"Please, madam Denise, you need to leave now! This scene is unnecessary! Madam Ella won't be seeing anyone today." Paul pleaded while gesturing for Denise to follow him downstairs.
"Mr. Paul or whatever you call yourself..." Denise's eyes darkened and her tone turned raspy and terrifying. "... if you do not point Ella's bedroom to me right now, I will be forced to rip out your jugular and shove it up your ass!"
"Pardon me!" Paul's eyes widened at Denise's choice of words. However, he was unprepared to face her wrath as he pointed towards Ella's bedroom with a trembling finger.
"You just got lucky! Next time you test my patience, I'll make sure to tattoo my name on your forehead!" Denise hissed and stormed out of his presence.
"Oh God, what have I done wrong to warrant all this anger and hatred towards me?" Paul lamented as he watched Denise disappear into Ella's matrimonial bedroom, like a tigress running to protect her cubs.
Thanks for reading.