41.34% A Saiyan Owl / Chapter 43: Chap 43- Actions from the past.(2/2)

章節 43: Chap 43- Actions from the past.(2/2)

Chap 43- Actions from the past.(2/2):


( A/N: Small Fix. )


{Mumei; 1st Pov}

.... I kinda regret that... giving him a senzu bean ya know?...

It was such a good idea, I got to beat him more and get a good fight! A fun one, that I can beat him up even more to a pulp!

[{And that was when you forgot about how much stronger he could be when transformed? Muun....*sigh*, You know what? Let's move forward, you made a mistake, and seeing it now you're feeling bad for it, just go forward and let's try our best, I guess....}]

Thanks Kro..... Love you....

[{ I know, me too, and I love you too.}]


Now, going back to the problem that I totally didn't create, I move my arm up, but a second later feel someone pick it up.

"Come on, we need you here bird!"- *pop*

"Wooo..... Oh, hi Piccolo.... how have you been doing?"- In front of me was the green men, who looks pretty beaten up from before still.

He grunts and points up, making my eyes widen.-" You gotta be kidding me....."

Looking up at where I was a second before, there are two fighters up there, and one of them was beeg and the other very redy.

"*taps clothes* Wow, so Raditz pulled the 'No you' card.... and Goku is suuper strong and red too, *looks down*... And I lost some buttons it seems, well it looks cool, luckily these sport bras I bought were made for combat."


Oops... forgot the senzu man.....-"*cough* Let us hurry the others had already gotten away to help us in the long range, since things scaled to this level.*looks up*."

"I...sorry..."- Wasn't planning for anyone to die today.... dammit! That's what happened when you get attached to people!

[{But that's good Muun, you've grown by a lot with the help of those around you already, me too, everyone did.}]

Heh.... I guess so... having a mentally unstable Owl around helps everyone I guess...

[{..... I am going to slap your butt if keep with that... only I get to joke with you like that!}]

Wait... I can't say bad stuff about myself... but you can?..... Well, understandable, have a nice day.

[{I take that back.... you didn't grow much...}]


" So are you going to keep staring there for another minute or help them up there?*raises eyebrow*"- Yeh, let's do that.

Taking a deep breath, and expiring all that air out, and doing the same another two times.

I need this to help clear my head a bit, and be calm to fight at my maximum, learned it from Piccolo, he said I was too hyperactive at times and this would help.


The dust that was around me flies back a bit, and the senzu seeing this smiles and takes some steps back.-" So you're going all in? Huh, if it's that seriously, I will stay back here and charge up my attack then, could help in the middle of the exchange, or annoy him."


Red lighting cracks around me for a second, and that huge aura of killing intent shows up once again making the one in front of me sweat, but I start to get it smaller and smaller.

Until it's the same size as my normal Ki aura, and on the process of doing my teeth gets way sharper too.


My eyes twitch as various small veins can be felt at the of them and my vision gets even better.

"Huf...Huf... god should have tested this more times before....*uuusshhhh!*"

[{ You sometimes tested it on our battleground in here, it showed itself greatly effective, but wasn't getting much of good full power in terms of longevity, could have something to do with needing real fights.}]

'Yeah... Kami I can't think straight.... like there's so much information getting inside my head about my surroundings ugh... talk to you later Kro... I am going to puke if I continue trying to think properly....'

[{Good luck, I will be watching, and will not hesitate to forcefully drag you back in here if I see your vitals get to a certain point.... don't you dare think of this as me bluffing...Muun.}]


Geez can feel her stare from here....





{3dr Pov; Skies}

Getting off the ground and flying up to the skies.

Muun left Piccolo behind, he gives one last look at them and then after a sigh gets both legs far away from each other.-" One wouldn't be enough, even more if the one I'm aiming can move that fast.... So picking a spot and focusing on there should do the trick.... *smile*, guess I know how to."

Putting both hands he creates a ball of energy as he analyzes their enemy, meanwhile Mumei finally got by their side in her appearance that was new for them, even spooking Goku at first.

"HOLY CRAPY!! Mumei?.... Are you good?"- She looks at his side and smirks a bit and nods, her face going back to neutral.

"What's up here... you guy's didn't start the battle yet...."- Speaking in a very low tone and fully serious she looks at the one who sent her flying down and her aura flares up a bit.

"Hah! Was explaining to this clown how I got even stronger than dad! But well.... Kakarot did also too!"- Speaking in the giant voice, Raditz was smiling in his Oozaru state, and even in her maximum seriousness, Mumei eyes still shine with a -' So cool!'- in them.


Hearing a loud crack noise they turn to their enemy, who's cracking his knuckles and smiling too, and with the same monstrous voice as Raditz.-" Well, the bird finally got back! Today I will be taking your race out off the animal Wikipedia fully!"

Getting her arms in a stance that makes Goku smile as being the first one she used against him, and following by doing his own too.

"Try it."- *uush!!*

Getting closer brings her right hand from her shoulder with a red Ki blast.-" HAAH!!"




Passing by her side, Kakarot, with a Kamehameha blast to the giant monkey face too rushed in, and after executing the move he retreated to her side, with muscles bulging everywhere.

Looking from the side, Muun interpreted it as probably the max he could use and be able to still move around.


" " ??!?! " " - A huge hand pushes them to the side.

"YOU TWO!!! GET OUT!!! *BOOOM!!!* AUGHHHH!!!"- From the smoke that their blasts before, Vegeta peeks his head out in his Oozaru state, firing a mouth violet wave of Ki right where they were.

And Raditz has to move them and tank it with both arms up.

"AHAHAHA! FOOL NOW YOU'RE EVEN MORE INJURED TOO!!!*PAM!!*"- Punching the big haired ape, Vegeta suddenly spun around with a back fisted right hand to where the other two were.

Seeing no way to dodge it, Mumei picked Goku by his orange Gi, and threw him to the big monkey face.-" HIT HIM SOMEHOW!!-UGHHH!!!"- And was punched to the side, being sent flying and spinning with her arms numb from defending that attack.

"Ughh!! MUMEI!!! DAMNIT!! KAMEHAMEHA!!!" - Looking back and seeing the girl flying, he grits his teeth and looks forward with a beam in his hands ready.



Seeing it coming, the prince just raises his hand blocking it fully, but the man firing it doesn't give up and a new hand gets in his struggle, prompting him to smile.

"RADITZ!!"- He receives a painful groan and the other giant looks at Vegeta and opens his mouth charging up.

"DISAPPEAR!!!!!"- *Vuuuush!!*

And joining in with his brother, he fires a fully powered mouth beam towards the Saiyan, fusing both attacks and making Goku smile and spin his hands doubling his blast.

"SIXTH KAIOKEN!!! SUPER KAMEHAMEHA!!!!"- Having reveled he was already at the fifth level, he climbs another one and puts in together the second part of his beam.

" "HAAAAAAAAA!!!! " " - Both fire their most powerful attacks as the other just tanks them with closed arms in a 'x' as defense.

"AUGHH!!! DON'T YOU THINK SUCH A WEAK MOVE WILL TOUCH THIS PRINCE!!!"- Proving his superiority, Vegeta starts to fly forward, pushing back their blasts.


Groaning loudly the older brother complies.- " HELLL!!!!!!!"


Both empower their beams with every bit of energy they have.

Clashing on the prince's arms and burning it heavily and finally pushing him back.-" NOOO!!!!"


The beam fully envelopes the giant ape as he screams in rage.

"Huff....hufff...ehehehe..... can't feel my arms.... but I think we did some damage Raditz."- Having his arms fall down, and his whole body wishing to do the same after suddenly having to use such a high level kaioken, Goku reached inside the sack tied by his belt and picked the last Senzu he had with his trembling arm.

"Yeah..... but was that enough? *heavy breathing*"- Raditz Ki reserves were heavily reduced after firing his attack too, but he could still fight.

*Munching*-" *Gulp*, yeah I don't think so too."

And like they just talked about, the heavy dust was declining, and we could see the giant again, but this time most of his armor had cracks and his clothes were all in tatters exposing his damaged fur.

"Ughh!!! Damn it!! Not even a fatal wound!!"- Taking again their stances.


But a red lightning that passes by breaks them from their concentration.


And feeling strong winds hitting their backs they turn around, following where they're coming from.

Even the Saiyan that was fighting them was adjusting back and regaining his breath looked past them with wide eyes.-" THE BIRD GIRL!!!"


There she was, floating with both arms stretched to each side of her body and two yellow spheres of Ki in each respectively, and red crackling going everywhere around them.

Her pupils glowing red with those yellow slits, showing no holding back nor joking around them.-" GET OUT OF THERE YOU TWO!!!!"

She pushes both hands together in front of her as they fuse into one slowly.-' I robbed this one from you, and will use it against its own creator, what an irony.'

Having almost no time to get out, they both drive down at full speed, and as the prince who was going to do the same a blue aura appeared around him.

"Huh? HUH??! UGHH!!! WHY CAN'T I MOVE?? HUUUUGHH!!!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!?!"- He tries to, but only small movement are made.

He struggles as he sees the Owl finishing charging her attack, her eyes flickering in and out of her state as she puts more and more energy into the move.

At the side of them, pretty far away on a hill where the humans are together with Bulma whose scouter almost exploded after they started powering up together with how much beeping it was doing.

They're all around the back of a small dwarf, with their hands in his back and a white energy of sorts going around them to the smaller white one.

"Hufff... It seems to be working guys!!!"- Chiaotzu, was stopping Vegeta with the help of all the Ki of the others, but the rate they're using it would only be able to hold it more for five seconds or so.

"Ughhhh... Mumei... Hurry up!!!!"- Krillin was almost without any more power in his body from giving it all to the smaller one.

But a second later a tremendous roar came from the one being stopped.

"GRRRRRR!!! *BAM!!!!* YOU INSOLENT INSECTS!! I SHOULD HAVE KILLED ALL OF YOU TO START OFF!!!"- He turns his head with a blast ready, making all the of them bulge their eyes.



But she was too late as the Prince fired a blast to the human's location, and seeing that, Piccolo who had several small balls of energy around him, stretched his hand to the Prince.-" GOKU REDIRECT THAT BLAST OF HIS OR SOMETHING!"


As all those balls of Ki attacks exploded around the back of the giant making him groan, but not worry much, as he batted them away with his tail.

Goku sawn the world in slow motion for a second.-' My body!!.... Hold it up!!!..... my friends....'



Firing at huge speed towards the blast he got in front of it brought his right hand all the way back.-" GO AWAY!!!!*CLASHHH!!!*"

Punching the blast in an uppercut manner he was using all his power to redirect the power of it, but it was still not enough, but that was when he noticed how he was still holding it up without fully breaking his body.

His eyes shined as he noticed he got even stronger after using the Kaioken some time before, and thinking about pushing it to even further heights, someone stopped him in his mind


Hearing his new master, the North Kaioh he smiles. -' Master Kaioh... I've just grown even stronger! I am sure I will be fine, and Mumei and Piccolo already are attacking Vegeta, so our win should be granted!'

And not hearing further, he grits his teeth and prepares himself.-" This is my maximum.....Kaioken... EIGHT TIMES!!!!"


Finally, he pushes it upwards fully as his aura explodes in a beautiful crimson strong glow.-" I did it...*crack* UGH!!!"

He feels his body cracking and falls down.-' Guys.... you... can... do it....'


And he falls down to the ground, and his friends run to help him.





{{POV Mumei}}

Fuckity FUCK!!!!

He's holding it!!!! MY ATTACK!!!!


While also being bombarded by Piccolo from everywhere!!!! How much more powerful he got!!!!!



[{ About 29.000 to 34.000 Muun, in base, but he's damaged so should be way lower, the form is making him ten times stronger though.}]



'Hufff.... I've fucked everything.... we shouldn't be this strong here..... The androids.....FUCK!!!...'

[{ Muun.... you should worry about ending him first, things are getting out of hand by now... please!!! Just end this!!!}]



Look at me..... having pride on doing the right thing on a battle to the guy who probably killed my dad..... and helped end my mother's world...


*munches senzus*





{3rd Pov}



"GRRR WHAT!!!! IT'S GETTING STRONGER!!!!!! GRUAHHHH!!!!"- Being back to full repeatedly health Muun aura explodes with strength once more, and she pushes her attack now fully eating Vegeta in it.

"YEAHHH!!!!!! END HIM MUMEI!!!!"- Piccolo who fires another blast shouts.

"GRRRHAAAAAAAA!!!"- And once more she fully releases everything.


An explosion of Red and yellow at the of a city happens in the air.

The air being cut and exploded and winds that could throw normal humans flying if they were not helped, and luckily Bulma was held down...


"Ughhhhh! Sooo much wind!!*BEP!!* Woow!!!! It got back to working!!! Just had to fix some things I knew it!! Uh? TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND!!!.... Wait it's lowering..... it got back all the way to... seven thousand?"

The one holding her, Tien, looks at her to explain.-" It's probably the attack she used, and it's power, from how much concentrated energy she had there you could see it was going to hit hard. The question... is where she got more than five times her own energy?"

Thinking about an answer, Krillin steps up.-" Maybe the senzu beans? She gave some to Goku, it wouldn't be weird if she had some for herself to fight, and while she fired the attack she kept restoring her energy and strengthening the blast even further, how about it?"

Everyone gives the small monk a strange look, like asking if he was always this smart or something, which made him flinch sadly.

"Yeah, like Krillin said, could be that, a very smart move if so.*nods*"- Yamcha who's resting on a rock and watching the battle sees something fall from the smoke, and his eyes widen.

"Uhhh*shakes*.... guys.....what's that?!"- He points to the one falling down, in human form.

"Ooohhh....don't tell me..."- Already having a bad presentment, Krillin looks at the one who's descending with the one falling.

'At least we are good.... I think.'- He pats his friend Goku shoulder, who's sleeping loudly on the ground.

Going back to the battlefield.

*THUD!* - " UGhhhh....."

Vegeta falls to the ground, tailess and with his armor one step from being fully destroying and wounds everywhere.


Someone lands a distance in front of him, back into her base state. And by her side flies another men after seeing the white glowing ball disappearing returned to normal, he was very badly wounded.


"Soo.... Mumei-san.... what you want to do now?"- Being strangely formal, Raditz looks at the girl with great pride.

She turns to him and smiles, picking something from her jeans pocket and extending her hand to the Saiyan, who reaches for it.-" Go to your brother, give him that and eat the other, I will end things here, need to think some stuff."

Turning around, she misses the other nodding very heavily and saluting before going to his brother running.

By the side of them someone breathes heavily after shooting so many balls of energy, but they proved only good enough for a small distraction and weak, but even his special beam should have been useless-'' At least.... we got him, right bird?*smiles turning to Muun*"

*steps getting away*

Raising an eyebrow to the girl, he sighs, she had something to do with the guy, so he would let her deal with it.





{Pov Mumei}

Should I?...


It will change everything in every way....


[{ It's your choice to make Muun.... one way or another, it'll be you choosing in the end, I will always support what you choose after all.... but not when you choose to screw up yourself.... I will block the beans with a program later on.... not having you give them to Cell or something next time...}]

*step *

*pfft*, Yeah, that was pretty stupid, but I thought it was a good idea at the time, could punch him more.


"But now..."-*stops*

Staring at the one who's trying to crawl his way away, I crouch down and tap his shoulder.

He freezes for a second, before turning to me shaking.

And when he looks at me, my hand is already pointing at his face.-" Say, do you know any Berry of sorts?"

Speaking in a very casual way, I even sit down, in front of him.

He opens and closes his mouth multiple times, until he gulps down his saliva and answers.-" Th..There was one... part of the high squad of middle classes.... He... he turned his back on us and started killing Saiyans and soldiers from Frieza..... and hiding on your mother planet...

Apparently it was because of a native from there....w-we finally tracked him down after he stole a pod from some defeated Saiyans....

I.... I was the one to end him.... As the Prince it was my right to put a weakling Saiyan in line after all!"

Smiling a bit at the end, he seemed to have forgotten his situation.



Getting up, I patted my clothes and caressed my hair back, only to notice it was left free from my ponytail, and throwing it back.

Reaching my left hand down, I picked the prince by the hair and started rising it up, hmm déjà vu of sorts.

"UGHH!!!! STOP THIS YOU WORM!!! WHY MY HAIR!!!!??"- Is this all this guy vocabulary? Just insults?.... like mine are at least sarcastic....

Looking at him now in eye level.


Like a bottle of glass broke my eye twitched as the one in front of me grunted and punched my face with weak fists.

"I've. ....never seen the guy.....I've never heard him.... I've never had the chance to hug him and remember it....I've never had the chance to gauge him up.... and I've never had the chance to.... call him dad."

Stopping all his actions, his eyes bulged up, and his body tensed.

"But ya know.... I respect him... throwing your life off..... and fighting someone you know you can't win..... so..."

"Just saying here..... my name is... Mumei...Naya..... Berry."

Shaking in fear his eyes bulge even further, and he tries to hit me and get away.-" NO!! YOU CAN'T BE ONE OF THOSE THAT LEFT THAT DAY!!!! I THOUGHT I DESTROYED THAT POD!!!"

Feeling like the world needs to burn, I push him up throwing his body up enough as red and black enters everywhere in my vision.





Seeing him fly to the horizon that I don't even know where.

I know that won't kill him.

It shouldn't.

He needs to live in fear, that there's someone out there who can end him any time, if she wanted.

And from now on, will be able to do so anytime she wants, and left him behind even if he trains at his best.

He doesn't deserve to live, but the ones who should be born doesn't deserve to die....

"I will watch you Vegeta, judge you, if you don't change yourself like I expect, something you can yourself can expect then, is that I will end you, but for now, live in fear."

[{ ..... *sigh* If that's what you wish Muun.... then so be it.....*mutters* You're in luck fucking dwarf.}]


*breathes in*






Falling to my back, I feel like a nap would do me wonders....

ReyKale ReyKale

Bois and gurls...... we done..... 

Start of Z is finished, I know many wanted for her to kill him

But she knows he can change, and is giving him a chance, but if he fucks it up, he ded as hell.

Also, I liked making Mum do something stupid like giving a senzu to have more fun beating him, since it made her a pretty more charismatic, making an error like that is pretty humane, she still has a lot of room to grow and learn, like she did from the start of the story until here.

So I see y'all in one week or along those lines, I need a break.

 if I feel like writing will probably write on my OPM Kobo story just to chill.

Also, if you have any questions? Ask them up, I am happy when people ask them, and is fun answering some too.^^


next chapter
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