-"

I shook my head. "I had father disinherit me when I went to Azkaban. Now that I've turned it all over to you, I've no place in magical Britain."

I took Nym's hand and she told Harry. "We we intend to travel the globe perfecting our magic and protecting the endangered beasts. Newt and the Flamel's will stay for a time to help you in your endeavors but they will follow when it's time."

I Phoenix traveled with Nym to say goodbye to our parents and offer them immortality. Her parents declined and so did mine both agreeing that they weren't meant to be immortal. We didn't tell them what we were but we did leave them the option to go to the goblins and say my name to be taken to my realm where I'd help them if they changed their minds or needed my help.

I left a note with them for Harry about Voldemort's daughter Delphi who was being raised by Euphemia Rowle a dark family member that was in fact under his control now. I mentioned the time turner in the school used for students if he needed it.

Beyond that it was time for us to leave. Nym and I traveled the world for a few months seeing the other magical societies until my core convalesced for the final time. Pain racked my body until my core which had spread to every follicle of my being, burst and spread into my blood, replacing it.

The agony was great but the reward was greater. When it finished, to my surprise my blood didn't turn gold like I expected. Instead it was the same color as before but energized. When I tried using magic, I didn't even need to think of a spell as a bolt of electricity flew from my hand.

Damn did it feel great. Next I tried and successfully fired an energy ball. I tried fire but it was weak. Nym looked at me confused before she morphed into Lexi who clapped. "Yes! It worked!"

I looked at her funny and she smiled. "We were given the same option as you to choose the world we met up in and we chose the charmed world. It seems Gaia sent us to a world of both."

I smiled. "Then you know where we have to go don't you?"

She nodded and I pulled out my laptop before making us ID's and official records. I Phoenix traveled us to San Francisco where I bought us a decent house next to the charmed manor. The guy moving out had wanted a reprieve anyway.

It seems it was too weird here for his tastes. Next I kept an eye on the charmed ones until I saw a demon attack them. I appeared and just as the red and black skinned Balthazar went to blast them and shifted into my partial wolf form. I roared and bit into him, rearing at his shoulder and ripping off his arm.

He blasted me back, injuring me to my surprise and pain. He lost focus and morphed back into Cole to Phoebe Halliwell's shock, before trying to leave. I shifted back and through my blade through his gut,vanquishing him.

There I lay wounded and bleeding while the three sisters were shocked beyond belief. I grunted. "A little help here? I'm not exactly able to heal myself when I'm this wounded, it takes concentration to cast the magic."

They asked. "Who are you?"

I sighed. "I'm a wizard and Metamorphmagus. I sensed an upper level demon nearby and decided to act. So, who wants to call an ambulance unless your whitelighter is willing to help."

The oldest called out. "Leo!"

A man apparated in as a glow of lights. I grunted and he asked. "What happened here?"

Phoebe who hadn't spoken yet decided to. "Cole was a demon, he attacked and had some other demon inside him but he killed it before firing at us. The injured guy says he's a wizard and metamorph or something and he turned into a wolf thing before attacking Cole and getting injured. He threw a sword through Cole when he tried to shimmer and vanquished him."

Leo for his credit didn't blink when he said. "Metamorphmagus, that's rare, they're shape shifters but they can't turn into wolves."

I snorted. "I'm also an Animagi so will you make with the healing before I bleed out or do I need to call myself an ambulance."

He frowned but nodded and started healing me while telling them. "Animagi are witches and wizards who have learned to turn into their spirit animals."

I grunted. "And as a Metamorphmagus I can turn into many different animals since I'm both. Yay me but it doesn't really help unless I'm my own spirit animal."

He nodded. "Which is?"

I sighed. "I'm a Phoenix. I know, it's unheard of but that's what you get when you mix a shape shifter into an animal shifter and have a bit of magical power it seems."

He nodded. "I'll have to contact the elders but since you healed I can at least confirm you aren't evil."

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks. Help a brother out? My clothes don't exactly stay with me when I shift into anything not a Phoenix or human."

He snorted at my nude form and I sighed as I stood up. "Never mind, I'll do it myself."

I flashed away in green flames and came back a few minutes later after having gotten fully dressed. They were stunned but Leo asked. "Isn't flame travel a demonic ability?"

I shook my head. "Green phoenix here. It comes with the package of turning into a fiery bird."

He nodded. "Then your tears-"

I waved him off. "Won't heal myself, I know because I've tried it before. Turns out I can cure and heal everyone else but unless I can concentrate to do a spell, I can't heal myself. Though I do have natural healing but a demonic wound seems to prevent healing that way."

He nodded. "It would. So where were you trained?"

I smiled. "Hogwarts, Scotland. One of the oldest magical schools."

He sighed. "I'll let the elders know and see what they think. Where are you staying?"

I chuckled. "Next door. I felt the ley lines and decided to buy a place next to the nexus, the convergence. The one at Hogwarts wasn't nearly this powerful but then it's great for my own magic. It helps me recover faster."

He sighed. "There goes the neighborhood."

I sighed. "Well, it's good meeting you all."

I waved a hand and repaired the house. "As a token of my thanks."

I flamed away and went to bed where Nym awaited me to ask questions. The next morning I was busy taking the powers my coin enhanced blade had absorbed from Cole. It wasn't much more than durability and shimmering. My own energy bolts were stronger as well but that was it.

When the two of the three sisters showed up with a baked pie to welcome me to the neighborhood, Nym answered the door and introduced herself as another Metamorphmagus or shape shifter and witch.

They came in and sat in the parlor to ask questions when I walked up from the basement. "Nym, the cauldron is set up for your moon potions- hello?"

The eldest, Prue, introduced herself before saying. "We were just curious about our new magical neighbors."

I nodded. "We're open books though do remember it's only the first day since we've met."

She nodded and asked. "Why did you both move here?"

I shrugged. "We traveled through globe and decided to settle down here where it's interesting. I've not seen a demon beyond vampires and a wizard that went bad and power hungry so when I sensed that one last night it was pretty much my first demon."

Piper spoke up. "Wait, vampires are a thing?"

I nodded. "They are. They stay in nests and their queen controls them but yeah, they're a thing. Each nest has a queen and while they're pretty removed from the demonic world they're still demons after a fashion."

I wasn't about to reveal my place in the pecking order to them as I wasn't sure the power of three couldn't vanquish me or at the very least boot me from this reality. No, with the fact that they're here, it means this world has it's own rules and I need to follow them to gain my powers and ascend even stronger this time.

We made idol chat for a while until Piper finally asked. "What's a moon potion? Some sort of werewolf thing?"

Nym shook her head laughing lightly before saying. "It's a potion to keep me from getting pregnant and removes the cramps during that time of the month. It doesn't get rid of the odd cravings but it helps otherwise."

The sisters looked embarrassed before I summoned a book on potions and handed it to them. "I don't know how well read you are on the magical world but I've plenty of potion books if you'd like to brush up. None are for vanquishing but I guess some could do so if need be."

I passed Prue the book and she asked. "How did you repair the house without personal gain issues?"

I smiled. "The battle and subsequently the damage was proof of the demonic and magical world. As such it was well within the bounds to repair it all thus getting rid of the evidence with magic."

Piper frowned and I sighed. "It probably helps if I tell you that your look on personal gain helps determine the outcome and subsequent consequences. Magic isn't a toy to be abused but if magic was used to cause damage then it can be used without issue to repair the damage. So long as you're using it for the right reasons it's fine. But if you're using it to say get a pair of new shoes you saw on tv, then you're likely to face consequences."

Prue frowned. "We've not actually been told anything like that."

I shrugged. "Well, we've been raised with it. But you should've at least learned it from your whitelighter or the magic school here."

They both frowned and Piper said. "I'm going to kill Leo."

At the sound of his name he came. "You called?"

She snorted and Prue asked. "There's a magic school here?"

He looked caught in an awkward position before saying. "There is. I'd have told you about it sooner or later but you girls seemed to learn better by the hands on approach."

I chuckled and he looked to me. I raised my hands in surrender. "Don't shoot the messenger. I was just surprised they're fighting demons without knowing much about magic. I mean, I'm strong and good in a fight but I'd at least like to know how to summon a shield before I fight any demon, upper level or not."

He sighed and quelled under the sister's glares before saying. "I did some checking up on you. It turns out you were in prison for killing three wizard students at your school. You were a teacher!"

I raised an eyebrow. "I was set free and later exonerated but I admit I killed them. They were trying to rape my baby sister and they were all of legal magical maturity by the way, so I killed them for it."

Piper asked. "Magical maturity?"

Leo told them. "Seventeen. It's when a witch and wizards magic is the most stable. They consider them adults in the magical world over there and they graduate the same year."

I grunted. "They decided their path and I'd do it again without blinking. I don't regret my actions. If they can commit such an act they deserve death. They can let god or whatever higher power beyond death decide where they should go as I will have to when I eventually pass on."

He snorted. "It doesn't make it right."

I shrugged. "Agreed. They shouldn't have tried to rape a thirteen year old girl."

He frowned. "I meant the killing."

I shrugged. "And that's where your morals and mine differ. If it were your daughter or wife I'm sure you'd feel the same and until it happens to them you can keep your moral judgement and shove it up your feathered-"

Piper stood up. "Ok! It's time we went home to cheer Phoebe up. Cole was her boyfriend."

I sighed. "Then I'm sorry for her loss but like before I can't regret my actions. He wasn't a fluffy tickle demon and you all were under his attack. If he hadn't attacked or had surrendered, I wouldn't have had the care to bother vanquishing him. Tell her I said if she wants to exact revenge, I won't fight her. She can do what she wants if that's what she needs to mourn him."

Nym snorted but I waved her off. "I killed her lover so it's only fair she punish me. I don't want her coming after you instead love."

Prue spoke up. "I don't think you have anything to worry about. It'll just take time for her to adjust is all."

I nodded. "I get it. All the same if you have any more questions or you want to learn potions and spells we're happy to share our knowledge."

They thanked us and left with their whitelighter. While they crossed the lawn Piper asked Leo. "What's with the judgement in there? It's not like you."

He sighed. "Witches and wizards from over there are a bit backwards and their magic is more selfish. They can do most spells without fear of personal gain and they have a tendency to go dark easily. The last one that went dark nearly caused a war that would expose magic to the mortals."

"The one before that was the cause of World War Two. He was trying to turn the mortals into slaves and using Hitler's reign of terror to reach out and spread his influence world wide. Let's just say there's a lot of resentment and bad blood between our societies."

Prue frowned. "He didn't seem all that bad and other than killing three would be rapists who were clearly already dark, he hasn't done anything bad even over there."

Leo disagreed. "They just wen through the final battle and the elders say he was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of witches and wizards that followed the last dark wizard. He kills without regret or moral compass and he's clearly a threat-"

Prue snorted. "To demons. You heard him. He felt sorry for Phoebe even though he killed Cole who was a demon. He even offered not to fight back if she wanted revenge."

Leo argued. "That's the way he was raised with some sort of backwards honor. Besides it's not like Phoebe would actually take revenge so he has nothing to worry about."

Prue shrugged. "Backwards honor is still honor and besides, he doesn't know that Phoebe wouldn't want revenge."

They continued onwards but I didn't pay attention. The demonic energies in me that allowed me to shimmer if I wished and strengthened my body as well as my energy blasts was speaking to me, tempting me to give in to evil. Clearly in this world's laws good and evil were major ones that were built into it's foundation.

I brushed the voices aside as they meant nothing inside the vast cosmos that was my mind. One tiny whisper from one tiny world in a sea of stars and planets. They could no more influence me then Tom Riddle's soul pieces could.

Mum mentioned going for a walk and left. A few days later the three sisters were fighting another demon threat. This time it was three upper class demons called the triad. I flame traveled to them and knocked the demons with my swords. Just a small just and they burst into flames.

When one of the sisters asked. "What the hell kind of swords are those?"

I chuckled. "They're soul swords. Linked to my soul and magic. Through them I can kill most demons with a single innocent cut. It works on all living things so try not to touch the sharp bits."

I let the sister, Phoebe, hold the sword. She gave it a practice swing and I sighed. "Try not to injure anyone. One cut and they die without a chance of being healed."

She frowned and held it up. I took it and she asked. "Where did you learn how to make them?"

I sighed. "China. It's akin to the technique to make flying swords. These respond in the same way as they're literally a manifestation of my soul. If they break they repair as a soul can when wounded. But if they're destroyed by say, hellfire, then I'll be severely injured if not dead."

Her eyebrows shot up and I asked. "So, who were those demons?"

Piper spoke up. "The triad. They've been trying to kill us for two years now. We figured out how to summon them but our vanquishing potions weren't strong enough even with Balthazar flesh."

I raised an eyebrow and Phoebe spoke. "Cole's flesh. His arm in fact."

I grimaced. "I'm sorry-"

She waved me off. "There's no need. As far as I'm concerned you saved me from a demon that was using me to kill my family. Something I'm grateful for."

I sighed. "Then how about I take you out, my treat."

She was surprised by that and Piper asked. "Aren't you already with someone?"

Leo spoke up. "Wizards from across the pond are notorious polygamists. They care abound keeping they're blood pure by marrying only witches with pedigrees."

I rolled my eyes. "Hardly. Most of those types died out with the last war. Though I am a polygamist if it helps, I could care less about the background of the ones I may or may not choose to date or marry."

Phoebe looked like a deer caught in the headlights so I sighed. "Don't worry, it's only a light fun evening. I'm not so forwards as to try for more than a bit of fun and relaxation. A meal and perhaps dancing before going to a club or something. If you'd like I'm sure Nym would be up to taking you in my stead."

Phoebe nodded finally. "I'd like that I think. Nym or whoever."

I bowed lightly with a smile. "Very well m'lady, I shall inform her of your decision."

I kissed her knuckles before flaming away without hurting her a bit. I told Nym of my offer and she asked. "Is she like me? One you feel connected to?"

I nodded and she smiled. "Good, I've always wanted a to try out some things Faith has been showing me."

I chuckled. "It's just a light evening out on the town to relax. We've all the time in the world to have more with her if she wants to experience that."

She pouted but agreed while I set up our bank accounts and robbed all the drug dealers and cartels south of the boarder and blamed it on the Chinese. Most of the money was invested in the stock market while a bit was left to us to use. While she prepared for her night out I took out a map and began my own hunt.

I hopped all over the world with my flame travel and memories, finding lost treasures. When I had all I wanted for now stored away, I headed to pick up the last two massive diamonds. It wasn't hard to get to them now as all I had to do was wave a hand to send tons of dirt out the way. I stilled hat to be careful not to activate the volcanos but that just made it exciting.

When I finished with that, I found the city of gold and the Templar treasure once more. This time I store it all away and went back to the house. I could've made the gold but it just wasn't the same as finding it. When Nym and Phoebe left I went over and rang the doorbell.

Prue answered, a bit surprised. "I didn't expect you to walk over. Why didn't you just flame travel?"

I smiled. "It's rude and I only enter that way when I sense you're all in danger. I figured I can act normal if it pleases the court."

She smiled. "So, what can I do for you?"

I chuckled. "I was hoping you'd know where I can authenticate and auction off high valued gold and other items I've dug up in my travels. It's all non magical stuff and I'm new to the area so I figured I would ask you all. I mean you must know a place what with all the demonic and magical stuff you've collected over the years. That and the potions you sell it shouldn't be hard to move human gold and valuables."

She frowned. "What demonic stuff?"

Now I frowned. "Don't you keep their weapons and stuff and sell them to make the cash you've needed to repair the place? I mean the way you said before that you feared personal gain to repair the damage demons did I figured you sold their weapons and stuff. Not to mention potions in the magical community go for high prices, especially healing ones as they don't require magic at all to make."

She was shocked by my words before sighing. "Another thing Leo forgot to mention no doubt."

I shrugged. "It's how most witches get by so I thought the same, but if you don't know a place-"

She bit her lip and asked. "Ok, what sort of gold and stuff?"

I smiled. "I've got Aztec gold, Egyptian and Roman gold as well as stuff from all eras in between. I found some treasure hidden by the freemasons and buried a long time ago. It was all human and mortal stuff, you know, non magical. So I figured since I gave up all my family gold and stuff before traveling the world I might as well trade it for non magical currencies. I set up a bank account and everything."

She frowned. "How much and where is it?"

I handed her a pouch saying. "It's a bottomless pouch. A magical carrying wallet or purse if you will. I shrunk it all and stored it inside in a stasis spell. I believe one of them to be the mortal city of gold. It's just a giant Aztec temple with a sacrificial alter that's all made of gold. As for the second stasis spell. It's stuff the romans robbed from Egypt and stored away along with some scrolls from the library of Alexandria and all the stuff that's been added since the crusades."

next chapter
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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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