3.7% A New Life In The Arrowverse / Chapter 1: Good Samaritan My Ass!!!
A New Life In The Arrowverse A New Life In The Arrowverse original

A New Life In The Arrowverse

作者: Ezzy_E

© WebNovel

章節 1: Good Samaritan My Ass!!!

"Gimme all yo money bitch!!" A man shouted as he came out from a deserted alley way, gun drawn. Almost immediately there was chaos in the street, people ran in every direction, no one wanted to get caught in the crossfire. The gunman blended in almost seamlessly with the nighttime, dressed in all black, including a black balaclava that masked his face. He pushed his gun into the unlucky woman's face as she fumbled with her purse and looked for anything to give to the man. As tears streamed down her face, from sheer terror, she tried to speak to her would be robber.

"I-I d-d-don't have any mm-m-mmoney s.." she started when suddenly "Bam!"

"Ahh!" The woman shrieked in surprise as a man appeared out of nowhere and tackled her would be assailant to the ground. The two men struggled on the ground, fighting to gain control over the gun, the fight progressed rapidly until a loud bang rang out. The gun had accidentally discharged, the good Samaritan looked down at his chest and patted himself down, looking for any injury. It wasn't until he saw that the would-be robber was slow to get up that he realized that it was the robber that was shot and not himself. The man stood frozen in place, realizing that he must have shot the robber on accident during the altercation. After what felt like an hour, but was in fact no more than 10 seconds, the good Samaritan rushed to the injured man's side and applied pressure to his chest wound.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!" the would-be hero repeated, more to himself than to anyone else, as his hands quickly became soaked in the robber's blood.

"You killed me." The robber croaked out, the life fading from him quickly.

"Hang in their man, you're not dead yet. Just keep fighting!" The do-gooder yelled. As he tried to stop the man's bleeding he did not see that the robber had raised his gun and with his last few breaths shot his would-be savior.

"Ahhhhhh!!" The lady screamed, her phone against her ears, as she watched her savior fall over dead.

As the good Samaritan died, his spirit was taken by Death to be judged for his actions while on Earth. It didn't take long for his spirit to awake from its traumatic death, as he looked around he quickly noticed that he wasn't on Earth. All around him was the purest shade of white he had ever seen and somehow just being in this white space gave him a sense of peace he had never experienced before.

"Where am I?" He whispered out. The last thing he remembered was a flash of white-hot pain as he tried to help that robber.

"That bastard must've shot me!" The man quickly realized.

"You would be correct Mr. Raymond. You were shot and killed by Mr. Baker as you tried to save his life." A voice said from behind the good Samaritan. The man turned in surprise, only to see a figure covered in a white glow with no discernible features. He couldn't even tell if the figure was a man or a woman.

"That's because I represent both Mr. Raymond. It wouldn't do to pick favorites." The figure responded.

"And before you ask, yes I can read your mind and yes I am the figure my children call God, though I do like that new name you children have come up for me, R.O.B." Mr. Raymond stood frozen, his mouth wide open, unable to comprehend what he had just heard. This was God, what was he supposed to say to him/her/it, he didn't even know how to address the creator, or act in front of him for that matter.

"Calm down Mr. Raymond, you keep going like that you're likely to pass out." God chuckled out. "I'm not one for formalities or pronouns for that matter. You can call me dad or God, whatever you're more comfortable with and there is no specific way to act towards me just imagine you're talking to your father, and you should be good." It took a minute, but Mr. Raymond was finally able get his mind working again.

"God why did you specifically come, don't you have angels or something to judge souls?" He wondered, after all he wasn't special.

"That's where you're wrong Mr. Raymond you are quite special. Do you mind if I call you Isaac? I keep thinking of your earthly father every time I call you that." God wondered.

"Of course, you can God." Isaac replied quickly, though he couldn't help but wonder why God said he was special.

"I called you special because you are Isaac. That woman you saved was a lynch pin that I placed in your world as a test."

"What kind of test!?" Isaac asked, though scared about the answer he'd get.

"No need to be afraid now Isaac, you already did the hard part." God remarked offhandedly. "I placed Teressa, the lady that was being robbed, into existence because I saw what you children were doing to each other and the planet. I'm normally a very hands-off parent but you kids were testing my patience. So, I devised a very simple test to decide whether you all need a severe punishment of just some help."

"What do you mean?" Isaac wondered.

"I mean I set that robbery into motion and made it happen at a time that, that area would have plenty of foot traffic, to give you all ample opportunity to do something about it." God paused to give Isaac time to process this.

"So, you set the robbery into motion there at that time so it could be stopped? That doesn't make any sense, why would you do that!" Isaac demanded, angry that his life was cut short for what was essentially a pop quiz.

"To see if anyone would." Isaac stopped short at that.

"I don't understand."

"Do you know how many people passed by as Teressa was being harassed and then robbed?" God asked.

"No." Isaac replied, unsure where this was going.

"63, Isaac, 63 people either watched as Mr. Baker followed her for two blocks or watched when he then tried to rob her, which took 15 minutes." Isaac was shocked silent, he couldn't believe that many people passed by while someone was in trouble, no one even called 911.

"My test was simple.." God continued. "If just one person intervened then I would ensure that a few key people would be born that would be able to deal with many of humanity's major problems. However, if no one helped then I would ensure that a calamity would hit humanity. I wasn't sure which at the time, it could have been a global pandemic or even an accidental emp explosion to get rid of technology for a while." Isaac's mouth dropped, he morbidly wondered what would have happened if he hadn't tackled that robber.

"That's easy, humanity would have failed, to answer your question Isaac. You were the last person on that street, no one else was coming. That is why you are special; you alone are the reason humanity gets to enter a golden age of living. You have also earned your own reward for your heroic actions at the cost of your life." Isaac's ears perked up at that.

"Because you lost your life for humanity's test it's only right that you get to have a redo of sorts. What I am offering you is a new life along with some wishes to go with it, I'm sure you've read about this is those fanfics of yours, this is your opportunity to live out that fantasy. And before you ask yes many works of fiction are in fact based on worlds that exist with maybe some minor variations in them. Isaac was dumbfounded, he never imagined something like this would happen to him, first dying and now his ultimate fantasy was at his fingertips. He looked at God and asked "Do I get to pick the world and my wish? Also, will I keep my memories?" Isaac could barely contain his excitement; his legs were practically vibrating in anticipation.

"The world will be randomized unfortunately, the wishes however are all yours, there is a caveat, each wish must be in accordance with the power level of the world you're going to. For example, if you're going to a world like Criminal Minds you can't have any real powers because they don't belong in that universe, you can get some minor stuff like enhanced intelligence or maybe even a bit of a healing factor. Also the more powerful you are starting off the more difficulties you'll encounter as the universe tries to correct itself. As for your memories you will get to keep yours with a few adjustments, you won't be able to remember your name or the faces and names of your loved ones at least until your final death. This is to ensure that you adjust properly into whatever world you go to." Surprisingly Isaac didn't mind the idea of an emotional fresh start, especially since he would get his memories back when he died.

"If you're ready let's go ahead and pick your new world. All you need to do is turn this card over and it will show what world you're going to." Isaac didn't even question how a single card could do that, after all this was God we were talking about. He simply prayed for a world he'd enjoy and turned the card over, his eyes still closed.

"Aren't you gonna look?" God questioned amusedly.

"Is it good?" Isaac asked, almost pleading.

"I think you'll have fun here." The deity answered smiling.

It took a second, but Isaac finally opened his eyes and saw what the card said.

"Arrowverse real" Isaac read aloud. While excited at the prospect of going into the Arrowverse, he did wonder what the 'real' part meant. As usual God came in with an answer to his unasked question.

"Isaac, 'real' just means that the writers and producers change parts of the world for better tv and that this world is the actual one not the solely tv based one, which does in fact exist."

"Can you give me an example?" Isaac asked worriedly, concerned his foreknowledge would be useless.

"Just one" God warned "In this universe Supergirlverse is a part of this world instead of a separate one. Now let's move this along Isaac I do have other places to be. What will your first wish be? Oh, and please know that if you wish for more wishes not only will you have wasted your wish, but I will also make you live through your own birth are we clear?" Isaac nodded his head, afraid to even speak after that threat, nobody should ever have to be conscience through their own birth, he shuddered at the mere thought of it.

"F-f-for my first wish I would like the best parts of Tony Stark and Peter Parker's intelligence and creativity."

"Done, and good choice." Isaac beamed.

"Before I say my second wish I need to know, will I be able to create my new body's appearance?" This was too good an opportunity for to pass up Isaac thought.

"You'll be able to pick your appearance at the end, no wish required." God answered knowingly.

"Awesome! Then for my second wish I want the combined skills of Hawkeye, Bullseye, Shang-Chi, and Blade. I want it all combined into the perfect style for me, with the muscle memory to go along with it. Can I do that?" Isaac asked hopeful.

"Sure, I can allow this since technically there are no powers involved, you have three wishes left so choose your next wishes wisely." God warned.

"Thank you, and I will. For my third wish I want a metagene that is adaptable and with the power of absolute control over lightning/thunder/electricity with a healing factor and the ability to use the Deva path abilities from Naruto which only get stronger if I practice them."

"You're pushing it Isaac, I'll allow this but I'm making you have to train up your lightning abilities before you get the power and control you want, though the potential will be there." Isaac breathed a sigh of relief at that, he didn't mind working if need be.

"Ok for my next wish I want to be born a homo-magi with massive potential and to have all of John Constantine's knowledge downloaded and organized into my head by level as fast as my mind can safely handle." Isaac was really hoping God would allow this one as it was important to his plans.

"I'll allow it, but you will not get all of Constantine's knowledge until your 21st birthday." God grumbled out.

"Ok for my last wish I would like a drinkable serum to be safely sent to me on my 15th birthday that combines the super soldier serum, the spider venom of Miles Morales, and the necessary vita rays to activate it in the best and most effective way without any bad side effects."

"Fine you greedy child, your wish will be done." God teased. "I'll even add a nice surprise for you when u get there. Now pick your damn body so I can go."

A computer screen appeared in front of Isaac with character information and a realistic avatar for him to create his new appearance. It took a few minutes but soon enough Isaac finally finished his new body. While he kept his original race, as a black man, he did decide to make a few changes. He changed his eye color to an emerald green, added dimples to his cheeks, changed his final height to 6'5", and lastly changed his little brother a bit, 9 inches with 3 ½ inches in girth. Looking at his finished body Isaac couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at/with his work, he was going to do some damage with this new body. He turned to God and waited to see what was next.

"What's next is you get born; don't worry you won't gain conscience until you turn 4 plus I added a little surprise to your world that I'm sure you'll enjoy. So, until we meet again Isaac enjoy your new life." With that said, God snapped their fingers, and everything went dark for Isaac.

Ezzy_E Ezzy_E

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