52.54% A Dragon Kissed by Sun / Chapter 31: A Golden Knight

章節 31: A Golden Knight

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The Following SIX Chapters are already available for Patrons.

Chapter 32 (Highgarden), Chapter 33 (A Dragon's Pleasure), Chapter 34 (A Song in The Garden), Chapter 35 (King's Arrival), Chapter 36 (A Dragon and A Lion), and Chapter 37 (The Kingslayer) are already available for Patrons.

Jon Snow

After his eventful morning with Ari, he had taken a bath and made sure to make himself presentable. He was wearing a new set of clothes that were fit for him.

While his clothes represented the colors of House Martell, Jon made sure to wear a Targaryen bracelet made of pure silver; it was decorated to look like a dragon chasing his tail; the smith of House Martell had made it without asking questions; he had been the smith for over thirty years now, his uncle told him that he was a trustworthy man.

Jon grabbed a piece of silk decorated with red and dark colors, with the chest lines decorated to look like a dragon head on his chest. The area around his shoulder was decorated to look like dragon scales, and the fabric was the softest thing he had ever touched; it felt like his fingers would slip through the fabric as if it was liquid.

Jon knew his father had ordered a new set of clothes to be made for him, the new ones made for a Targaryen prince, but Jon had requested for House Martell to be present on it as well.

The prince had over a hundred different types of rings he could wear, but he preferred not to wear any; he wasn't much into rings overall.

Preparing himself, Jon left his bedchamber, Arthur waiting at the door for him; his eyes noticed the fancy clothes his king was wearing today.

"Anything unusual will happen today, Jon?" Arthur questioned carefully with a light smirk on his face as they walked through an outside corridor, the sun shining on top of them, fields of green at their left, water flowing through the garden, the sound of children playing in the water, the sound of water splash reached their ears, an aroma of fresh air engulfed their noses.

Jon took a deep breath, filling his lungs, already feeling full of energy, the sound of children playing brought a big smile on his face, his mind thinking of making Dorne an even better place to live; he had a few ideas but decided to present them to his father and uncle after the meeting.

A way for Dorne to have more water and perhaps make trades with the North and Essos.

Colorful birds landed on top of tree branches, chirping, filling the air with their song, Jon was half-convinced to sing along with them, but that could wait for later.

Jon saw his friend wearing a smirk on his face; the prince didn't need to ask why Arthur was smirking like the devil himself; he probably knew about his activities with Arianne throughout the night. Therefore he decided to make Arthur think about something else.

"Yes, Ser Arthur, you have heard about the tourney in High Garden, haven't you?" Jon said, briefly glancing at his friend, who nodded.

Throughout the years, Arthur had started spending more time with Areo Hotah and a few selected strong soldiers of Dorne; since Oswell and Gerold had left for Essos, creating their army of sell swords and trying to find the rest of the Targaryen family, he had been left alone with the kinds of Oberyn walking around.

Due to their King's advice, Ser Gerold said that they had missed them for a little bit in Pentos, they hadn't been able to find their trail yet, but they promised they would find them one way or another.

Arthur didn't voice it out loud, but he slowly lost hope that they were alive. He still held a little but not much; he hoped he was proven wrong. Both were innocent and deserved a home in King's Landing when King Jaehaerys took his throne.

Due to their absence, Arthur had started spending more time with Oberyn, who would still give him angry looks every now and then; he would also occasionally spend time with Areo and two of his best soldiers in Dorne, Nakyth Sand, and Fanhrah Sand, they would discuss different topics, train together, their ability to use spears was quite remarkable.

Arthur thought they could become Kingsguards if they wanted to; the legendary knight would also discuss whatever happened beyond Dorne. Areo would often talk about The Royal Family, and what Arthur heard made his skin crawl. Apparently, Joffrey Baratheon was exceptionally cruel; rumors of slicing a pregnant cat open, beating up servants, and beating up even his own siblings wasn't something a prince or anyone should do.

According to Nakyth, who was a bastard of a northern lord, how he ended up here, Arthur had no idea. Still, according to him, Joffrey once forced a servant to be beaten by several guards before being killed by the Queen, who didn't want rumors to be spread around Westeros. He also noted with an extraordinarily low tone.

The royal children are quite blonde, with a pair of green eyes like Wildfire; if I didn't know any better, I would say they took only after the Lannisters

Arthur asked him how he knew that his only response was...

Eyes never lie

Whatever that meant, Arthur didn't know, but if what he said was true, the chances of lords' allying with the true king were suddenly much higher; no one would want a second Aerys on the throne.

The mere thought of the old king sent shivers down his body; his crazy eyes were still a little too fresh on his mind; despite being fourteen years, he still hadn't forgotten his laughter; perhaps he never would, but serving someone like Jaehaerys helped, his purple eyes were different, they didn't have the madness, they reminded him so much of Rhaegar, calm and bright eyes, in several occasions, he had almost called him Rhaegar, thankfully he had stopped himself before doing so.

"Arthur!" The Kingsguard escaped his daze when he heard the king calling his name.

"What?" He questioned, completely confused; his eyes looked around and noticed they were near Doran's solar.

"Where were you?" Jon questioned with a little smile while Waving his hand in front of his face as if to see if he was still there.

"Old ghosts, your grace," Arthur replied with a sigh, ignoring the fact that he called him 'Your Grace' despite him telling him not to do that until at least he announced his claim.

Jon ignored what he said; he hoped to avoid that for as long as possible; if he became king, he knew he would be called that for the rest of his life; it could get quite boring. Instead, they kept walking, almost reaching his uncle's solar.

"Arthur, when we make our way towards High Garden, I want you to wear a helmet whenever we are with other people. I know people might not recognize you, it has been fourteen years, but someone like The Kingslayer or even Robert could still recognize you," Jon explained with a sharp tone; finally reaching the solar, Arthur nodded in understanding.

Opening the door, Jon was greeted by his uncle sitting behind his desk, writing something on a piece of paper; his father was sitting on the other side of the desk, toying with a knife between his fingers; what surprised him was the presence of Arianne on the room as well.

She was sitting near Oberyn, an empty chair between her and Oberyn, probably for Jon to sit on it.

Jon's eyes couldn't help but look at her skin; her dress revealed just enough for his eyes to feast on her. He liked her personality; unlike the usual ladies or princesses, Arianne was wild, and that was something he quite liked about Ari; she was kind, but he had seen her more wild personality and not just in bed. One time she had catched a venomous snake with her hands before it could bite her.

She was fierce and adventurous, and they were characteristics that Jon found highly attractive. It also helps that she has an amazing body, he thought, smiling to himself and sitting on his chair.

"My prince, I trust that you slept well," Arianne asked first the moment he sat. A snake-like smirk on her beautiful face.

"I...I did, Princess Arianne," Jon stammered because Arianne placed a hand on his thigh, and it was slowly traveling upwards. Jon couldn't believe she would be so bold here where her father was at the other side of the desk. Actually, after knowing her for so many years and last night in the bedchamber, Jon can believe she would do this. She smiled innocently at Jon as her hand caressed him through his breeches. Jon stifled a groan, but his eyes closed at the feeling of her hand.

Jon wrapped his hand around her wrist and looked her directly in her eyes. Her deep brown eyes were mesmerizing, and he had a hard time thinking straight when he looked into them. Nonetheless, he had to regain his focus and stop Arianne before things got out of hand. "If you keep this up, I'm not going to be able to help myself, and your father and mine will hear you scream in pleasure," Jon whispered in her ear as he placed his free hand on her cunt and began rubbing it through her dress.

Arianne pouted at him, but she removed her hand from him. No one seemed to notice their naughty activities under the desk. The small brushes of their hands and legs built up their need for each other.

Arianne didn't know why but she felt something different from Jon, any other time whenever she would fuck someone, as soon as they left her chamber, she wouldn't care to think about the person; it was a pleasure, that's all it was, but it was different with Jae.

She didn't know why; throughout the years, she had thought of him more and more, and last night, she couldn't stop thinking about him; even after she left his chambers, she knew she wanted him, but not just to fuck, she wanted to look at his eyes again, like last night, his mesmerizing purple eyes that had captivated her, she wanted to kiss his lips.

"Uncle Doran, have you sent a letter to House Tyrell?" Jae suddenly questioned, his voice changing from playful to authoritative, worthy of a king.

Arianne felt a shudder in her core at the tone, a part of her wanting him to talk to her like that as if she were a cheap whore. Arianne leaned a bit forward towards the desk, not wanting anyone to see that Jae's hand was still on her thighs, rubbing her clit, driving her crazy with lust; it took everything for her not to moan, biting her lower lip; she stopped herself, his fingers felt amazing, she knew they could easily get caught, but just the thought got her more excited.

Oberyn and Doran seemed not to have noticed what was happening; at least, Ari believed they didn't. Her mind was telling her to pay attention to what was being said, but her desire and heart wanted Jae to bow her down and take her right here like a whore that she was.

"We have, your grace; my informer told me that Robert Baratheon and the royal family were going there as well," Doran explained respectfully towards the prince, who smirked slightly.

"This will be an opportunity to see the king myself. I really want to see if the rumors are true," Jae explained with a little malice tone. His fingers danced around her clit one more time, and Arianne climaxed; she put her hand on her mouth as if she was yawning while biting her lower lip hard enough to draw blood; she felt in heaven; everything felt amazing. Her mind was no longer paying attention to anything; it took a few minutes for her to return to normal. Her eyes practically glimmered with lust.

How much she wanted right now to suck his cock under the desk!

"The king, I heard he's more like a pig in clothes," Oberyn commented with mockery in his voice, his knife whirling around his finger as he spoke about the king.

"I heard he spends more time in brothels than with the lion cunt. I'm even surprised he managed to have children," Oberyn added, his voice full of mockery.

"That might be true, but don't take any chances," Doran said, looking at his brother with a little annoyance, knowing how careless he could sometimes be.

"Don't worry, Uncle. I will keep him in line; no one will notice anything," Jon said playfully, convincing his uncle, who nodded with a little smile on his face. Oberyn rolled his eyes; they were talking as if he was a child who would throw a tantrum at any second.

Doran knew this tourney could be dangerous, but he knew they had power; with the prince's dragon, they were ready in case the war started sooner than they expected. Lord Stark had made sure to prepare his army for a war with the pretext that they were preparing for a Wildling army and the upcoming Winter.

Doran knew Varys was dead; without him, the Capital was lost; he was perhaps the best spymaster in the world; without him, the chances of Jaehaerys being discovered were slim. Varys's little spies were all scattered around Westeros, not knowing what to do; Doran himself, with the help of Nakyth, had captured some of his little birds that were in Dorne, and he had given them a choice to work for Dorne. The ones that accepted the offer were given coins and food; those that shook their heads and denied the offer were killed silently, their bodies dumped into the desert to be eaten by wild animals.

He had also made sure to prepare Arianne to rule, showing her how someone should lead, how they should see through deception, what to say, how to know if they could trust someone; he taught her so she could one day rule.

"Very well, one more thing, after the tourney, I want to go to Winterfell. I want to see The North," Jae added, his tone showing that he wasn't going to change his mind. It had been a long time since he had wanted to see The North, the home of his mother, he didn't know anyone there, but he had dreamed of that place; sometimes, he would be a little wolf walking through the snow; it was quite a pleasant experience. He wanted to meet Lord Stark and see the Wall, the biggest structure men had made, and meet his great Uncle at the wall.

"How would we justify Oberyn going there?" Doran questioned, knowing they couldn't just go there unannounced without a good reason; it might attract unwanted attention.

"We can simply say that my father wants to discuss a new deal with the North about buying more Winter Steel. I also thought of a way for both of our kingdoms to trade something else," Jaehaerys explains, causing everyone to lean a bit closer, wanting to know what he had in mind.

"What is that, my Prince?" Doran questioned, his voice changing from normal to a more serious one.

"Ice uncle, The North has more than enough of it. We can trade ice, and before you ask, Ice could be used in many things, to cool drinks, to protect the meat from decaying, and be sold for a very good price. To ensure the ice doesn't melt, we can use Styrofoam; it can be stored in places that the sun can't get in to keep it cool and used when needed," Jae explained; everyone else looked surprised, except Oberyn, who smiled proudly before patting his son on the back.

"That's an excellent idea, Jon. We can discuss this with Lord Stark when we arrive in Winterfell," Oberyn said, turning to his brother, who looked deep in thought before eventually nodding in agreement.

"That's a good idea, my Prince. I will send a letter to Lord Stark right away," Doran said with a ghost of a smile on his face. This could bring them some more good money.

"I think we can expand this to other places, The Reach; perhaps Lord Tarly will be even more willing to fight for us if he has a very good trade deal on his hands," Arianne suggested with a smirk.

Everyone agreed, and the meeting went on for a few minutes longer until they discussed everything necessary; Jon mentioned they could get in contact with Ser Barristan while they were in High Garden.

He said it was time for him to know about Jaehaerys's existence; Arthur agreed right away, pointing out that Barristan had kept quiet that Arthur Dayne was still alive.

Everyone agreed; Jon, Oberyn, Nymeria, Alysanna, Obara, and Arianne would travel to the High Garden, along with Ser Arthur, who decided to dye his hair red before going to The Reach. The chances of being recognized were slim to none.

Jaehaerys knew Rhaenix would follow him; he hoped she knew how to keep a low profile. She always wanted to be near him; when he had told her that she needed to leave the bedchamber and go to the caves, she had cried and roared, not wanting to go there, thankfully after hours of talking, he convinced her, after telling her that they would fly for hours at least once a week.

The prince stood up, thinking of talking with Arthur about Ser Gerold; just as they were leaving, Doran called out to Arianne.

"Arianne, stay here a bit longer," Doran spoke with a low tone.

Ari groaned before sitting down; she had wanted to spend time with Jaehaerys; the others left the solar.

The door closed with a click, and Arianne put down her goblet of wine on the table.

"What do you want?"

Doran wasn't fazed by her words; instead, he simply rested his chin on his hands, looking at her blankly. "You are going along. I hope you know what you have to do," he spoke with a low tone.

Jaime Lannister

He hated his job. Well, he didn't, but he hated the king, the queen, and the little bastard brat. To this day, he wasn't sure why he wasn't telling the king that the children were all bastards.

I only see Dragonspawn

Jaime felt a shudder in his body; he remembered now he might despise his sister and Joffrey, but Tommen and Myrcella were innocent; they shouldn't be punished for the crimes of Cersei and their maniac big brother.

He had assumed that after fourteen years of serving King Robert, he would get used to it, but nope, the gods wanted to punish him; Cersei would often order him to take care of Joffrey, and he almost killed the kid on several occasions. The king didn't care about anything, only for beer, alcohol, and a cunt to put his cock on. Now he felt a headache coming like a storm. Apparently, the Tyrells had announced a tourney in honor of their golden flower; Jaime didn't care much about it; knowing Robert Baratheon, he had accepted the invitation without thinking twice; Jon Arryn was relieved a bit, knowing this one tourney wouldn't cost them anything.

Jaime frowned when he remembered the damn debt towards his own house; despite his faults, at the very least, when Aerys had been on the throne, the vault had been overflowing with gold. Now, it was easier to find water in a desert than find gold in a vault.

Jaime knew he wasn't the only one displeased with the current king, so was Ser Barristan, one time, Jaime had straight up told him that he regretted becoming a Kingsguard, but one thing made him keep going.

The Promise.

Just the thought made Jaime smile; he still remembered when Barristan told him that Arthur Dayne was still alive. To this day, he still couldn't believe it.

"Lord Commander," Jaime spoke respectfully; they were in the Godswood of King's Landing, and while none of them were followers of the old gods, this was one of the places in Kings Landing that barely anyone ever visited.

Therefore Jaime knew they could speak here without concern that someone might overhear them. Reaching the tree, he felt a little uncomfortable when the face carved in the tree looked back at him as if judging him for his crimes as if someone was watching him.

His eyes quickly moved to the figure walking out from behind the tree; it was Barristan Selmy.

"Lord Commander!" Jaime greeted him, his eyes quickly checking if anyone else was perhaps eavesdropping on them.

"Jaime, I will cut straight to the case. I want to know why you killed King Aerys?" Barristan questioned with a hard tone, eyeing him up and down in a way that made Jaime remember the first time he met the man.

Jaime stiffed; he had expected many things, but to be asked about Aerys wasn't one of them.


Barristan looked confused at his words for a moment before Jaime continued. "Why, now? Why do you want to know? You didn't care about it for seven years; why now?" Jaime questioned with an almost accusing tone, his voice getting louder with every word he said.


The word rang in his ears; every time someone called him like that, he wanted to shout at all of them; he had saved their worthless lives; at those times, he would remember Elia and her children; he had failed them, he had failed them, he was no Knight. Perhaps he deserved the mockery; he had No Honor.

"He wanted to burn everyone," Jaime spoke quietly; his words shocked Barristan.


"I stabbed him because he ordered Rossart to light the wildfire caches."

"You know what he was like, Barristan, his obsession with fire, how it excited him; you and I, both to our shame, stood outside those chambers while he raped the queen after burning someone alive; we kept true to our oaths and allowed a mad king to do as he pleased,"

"I asked Jonathor once, weren't we supposed to protect her? Do you want to know what he told me, yes Jaime, but not from him; how was that right, Barristan? How was it right we let that monster hurt his wife, our queen, and claim we were good and true knights?" Jaime's said, his voice shaky now and tears beginning to well in his eyes.

"That day in the throne room, I..when he gave the order, I knew, I knew what I had to do, so I went after the pyromancers, and I stopped them, and when I returned, he realized what I'd done, he stepped down from the throne and said, "I am a dragon, and I will have my fire, burn them, burn them all."

"What choice did I have, Barristan? What was I supposed to do? What else was I supposed to do?" Jaime said angrily.

Barristan stood there stunned beyond belief, he had expected many reasons, but this, not this, to think the king was ready to burn even Elia and her children. He wondered what he would have done if he had been in Jaime's place that day. Would he have done it? Barristan didn't know, and that scared him somewhat. His attention turned to Jaime, knowing how wrong he had been.

"I... you did the right thing. I'm your Lord Commander; as one, I should have asked you the first day, but I didn't. I apologize that I didn't. You're a truer knight than I could ever hope to be," Barristan said with sincerity.

Jaime sighed in relief hearing his words; a huge weight lifted off his shoulders; he felt... relieved in a way; he had told Tyrion before, but to hear Ser Barristan say that was something he had needed to hear for a very long time.

"Is that why you wanted to see me here?" Jaime questioned after a short pause, thinking this was all there was but what Barristan said next made him stop dead in his tracks.

"Arthur Dayne is still alive. I don't know how but I saw him during the Greyjoy Rebellion; he was with the Martells. I even talked with him,"

Jaime felt his head spinning; Arthur fucking Dayne is Alive!! How?

"What? How is that possible?" Jaime repeatedly asked, barely keeping his voice down, now he couldn't stop the smile forming on his face, and he didn't try to, despite knowing that Arthur would probably try to kill him.

"He was with the Martells; he told me that he's still a Kingsguard and is working on things, perhaps on how to put Viserys on the throne," Barristan explained with a smile.

He expected Jaime to ask about Viserys, perhaps, anything, but he asked something else. Instead, he stood silent for a moment before saying...

"Is not him!"

"What do-" "Is not Viserys," Jaime spoke, interrupting him, this time louder.

"In my dreams, Rhaenys always told me to take care of her brother; we both know Aegon is Dead, that leaves only-"

He laughed, and Jaime started laughing like never before, and Barristan wondered if Jaime suddenly lost it, and the Lannister gripped his stomach, trying to stop laughing, and after a good minute, he looked at his commander.

"That Eddard Stark, he's a son of a bitch," "I'm afraid I don't understand," Barristan said, confused, not understanding why Jaime was suddenly cursing the lord of The North.

"In my dreams, Rhaenys always told me to protect her brother, Lyanna; she must have had a child with Prince Rhaegar; he's the brother she wanted me to protect," Jaime spoke, almost wanting to cry.

There could be another son of Rhaegar out there; he would do his job this time, and he wouldn't fail. Never again, he thought.

"We can't be sure about this, Ser Jaime; perhaps they are just drea-" "I know Barristan, but Arthur said he was still a Kingsguard, but he's not in Essos somewhere, but instead with the Dornish. Someone like Oberyn would try to kill him for failing Elia, but with the existence of this new prince, I think he might be raised in Dorne. I don't know how Doran and Oberyn agreed to this after everything, but I know that Arthur would never stay here if he weren't guarding the true king," Jaime spoke, taking a deep breath after he stopped.

Barristan looked uncertain; what Jaime said made sense; Arthur would never abandon his duty, and he would definitely be in Essos trying to find the Targaryens instead of being in Westeros; thinking about it, Barristan was impressed, perhaps Jaime was right. "Maybe you're right, but we need to speak with Arthur directly,"

Jaime remembered that day with a big smile, and perhaps Oberyn would decide to come to this Tourney. That would be a good chance; the Lannister knight didn't know him that well personally but knew Oberyn was a wild man; he would most likely come to this tourney. Jaime knew he could have his answers soon and a new Hope to put things right.

next chapter
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