82.79% A Life Of Wealth / Chapter 77: Weekend

章節 77: Weekend

What was the most troublesome task for Murong Feng?

It wasn't the grueling 12-hour days spent in the Chang'an Capital office, meticulously reviewing an endless stream of business plans—some brilliant, others mediocre. Nor was it the whirlwind of diverse meetings, sometimes up to eight in a single day, ranging from discussions on the city's spiritual development at the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce Executive Committee to attending the GEM listing and private equity investment forums on small and medium-sized enterprises. It wasn't even accompanying various department leaders for research reports or playing golf at social engagements...

Murong Feng's most troublesome task was accompanying Ye Zi shopping on the weekends.

It's not that he didn't enjoy shopping with Ye Zi; on the contrary, he cherished every moment spent with her.

However, for a laid-back and relaxed guy like Murong Feng to accompany the energetic and lively Ye Zi in a mall for an entire day—just following behind her carrying bags of various sizes and occasionally nodding and smiling approvingly at whatever item she enthusiastically showed him—was truly a challenge for him.

Especially since Ye Zi didn't go on a spending spree just because she had a wealthy boyfriend to foot the bill. She behaved like any other ordinary city girl, often picking up items she loved, only to put them back down, not thinking it was a waste of time at all. It seemed she enjoyed the process of shopping more than actually buying things. When she did make a purchase, it was usually for something she really loved and found a good deal on. If it happened to be on sale, her joy was palpable.

Murong Feng could only smile wryly. He respected Ye Zi's mindset, but he couldn't deny that this was a task that tested a man's endurance and patience.

Thankfully, Ye Zi finally took pity on him. After visiting two malls, she spotted a Starbucks by the roadside and, with a sweet smile, dragged him inside. "Young Master Murong, you must be exhausted after shopping with me all day. Let me treat you to a Frappuccino!" She quickly gave him a peck on the cheek and then dashed to the counter.

The feeling of her lips lightly touching his cheek filled Murong Feng with a wave of tenderness. As she turned, her silky hair danced in the air, leaving a faint, pleasant scent. Watching Ye Zi's cheerful, vibrant figure, much of his shopping fatigue seemed to dissipate. He smiled and glanced out the window.

Xidan was now one of Beijing's most bustling shopping districts. Especially with the recent openings of Joy City and Grand Pacific Mall on the west side, it had quickly surpassed Wangfujing, reclaiming its status as the top shopping destination for the city's fashion-forward crowd. The weekends were particularly crowded, with the streets teeming with people. Murong Feng couldn't help but marvel at how he and Ye Zi had managed to navigate through such a dense crowd. Now, sitting by the window in Starbucks, he felt a sense of leisurely detachment from the hustle and bustle outside.

Ye Zi returned with two large Frappuccinos, placing them on the table before comfortably curling up on the soft sofa. She stretched lazily and then eagerly began rummaging through the shopping bags beside her, giggling, "Wow, we really hit the jackpot today! Look at all the stuff we bought!"

She suddenly pulled out a delicate small black box and handed it to Murong Feng with a blooming smile: "Murong, this is for you! Consider it a reward for accompanying me shopping today!"

Murong Feng was surprised as he accepted it, seeing Ye Zi's mischievous smile, and asked curiously: "What is this?... When did you buy it? How come I didn't know?" The golden "Loewe" logo on the black velvet packaging box made him realize, judging from the shape and feel, it should be a wallet.

Ye Zi had obviously kept it secret from him for a while, finally able to reveal it now, enjoying the feeling of surprising him. Her pretty face bloomed into a smile as she said proudly: "Just when you were on the phone earlier!"

Murong Feng then remembered that he had received a call from Liu Xin earlier. Because the mall was too noisy, he went to the balcony outside the second floor of the Zhongyou Department Store to take the call. Later, Ye Zi came to find him, and they continued shopping after he finished the call. At that time, she seemed normal, but he didn't expect her to secretly buy him a gift. He was very touched, but still teased her: "Well, Ye Zi, you're also a little demon who can deceive people, keeping it secret for so long without showing any signs!"

Ye Zi was extremely proud, laughing: "Beautiful girls all know how to deceive, that's what Zhang Wuji's mother said!" Then she continued: "Murong, you've always been the one giving me gifts. Today is the first time you've received a gift from me, aren't you happy?"

She slightly wrinkled her cute little nose, her pretty appearance making Murong Feng's heart itch. He deliberately teased: "How can this be the first gift? I thought that night... was the best gift I received from you?"

Ye Zi's face immediately turned red, angrily saying: "Murong, you're annoying!..." Murong Feng quickly comforted her with sweet words, saying how beautiful Ye Zi was, how much he liked this gift, that he would make spicy shrimp for Ye Zi tonight as punishment, and so on, finally turning Ye Zi's anger into a smile.

If you asked Murong Feng what task was more troublesome than accompanying Ye Zi shopping, he would definitely answer that it was accompanying Tang Qing horseback riding the day after shopping with Ye Zi.

This weekend was truly a severe test for Murong Feng.

When Tang Qing called to invite him on Saturday, he was cooking in the kitchen. Ye Zi answered the phone and chatted happily with Tang Qing for a long time before handing the phone to Murong Feng, who was busy cooking. When Ye Zi smiled and handed him the phone, saying: "It's Janney calling," Murong Feng's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

He pretended to be relaxed as he chatted and greeted Tang Qing, agreeing on a time for the next day. After hanging up, he smiled at Ye Zi: "Janney wants to see my 'Night Wind' tomorrow. Ye Zi, why don't you come with me to the equestrian club tomorrow? Didn't you like 'Night Wind' last time you saw it?"

Ye Zi shook her head: "I've been out with you all day today, which has already delayed my studying. I can't afford to play again tomorrow. Besides, I don't like horseback riding, you go with Janney." Her smile was natural, and Murong Feng didn't know her true thoughts. Perhaps in her eyes, Tang Qing wasn't a woman to be wary of? Murong Feng felt a bit guilty but didn't know what to say, so he just honestly lowered his head to continue cooking, causing the innocent Ye Zi to rush into the kitchen in surprise, exclaiming "It smells so good!"

The next day, Ye Zi returned to her own apartment to study, while Murong Feng was driven by Guo Yong to pick up Tang Qing from her building to go to the horse farm together.

They had formed a habit: if they were going to practice fencing or horseback riding together, Tang Qing wouldn't drive her own car. Instead, Murong Feng would pick her up and drop her off, giving them over two hours of private time together in the car.

Tang Qing came out of the building in cool attire, opened the car door and sat down, then glanced at Murong Feng with a slight sidelong look, smiling as she asked: "Why didn't Ye Zi come?" Murong Feng remembered his unnatural behavior on the phone yesterday and embarrassedly held Tang Qing's slender hand, saying: "She's busy studying for the Sponsor Representative exam recently... Janney, yesterday I..."

Tang Qing let him hold her hand, smiling and shaking her head: "This Ye Zi, why is she so ambitious, insisting on taking the sponsor representative exam? Although it's said to be the top qualification in their securities industry, she's putting too much pressure on herself. Murong, you should persuade her!"

Hearing her change the subject, without a hint of resentment towards Ye Zi in her words, Murong Feng felt even more guilty towards her. He unconsciously tightened his grip on her soft hand, as if only this way could he hold onto her. He then smiled and said: "She's a person with her own ideas. Janney, what do you want to compete with me on today?"

Betting was a small pleasure in their horseback riding, originating from their first horse race at the farm when Murong Feng ended up treating Tang Qing to two dinners. Since then, they would make small bets every time, whether on the height of obstacle practice, speed races, or even which foot "Night Wind" would step with first when entering the stable. Amid the laughter and play, they found endless joy.

Tang Qing looked at his apologetic and affectionate gaze, smiling as she answered: "Today we'll compete in feeding the horse, see whose carrots 'Night Wind' eats!" Murong Feng was surprised and amused; this was a creative competition.

In the blink of an eye, 'Night Wind' had been in Beijing for three months. Under Zhao Xuanyi's careful care, it had grown even taller and stronger. Because Murong Feng and Tang Qing came to see it every week, with Murong Feng personally leading it out for a slow jog, brushing its coat, and feeding it carrots and apples, they had built a bond with 'Night Wind'.

Today, because of their small bet, they each took a carrot when entering the stable. When they arrived at 'Night Wind's' stall, it saw them and immediately neighed happily, showing excitement. Zhao Xuanyi angrily said beside them: "This little rascal really recognizes its owner!" She was unhappy about Night Wind being so excited to see Murong Feng.

Unexpectedly, even though both of them held out carrots for a while, 'Night Wind' wouldn't eat from either of their hands, only nuzzling its head against Murong Feng. Murong Feng smiled and gently stroked Night Wind's neck, softly saying: "Night Wind, do you want to go out for a run? Alright, let's go!"

He personally prepared the horse, his gentleness and intimacy with Night Wind making even Zhao Xuanyi a bit jealous. She loved Night Wind so much that she was increasingly forgetting that Murong Feng was the horse's true owner.

Today, Tang Qing was riding a chestnut German warmblood horse. At first, they rode side by side at a slow pace, chatting casually, feeling good, while the two horses beneath them kept bringing their heads together, appearing intimate.

Murong Feng rarely saw the proud 'Night Wind' being so intimate with other horses, and asked curiously: "Janney, don't you think Night Wind is acting strange today? Is he in heat?"

Tang Qing's pretty face reddened as she scolded: "What are you talking about... Xuanyi is an experienced horse trainer, she would definitely take care of such issues." Because of Night Wind and the red horse's intimacy, the two riders sat very close, their legs occasionally touching. Murong Feng couldn't resist reaching for Tang Qing's hand. They each held the reins with one hand and held hands with the other, looking from afar like a perfectly matched couple!

After walking slowly for a while, the horses' steps gradually turned into a light trot. Murong Feng smiled and said: "Let's run a bit." Tang Qing nodded with a smile. Murong Feng lightly tapped Night Wind's belly, and it neighed joyfully before starting to run.

Just as Tang Qing was about to urge her horse on, unexpectedly, the chestnut horse, seeing Night Wind suddenly accelerate, started running without waiting for Tang Qing's command! Because the change in rhythm from a trot to a gallop is quite significant, Tang Qing couldn't adapt instantly. Her body swayed, and she almost fell off the horse, letting out a cry of surprise!

Hearing the sound, Murong Feng looked back and saw Tang Qing's figure about to fall. Greatly alarmed, he yanked on the reins hard. Night Wind, being a magnificent horse, had just started to speed up but managed to stop abruptly in just a few seconds, only letting out a dissatisfied neigh.

By this time, the chestnut horse had rushed up beside them. Seeing Night Wind stop, it also came to a sudden halt. This unexpected stop caught Tang Qing off guard just as she was trying to adjust her balance. Unable to control her body's momentum, she fell forward.

Murong Feng had just dismounted at this moment. Seeing her fall off the horse, he rushed over and caught her in his arms. The great force knocked them both to the ground, with Murong Feng still tightly holding Tang Qing. The scene was extremely dangerous - if the horses had been startled and trampled them, they would have at least broken several ribs...

For a moment, Tang Qing felt as if she was back on that night at Victoria Peak in Hong Kong. Murong Feng's embrace was warm and strong, giving her an indescribable sense of security that made her heart feel peaceful and joyful. She didn't think about anything else, only wishing this moment could last forever!

Fortunately, Night Wind was an intelligent and good horse. After the two fell to the ground embracing, it just lowered its head curiously, bringing its face close to theirs, nuzzling affectionately, making Murong Feng both annoyed and amused.

By this time, the club staff and Zhao Xuanyi had rushed over. Zhao Xuanyi grabbed Night Wind's reins, and the chestnut horse was also led aside by a trainer. "Are you alright?... How are you? Where does it hurt?" The crowd surrounding them asked in a clamor. Someone helped the two of them up.

Tang Qing was only startled, and being caught by Murong Feng when she fell, she wasn't hurt. Moreover, she was delighted to have been in Murong Feng's embrace, so she repeatedly said she was fine after getting up. Murong Feng, however, felt quite sore from the impact. They decided not to continue horseback riding, instead going back to wash up, change clothes, and sit on the second-floor terrace of the club's lounge to drink coffee and enjoy the view.

Tang Qing was in an extremely good mood, with a smile on her lips and unparalleled beauty. She complained teasingly: "It's all that red horse's fault today, running off on its own!... And Night Wind, that guy is just like its owner, flirting around, almost causing me to get hurt!"

Murong Feng smiled wryly: "Janney, I don't mind you scolding Night Wind, but don't include me in the scolding!" Tang Qing retorted: "Who told Night Wind to be your horse? When it causes trouble, you're responsible." Murong Feng spread his arms and laughed: "Alright, alright, I'm at fault, but I also have merit. If I hadn't caught you, you would have really gotten hurt... Ouch, my back hurts a bit."

He pretended to wince, and although Tang Qing knew he was faking, she couldn't help but worry. She quickly asked: "How is it? Does it hurt badly?" Murong Feng smiled and said: "If you're not angry, I won't hurt anymore." Tang Qing puffed up her cheeks and said: "Rogue."

This small accident reaffirmed Murong Feng and Tang Qing's recently somewhat awkward relationship. Sitting under the sun umbrella on the terrace, looking at the green grass in the distance and the bright sunshine, they both felt a sense of happiness and contentment.

While Tang Qing naturally felt sweet, Murong Feng's feelings were more complex.

In two days, wavering between two women, Murong Feng loved both Ye Zi's happiness and independence, and Tang Qing's tenderness and thoughtfulness. How to choose? It was difficult to choose!...

It was painful. Why did the country stipulate a two-day weekend?

next chapter
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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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