74.5% A Cheap, OP Brawler / Chapter 152: Chapter 149: Champions, Bishops, and Monuments

章節 152: Chapter 149: Champions, Bishops, and Monuments

Author's Pre-Chapter Note: Thank you everyone for your patience. My family's visit was overall a success, but the preparation for it and the cool down afterward took quite a toll on me and my sleeping schedule. I'm going to try to get more sleep and look after myself, of course, but I'll let you guys know if something happens that will lead me to postponing the next chapter release. In the meantime, though, we're back in our weekly update schedule.

Thank you very much for sticking with me and enjoy the chapter.


After we took down the [Soundproof] and [Air Barrier] spells surrounding us, I cast [Portal] to take us inside the lobby of Dondegarm's church. The hole opened at the corner of the area so we wouldn't stand out and we made sure to be quiet as we got inside. The place was silent, but not unsettling. It looked like no one else was here at the moment.

"The distance to get here is even longer than how we got to Palocaesy after reaching partway by carriage," Ren stated before crossing her arms and nodding to herself, "A feat that would take lots of mana to pull off, yet Master did it without a hint of exhaustion. As expected of Master's greatness."

"He is my husband, after all," Ume said while crossing arms beneath her voluptuous chest with pride. For some reason, Sue copied the same gesture, but I'm not sure what it is that she was proud of.

"Ah! M-Master Jinma! You are back?!"

Hearing that familiar voice, we turned to the source. A lavender-skinned female with pointy ears, Winny the Arch Imp Priestess, approached us. Though her holy white, baggy robes covered her short form, there were enough distinguishable curves underneath to show she possessed a voluptuous chest and hips. Compared to Sue who has a similar height, though, this one's proportions are smaller, but it held a sort of beauty that matched with her humble nature.

I raised a hand in greeting, "Yo. Sorry for dropping in so suddenly."

Winny shook her hands in front of her in a fluster, "N-Not at all! You are more than welcome to come to the church anytime, but are you not supposed to be in Palocaesy doing an important quest? Ah! Did it somehow not go well?!"

I waved my hand dismissively, "No, no. We're taking today to prepare to take on the quest for real tomorrow. It's just that a lot of things came up over the past few days and I needed to speak with Obina for something, but she advised me to come to a church when I get a chance."

Winny nodded in understanding, "I see, I see … but, there is a church in Palocaesy that is more convenient for you to go, is there not? The Bishop there will surely assist you in the same way I would."

"That may be true, but … it's because of what's been going on that I'd be more comfortable seeking help from someone I know I could trust, and you're the first person that came to mind," I reasoned.

The holy Arch Imp joined her hands together in prayer and bowed her head, "I am honored and humbled to be someone worthy of your trust, Master Jinma, especially when you have gone through such lengths to come here. I will do my utmost to meet your expectations."

I bowed my head to her in respect, "We'll be in your care, Winny, thank you."

<Just so you know, Winny's bouncing off the walls in joy from your visit. This may be a good chance to get closer to that holy booty,> Nyra informed me.

<Now's not the time for that, Nyra,> I rebutted.

"So, Goddess Obina advised you to speak with her in a church, yes?" Winny asked, "Then, we must use the monument to make this communication efficient."

I nodded in understanding, "I figured as much. Will I just be standing in front of the monument and praying to it like what happened in my Innate Status appraisal?"

Winny shook her head, "Not quite. This will require us to move to a different part of the monument that's not open to the public. Will Mistress Umeiyon, Ren, and Sue be joining you?"

I blinked in surprise, "Is that really alright?"

"Of course. If they are truly recognized as a Champion's companion, then they have as much privilege to speak with an Immortal as the Champion does," Winny explained, "If they are not recognized, they will just not be able to speak with them, but they are still welcome to come with the Champion to the room and observe. This is only possible when the Champion is present and the companion knows them as one."

{Being recognized as a Champion's companion … could she mean my Affinity Level with them? I guess that would make sense as there would be mutual trust and respect between them, and I could see clearly whether or not we established a connection. So, not just Ume and Ren, but Erizora, Kalline, Tyvera, and even Noire could come speak to Obina with me if they wanted. My familiars might be some exception to the rule, though, since they're bound to me by a pact and are also connected to the Immortals in some way.

{Sue won't be able to speak with Obina—which may be better for me for what I need to talk about—but I'd rather not leave her alone. If Winny said it's okay to bring her regardless of not being a companion, then this will be a good compromise.}

I told Winny that I'd wish to bring the girls with me before she started to lead us to the back of the church, taking the door opposite of one that led to the area where I summoned my Familiars. The door we took led to a hallway that made the church bigger than it looked from the outside. We then went to a room a couple more doors down that looked to be an office that had a desk, a couple chairs, a large bookshelf, and a wooden file cabinet. Winny then strangely locked the office door from the inside, went to the bookshelf, moved some books aside, and reached to the back where she looked to have pulled a lever. The bookshelf then slowly slid to the side, revealing a secret passageway.

{Damn, security here's tighter than I expected for a church.}

Winny then used the [Create Light] spell to light up the dark passageway and led us inside, the hallway slowly curled around and descended, taking us somewhere below the church. Along the way, I heard Ume and Ren muttering to themselves.

"This will be the second time I spoke with Goddess Obina, but I still feel rather uneasy for some reason," Ume said.

"Speaking with a real Immortal. Oh, dear, isn't this too big of a privilege for a slave like me?" Ren asked with a slight shake in her voice.

Sue was silent throughout the walk, but she looked to be uneasy for a reason different from the other two.

The tense atmosphere is understandable, though. If it's to speak to a god, of course this level of security is necessary. I'm just not as nervous speaking with Obina as I learned what she was and some of her mannerisms during our first meeting. The couple exchanges we had through my Champion's Bracelet after that were more like the eccentric phone calls I had with my aunts from time to time. To even assist a Champion to communicate with an Immortal that's different from the Champion's Bracelet, all Bishops like Winny must have worked hard to earn the trust of the church to get this title and its privileges.

"Are all churches designed like this?" I asked Winny as we traversed in the dark.

"There may be a few similarities, but not all of them have the same security measures," Winny explained, "It is to reduce chances of intruders succeeding to infiltrate a church, should they think all of them work the same way. A few of the higher-end churches even have traps that only a Bishop could deactivate, but most have enchanted locks that people with a Thief class won't be able to open so easily with their [Lockpicking] skill."

I nodded in understanding, then remembered, "That's right, you have that skill, too, right, Ren?"

"Yes, Master, and as I have explained to Lady Krauss earlier, I have other skills as a Thief that will be most beneficial in dungeon raids. You can count on me for disarming any traps and finding secret rooms that hold treasures," Ren said while thumping a fist to her modest chest. Her tail wagged erratically in excitement. Ume giggled at the Werewolf's cute display of pride.

<Looks like Ren and Ume are feeling more relaxed now than when they came in. Nice work, Jinma,> Nyra praised.

<It was a happy accident.>

Finally, after another couple meters of walking, we reached the end of the secret passage. Winny's light showed an old, but thick wooden door armed with a dozen metal locks arranged in a 3 x 4 pattern, suggesting multiple keys are required to unlock them all.

"... My Thief senses are tingling so much seeing all these locks, it's hard to resist attempting to pick them open," Ren said, quivering in place.

"I ask that you please refrain yourself from doing so, Ren," Winny said, "These locks are designed to close by themselves if they are not opened in a certain way. If it is not done in a certain amount of time, a very loud alarm will go off grabbing the attention of all Bishops in the area, thinking someone is trying to break into this room. It will be a real mess trying to calm things down, I assure you."

"Oh …" Ren said before deflating, her wolf ears folded back while her tail limped down.

Hoping to make her feel better, I put my [Petting] skill to work on her head, "It's okay, Ren. I'm sure there will be opportunities to pick locks open when we dive into the dungeon tomorrow. You can show me how cool you are as a Thief by then, alright?"

Though it didn't show on her face, Ren's wolf ears perked back up slightly while her tail wagged calmly, "Yes, Master. I won't let you down."

"Good girl," I said before giving her a brief kiss on the lips.

{Still, an alarm system in a church of a fantasy world, huh? Even if the system is magical, it's surprisingly more modern than I expected a place like this to be.}

Once that was settled, Winny tugged the collar of her robe back, reached down inside, and pulled out a small, square stone piece with a symbol engraved in the center, "This is a key all Bishops carry to bypass the locks and traps in place to keep the room we are going into secure. They only work for those under the church they were assigned to serve in."

"I see, that makes sense," I said.

<You say that, but I bet you're wondering what else that sexy bitch-op is hiding under that robe, are you?> Nyra teased.

<... Shut up, Nyra.>

Winny then held up the stone piece near one of the locks before the former glowed. One by one, the locks were undone in a seemingly random order until all twelve of them were open. The Arch Imp Priestess opened the unlocked door and led us into a room that she called the Champion's Confessional. It was a very simple, yet imposing cubic room that was about 10 meters on all sides. Taking up about half of the room was a grand, gray stone slab like the monument in the sanctuary, only much bigger and taller that had a large gemstone embedded above us at the very center, with a sculpted mural of people that seem to be praying to that embedded gemstone. It looked embedded into the ground and stretched to the very top of the ceiling.

Looking at the structure and thinking about the design of the church as a whole, I came to a realization, "The Immortals' Monument we saw in the sanctuary … was only the tip, while this is the base of it. The whole church was built around this thing."

If I had to make an approximate guess on the height of this pillar, it may reach up to the second floor of Tokyo Tower back home.

"You are indeed correct, Master Jinma," Winny confirmed, "As you know, visitors may use the monument's tip to have their Innate Status evaluated, get a chance to receive a class and, if the Immortals deem them qualified, have said class be promoted. Since before history was made, however, the monuments serve as the Immortals' means of protection in an affected area for this world's residents, prolonging their lives during dark, violent times when monsters were the main threat of our existence.

"When there were moments too bleak for even the monuments to help protect the people, esteemed, gifted individuals were sent by the Immortals to help those in dire need," Winny then said before looking to me with a graceful smile, "Those special individuals are what we know as Champions today, and with their connections to the Immortals, only they could communicate with them to seek guidance. For the people most faithful to the Immortals, they wish to help support the Champions with all their power, as well as protect their fellow kin. That is when they decided to build the churches you see today. They were designed around the monuments to serve as a place to offer prayer to the Immortals, protect the very things that keep our towns under safe security, as well as to provide whatever means of support it can give to Champions.

"The Immortals recognized the faithfuls' efforts and their intentions, so they decided to use their ethereal powers to designate them into a special role. This role is what not only acknowledges the duties they put upon themselves, but it also provides them limited means of communication with the Immortals, should a Champion not be present during times of crisis. That is how Bishops like myself came to be, and through agreements between them, the Champions, and the Immortals, we have the Champion Confessionals made and arranged our meetings with each other to be set up as you see today. It is only when Champions with their trusted companions and us Bishops can approach monuments like this, close to these crystals that hold all their ethereal powers, that we may be able to use them to their full potential and communicate with the Immortals." Winny then placed a hand to her bosom and bowed, finishing her history lesson of these monuments, Champions, and Bishops.

<Ah, I see, so for these pillars anyone can get something good when they please the 'head,' but only Champions and Bishops can deepthroat it aaaall the way down to the base to get the really good stuff,> Nyra summarized crudely.

I had to resist rolling my eyes at that comment so Winny wouldn't misunderstand me. Still, after hearing this story, I glanced over to Winny who was in deep thought, which made me remember our current relationship that brought up a question in me.

"Champions, their companions, and Bishops … they seem separate from each other, so is it impossible for Bishops to be companions with Champions?" I asked Winny.

The Arch Imp Priestess blinked at me as she processed my question before widening her eyes in realization, "Are you asking … if I, a Bishop, could be your companion?"

I nodded, "I'm not exactly sure how they define a 'companion' here, but I like you and you seem very trustworthy, so I'd like us to get along well for the times to come."

Honestly, it's a surprise that I didn't get an Affinity Level with Winny yet. I mean, I wasn't thinking of having romantic relations with her initially, but I thought a strong enough bond in a platonic sense would work just as well.

After taking a moment to process my statement, Winny smiled softly and took one of my hands into both of hers, "Master Jinma … I am happy that you think of me that way, and it would be a great honor to join your party and go on an adventure."

"I'm sensing a 'but' here …" I trailed off.

"According to the scriptures, from my understanding, the Immortals generally define a Champion's companion as one who shares mutual feelings of respect, trust, cherishment, and promise with said Champion, growing stronger as they travel together, wishing to not be apart from each other's lives," she explained, "There is more to it, but that is the general definition. For me, my main purpose as a Bishop is to support Champions while doing my utmost to protect the monument that blesses this town, in Dondegarm. While there are other Bishops who can help look after it, and there are times I may have to travel to neighboring towns for important matters, my place will always be here and I cannot be absent for extended periods."

{Now that I think about it, she said the same thing when I asked if she wanted to join my party after I took out those White Rapture spies.}

"Is being a Bishop a life-long commitment? You can't travel to other places while holding that title?" I asked.

"The Immortals may make an exception under special circumstances, but that comes very rarely. For the most part, yes, becoming a Bishop in the church where they were granted the title is where they must stay and serve for the rest of their days. While they do support the Champions, they do not qualify to be their companions if they cannot join them on their journey," Winny answered.

<Oof, that is rough,> Nyra commented, and I couldn't have said it any better.

"I knew the costs it took for taking this title, but this is the decision I have made for myself, and I have not regretted it," Winny continued as she looked up to the ceiling, "Up there is the town where my brother and I were born, after all, and though we lost our parents at an early age, the orphanage that adjoins this church raised us well. The other orphans, the Clerics and Priests in training, and especially the Bishops, became an important family to us. Not only that, but Dondegarm is a friendly, wonderful town, it was a blessing for my brother and I to be born and raised here.

"I have looked up to Bishops for as long as I could remember, so when I discovered I had a talent in [Holy Magic], I wanted to do everything I could to help the people in Dondegarm just like they did. My brother felt the same way, so when we got old enough after much studying and training, we registered as adventurers, took on many quests to get stronger while providing what we could to the church. We decided to protect this town to the best of our abilities, giving our lives to the people we love. I really appreciate the sentiment of having me as your companion, Master Jinma, and I apologize I cannot do even that much for you," Winny finished before smiling sadly.

While the Arch Imp Priestess spoke of their livelihood, I was reminded of how I got along with my aunts, the ones who did so much for Mom and I, despite not being related by blood. It was regrettable that I left so soon without properly giving my gratitude to them, but I definitely want to make them proud of me, not letting their efforts to shape me into the man I am today be put to waste.

After thinking back on it, I smirked a little, taking my other unoccupied hand and putting it over hers, "Nah, I totally get it, and I respect that commitment. You may not be my companion, but I still want you in my life as a close friend, if that's okay with your position as a Bishop."

With that, Winny's smile brightened, "Of course, it would be okay! As a matter of fact, there are records of Champions and Bishops being very close with each other in the past, whether it is working together to protect a town as adventurers, serving the community as friends, even living together as intimate lovers."

I blinked in surprise, "Really? Lovers?"

After realizing she mentioned that, Winny's face flushed red and got self-conscious as she shifted in place, her bat-like, dark violet wings and matching spade-tipped tail moved about frantically, "W-Well, that is, um … it is sort of to be expected if we Bishops are required to keep our bodies clean and maintained for a Champion's … convenience, should they ask for some relief, b-but we are not forced to do it if we do not want to, of course! There are unfortunately humans who try to pose as Champions and try to take advantage of churches for selfish means, so we keep this thing secret until we know this Champion can be trusted, and, well, you gave such a generous donation to the church along with the rest of Dondegarm after saving it, twice, even, so … you are the first Champion I have met, and I am not experienced, but if you are okay with me, I could … help you relax, some time." At the end, her voice shook as she looked down shyly, her head totally red from ear-to-ear.

"Ho-ho!" Ume exclaimed, "Such a special treatment from a Holy Bishop, and I can sense your magic is quite impressive for an Arch Imp, too! It is a shame you cannot join our party, but as Jin's wife, you have my approval to be his lover!" My Dragon Wife gave a thumbs up to further signify her approval.

<I hope you're not thinking of turning her down for some dumb reason! She's giving you the okay, dude! You gotta thank the Immortals for this privilege and go full-on missionary all the way across the sky!> Nyra exclaimed.

Not gonna lie, I have been wanting a piece of that for a while, but I don't exactly have the time right now to have that sort of relaxation. Still, Winny saying it was okay meant that she really trusts me, and I couldn't be happier to hear that.

"I would love to take your offer on that, Winny, but we'll have to put that aside for later. For now, I'd like for us to start communicating with Obina," I reminded her.

<Aaaaaaaaugh! You're unbelievable!> Nyra screamed in frustration, <I mean, yeah, speaking with Goddess Obina is still great and all, but she's right fucking there!>

<Another time, Nyra,> I answered her.

Remembering our objective, Winny frantically shook off her nerves and tried to regain her composure. There was a hint of disappointment in her, though, at least according to Nyra's [Psyche Magic]. I made a mental note to give this faithful Priestess a good time after I was done with the quest.

Once the Arch Imp Bishop calmed down, she instructed us to line up left-to-right in front of the monument before we kneel in prayer with heads bowed down. Ren and Ume placed their paws and claws on my back while Sue did the same with the latter's. This was supposed to signify they were with me as my companions. Since Sue's technically not one, yet Winny said it was okay for non-companions to join in, there shouldn't be any problems with whatever's going to happen to us while speaking with Obina.

After we closed our eyes and calmed our thoughts as Winny instructed, she placed her hand on my head and I felt a warmth coursing from head to toe, just like the first time I knelt to the monument to have my Innate Status evaluated.

"O, great Immortals from the realm of above and beyond, I call to you for your assistance," Winny said, "Your Champion, Jinma Kotori, and his companions are opening their hearts to you, seeking your guidance."

<H-Hey, Jinma?> Nyra asked.

<What is it?>

<Something's … weird. This is similar to when your Innate Status was read, right?>

<I … think so? Why?>

<I … don't … feel so good, why …?> Nyra muttered shakily before falling silent, like she fainted from a terrible sickness.

<Huh?! Nyra?! Are you alright?! Answer me, Nyra!>

"O, great Immortals, I beseech you as I, Winny, stand with these brave people, grant them your permission and let them have an audience with you!> Winny beckoned to the monument.

I wanted to stop everything and tend to Nyra's sudden condition, but for some reason, I couldn't move after Winny finished her prayer. I couldn't utter a word or even open my eyes. A hum rising in pitch reverberated inside the confession, my ears could only hear white-noise.

The next thing I knew, my blackened vision turned totally white, and I had lost all my sense of self.

Orange_Rain Orange_Rain

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