79.66% A Dragon Kissed by Sun / Chapter 47: Alyanna Dayne

章節 47: Alyanna Dayne

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The Following 8 Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 48 (A Feast in Winterfell), Chapter 49 (A Confession of Love), Chapter 50 (A Fight in Winterfell), Chapter 51 (A Father and A Daughter), Chapter 52 (The Old Lion), Chapter 53 (A Princess's Dragon), Chapter 54 (Love in God's Wood), and Chapter 55 (Dancing with Flames) are already available for Patrons.

Arya gazed at the long corridor of Winterfell in awe as her family walked through it. The sound of their footsteps echoed off the stone walls, creating a rhythmic beat that seemed to match the pulsing of her heart. As they made their way down the corridor, her eyes were drawn to her father. With a curious tilt of her head, she asked.

"Who are they?" Her siblings exchanged glances; after the arrival of their guests, Ned had wanted his children to lead their guests to their bedchambers, but the sudden appearance of the direwolves had halted his plans; he didn't know why, but somehow the two direwolves were already bonded with his nephew and secret daughter, this, of course, had gained the attention of all his children.

Ned observed his wife closely, noticing that she seemed to be holding back a question that was on the tip of her tongue, and he could tell that she was doing so deliberately. Despite her efforts to remain composed, her body language gave her away as she fidgeted and fiddled with her hands. It was clear to Ned that his wife was struggling to keep her emotions in check.

Ned ordered Maester Luwin to show the rooms of all his guests, Ned had wanted to eventually reveal the truth to his family, but it seemed fate had found a way to change his plans. Ned wasn't sure if the old gods found it funny to make jokes like this.

After what felt like an eternity of walking, his legs aching and his throat dry, he finally arrived at his solar, the only place where he could find some peace and quiet in the midst of all the chaos that was happening around him. As he entered, he couldn't help but notice Arya, Robb, and Catelyn - who had followed him there, probably to discuss the arrival of their guests. Ned noticed Bran was nowhere to be found, although he had a pretty good idea of where he might have gone - probably to climb one of the tallest trees in the castle grounds, despite his mother's constant warnings about the dangers of such activities.

Robb approached his father with a curious expression etched across his youthful features. His brow furrowed with confusion as he pondered about the identity of two of their guests. "Father," he began respectfully, his voice echoing softly within the confines of the solar as he closed the heavy wooden door behind him. Ned glanced up and offered his son a warm smile before settling back into his wooden chair. The arms of the chair were carved intricately, each curve and angle meticulously crafted to resemble the lithe and powerful legs of a direwolf.

As Ned gazed around his solar, the intricate Direwolf symbols adorning every inch of the room caught his eye with their fierce and captivating presence. The Hearth, the centerpiece of the room, proudly displayed the sigil of House Stark atop it, a symbol of the family's strength and honor. The grey carpet that stretched across the expanse of the solar was a stunning masterpiece in itself, with the Stark sigil carefully stitched into it with white outlines that added a touch of elegance and sophistication to the room.

Ned heard what his son asked, yet, wasn't sure how to answer; he could tell a small lie, his nephew had yet to announce his conquest, and Ned trusted all of his children and Catelyn. But Robb was still a young man; a slip-up was all needed for the information to spread like wildfire; Arya was only nine name days, and Catelyn was. Well, Ned wasn't sure what her reaction would be. Would she call him a traitor and send a letter to either her father or the Lannisters? Ned didn't know and wasn't sure if he wanted to find out, but he knew she would eventually find out.

The weight of his responsibilities felt heavier than ever before, causing him to exhale deeply and rub his temples in an attempt to alleviate the oncoming headache. His eyes slowly lifted from the paperwork in front of him, and as he turned his face, he found himself met with the expectant gazes of Arya, Robb, and Catelyn, all standing on the other side of the desk, waiting for him to say something.

The only sound that could be heard was the gentle rustling of leaves outside as they danced to the tune of the wind. The branches of the trees swayed and swished, their leaves rustling and whispering secrets to one another. It was as if nature itself was holding its breath in anticipation, waiting for something to happen in this quiet, tranquil moment.

"As far as I know," he began, pausing for a moment before continuing, "Lady Alyanna is Lady Ashara's daughter." The words hit Catelyn like a blow, causing her to inhale sharply, her eyes widening in shock. She struggled to maintain her composure, her face turning a deep shade of red as she fought the urge to ask the question that burned in her mind. Who was the father of Lady Alyanna? Despite her inner turmoil, she managed to keep her lips pressed tightly together, determined not to give in to her emotions. Ned could already imagine what his wife was thinking about.

Arya's eyes widened in surprise as she watched her mother's reaction to the mention of Lady Ashara's name. She tilted her head to the side in confusion, trying to figure out who this mysterious Lady Ashara was and why her mother seemed so affected by her mere mention. Looking around the room, she noticed that Robb seemed to understand what their father was saying about Lady Ashara. Perhaps the name had some kind of significance to him that Arya couldn't quite grasp.

As Catelyn strolled around the solar, her eyes darted back and forth between her children and Ned. She couldn't help but feel impatient as she anxiously awaited the answer to her question, "What about the other one? Prince Oberyn's son?" With a quick glance at her children, she made it clear that she wanted to speak with Ned in private.

"I don't know. I will need to talk with Prince Oberyn first." Ned answered, trying to sound convincing, but he could tell they didn't truly believe him but decided to go along with it.

"Father, can I train in swordfighting with the Sand Snakes?" Arya questioned, her voice filled with awe as she spoke of the notorious warriors whose reputation had traveled even to the far reaches of the North.

Robb wanted to ask his father if he should walk Lady Alyanna to the feast tonight since she was a noble lady and he was the Heir of Winterfell. Robb couldn't help but recall the first time he laid eyes on her; she was simply stunning, more so than any other girl he had ever seen, even surpassing the beauty of Ros, whom he had once thought was the most beautiful girl in all the North, but whatever Robb wanted to ask was interrupted by His Mother.

"Arya, why don't you go outside and practice your sword? I'm sure Prince Oberyn's daughter will help you." Catelyn spoke with a strained tone, not looking at her daughter. Arya gasped in delight, looking at her mother as if she suddenly had grown a second head, everyone knew that Catelyn wasn't supportive of Arya's wild nature, and yet now she was telling her daughter to practice her swordfighting. For so long, Arya had been the family's black sheep, the one who dared to defy the expectations placed upon her as a highborn lady. She was always told that her place was in the castle, learning how to embroider and entertain guests, not out in the fields perfecting her swordsmanship. Still, Arya decided to leave the solar before her mother sent her to the annoying septa.

With a swift movement, Catelyn Stark turned her sharp gaze towards Robb, who was quick to comprehend the unspoken message conveyed through her piercing eyes. Without wasting a moment, Robb silently left the room, allowing his mother to deal with the matter at hand. As soon as the door of the solar clicked shut, Catelyn's attention shifted towards her husband, Ned, who was well aware of the impending conversation. The tension in the air was palpable as Catelyn's eyes bore into Ned's.

"Catelyn-" "Is she your daughter?" Catelyn interrupted whatever Ned was about to say, her voice shaking. He could tell she was struggling to keep her composure, and her eyes were fixed on him with a mixture of anger, sadness, and perhaps even a hint of loathing. Ned felt a pang of guilt wash over him as he realized he had been keeping secrets from his beloved wife for too long. Ned knew this day would come sooner or later, but he hoped he had a bit more time. He wanted to get to know her before revealing her to everyone else, a part of him had hoped that Ashara would have come too; he would be a liar if he said he didn't miss her.

Ned was looking forward to getting to know his daughter. The last time he had seen her, she was nothing more than a tiny, helpless baby cradled in his arms, but now, she had blossomed into a stunning young woman with sparkling eyes that shone like purple diamonds and a smile that could light up the darkest of rooms. Ned couldn't help but wonder what kind of person she had become, what her interests were. When he had seen her in the courtyard, his heart had almost burst from his chest, a part of him wanted to hug his daughter right there, but he knew that could wait for later.

Looking back at his wife, Ned knew he had another option, an option Catelyn and everyone would probably believe; he could simply say that she was Brandon's illegitimate daughter; everyone in the North knew how wild his brother had been, people still talked about how much Brandon loved to sleep around, and had taken the maidenhood of many girls, for this reason, people would believe that Alyanna was his daughter and a part of Ned wanted to say that, just to not deal with all the problems that came with it, but Ned believed himself to be a man of his word, someone who kept it, and wouldn't betray his honor unless it was necessary.

Ned wouldn't say he was some knight in white armor, someone without flaws; he knew he had soiled his honor the moment he had shamed Ashara.

Eddard Stark still remembered the promise he had made that day. A promise he had broken.

"Ashara," Ned spoke with fervor as they stood beneath the radiant full moon, its shimmering light casting a soft glow upon their faces as they melted into a passionate kiss. The world around them seemed to fade away as they danced together, lost in each other's embrace and the rhythm of their hearts beating as one. The only sound that could be heard was the gentle rustling of leaves in the cool night breeze and the whisper of their breath as they shared their love with one another, reveling in the beauty of the moment they shared. At that moment, nothing else mattered, no problems, no worries, just the pure bliss of being together in the magic of the moonlit night.

She stepped closer to him, her delicate hands reaching out to cup his cheeks, and her breath caught in her throat as she looked into his soulful eyes. With a soft moan escaping her lips, Ashara whispered his name, "Ned," and leaned in to kiss him, her lips brushing against his with a fiery passion. 

As their kiss deepened, Ashara's hands moved from Ned's cheeks to his shoulders, pulling him closer to her as she felt his strong arms wrap around her waist. With a gentle tug, she pressed her body against his, feeling the heat of his skin against hers, and moaned in pleasure as she whispered, "Take me, my Dear Wolf. I want you here and now." Ned's hands moved from her shoulders to her face, his fingers tracing the curves of her cheeks as he looked deeply into her eyes. 

"I promise you. I will marry you. We will live together, you, me, and our children." Ned promised; Ashara's eyes sparkled with joy and tears of happiness as Ned leaned in, his lips brushing against hers in a tender kiss that sealed their promise of forever. 

Ned remembered that night very well; he had slept with her, and he had wanted to ask his father's approval, but it never came; soon after the tourney ended, Lyanna was "kidnapped" by Rhaegar, his father and brother died in King's Landing by the Mad King, and before Ned had even time to mourn, he was already at war.

Ned had bottled up all his feelings, his sole focus on rescuing his sister, but when he realized that he would need to marry Catelyn, all he could think of was his promise to Ashara: his broken promise and the child growing inside her.

Ned eventually came to love Catelyn; he knew he couldn't blame her for what happened before and after the rebellion. Catelyn had brought him five beautiful children, and one that looked just like Lyanna; sometimes it frightened him just how much Arya had taken after her aunt; the only thing missing was Lyanna's talent to ride a horse, but from what he had heard from Prince Oberyn, he knew Lyanna's talent had entirely gone to Jon.

Coming to a decision, Ned looked up at Catelyn as he leaned back against the solid wooden chair, feeling the coolness of the wood against his skin as he looked up at Catelyn with a pensive expression. The chair creaked slightly as he shifted his weight, causing the chair's head to brush gently against the wall behind him.

"Alyanna Dayne is my Daughter, my flesh and blood." His voice echoed through the room, and for a moment, the air was still. Catelyn, taken aback by this revelation, felt as if the ground beneath her feet had given way. Her mind raced, and her heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to process the news. She looked down, her hands clutching the nearest object, trying to steady herself. The world around her seemed to spin wildly, and she felt as if she might faint.

Catelyn's chest heaved as she took deep breaths, the sound of air rushing in and out of her lungs filling the silence in the room. Struggling to regain her composure, she lifted her head to meet Ned's gaze, her eyes blazing with a fierce anger that burned like wildfire.

"Y-your daughter!" she spat out, her voice rising with every word, "Why didn't you tell me?" As she spoke, she punctuated each word with a sharp tap of her index finger on the desk, the sound echoing off the walls and filling the room with tension.

Ned couldn't blame her for being angry with him; every woman would be furious to find out their husband had a child outside their marriage. Ned knew that bastards of high borns were common, but their fathers never really cared for them. This was not the case with Alyanna, however. Ned had loved her mother, and he loved Alyanna as his own daughter. He could never simply act as if she didn't exist, and Catelyn knew this about him.

"The rebellion had just ended. The last thing I wanted was for you to know about Alyanna." Ned answered, standing up from his seat, but it seemed Catelyn wasn't satisfied with his answer as she started strolling around the solar, her hands gripping her head as if trying to prevent a headache.

Ned could sense the anger emanating from Catelyn as her piercing gaze bore into him, but he hoped she wouldn't direct her anger toward Alyanna; he would never allow it. If someone deserved her anger was him, not Alyanna.

The solar was engulfed in an eerie silence as if the air held its breath. The atmosphere was heavy with tension, almost palpable, making it hard to ignore the feeling of unrest that filled the room. Catelyn's footsteps, as she paced around the solar, echoed against the stone walls with a pronounced heaviness. The silence seemed to amplify the sound of her footsteps, making her feel even more restless. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Catelyn turned on her heels to face Ned again.

"What about after the rebellion?" Catelyn's voice was filled with a hint of accusation as she sat down on the other side of the desk, her eyes fixed on her husband, Ned Stark. "It has been fourteen long years, and all this time, you could have told me about it. Four years ago, three years ago, last year, you had countless opportunities to tell me, but instead, you chose to keep me in the dark." Her voice rose with every word, and her eyes blazed with a fierce intensity as she spoke, her body language expressing her hurt and frustration.

Ned opened his mouth to speak, but Catelyn wasn't done yet. "What about Oberyn's son? Is he secretly your son somehow?" Her voice was laced with a potent mix of sarcasm and anger that made it clear she was not willing to let this go until she had all the answers she sought.

"He's not my son. That's all you need to know." As soon as the words left his mouth, Catelyn breathed a sigh of relief, but the tension in the room remained palpable. Despite her apparent relief, Ned could sense the anger and frustration still simmering within her.

Catelyn jolted upwards from the rigid wooden chair, causing it to clatter noisily to the castle's stone floor, echoing through the silent hallways. Disregarding the commotion, she hastily dashed towards the door, her heart racing as she struggled to contain her mounting anxiety.

"I need to be alone." That's all Catelyn said hastily before opening the door and leaving through it; Ned was left alone, inhaling deeply; he knew it would be like this; a part of him felt relieved now that she knew the truth about Alyanna, but he hoped she would calm down, return back to normal soon.

Jaehaerys Targaryen

After meeting their direwolves, the white one didn't want to break away from him as he followed Jae around, much to Ser Arthur's distress; the knight made it clear he wasn't comfortable with the Direwolf following him around. Before walking inside, Lord Stark told them that the direwolves weren't hostile to anyone and were allowed to walk inside the castle freely.

The first thing Jae noticed about his direwolf was just how quiet he was, he followed him behind, but his footsteps didn't make a single noise, its massive paws barely making a sound as it trailed behind him like a ghostly apparition; something noticed by everyone else, especially Alyanna, who had 'Spring' as she called her by her side.

"How is it possible for a big creature like him not to make any sounds? Makes no sense??" Oberyn asked what everyone else was thinking; Jae didn't answer; instead, he reached out to scratch the back of the direwolf's ear. As his hand made contact with his fur, a low growl of pleasure emanated from the white direwolf.

"I don't know, but he's very handsome," Arianne claimed before leaning down to pet the direwolf as if he was a giant puppy, completely ignoring that his teeth were sharp enough to rip someone's head off. Arianne couldn't help but feel a rush of adrenaline as she ran her fingers through the wolf's thick fur, marveling at how soft it felt against her skin.

As Jae watched Arianne shower attention on the ferocious direwolf, he couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation, expecting the beast to growl and snap at her any moment. However, to his surprise, the direwolf seemed to relish in the attention, wagging his tail excitedly and licking Arianne's hand affectionately. The Princess, in turn, giggled with delight at the unexpected show of affection from the creature, marveling at the gentle nature behind the fierce exterior.

Eventually, they were all led to their bedchambers, but the white direwolf still followed Jae, as did Ser Arthur, who still wasn't sure if the Direwolf would attack anyone; Maester Luwin seemed to notice Ser Arthur's wariness towards the Direwolf.

"No need to be wary, good ser. The Stark children have gotten their direwolves over a month ago. They're kind and not hostile to anyone, even the servants like them, except for the part when they steal cake when no one is looking, I don't know why, but if the direwolf has chosen Jon, then he will probably be the best guard Jon ever could hope to have." Maester Luwin spoke with a kind smile on his old face; As the old Maester of Winterfell took each step, the sound of his chains resonated through the castle, creating a symphony of metal that echoed through the halls. The intricate links of his chain, each symbolizing a different field of knowledge and mastery, clinked and clanked against each other in a harmonious yet haunting melody.

Arthur's tension eased up a bit, but he still refused to truly relax around the direwolf. The Creature was already bigger than a fully grown dog; Arthur briefly wondered how big he would eventually grow up.

As they walked through the winding corridors of the castle, their footsteps echoing against the stone walls, they finally arrived at Jae's bedchamber. The Maester brought them to a halt in front of a closed wooden door adorned with intricate carvings that seemed to tell a story of their own. The door's aged wood was polished to a shine, and the brass doorknob gleamed in the sunlight.

"This is your bedchamber, my lord!" Maester Luwin said with a respectful tone as he pointed towards the beautifully crafted wooden door adorned with intricate carvings before them. Jae stepped towards the door as he, grabbed the silver doorknob and twisted it gently. With a soft creaking sound, the door swung open, revealing an opulent and grandiose chamber that was fit for a king. The room was adorned with rich tapestries that depicted the glorious history of the Stark family, and the walls were painted with intricate murals that showcased the beauty of the North.

As Jae stepped into the room, he had to admit that he liked the room. The bed, with its crisp white sheets and fluffy pillows, looked like the perfect spot for a lazy afternoon nap. It was large enough for not just one but two people to snuggle up and get lost in each other's company. The wood in the fireplace crackled and sparked, casting a warm glow over the entire chamber. The gray carpet underfoot was soft and plush, almost like walking on clouds. But what really caught Jae's attention was the towering bookshelf that dominated one of the walls. It was crammed with books of all shapes and sizes, their spines worn and well-loved.

But despite the beautiful bedchamber, Jae found himself wanting to return back to his old bedchamber in Sunspear.

"A bath was prepared for you, my lord." Maester Luwin informed him, and Jae thanked the old maester as he walked inside his bedchamber; he looked around his bedchamber; the castle was even more beautiful inside, and he knew Lord Stark was preparing a feast for them tonight.

Jae extended his hand towards the rough stone surface; he could feel a tingling sensation as his fingertips grazed the wall. The heat emanating from it was intense, almost as if it had been infused with the fiery essence of a dragon's breath. He couldn't help but marvel at the sheer power of the natural hot spring that lay beneath the walls of Winterfell. It was as if the very lifeblood of the castle flowed from the depths of the earth, providing warmth and comfort to those who called it home.

Jaehaerys took a quick bath before wearing his new clothes; he wanted to give a good impression at the feast. He wondered if he could explore Winterfell, but without a guide, he would get lost quickly; the silence of his thoughts was suddenly shattered by the sound of the door creaking open, and in walked Alyanna, with her majestic direwolf Spring trailing closely behind her.

Jae saw the way she was looking at the walls before turning to face him. "Aly, how do you feel in Winterfell? What about Lord Stark?" Jae asked right away as she stepped inside his room, a beautiful smile on her face, as Spring and The White Direwolf started playing with each other.

"It feels incredible, Jae, but I would like to explore the whole castle. Why don't you join us?" Her outstretched hand beckoned him to follow her lead.

"Us?" Jae questioned, and the door opened wider, revealing Arianne wearing a new white dress, this time one that kept her warmer but still showed her beauty. The dress, though different from the previous one, still managed to captivate Jae's attention as it hugged her curves and flowed gracefully around her with every step she took. As he gazed at her, he felt a sense of warmth spread throughout his body.

"Sure." Jae accepted Alyanna's hand, whose face brightened up as they left his bedchamber, ready to explore Winterfell, followed closely by Spring and the White Direwolf, who seemed to be playing with each other.

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