45.19% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 47: Chap 47 - We need to fly high!

章節 47: Chap 47 - We need to fly high!

Chap 47 - We need to fly high!:


{Pov Mumei}


My name is Mumei Naya Berry. I'm 27 years old. Don't have a house, I just sleep anywhere I want, and that's that. Not married, but I am in a relationship with Kro, so far pretty fun, and healthy one, and we both trying to find each other's weaknesses, totally normal.

My height can be considered tall for this universe's average height for women, 178 cm, and think I am joking about being tall? Goku's is 175 cm, I am taller than the main brick house bitch.

I don't work, just beat up some bad guys from time to time to get some cash, and challenge some martial arts schools that are willing to pay if you fight against their students or teachers, they pay a pretty good sum.

Don't have a specific time to sleep or wake up, but during the day I often take naps, must have something to do with me being a nocturnal birb.

After waking up I eat and drink whatever I have at the moment, not very picky, but pineapple pizza is my enemy.

Ending my breakfast, I stretch my body a little for the day, because the past month I have been having a blast fighting these guys every day.

But if I have to say, one of my favorite parts is definitely when Gohan joins in after his studies, getting to see the kid's power growing at an almost similar rate to mine was pleasant, I'm starting to consider if he gets the same benefits that I have as a hybrid.

That is still a question without an answer, one that we will see answered one day.

Living in this world so far has proven to be exciting, from taking care of mom, that her soul may rest in peace. To getting to know Kro, training with Goku and eventually Piccolo, having fun, and messing around before shit hits the ground.

*Sigh* There's something funny that I learned with Kro, my power could have been in the hundred thousand by now if I trained like crazy right? Nope.

Not having an equal or at least close in power would cut my power growth to more than half, both in pure training and Zenkais. Yeah, I would get stronger training like a crazy person for the past... what, five years?

And all that just to fight some Saiyans..... Fuck that, I got to a good power level to have some fun while teaching a humiliating lesson to Vegeta, and waited till we got to Namek Saga, where our Saiyan Hacks would shine like the true plot armors they are!

Got to experience this new world around me and get used to it in the meantime, so I am happy.

Oh, right! I held the title of strongest Saiyan until a few hours ago, lost it to Goku because my { Olwtra Instinct } which was now fully awakened, couldn't fuse correctly with { Owl Side }...

Pretty ass right? And now comes the question.-' Ouh~ How did Mumei-chan use it against the midget for such a looong~ time~¿?'.

Senzus, these beans that I have been overusing like crazy, they're pretty crunchy and sweet, was using them to keep the forms together till the end, still have a lot of them, about a little less than half my clay pot that I got from Master Korin, he's a chill cat, so I will keep calling him Master!

To top it all up, my fight against Goku today was an honorable one, so cheating would make me feel like shit.

[{ Muun.... it has been a minute already... everyone is waiting for you to start speaking...}]









{ Capsule Corps; West City; 06:12 p.m }

"Uh?"- Finally remembering what she was doing, to begin with. Looking around we're in the living room of the Brief's property.

Every one of the Z-Warriors that is going out to space is sitting on a large round couch with a blue glass table in the middle of it full of cookies and cans of different sodas.

Tapping her hand on the table, Bulma looks at the bird girl a little pissed.-" So Mumei.... you just noticed you didn't tell us anything about where we're going right?.... I, too, was starting to wonder where in the heavens you wanted to take us to....."

Her stare gets even more intense as the girl, in particular, being stared just sweats a bit.

The others around the table are just sitting and waiting for her explanation too, while eating some cookies, well everyone except for Piccolo who was just drinking some Soda while laying back and looking at Mumei.

" Aaaahh.... We're going to Namek...*points finger at Piccolo*, His home planet, the guy I told you guys about is probably going there for the Dragon Balls to confirm their existence, and as we know, he's going to find them, and probably wish for something absurdly boring like being immortal."

As she said that everyone connected the dots, and the one so-called emperor of the universe wishing something like that from the balls would put not only the planet in danger but the whole universe.

"From the looks, you guys already understand the repercussions of his wish, *sigh*, we need to stop him before he does so, if Yamcha didn't say anything and haven't fed the white gecko's curiosity even further, I would be fine going there by myself.... But now.....things will get pretty funky. That's why I asked Bulma to build that ship."

Being called forth, the blue-haired scientist nodded with a hand underneath her chin.-" So that's why you needed that chamber.... If he is as scary for you to not want to mess with him, you'll be training on the trip there Mumei?"

Standing up Raditz excitedly bumps both his fists.-" If we together with Mumei go against Frieza, we may stand a chance!"

Shaking her head in disapproval, the bird gets a cookie and looks at it seriously.-" No, you guys need to get Dragon Balls before he does so, I could keep him occupied.*munch* After this training trip you guys will witness what true training is like, and the stupid heights it gets you."

Finishing her cookie she left everyone confused at her choice of words, cocking up one of his eyebrows Piccolo tries to get what the girl is trying to say.

" So, what you're saying is that all the training we did until now... wasn't that big of a deal bird? *Frowns* Are you mocking us right now?"

The air grows tenser as the two stare into each other's eyes.

Sighing and shaking her head once more as she gets another treat.-" No Piccolo, this type of training is brutal and wasn't really needed or obtainable until recently when Bulma got Raditz pod and searched what I asked in return at the time."

The genius herself smiles while nodding and remembering what the Owl asked her.-" Yeah, thanks to Raditz pod, I found all the necessary advanced components needed to accomplish her crazy idea."

Stopping his hand in the middle of the act of picking a can of coke, Gohan was the one to ask.-" Crazy idea? What did Aunt ask for Bulma?"

She looks at the one who asked her to make it, the Owl wanted it to be a surprise, but it seems it's better to show them earlier to make them have an idea of what is going to happen.

" Why don't you show them Bulma? It's easier, and Goku might already have an idea of how it feels. Ouh! Going out off the topic,*Turns to Goku's side*, Can you call that teacher of yours and see if he can find us the exact location of Namek's coordinates? Would help a lot!"

Asking out of nowhere with a smug face on, she just continues eating rapidly, being followed by Raditz seeing that the Cookies were all getting devoured by the girl.

' These two act like siblings even though they don't have any connection besides their race.... *sips* But these lemon sodas are pretty nice...'

Closing his eyes, Piccolo awaits for Son to try to do what Muun said.

Goku confirms by nodding and focusing on trying to contact the North Kaioh.-' Mister Kaioh! Mister Kaioh! Can you hear me!?'

< Hmmm... Yeah, Yeah Goku, We heard what she asked, and to shorten it up, yeah, I can give you guys the coordinates.... But Mumei.... are you sure you don't have some loose screws' girl? >

"Ugh!! HEY, I AM TOTALLY FINE!!! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN BE 'LOOSE SCREWS'!?!!!"- And that was the first interaction between the two.

"Oh, so this is the guy who trained Kakarot? He must be strong right?"- Filling his mouth Raditz looks around trying to find the voice but doing so in vain.

" Wow, I can hear him in my mind!"- Looking up with stars in his eyes, Gohan marveled at the peculiar technique.

" Hey, at least someone noticed it."

"YOU TOO PICCOLO!!??!"- The bird girl fires her arm pointing towards the green man with steam going out of her head, ranting how she was totally fine.

< Hey... Wait! Let me at least.....>—Like someone was pushing the Kaioh away, and changing the telephone's user, his voice got faded, almost muted.

< Hey! Hey! Mumei right? Someday if you get by the otherworld call me, I watched your fight with that Saiyan... what was his name again? Vegetable? And oh boy! You wrecked him up! Name's Calli By the way. Big fan. >


The cookie that was in the bird's hand fell to the ground as her brain stopped working, she was expecting someday to meet one of the others... but not like this....

" *Mutters* No.... fucking....way..."- Her eyes were just staring at nothing, her brain probably crashed or something.

[{ *Sigh* Muun? Muun, Reset please. Reboot...}]

"Uh? What.... Oh! Yeah! Sure!!! Any time... just not very soon ..."- Not sure how to answer a literal death call she just laughs a little at the end.

< Oh yeah, people only come here when they die ahahah, but don't worry! I can ask dad and get you in any time. In some time the tournament will happen again, Goku said he wanted to get in, I could try to get you an enlistment too, sooo... ya want a place in? >

Everyone around the room looked at Mumei, who was smiling awkwardly, not sure about anything at this point.-' TOO EARLY!!! TO FUCKING EARLY'

"Ahem! Sure, put me in! After our trip, I think I can throw some punches in there, ehehe."- ' I'mma need to be above Super Saiyan level by then....*sigh*'


The Kaioh's scream is heard all around the people in the room, making them sweat drop at how loud it was.

< Oh! My bad! My bad! Ahh... That was it, good talking to you, Saiyan-Owl. >

Getting off her hand from the Kai's shoulder, the sound of steps getting away is heard, making them presume that the reaper left.

After that Mister, Kaioh gave them the coordinates, and Bulma noted them down in her personal notepad before putting it away.

Goku and Mumei thanked the Kai before cutting off communications.

"Now, let's go see the chamber!"- Jumping from the coach she was and landing close to the door that goes outside the Owl girl waves her hand calling the others.

She was shown it earlier, when they arrived, by Bulma to see how the project was going, and it only needed another week for it to be fully completed.

As they exit, Mumei walks in the front with both arms behind her neck, but something made the others a little concerned, and Gohan was the one to say it out loud.

" Uuuh... Auntmei... you have been wearing those clothes for a while.... and they're..uhhhh... a little too revealing?"

Trying to be the most modest he could be about how the girl had only the part covering her breasts of her shirt leaving her abs to be seen, the rest was completely destroyed, same with her jeans that turned into ripped jeans.

And it being her last set, she just ignored it for now.-" Will buy some later, sawn some interesting ones in a shop when I bought my Pizza that day... Then I will need some copies of them...soooo....Piccolo, can ya-"

"Yeah, can do it, consider it a gift for this training method you're going to introduce us or whatever it's."

Cutting her before she could finish, Piccolo just continues walking with a smug look as the girl glances back over her shoulder, before looking forward again pouting.

[{ He got you.}]

'Tsk... Yeah, I give him this one.'

This time without any stops they walk to the workshop where there is a huge spaceship in a spherical shape with some blue rounded windows all around it.

Four big mechanical legs supported it up, making all that metal stay in place, the entrance was open making a bridge with stairs going up inside it.

As for colors, it was mostly white and gray, there was also the big ' Capsule Corps' by the side in black colors.

" Awesome right? Took a while to do some parts for it to be even better than the pod that Raditz came in... Talking about it, Raditz, how was your chat with my sister? You met her that day you came to get your scouter right?*smug smile* She was speaking a lot about you~"

Mumei smiled and nodded while climbing the stairs to inside the ship with a hand in a thumbs up by her shoulder.-" I approve it."

As she entered inside it, those were the last words they heard.

The long-haired Saiyan blushed a bit while coughing in his hand.-" Well... She brought in some sandwiches with her and asked if I wanted one before we both had to be going back home.... and we chatted, she had a pretty large knowledge about space surprisingly...."

Laughing Bulma followed after Mumei.-" Yeah, she has a lot of experience, Jaco takes her to a lot of planets for her to get her ideas for new novels, she has some pretty good stories you know?"

Just staring at how nonchalantly Bulma was while saying that, they follow after her, climbing the stairs inside the spaceship.



"Haiii~ I brought you guys some pizza..... Hmmm, they already left?"

Entering the workshop, Panchy, Bulma's mother walks in with a big box of pizza, and as she looks around she sees no one and gets a little sad.

"Oh well~ Will take this to the workers then~"

Walking away she goes out off the automatic door she entered by.



At the entrance of the ship two feathers peek out, then the full face of the Owl with her yellow neon eyes examining the scent.

' I could promise I smelled the scent of cheese....'

[{ Probably a pizzeria that is close by? The one you got in that day. Wouldn't be strange.}]

'Yeah, probably that.'

Going back inside she disappears once more.

Having a look inside, all of them are now in a room with white walls forming a dome shape, and a light red floor with squares everywhere, and in the middle of it, a machine of sorts with various buttons, and a screen written '1 G' in green.

The bird just entered too, while all the others looked around confused she sneaked behind Bulma and tapped her shoulder.-" *Whispers* Pshiu.... Get out, I am going to turn it on.*points at the machine at the center*"

And with a big smile on her face, Bulma chooses to follow Mumei's cheeky plan, since it was a good real test for this version of the room, and so she exited.


As the door closed, Piccolo, Gohan, Goku, and Raditz all turned towards it, just to see Mumei with both arms crossed.

"This is the room gentlemen, Raditz might have an idea about what it is, but please don't ruin the surprise."

Walking forward she passes by them who look at her confused, the long-haired Saiyan gets in a strange position like he's ready to flex his body muscles all at once, if it really is what he thinks, he will need this weird pose.

*Click* - *BIP!*

*Click* - *BIP!*

*Click* - *BIP!*

Stopping in front of the device, the girl raises a hand above a button and clicks three times on it, not seeing anything happening for a second they just shrug, and when Piccolo is going to ask the point of this place.


A strong red light encompasses the room, and everything gains a red filter of sorts.

And the effects are felt immediately.-" Wh- UGHHRRRRR!!!"

Piccolo almost falls to his face but forces his torso up slowly, his forehead was sweating like crazy as veins were showing all over his muscles.

"I.... KNEW IT!!!!"- The older Saiyan was in the same position forcing his body to stay in place, but veins were showing themselves everywhere around his body as a result of his will to not move down.

Goku and Gohan were not far better, the kid was having his problems but otherwise was taking it as well as Raditz, as for his dad it was even easier, but you could still see that he was forcing his body, thinking even about using King Kai's technique to get a better grip of this gravity.

Meanwhile, the one who activated it had her smug smile ripped out of her face as she was also fixing her body in the same spot trying to not seem affected.-' This.... is going to be HELLL!!!!!'

Drops of sweat run down her forehead as she had only a little easier time than Goku, and then came the time to turn it off, she could move apparently at normal speed with a very shaky hand something that would have shocked the others, but they were more worried about themselves at the moment.

*Click!* - *BEEEEP~*

Clicking the button and breathing heavily, Mumei turned around to look at her friends.


Falling to his knees, the Namekian was having a hard time even moving.-" Damnit....."

The Saiyans on the other side adapted pretty well to it, Goku moved his body without all that pressure in it and smiled feeling relieved.

Gohan was sitting on the ground cleaning his forehead with his shirt, totally exhausted, most of them never had Gravitational training, and even if they, had like Goku, the bird girl amplified it quite a notch.

Smiling again, Mumei supported her right hand on the machine that controlled the gravity.-" I think that was... Forty times earth's gravity?... *Huff*... Didn't have time to read the number... but it was thirty or forty.... That's what I was talking about... what y'all think? Think you can.... handle it?"

Cleaning himself with a towel that was by the side on some supports, Raditz follows the girl's excitement followed by his brother.-" Ahaha, It's been a while since I got to experience a different gravity, but with this machine crushing us at every second.*grins*, We will become monstrously strong.*clenching hands*"

" Ehehe! King Kai's planet doesn't hold a pencil in this! It was crazy! For sure, we are going to get strong enough to stop that freezer!"

*Pfft* Holding in her laugh, and clearing her throat Muun looked at the two on the ground.-" Gohan, Piccolo, It seems we'll have you guys train at a lesser level until you can hold a higher one, don't feel bad, it'll help us get used to this amount of pressure too, so win-win!"

Posing with a hand on her hips and one stretched with her hand in a 'V' symbol, she just receives two grunts in answer.

And shaking her head while smiling she walks towards the exit.-" We'll be using this while Bulma works on the exterior final touches, now that it's complete we can abuse it."



Waving her hand above her head, while not even looking back she exited the chamber, with the door opening, and closing behind her.

Support his shaking hands down, Piccolo finally gets up, looking at the others.-" If you guys.... want to go rest.... Go ahead.... I will lower the gravity and train while she gets whatever she needs..."

The brothers look at each other, and smirk, and Goku is the one to answer.-" Then let's do this Piccolo! We better just get used to it first, then gradually do some exercises, then sparing! What do you think?"

Seeing the excitement from the two Saiyans, the Namekian follows in too.-" Sure, that head of yours can get some good plans when it involves fighting and training like always..."

"Ughh.... Me too.... I will continue!"- Finally, they remember the last actor in the room, and his dad looks back, straight into Gohan's eyes.

"You sure son? You don't have to if you don't want to. For more than I would like for you to continue.... the decision is yours..."

Following what a certain someone who has been doing this, he gives the boy a choice, after all, at his age Goku himself was just jumping around trees for fun, and now his son at a similar age could blow up planets!

Certainly, he would love to see his son thrive! Ascending to levels of power he himself can't even imagine! And being proud of him while doing so!

But does the one person in particular wish to ascend to such heights as them?

And he got his response when the boy's eyes burned with a glow that he already has seen in many people, Mumei's eyes have that glow when she finds an opponent at her level, and Piccolo has it when he's fighting, the same for Raditz and himself.

All his human friends have these same eyes glowing full of emotion.

The eyes of a true martial artist.

"I....*huff*...Will continue!!"

ReyKale ReyKale

I have a drawing with already 16 hours of work in it as I am writing this lol. Hopefully, I can finish it before the next chap.~ye

next chapter
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