10.34% A Nundu for A Pet / Chapter 3: Accidental Magic

章節 3: Accidental Magic

Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

Write 'www.Patreon.com/Drinor' in the Websearch.

Chapter 4 (Harry has a Nundu?!), Chapter 5 ('You are a Wizard, Harry'), Chapter 6 (The Boy Who Lived), Chapter 7 (Living in Magical World), and Chapter 8 (Parseltongue) are already available for Patrons.

The LINK is in my Profile.

"Mother's Day is coming," Harry murmured under his breath; he had heard Dudley bring it up quite often. And when he had checked the calendar, he saw the day was approaching.

Harry had heard about it before since he had no parents, he was sure this day didn't count for him, but when teacher Bukuria at school had told him that it didn't matter, he could still give something to the person he considered mother, his aunt was the closest thing to a mother that he had.

He had seen how his aunt would smile at Dudley when he gave her a gift for Mother's Day. His gifts were usually drawings, but despite their small size, his aunt always smiled with pride and love; she kissed Dudley on the cheeks before calling him 'Her Precious Boy.'

Harry couldn't remember her calling him that; she was always very angry with him; every time something bad happened, even if it was Dudley's fault, Harry always took the blame. One of these days, Harry was sure they would start blaming him every time it started raining.

Harry never understood why; his aunt always told him to always tell the truth, to not be like his 'Lying Parents' and that god would judge him if he lied. Harry always told the truth. He never lied to them, but they still didn't trust him. Eventually, he wondered why he even bothered telling the truth; if the truth always gave him problems, it would be better to lie and avoid the unnecessary consequences.

As a six-year-old boy, Harry wondered if his aunt didn't like him because he had yet to give her anything good for Mother's Day. He had never given her anything because he didn't really know what it was until last year. But now, he was prepared to give her a gift; his little heart couldn't help but beat faster; the thought of her kissing his cheek, the thought of her finally showing some affection, made him want to draw even faster.

After finishing his drawing, he looked at it from every angle. He wanted to make sure it was perfect, but he quickly found something he didn't like, so he made sure to fix it. Eventually, he finished the drawing; it showed their house from outside and them standing in front of the staircase.

Soon, the morning came, and he heard his aunt walking downstairs; she was always the first to wake up. He felt his heart beating much faster than ever before; he held the drawing to his chest tightly; he held it like it was his most precious treasure.

"Wake Up, Freak!" His aunt shouted while knocking on the door loudly, causing bits of dust to fall from the ceiling of the cupboard. The words felt like a bad sting, but he held the tears; once he showed her the drawing, she would smile at him the same way he smiled at Dudley. He was sure of it.

"I'm coming, Aunty," Harry said with a smile; his little legs moved as fast as they could; he opened the door of the cupboard, and once he stepped outside, his aunt was in the kitchen, her back turned to him; he heard her humming to herself while doing something with the bread. Harry approached slowly; once he was close enough, he nudged her leg; she turned to look at him, her softness disappeared, and she glared at him; he almost flinched but quickly remembered about his gift.

"What do you want freak?" The words felt like a slap to the face; his eyes suddenly burned, but he mustered all his strength and showed her his drawing.

Upon seeing it, his aunt's eyes widened slightly before she carefully grasped the drawing from his little hands; Harry hoped she would say something to him. Perhaps she liked it, but instead, her eyes looked at him with hatred, so much that Harry stiffened from fear; he almost stumbled back and fell on his back.

"Why are you so much like her? You just love gloating about everything, don't you? Always trying to keep me down and acting as if you are superior to me when all you have is just because of dumb luck. Always trying to make me feel much lesser than you." Harry didn't know who she was talking about, and he was sure he wasn't gloating about anything; he just wanted to know if she liked the drawing, but his heart shattered when his aunt callously tore the precious artwork into two irreparable halves.

"Noo!" Harry shouted. He tried to take it from her hands, but that was a mistake. It happened too fast for him to see it coming, but he felt it. His face collided with the floor before he even realized what had happened. His cheek felt on fire, and his mouth filled with something that tasted like iron.

Harry lay there on the floor in complete shock. He found no strength to move as Petunia hurled the torn fragments of his drawing into the roaring fireplace. He watched his artwork's delicate lines and vibrant colors transform into a swirling vortex of ash and embers. His eyes burned more than he could ever remember burning; hot tears rolled down his cold cheeks like knives. He sobbed on the floor until he was exhausted.

The same day, Harry watched as Dudley was once again gaining all the attention and all the love, and he was left with nothing. The very next day, Harry didn't care anymore to tell them the truth. They hated him despite everything, and it would never change, so why even bother? Why please them? A month later, Harry said the first subtle insult towards Dudley while trying to fix a math problem. The first time he had done something against them in any way.

"Why is this so difficult?"

"I already completed it."

"Well, I got the same result in the test as you." Dudley boasted.

"Didn't you copy it from me? You always say how I'm a freak and, therefore, stupid. I wonder what that says about you." Harry said with a blank look, and the feeling of triumph he had felt was something he had never felt before. '


His fingers grasped the next page, and his eyes reached the last word of the page before flipping the book page. It's been a week since Itisa became his friend; he was sure the Dursleys would never allow Itisa to stay with him, and he was sure they would try to kick him out if he tried to defend Itisa. After the little incident, they had decided to mostly ignore him, trying to act as if he didn't even exist, even the food; his aunt told him that he was old enough to prepare his own food. Harry was certain it was a lie but didn't bother talking with Miss 'My son is perfect.'

Since he had cooked before, Harry found it relaxing and a little entertaining, especially when Itisa jumped out of nowhere and would try to eat the ingredients he was using shamelessly; after eating them, she would start licking his hand, trying to make things good between them, and Harry couldn't resist forgiving her. Eventually, he told her.

'Hey, how about you steal their food. They are already big enough to be considered a whole population.'

That had started a little problem; his uncle hated his guts, that was clear, but his reaction after Itisa started stealing bits of their food was hilarious.

' "I love these sausages." Dudley said amidst, chewing on a large piece of bacon and sausage before following it with bread. Harry had a simple sandwich before him, not that he cared much, while Itisa was busy eyeing Vernon's food. His chair started making an annoying noise. Harry wondered if the chair finally had enough; perhaps today, the chair would break, and Vernon would break too, but Harry was sure he wasn't that lucky.

"This chair is annoying. We need to buy new ones." Vernon complained while shifting uncomfortably around the chair, causing it to creak even more.

"Is not the chair's fault that you are horizontally challenged," Harry commented before he could stop himself; Vernon turned and gave him a nasty look, which reminded Harry of the shit he took in the morning.

"What did you say, boy?" Vernon shouted Itisa growled, baring her teeth, but Harry placed his hand on top of her back; she purred and sat down but still kept her gaze on Vernon.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't make fun of the elderly." Vernon slammed his hand on the table, causing one of the sausages to roll down and fall on the carpet below.

"You watch your mouth, freak. If you don't. I will cook that evil cat of yours right in front of you." Vernon threatened; Harry almost growled in anger; he was used to threats towards him, but those words didn't really affect him, not anymore. They used to scare him, but eventually, he got used to them and learned ways of just messing with them. He didn't understand why they called him a freak and all those hurtful words, but they didn't hurt, not anymore, not with Itisa in his life. He finally had a friend and didn't want Vernon to say such things about her.

Before Harry could utter a word, Dudley let out a scream while pointing at something under the table. Harry looked down and saw Itisa with the sausage that Vernon had dropped in her mouth.

"That's Mine!" He screamed, trying to get to her, which caused the entire dining table to flip over; along with all the food, Harry quickly grabbed his sandwich before it could fall down. Itisa ran to the cupboard, with Vernon trying to chase her.

"Get Out! Now." Vernon screamed while banging on the door, which seemed ready to fall down; his hand was thick enough to be mistaken for a ball.

"I said Get Out," Vernon screamed once again, breathing heavily; his face had turned bright red like a red traffic light.

"Uncle, you know, I always agree with everything you say and do, but I don't think you should keep doing that," Harry said innocently as he slowly approached him. Vernon stopped knocking and turned to face Harry; he was easily as large as a bus, and all missing were the ears.

"Why is that?"

"Well, do you remember what happened last time you tried to kick Itisa? I don't think you liked the end results, though seeing you fly like that was very entertaining; it must have been your first time since they don't allow elephants in the airports." Harry said smugly, with an evil smile on his face; it always felt good whenever he could mess with him; it was the only way to get some small revenge against them, especially from Vernon.

His uncle's face turned pale; he instinctively took a step back from the freak; he still remembered the way he had been thrown as if he weighed nothing, and he didn't want to experience that again; a scar was left just above his left ear, it stunk like a bee every time he moved his head to that side when he was sleeping.

"That devil won't be here forever, and once that day comes. I will have you sleep outside like a dog that you are." Vernon said with a snarl before turning on his heels and walking away. '

After that day, Vernon had oddly avoided him. Something Harry appreciated more than enough, the man just said nothing to him, but he knew he hadn't forgotten; his eyes glared at him, especially when Itisa was nearby; they all were scared of the 'cat.'

Now, despite being late at night, he couldn't stop himself from reading the book in front of him. He was sure one in the morning, and since he was still alive, so was his only friend. One thing that kept happening was Itisa letting out the purple breath at least once a day whenever they were alone. Harry didn't know what it was, and the teacher at school had told him that animals from the Cat Family only had their teeth and claws to protect themselves. There is no mention of them being able to let out bursts of purple breath.

Despite how much he wanted to, he couldn't take Itisa to school; animals weren't allowed there, and he knew Lady Bukuria wouldn't be happy if he broke the rules. He was the only teacher who sometimes tried to help him. He had thought of putting Itisa inside the school bag, but she was too big for that, and on the first day since having her, he had tried to take her with him to school, only for some of the children to start screaming in fear while shouting 'A Lion.'

From that day, he knew better than to bring Itisa to school again, so he left her outside so she could walk around freely and hunt by herself whenever she was hungry until he returned from school. Harry still remembered when Itisa had walked up to him with a big black rat in her mouth; Harry had felt a little disgusted but still happy that she could find food on her own; she had then dropped the rat to his feet, thinking that he wanted a piece from it.

"Thank you, Itisa, but I don't really eat something like that. It's all yours." Harry had told her; she had seemed to have understood every word he said; she had taken the rat outside before eating it.

Yesterday, after finishing school that day, he had asked for permission to take one of the books about animals from the library. Teacher Bukuria had allowed him to return it within a week, enough time for Harry to read the book twice.

But despite reading it so many times, he still couldn't find anything about Itisa. There was no mention of cats like her, especially ones with little spikes growing out of their bodies like a hedgehog, but unlike them, she could make them sink inside her body as if they were never there. And she could make her body grow to the size of a fully grown dog.

With a finger on the page, he closed the book before looking at Itisa, who was busy playing with a small soldier toy made of wood he had carved last year.

"Just what are you," Harry wondered out loud; she stopped playing and turned to look at him as if she had heard him before letting out a meow as if answering his question. Sadly, she couldn't speak like a snake, and he couldn't speak her language.

"Too big for a cat. You can grow yourself, have spikes, and release purple breath. Hmm, will you answer me?" Harry asked with a baby voice before scratching the way she liked it just under her chin. She purred before jumping on his shoulder; at that moment, she weighed nothing, and Harry watched in silence as she looked at the scar on his forehead. He wondered why she seemed not to like it for whatever reason.

"Is just a scar," Harry said casually. Itisa bore her teeth, sharp like swords, looking at the scar, but her expression changed into the normal one once she looked back at his face before licking his cheek. He noticed the tiny spines of her tongue disappear every time she licked him. Animals from the cat family have spines on their tongues to make it easier to strip the meat from the bones, but Itisa never hurt him; she was simply the cutest. She jumped from his shoulder and back to where the soldier toy was.

Suddenly, Harry's stomach growled. He chuckled. Usually, he would ignore it and fall asleep eventually, but it seemed Itisa wasn't in the same mind as him. Suddenly, she started shrinking; Harry watched in shock as she turned her size to that of a small cat, almost like a kitten, while she looked even more adorable now. Harry watched as she squeezed herself through a small opening that led to the kitchen. Harry quickly stood up; he slowly opened the door; he didn't want them to hear that he was still awake.

Once he opened the door, he watched as she opened the fridge with her tail; she had returned back to her original size. She grabbed the pack of sausages with her teeth, and he watched as she brought them to him. Harry patted the top of her head, and she purred.

"You are amazing, Itisa," Harry said with the brightest smile on his face. He couldn't remember the last time he had smiled like this; he felt as if someone just gave him the best gift in the world. The cat purred. He opened it, but he made sure to grab a loaf of bread, too. He gave half to Itisa and ate the other half for himself, but she refused to touch the food, and she decided to eat only after Harry was full and couldn't eat anymore.


Another day, a new school day. Harry found himself running for his life again. His cousin Dudley and his gang of bullies had started another round of Harry Hunting almost as soon as the school day had ended. Harry was usually quite good at avoiding capture, but Dudley's bumbling horde had unwittingly caught him in a daydream about enjoying the pleasant early June weather with a quiet picnic by a lake. It had been one of those rare good days at school without trouble from either Dudley's gang or teachers until he was on the verge of being caught by his bullies.

Young Harry even felt good about the exams he had taken that day for History and Science, two of his favorite subjects. Harry shook off his reverie so that he could focus on escaping. Unfortunately, in his lack of focus, Harry had run himself into a dead end behind the school kitchens. He was silently cursing his situation of being an 8-year-old who constantly put up with bullying and abuse everywhere he turned. He wished Itisa was nearby; she would have easily dealt with these morons, making them fly as she had done with Vernon.

Clearing his mind again, Harry stood still to listen for Dudley's approach while quietly looking around for escape options. However, he soon realized his only hope to avoid the Hunt today would be to hide behind the nearby big trash bins.

"We found you, freak. You have nowhere to go." Dudley said with a smug smile as he approached Harry, who refused to show fear, especially in front of someone like Dudley, who was bigger than him and also felt the need to bring his fellow idiots with him; not much of a surprise.

"What do you want, Dudley? The bakery is that way." Harry said while pointing in a certain direction. Dudley snarled before grabbing him by the tunic, raising him in the air.

"You think yourself clever, freak, but I'm much better than you." Dudley's breath made Harry wrinkle his nose.

"Obviously, no one is better than 'Momma's Special Boy.' Tell me when was the last time you washed your teeth?" Harry asked with a smirk; his mouth sometimes opened, and he said the wrong things at the wrong times. Dudley's bullies chuckled at Harry's words, but not Dudley, who turned red in the face.

"You are just an ugly, freak." Dudley said with a snarl, gripping Harry's tunic more tightly.

"You seem to be mistaken. I'm not a mirror, but you are very lucky they can't laugh every time you look at them. They simply break." Harry added with a smug smirk. Dudley's bullies laughed out loud, but it seemed Dudley had had enough of his words. He hurled Harry with an unrelenting force, causing his body to collide harshly with the floor's surface. A metallic tang coated his lips. The icy touch of the cold floor seeped into his skin. Dudley planted his boot firmly atop Harry's chest, applying just enough pressure. Amid agony, Harry's groans of pain mingled with his desperate attempts to dislodge the oppressive weight.

Suddenly, Harry glared at him viciously, wishing he wasn't here. If only Dudley was somewhere else.

The moment he thought, Dudley disappeared, like vanishing out of thin air. Harry blinked several times; he was sure his eyes were playing games with him, but no matter how many times he closed and opened his eyes, Dudley wasn't there. And his bullies left looked at Harry, horrified and slowly backing away from him like they were afraid of him.

"What did you do to him...Freak?" One asked with a shaking voice as Harry stood on his feet; he didn't know what to say; as he looked at his hands, he knew being able to talk with snakes was one thing, but making people disappear, Harry had never done that before.

"HELP!!" They all heard Dudley scream outside. Everyone quickly ran outside to see him on top of the roof, his legs shaking, his face paler than snow. Harry could feel the looks Dudley's friends were giving him. He still didn't know how he did it. How can someone disappear like that and appear somewhere else?

How? Harry thought, knowing this was similar to the men in the park, remembering the man wearing strange clothes who had dropped Itisa before disappearing just as Dudley did.

Harry watched in silence, knowing Petunia and Vernon would be furious with him. They always called him a freak, and now that he made Dudley disappear and appear on the roof, he knew they wouldn't be happy.

Dudley was quickly 'saved' when someone climbed to the roof and brought him down. When Petunia arrived and was informed of what happened, she looked at Harry with loathem; he wondered if she was ready to explode with how red her face had become.

The bullies tried to say that Harry had made Dudley disappear on the roof, but no one believed them, calling them stupid. When they asked Dudley himself, he was scared out of his mind. The only words that came out of his mouth were incoherent mumbles, but strangely, Petunia tried to distract them and told them that his son loved to climb on roofs sometimes. Dudley was then told not to do something like that again.

Once the school day ended, his aunt told Harry to enter the car. Once inside, she gave the nastiest look she could muster, but Harry wasn't afraid of her; her son had bullied him once again. All he did was protect himself, something everyone else would have done, and if Dudley tried again, Harry wouldn't mind sending him on the roof again; he still didn't know how he did that; he knew it wasn't normal, but that had saved him, that's all that matters.

"We give you food every day. We allow you to live in our house, we buy you clothes, and this is how you repay us." Petunia glared, but Harry didn't allow himself to be afraid of her; he wasn't afraid; he had no reason to, not anymore.

"What do you have to say for yourself, freak?" That word again, and he felt his eyes burning again; all he had ever wanted was for her to look at him the same way she looked at Dudley, but she never did.

"Your 'precious boy' put his boot on my chest. His grades are in the mud, but instead of trying to teach him, you cuddle him and tell him that he's already doing more than enough; no wonder he's slow in the head." For a moment, Harry was sure he hadn't been the one who said those words. He had never ever talked like that, but now, he wouldn't take back his words. He wouldn't regret it.

If possible, Petunia's face turned redder than ever before. He wondered if perhaps the artery would suddenly burst on her forehead, but it did not; instead, his aunt shouted at him. "Get Out."

Harry did so without saying a word. He closed the door and watched as the car drove away. Itisa quickly joined him; she looked as furious as him, but Harry patted the place on his shoulder, and she jumped on top of his shoulder without saying a word.

"Good girl." Harry cooed, scratching the place just around her ears; she purred, loving the attention.

His walk back was spent in silence; Harry couldn't stop himself from thinking about what happened; he still didn't understand how he made Dudley disappear like that, but one thing he knew. He wanted to learn how to do it every time he needed to do it.

Eventually, he reached the house. But when he tried to open the door. It was locked. It didn't take long for him to hear the footsteps approaching. He heard the sound of the door unlocking, and Vernon's face revealed once the door cracked open.

"GET OUT, YOU FREAK. YOU ATTACKED MY SON, AND I WILL EAT YOUR CAT-" His words interrupted when the entire door burst open, and Vernon was pushed away. Harry watched as Itisa jumped from his shoulder; once she landed on the floor, all her spikes grew back, as did her body, but this time was different. She kept growing and growing until she was as large as a Tiger; her teeth grew, her golden eyes turned red, and red breath accumulated on the bottom of her throat. Suddenly, the air itself felt much harder to breathe on; it felt like it was growing hotter, and Harry could feel sweat forming on his forehead.

Vernon backed away in fear; he started throwing everything his hands could find, but whatever he threw stopped mid-air before bursting in blue flames. While his aunt hid Dudley behind her, her body shaking like a leaf from fear, Itisa kept advancing toward Vernon; she looked ready to kill him.

"Enough." Harry said, but she didn't stop, as if she didn't even hear him.

"Itisa. Enough." Harry said again, this time much louder; as he stepped forward, she stopped in her tracks and turned her head to look at him. His emerald eyes looked back at her with determination and no hint of fear; she narrowed her gaze until her eyes turned back to golden ones, her spikes sank in her body, and her size turned back to normal.

Itisa jumped on top of his shoulder. He noticed that Dudley had lost consciousness from the fear he had felt, and Vernon was breathing heavily before standing up, using a nearby chair to support himself.

"You bastard. You Freak. Just Get Out of My Sight." Vernon snarled, breathing heavily, his face as pale as snow, but he didn't take a single step towards Harry; Itisa kept her eyes on him, a glare that made him freeze right where he was.

Harry didn't say anything to them and walked into the cupboard.

One Week Later

"So, how do we do this?"

"Just knock, Nymphadora." The man said. The girl's hair turned bright red, almost like flames, and she looked like she wanted to kick him.

"I Hate That Name." She shouted; the man rolled his eyes before knocking on the door himself.

"You are thirteen years old. Act like it. You say you want to become an Auror; never let your emotions go wild like this." He said with a hint of scolding as the door opened, revealing a fat boy younger than Tonks.

"Who are you?"

"Is this really the Boy Who Lived?" Tonks asked, a little bewildered, trying not to sound disappointed; she had seen photos of James and Lily Potters from old photos her parents kept in the house, but this boy in front of her looked nothing like them, and not to mention he seemed a 'little' fat. The boy's face remained blank; he seemed not to know what they were talking about.

"Nymphadora, this is not him. Forgive my daughter, but are you Dudley Dursley?" The boy nodded slowly while ignoring the sudden look of anger from the girl towards her father.

"Yes." He drawled.

"Can we come inside? I wish to talk something with your parents." The man requested with a friendly smile.

"Sweetie, who is at the door?"

"Just a man and a girl. They say they want to talk with you." Dudley said, looking over his shoulder as he was speaking.

A new face appeared; this one seemed like a woman around her mid-thirties. "How may I help you?" She eyed them suspiciously before telling her boy to go to his room.

"I think it's better if we talk inside." The man said with the same friendly smile.

"What are your names?"

"My name is Ted Tonks, this is my daughter, Nymphadora Tonks." Again, she glared at her father for using that name; the woman looked uncertain but reluctantly opened the rest of the door for them to walk inside.

"Come in." Ted walked inside, looking around the house. It was a simple, beautiful house, but he couldn't help but feel something strange; he didn't know what it was, but something about the air inside the house felt strange.

"Do you want a cup of tea?"

"Oh, no need to bother yourself; we won't be here long." Upon saying that, he heard the sound of a door opening; he turned to see a young boy walking out of the cupboard under the staircase. While that caught him off guard, something else immediately grabbed his attention, something sitting on the boy's shoulder; at first glance, it appeared to be a normal cat, but her eyes, her size, the color of her fur, her tail similar to that of a lion, his heart stopped when he realized at what kind of creature he was staring at.

A Nundu...

If you want to read the Following 5 Chapters, Check Out the LINK Above

next chapter

章節 4: Harry Has a Nundu?!

Hello Drinor Here, If you like to become a patron and get access to these chapters earlier, head on over to Patreon and search 'Drinor.'

Write 'www.Patreon.com/Drinor' in the Websearch.

Chapter 5 ('You are a Wizard, Harry'), Chapter 6 (The Boy Who Lived), Chapter 7 (Living in Magical World), Chapter 8 (Parseltongue), Chapter 9 (The Language of Magic), and Chapter 10 (A Letter from Hogwarts) are already available for Patrons.

The LINK is in my Profile.


"Ted, I would appreciate it if you could visit a place for me." Minerva requested. She knew she could do it herself; she remembered that bloody neighborhood but didn't want to draw attention. Ted was a muggle-born, so he could do it without drawing attention from anyone.

"A Place? Where? and Why?"

"Number Four, Privet Drive, located in the Surrey town of Little Whinging. There's a house there. I want you to check it for me. Since you are Muggleborn, you can do that without drawing attention, I would do it myself, but I can't do that during the night, and during the day. I'm supposed to be at Hogwarts."

"Check what?" Ted asked, sounding confused. He didn't understand what was so special about this particular neighborhood.

"We left him there. I want you to check the House and tell me if you see anything unusual."

"Who did you left?"

"Harry Potter." Ted looked taken aback upon hearing that that was a muggle neighborhood, and he was certain the boy who lived wasn't a muggle. He was able to kill the Dark Lord after all; he didn't know for sure what happened that night, but whatever it was, it involved magic, so he didn't understand why Harry was in a muggle neighborhood. No one knew where he lived, but they figured a family of wizards was raising him; some even speculated that Dumbledore was raising him to be the best Wizard, but he highly doubted it. The man was too old and was a headmaster; he had no time to raise a baby.

Ted looked at the Professor with a curious expression, his mind swirling with questions. "Why there?" he asked, gesturing towards the small houses in the distance. "Surely, there must be hundreds of wizard families who would gladly take in young Harry," he added, remembering the countless inquiries he and his wife had received about the boy's whereabouts. They had become a clearinghouse for information on Harry Potter, with many families wanting to send gifts and tokens of gratitude for his brave defeat of the Dark Lord.

"You speak the truth, Edward, but Dumbledore wanted him to be raised there, saying he needed to be raised with the only family he had left." The gasp he heard made him flinch; he quickly looked at his wife with concern, ready to ask what was wrong.

"His only family left?! McGonagall, please don't tell me that you left him with Lily's sister." His wife looked horrified; he wondered what was wrong with leaving him to grow up with his aunt; sure, it would be better to be raised as a Wizard, but perhaps Professor Dumbledore had a good enough reason to want him amongst his last relatives.

Professor's expression turned sour as she frowned at her trembling hands, grasping tightly onto the delicate porcelain cup filled with steaming tea. With each sip, her hands shook uncontrollably, causing the liquid to ripple and dance within the cup. Suddenly, she looked older than she was.

"Dumbledore told me that he wanted Harry to be raised there. I watched them the whole day and didn't really like them. I told him as much, but he refused to listen, telling me they were the only family he had left and growing up without knowing about his fame would be better than being spoiled." She spoke the words with a hint of venom in every word she spat. Ted still didn't understand what was so wrong about Lily's sister; he had known James, but he hadn't really known Lily.

"Spoiled by fame. Professor, you saw yourself what kind of Neighbourhood that was, and you still decided to leave him there. Lily's sister hates our kind. Did you not realise that?" She almost shouted at the end but quickly looked away in guilt; shouting at the old Professor wouldn't do her any good.

"I'm sorry." She quickly followed, realizing that she had perhaps gone a little overboard. Ted placed a hand on her shoulder, rubbing her back, before looking at the old Professor. Her face showed guilt, but it wasn't the time for that right now.

"Professor, if Lily's sister hates our kind, you left him there anyway. What changed now? It's been eight years since Dark Lord's downfall. What changed that only now you want to check on him?" Upon hearing that question, she scowled, her eyes flashing with anger. Ted was taken aback; he had never seen her look so angry.

"I had a meeting with Dumbledore, but after I left. I heard him discussing something with a woman, she told him that Harry wasn't treated well, I didn't hear everything, but that convinced me that I needed to check." She explained with a strained voice, trying not to sound as displeased as she felt.

Dumbledore was still Dumbledore. A man she greatly respected, someone she considered as the pinnacle of what a Wizard should be, but if Harry Potter was really being mistreated, and he knew all along, then— her trust would be broken. Perhaps he had a reason that she couldn't see, but no reason was good enough to let a child grow up like that amongst people who hate his kind.

"Why did Dumbledore leave him there?" He asked, feeling confused and lost in a way. From what he understood, Lily's sister hated their kind, so why leave a child with them?

"Andromeda knew Lily, we would have gladly taken him in." He quickly added, knowing his wife would be more than willing to raise Harry, and it would have given Nymphadora a little brother, and she wouldn't feel as alone as sometimes she used to feel before her letter from Hogwarts came.

"Professor McGonagall, you should have told me right away." Andromeda quickly added, feeling a little betrayed that the Professor she respected the most had kept quiet about such an important matter.

"Perhaps I should have, but--I'm going to be honest. I was against his decision, but in the end, I went along with it because it was Dumbledore, and I thought that perhaps I couldn't see the bigger picture. I don't know, but I'm starting to regret it." I already regret it, but if he is indeed mistreated, then- how can I ever look at myself in the mirror ever again, McGonagall wanted to say but held her tongue. Right now, they needed to check on him as soon as possible.

Andromeda seemed like she wanted to say much more to her old Professor, perhaps to criticize her, but a look from her husband made her decide it wasn't worth it.

As Ted parted his lips to speak, a deafening boom suddenly erupted from the second floor of the house. The air was filled with the acrid scent of smoke and dust while tiny fragments of debris rained down upon the startled occupants below. Amidst the chaos, Ted could make out the word "Bombarda" being shouted from above.

"Nymphadora! Accio!" Andromeda shouted, enraged; suddenly, their daughter was right in front of them; she quickly pouted, with the wand in her right hand, that she moved around like a toy.

"What were you doing, Nymphadora?" She demanded, still keeping her daughter afloat, while saying her name louder, causing their daughter's hair to turn red like flames; now, she was the one enraged.

"That's not my bloody name, and I was trying to use Bombarda. I was doing good until you decided to ruin my fun." She pouted even more before crossing her arms. Ted wasn't sure if he should be proud that his daughter wasn't allowing anyone to metaphorically step on her, but at the same time, she needed to listen to them, especially to Andromeda.

"Oh, I ruined your fun. You are lucky Professor McGonagall is here, or you would be grounded young lady." "Don't mind me, Andromeda. Just act as if I'm not even here." McGonagall quickly added with what seemed like a smug smirk before she frowned quickly as she looked at his daughter; now, she looked like a proper Professor.

"Ten points from Hufflepuff."

"We are not in school." Nymphadora quickly added with a smile of triumph.

"Twenty points from Hufflepuff. Congratulations, Nymphadora. You are the first student to lose points before the year even started." McGonagall added with a smile of smugness across her face; his daughter's hair turned bright red in anger.

"I Hate That Name!!" '

"Come in." Ted walked inside, looking around the house. It was a simple, beautiful house, but he couldn't help but feel something strange; he didn't know what it was, but something about the air inside the house felt strange. It felt heavier and dirty like he was underground.

"Do you want a cup of tea?"

"Oh, no need to bother yourself; we won't be here long." Upon saying that, he heard the sound of a door opening; he turned to see a young boy walking out of the cupboard under the staircase.

While that caught him off guard, something else immediately grabbed his attention, something sitting on the boy's shoulder; at first glance, it appeared to be a normal cat, but her eyes, her size, the color of her fur, her tail similar to that of a lion, his heart stopped when he realized at what kind of creature he was staring at.

A Nundu, he thought, getting panicked. Without realizing it, he quickly got hold of his wand while pushing his daughter behind him. A part of him knew this was foolish. A Nundu was one of the most powerful Magical Creatures in the World. It's beaten only by a Basilisk in some areas.

"Get behind me!" He bellowed, brandishing his wand at the fierce Nundu. But as he cast the Depulso spell. Instead of the creature being pushed back, the magic seemed to turn against him, hurling him into the wall with a resounding thud. As he struggled to catch his breath, a searing pain shot through his back. In the chaos, he could hear the cries of someone and the sound of shattering glass as the framed photos crashed to the ground.

"What are you doing?" He heard someone shout as he heard people running away. Ted ignored the back pain as he quickly aimed his wand at the Nundu, whose eyes now were red like blood; she had jumped from the boy's shoulder and was now standing on the floor; he wondered why she seemed bigger now.

"Harry, stay away from her. Nym, leave now!" He ordered frantically as he aimed his wand at the approaching Nundu, trying to think of a spell that would work against her.

"Get Away! Bombarda!" His daughter suddenly shouted, aiming her own wand at the Nundu, but Harry was still near her.

"Accio!" Ted quickly shouted, pulling Harry close to him as a series of explosives happened all around the Nundu; fire and black smoke engulfed the entire kitchen; he tried to get a hold of him, but seeing what happened to the Nundu made Harry gasp in shock.

"Itisa!!" He cried out, sounding heartbroken, as he fell on his knees; suddenly, all the smoke and the fire slowly sank inside the Nundu's skin, which had changed; instead of spikes, now she had plates like Armour around her body, her body had grown to the size of a normal Tiger, as black as night.

The Nundu glared furiously at his daughter; suddenly, she was thrown across the hall before smashing against the door that led outside, and the girl cried out in pain.

"Itisa. Stop Attacking Her!" The boy shouted as he tried to escape his grip, but Ted knew he stood no chance against this beast. What he needed to do was take Harry, his daughter, and use Apparition to go back to his house. The Nundu would perhaps destroy the entire neighborhood with her Black Breath of Death, but he knew he didn't have time to save everyone.

Suddenly, the entire house started shaking violently, causing the sturdy walls to crack and the delicate windows to shatter like mere toothpicks. The ground trembled beneath their feet as the force of the Nundu rattled everything in its path. The fire that Itisa had consumed from the spell was on the bottom of her throat; the air suddenly felt heavy and extremely dry in his throat; it felt like he was swallowing a handful of sand, his organs burned, and suddenly his knees were weak, Ted clenched his ribs tightly, he tried to stand up and reach his daughter when suddenly all the pressure disappeared.



Just like that.

Ted and his daughter were both taken aback, their breaths catching in their throats as they collapsed to the ground, their bodies trembling with exertion and adrenaline. Beads of sweat dripped down their flushed faces, their chests heaving as they struggled to compose themselves. Ted didn't understand what had just happened or why the Nundu wasn't already destroying the entire place. As he looked up, the sight almost made him gasp.

Harry was hugging the magical creature like she was his pet. Ted saw her features softening slowly; now, she didn't look as dangerous.

Ted stood up, but it seemed the boy heard him; he quickly turned around and faced him; he stood in front of the Nundu, using his body like a shield, glaring fiercely at them both; his green eyes glittered like emeralds.

"Stay away from Itisa. Get Out!" Harry shouted angrily, his voice echoing through the house's walls like thunder. The Nundu still was the size of a Lion, but her plates of Armour had disappeared, and black spikes engulfed her body, except for the part around her head where Harry's hand was resting.

Ted couldn't understand how this was possible. Nundus were known as extremely violent creatures; they attacked everyone and anything; there were even cases of Female Nundus attacking their own cubs, yet this one seemed 'tamed' in a way. Was this just another miracle that Harry Potter was capable of? He didn't know, but he knew she was still watching them closely; her red eyes made it clear she was waiting for the opportunity to strike.

Ted opened his mouth to speak when a shot of sharp pain shot through his neck like flames. While Tonks seemed to be doing better as she ran up to him.

"Father, what is happening?" She asked, but unlike him, she didn't seem as afraid that a Nundu was right before them.

Ted grasped his wand, but that was a bad move; before he knew it, his wand was blown out of his hands, flying outside through the window as The Nundu roared, causing the entire house to shake violently. Ted raised his hands while Tonks slowly put her wand inside her hostler.

"You, you are Harry Potter?" Ted questioned, already knowing the answer. The boy looked at him with even more suspicion now as he gazed at him.

"How do you know my name?" Harry questioned firmly, his voice seeping with suspicion, and it seemed this got the Nundu even angrier as she growled in fury towards them; Ted noticed the red mist accumulating deep into her throat. He didn't know what that mist could do; he knew what the black one could do, but not the red one.

"You are the Boy Who Lived; everyone knows you," Tonks answered swiftly as if the answer was obvious, but the confusion on his face made it clear that he didn't know what they were talking about.

Ted wished they had time to talk, but they needed to leave right now; while the Nundu wasn't trying to kill them, they were extremely dangerous creatures, and there was a reason they were considered Extreme Threats by every Ministry around the World. They were powerful enough to desolate an entire city, but the number of times they used the Black Breath was very low.

Ted didn't know enough about them; at a time like this, he wished Hagrid was here to explain something about them since he knew everything about Magical Creatures, almost everything.

Ted knew he needed to alarm the Ministry about this; a creature like her needed to be either put down or put in a safe place. They couldn't allow her to roam freely; he wondered how she even got here. Nundus were usually found in Africa.

"Harry, you need to come with us," Ted said with a soft, inviting voice, extending his hand towards him, but Harry shook his head while still using his body like a shield to protect the Nundu.

What he was doing made Ted sweat in concern; he still didn't understand why a creature like her was not attacking them and seemed to like Harry's company. Perhaps she was tamed, in a way, but all she needed was to change her mind and desolate the entire place. Ted knew he couldn't just pray that she wouldn't do anything to anyone.

"Harry, she's dangerous-" "She's my friend. She's Itisa. I want you two to leave." Suddenly, the entire house shook once again, but Ted was sure this one time the one responsible wasn't the Nundu, but the boy himself.

"She's your friend!" Nym gasped with amazement, trying to get closer; his daughter seemed to have forgotten that she had been attacked a minute ago by the same creature. "That's amazing." She added, taking a step closer, but the growl from the Nundu made it clear that she shouldn't get closer.

"Come here," Ted demanded; his voice made it clear that now wasn't the time to disobey him. Reluctantly, she walked up to him; his hand reached down and grasped her shoulder, and his eyes remained on the boy and the Nundu.

"Harry, I know you don't know us, but I need you to come with us. The Nundu is dangerous." Ted tried to reason, but it seemed his words only confused the boy even more.

"What's a Nundu?"

"The thing behind you," Nym answered once again with a tone as if the answer was obvious. Ted wondered how she knew that since students were supposed to learn about Magical Creatures of her Rank in the very last year of Hogwarts.

Harry looked at the Nundu behind him, patting the top of her head, before turning to look at them; the smile went away. "Get Out. I don't want you two here." He said firmly, still keeping the Nundu behind him with his right hand, using his body as a shield.

"But Harry-" "You attacked, Itisa. You almost killed her. Leave Now." Harry interrupted Nym with a shout at the end, causing the entire house to shake once again; the place seemed ready to fall down.

"Reparo." His daughter suddenly said that Harry was distracted at the sight of everything broken and out of place and was slowly going back to the previous place before Itisa started destroying the place. Ted slowly and silently used Accio, his wand again in his hand, but it seemed the Nundu had noticed his move.

But before she could do anything, Ted quickly used Apparition. He and his daughter appeared near enough to their house, but since it had anti-Apparition spells around it, they couldn't appear inside.

"W-What about Harry?" His daughter quickly asked the moment she realized they were back home as she stood up and dusted off the dirt from her clothes.

"We won't leave him alone," Ted told her before grasping her hand. Soon enough, they reached their house. He walked inside, and much to his relief, Andromeda was in the kitchen. Ted only now realized how tired he was, but there was no time to rest; he needed to contact Dumbledore and the Ministry. A Nundu was in Britain and could easily cause a huge devastation.

"Mother, We Saw Harry and a Nundu." His daughter screamed, running into the kitchen. Ted wished he had been the one to break the bad news, but his daughter seemed too excited to wait for him.

"A Nundu! Nymphadora. How many times have I told you not to lie?" Ted heard her scolding their daughter as he stepped into the kitchen. He didn't know why, but he felt exhausted as if he had been fighting for an hour without stopping, yet it had been only ten minutes in that house.

"I'm not Lying!" Their daughter shouted, her hair not turning red this time; it seemed the excitement of seeing a Nundu made her forget that her mother just called her by the name she hated. While Ted usually enjoyed it whenever his daughter would start bickering with Andromeda, right now, he had no time to waste.

"Nymphadora. To your room. Now." He commanded firmly, fixing her with a look that made it clear that it was not something to be discussed; hanging her head down, she walked upstairs while pouting loudly.

"I Hate That Name." He heard her shout before hearing the sound of a door closing with force.

"Ted, what happened? What is she talking about?" Andromeda questioned, seeing the concern on his face. He gestured for her to stop cleaning the plates and sit at the table with him.

"Ted, how was Harry Potter? Did you see him? What was he like?" She questioned frantically, wanting to know everything she could about Lily's son.

"Fierce," Ted answered right away as he filled a glass with cold water; he drank it all with one breath, now feeling much better. He knew what he was about to tell her would shake her world. Hell, he still couldn't really believe what he just saw.

"But we have bigger problems. Our daughter wasn't lying, Harry has A Nundu for a Pet." He didn't know how else to describe it; from what he saw, that creature had been there before he visited them, and the fact that the entire Neighbourhood wasn't already in ruins made it clear that the Nundu was perhaps tamed. Somehow, Harry saw her as a pet.

Now that Ted was thinking more clearly and wasn't trying to fight with a creature that was said to be stronger than a hundred wizards. Only now he was able to realize that he had made a mistake. When he had seen the Nundu, he had attacked without thinking; who wouldn't, after all? His daughter was there, and so was Harry; both were children, but now that he thought about it. Not attacking right away would have been better than blindly attacking.

"A-A Nundu! Ted, are you drunk? No Nundu is kept in Britain, are you sure you saw what you saw?" Ted took a deep breath; he grasped her hands tightly before explaining everything that happened in the house. After he was done, Andromeda's face had gone as pale as a ghost.

"Y-you left Harry there with her." She shouted, feeling absolute rage; she sprang to her feet, carelessly toppling the chair that had been her seat just moments before.

"Is she alright? Nymphadora." She shouted; their daughter ran downstairs, reaching the kitchen. She was quickly checked by her mother, who used her wand, but when the wand's tip flashed green, she sighed heavily in relief before turning to face Ted.

"Mother, can we go to Harry again? I really want to see Itisa." Their daughter asked excitedly, jumping up and down. Ted was tempted to ask who 'Itisa' was when he remembered that Harry had called the Nundu by that name; Andromeda ignored her daughter, and suddenly, she had a look of realization.

"We need to tell the Ministry. A Nundu is considered a danger to the whole country. We need an entire battalion of Wizards to restrain her." Andromeda said, ready to send a letter to the Ministry, but Ted had been thinking about this and wasn't sure anymore if that was the best possible action right now.

"No. If we tell the Ministry, she will know we are trying to either capture her or kill her. She might decide to use her Black Breath, Harry might have survived whatever The Dark Lord tried to do that night, but the Black Breath is said to be strong enough to destroy an entire city." Ted reasoned, stopping his wife dead in her tracks.

"What then? We can't just keep quiet, and pray that she won't massacre Harry in his sleep." Andromeda questioned frantically, trying to find a way to fix this as soon as possible.

"I don't think she will do that, when I first saw her, she was sitting on Harry's shoulder, and she had many, many opportunities to use her breath, but she didn't. She got hostile towards me only because I attacked her first. If an army of Wizards suddenly show up in front of the Dursley's house. She will feel cornered and might just decide to use everything to protect herself. No, send a letter to Professor McGonagall, and Dumbledore."

"Dumbledore? You think he can defeat her by himself."

"We don't know yet if we have to fight; perhaps, as impossible as it sounds, Harry Potter has truly tamed the Nundu," Ted said. He knew that was crazy talk. He wasn't an expert in animals; that role belonged to Hagrid.

"Tame! Ted, if taming them was possible, Vol- You Know Who would have used them during the War. They are not cats, neither owls. But, you are right. We need to tell Professor Dumbledore. He might fix this." She said as she started writing the letter. Ted hoped he was right; while the Creature did attack them, he was certain that if he didn't attack first. Nothing would have happened.

"Father, can we go back to Harry?" His daughter questioned once again. Ted kneeled to her level before hugging her tightly; he looked at her and was relieved to see there was no damage as if the Nundu wasn't really trying to attack to kill but only to protect Harry.

Wait, Harry was there the whole time; if she had used her dangerous attacks, it would have affected him too. Is that why she refused to really fight them, Ted wondered, when he heard someone knocking on the door.

Opening it, he saw it was Professor McGonagall. "Well, how was Harry?" She questioned right away as she stepped inside with a look of expectation in her eyes. Ted cursed his luck as he opened his mouth to explain.

If you want to read the Following 6 Chapters, Check out The Link Above

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