/ Eastern Fantasy / Silver Overlord

Silver Overlord

Silver Overlord

Eastern Fantasy -- 章/周 這是過去30天實現的平均發佈速度。 譯者的更新頻率是7章/周 688 章節 3.9M 流覽
作者: Drunk Tiger

4.12 (204 評分)

簡介 目錄


The most precious things in the world are priceless. Ordinary men tend to turn a blind eye to this fact. Apart from the treasured air, sunlight, and familial love, there is still one more thing that’s extremely valuable. It’s right beside you and can be easily obtained. But... I wonder whether you can see it?

  1. akulshreshtha90
    akulshreshtha90 贡献 19969
  2. daoistthreetree
    daoistthreetree 贡献 19291
  3. Dfly81
    Dfly81 贡献 18125


禮品 -- 收到的禮物


    Rank -- 推薦票 榜單
    Stone -- 推薦票




    • 翻譯品質
    • 更新的穩定性
    • 故事發展
    • 人物形象設計
    • 世界背景



    There is an age-old legend that everyone knows. It is the story of some pathetic kid winning the lottery and rinse and repeat over 1000 times in 8000 chapters. Sound familiar? Cause that's pretty much every single wuxia novel in a nut. How tf they manage to extend the plot past 1000 chapters is beyond me but they make it work (sorta). But in the end, I'm just some lazy nerd that probably won't ever read Martial God Ret@rd. Oh sorry, I meant Against the Ret@rds. Shit, I meant Silver Ret@rd. Same thing.


    Website : qidian china Views : 10.06million Rating : 9.0(377) Chapters : 870+ Status : ongoing Word count : 2.36million author level : great No of works : 2 Disscussion : 20350 Year started : 2017 Chinese title : 白银霸主 Previous work : castle of black iron


    An author with a lot of egoistic and misguided nationalism who thinks chinese are gods and all other races are villans and underdeveloped.let me tell you author all the inheritance china was obtained from indian monks.even the buddhism and its techniques came to china from india.indian monks saw the lives of chinese living like animals,so they passed their knowledge to correct and better their lives.its ok to be proud of your country but its not ok to think you are above others.it disgusts non chinese readers and all your good writing skills are gone to waste.atleast try reading comments at end of every f*ckedup "i am a super chinese MC" chapter and you will understand.


    Pretty not-so-mysterious synopsis, and more importantly, it doesn't have a ROMANCE/OR HAREM/OR MYSTERIOUS GODDESS WHITE LILY BESHES/OR HIDING TALENTS(TRASHY MC) in the tag or synopsis. Gonna stack file first before ill devour it kekekek


    Same author as Castle of Black Iron I believe. He's making the same mistakes yet again. Story barely began and already racism. Plus already started the filler crap. A whole chapter about a freakin bow and what its made out of, a weapon that's gonna become useless after 1 or 2 more cultivation breakthrus. Considering its the beginning of the novel, he's gonna breakthru quickly. Was a whole chapter really necessary for a bow that might be with us for maybe the first 100 chapters? Plus trying to make the MC smart when he's just kissing butt. A little butt kissing and everyone around him falling head over heels for him. Now he's gonna make a gun? Whats the explanation gonna be? A whole chapter on Chinese education system thats so outstanding that they prepared him to make anything anywhere? <- Sarcasm Also: SAY MY NAME!^


    Pretty boring novel from reading first 15 chapters. There are too many blocks of text, spacing doesn't exist in this novel, and the author has no qualms about creating large blocks of text that could be summarized in a few sentences. Author repeats himself many times, the story is pretty much 90% 'there was a saying' or examples of things and explanations. It was incredibly boring and you learn little to nothing about the world, there are things that should be explained NOT explained so far. The characters are your typical CN characters, although they are.... better. These don't actively seek the MC out to 'finish him off while he is down' nor do they do much of the typical CN stuff. The MC is very boring and although he acts much more REALISTIC than other MCs, he is still boring. If the author continues what he is doing now, I'd recommend not reading this for those who don't favor this type of story.


    I cant say whats bad about it, but after reading so many novels, i can only sum it up to being dissapointed. I thoroughly enjoyed the first few chapters but i had to force myself to read anything further.. its just too boring, much too much information.


    Very slow paced and uninteresting story. I could only read about 30 chapters before dropping, and most of them felt like a chore to read. In these 30 chapters the MC woke up, went to his uncle, trained and that's it. Nothing special happens and there's too much out of place info dump. It's a cultivator world but so far everything is mundane. Almost no 'supernatural' at all. There's also a lot of bull**** reasonings. If you tell me someone has magic hands and can heal sickness in a magic world, it's fine and I accept it. But if the author tells us that the MC can resuscitate a drowned kid that has been dead for more than 8h with moja sticks and without magic using Tradicional Ancient Medicine from earth... I'll call it bull**** and bad worldbuilding. The story is also undecided. It's a cultivation world but the Mc wants to make gunpownder? Things should be magical but he fixes things with TCM? It makes no sense. For last, the writing is too verbose, with long paragraphs that could be shortenned a lot without losing any content. Don't waste your time on this. It's just bad.




    Why do we keep getting **** with this sort of ultra nationalist crap in it? People love to piss on Hollywood/Americans for pulling this **** (which they do and it isn't ok) but there are waaaay too many novels on here that take this to a WHOLE new level. This and the other novel by this author are prime examples...


    I went into this thinking, 'hey maybe this will be a fun read' and you know what, around episode 80-90 the story actually starts. The first 90 chapters can be considered filler or backstory which play no part in the protags current predicament what a waste of my time reading this nonsense. There is also an endless amount of paragraphs talking about eastern beliefs and cultures which basically pauses the story while it talks about that stuff for a chapter or 20, and the worst thing about this is it really puts you a terrible mood. What a trash concept to kill off the protag and his father 90 chapters in... do it in the first 10! Such a waste of build up and my time. Oh and while i think of it there is also too much patriotism and a lack of other countries getting their share in the limelight, to be in a completely different world and yet the race the protag lives with is 'chinese' but everyone else is just some made up fantasy names, favouritism much?


    Dropped after Chapter 168. It's a reincarnation novel x2. Yep he reincarnates twice and no plot armour to save his life the second time, in fact he dies again just to introduce his golden thumb. Literally his golden finger is the meteorite that killed him, a 'heavenly stone' as you may had it. I dropped it after this point. it literally creates some parallel world in which he experiences to understand RL events and right wrongs but there is a catch. So he lives in both worlds for 7 days alternating otherwise he dies... not to mention he's the 7bilionth+ of the master of the stone, and everyone he kills becomes a slave he can reincarnate into a subordinate... Too much forced moments that it's unbearable to like beyond the first arc (60 chapters or so). Romance wise, none so far, only showing girls the harsh reality.


    I'm curious about the answer to the synopsis. The most precious things in the world are priceless. Ordinary men tend to turn a blind eye to this fact. Apart from the treasured air, sunlight, and familial love, there is still one more thing that’s extremely valuable. It’s right beside you and can be easily obtained. But... I wonder whether you can see it?


    In sorry but i will drop it... In the early chapter i like the story but... At the end it dissapointed me I already read it until chapter 200+ and you know, MC died again! He reincarnated again but its still ok, the problem is after he reincarnated, the story becomes Really boring!


    It started good in the first 3 chapters, went very downhill for quite a few chapters, then became pretty good for a while but as of chapter 86 it is just a terrible plot. I read spoiler reviews and nothing they mentioned made me surprised. The author has a hard on for his own people and even if like me you don't particularly care, he'll then send you down one lame plot after another and his MCs seem to always have a unique ability involving entering another world/space but there is always some lame rules/restrictions that are supposed to be a balancing aspect of the ability but doesn't really matter. This novel is possibly much worse than Castle of Black iron but I can't say for sure as I didn't even make it to chapter 300 before all the nonsense just made me lose interest. This story accomplished it much faster.


    *Reads the description* *Looks next to me* *sees lotion* 10/10 haven't even read the story. ……………………………………………………………….. 140 characters suck btw


    This story was so good.... the mc had amazing character..... Then a fantasy world became Chinese.....racism became a major part (because if it is clans then it's just rich people who don't care about others and their own less fortunate family members in their race for resources but when it's Nations then everyone is together in their "righteousness") The author wrote a good story. It was poisoned by making it insulting to all audiences but one. We love the fictional characters because they are COMPLETELY separate from our reality. Don't send our issues to them


    i can only give this one star because it is disappointing. the author lured all of his readers from castle of black iron into reading this by promising that this is in the same world as castle of black iron and characters would appear. however, it was the demons that appeared and after being bombed by the chinese readers when the novel ended, the author apologized and said that the 3rd book is coming out and it is where the story will really tie in with castle of black iron. so yea, here we have a novel built by lies...........


    Hufft..... 14014014014014014014014014014014014014014 14014014014014014014014014014014014014014 14014014014014014014014014014014014014014 14014014014014014014014014014014014014014


    This novel is even better than the usual top-ranked Xianxia novels! A level-headed MC... well, almost everyone that has been introduced so far in the novel is level-headed. Even the current stepping-stone antagonist has a good reason to pick on the MC. The best thing about this novel is that when I read it, I felt my mind loosen up and relax. It’s amazing :)

    Chapter 688: Waiting For Opportunity 4 years ago

    卷 1

    1. 1
      I am Liqiang 5 years ago
    2. 2
      I am not a Salted Fish 5 years ago
    3. 3
      Meteor Falling From the Sky 5 years ago
    4. 4
      A Bizarre World 5 years ago
    5. 5
      Ambushed 5 years ago
    6. 6
      Yan Clan and Hong Clan 5 years ago
    7. 7
      The Path of a Martial Warrior 5 years ago
    8. 8
      Seeking Shelter at Huanglong 5 years ago
    9. 9
      Grace and Enmity 5 years ago
    10. 10
      Weaponsmiths Quarter 5 years ago
    11. 11
      Strange Dream At Night 5 years ago
    12. 12
      Immense Power 5 years ago
    13. 13
      Mastering the Secret Technique 5 years ago
    14. 14
      Slowly Transforming 5 years ago
    15. 15
      Obtained a Secret Manual 5 years ago
    16. 16
      Successful in Accomplishing the Horse Stance 5 years ago
    17. 17
      Not Exchanging For Even Ten Thousand Gold 5 years ago
    18. 18
      Skills Competition in the Quarter 5 years ago
    19. 19
      A Modest Display of a Master 5 years ago
    20. 20
      Obtaining a Fine Bow Again 5 years ago
    21. 21
      Desire Realized 5 years ago
    22. 22
      Coping with Crisis 5 years ago
    23. 23
      Chance Encounter 5 years ago
    24. 24
      The Powerful Lu Clan 5 years ago
    25. 25
      Saving A Life (1) 5 years ago
    26. 26
      Saving A Life (2) 5 years ago
    27. 27
      Forming Ties with Lu Clan 5 years ago
    28. 28
      Power Must Not Be Exhausted 5 years ago
    29. 29
      The First Signs of Danger 5 years ago
    30. 30
      Preparations 5 years ago
    31. 31
      A World of Cold Weapons 5 years ago
    32. 32
      To Lose At Sunrise, But Gain At Sunset 5 years ago
    33. 33
      Attaining The First Heavenly Layer Within A Day 5 years ago
    34. 34
      Consecutive Advancement 5 years ago
    35. 35
      Lu Clan's Invitation 5 years ago
    36. 36
      A Fateful Encounter at the Lake 5 years ago
    37. 37
      Insight 5 years ago
    38. 38
      Alarmed by Grievous News 5 years ago
    39. 39
      Returning Home 5 years ago
    40. 40
      Evil Scheme 5 years ago
    41. 41
      Sorrow and Joy 5 years ago
    42. 42
      Out of Harm’s Way 5 years ago
    43. 43
      King Cobra 5 years ago
    44. 44
      Death of the Perpetrator 5 years ago
    45. 45
      Consecutive Revelations 5 years ago
    46. 46
      A Tooth for a Tooth 5 years ago
    47. 47
      An Arrow To Dispel A Thousand Worries 5 years ago
    48. 48
      Examination Day 5 years ago
    49. 49
      Not Even One Less 5 years ago
    50. 50
      The Commencement of the Examination 5 years ago
    51. 51
      I Must Win First Place! 5 years ago
    52. 52
      Keeping An Eye Out 5 years ago
    53. 53
      Kind Disposition 5 years ago
    54. 54
      Tiger Among a Flock of Sheep 5 years ago
    55. 55
      Taking the Lead 5 years ago
    56. 56
      A Hometown Sensation 5 years ago
    57. 57
      Thinking of Danger In Times of Peace 5 years ago
    58. 58
      Unexpected News 5 years ago
    59. 59
      Gradual Recovery 5 years ago
    60. 60
      A Lively Courtyard 5 years ago
    61. 61
      Fields and Houses are Indispensable 5 years ago
    62. 62
      Radical Changes in Two Months 5 years ago
    63. 63
      Conflict 5 years ago
    64. 64
      Ruthless 5 years ago
    65. 65
      Deeply Disappointed 5 years ago
    66. 66
      Punishment 5 years ago
    67. 67
      Meeting Shi Changfeng Again 5 years ago
    68. 68
      Shatu Seven Tribes 5 years ago
    69. 69
      Blessings and Misfortunes are Neighbors 5 years ago
    70. 70
      Reporting In 5 years ago
    71. 71
      A Place to Stay 5 years ago
    72. 72
      A New Beginning 5 years ago
    73. 73
      Rapid Progress 5 years ago
    74. 74
      Trouble Comes Knocking 5 years ago
    75. 75
      A Love Rival Appears 5 years ago
    76. 76
      A Visit 5 years ago
    77. 77
      Fleeting Glimpse 5 years ago
    78. 78
      Devoid of Conscience 5 years ago
    79. 79
      Striking Out Mercilessly 5 years ago
    80. 80
      Exploring the Tiger's Den 5 years ago
    81. 81
      Making the Kill 5 years ago
    82. 82
      Fighting For Life 5 years ago
    83. 83
      Reversed 5 years ago
    84. 84
      Driven Into A Corner 5 years ago
    85. 85
      Putting Up a Desperate Fight 5 years ago
    86. 86
      Life and Death 5 years ago

    卷 2

    1. 87
      Human Realm 5 years ago
    2. 88
      Desire to Live 5 years ago
    3. 89
      Reincarnated 5 years ago
    4. 90
      A Brand New Face 5 years ago
    5. 91
      Dine and Dash 5 years ago
    6. 92
      Hu Provincial City 5 years ago
    7. 93
      Ruthless 5 years ago
    8. 94
      Battle of Wits and Courage 5 years ago
    9. 95
      Entering Hu Provincial City 5 years ago
    10. 96
      Dashed Hope 5 years ago
    11. 97
      On Mount Longhu 5 years ago
    12. 98
      Impending Danger 5 years ago
    13. 99
      Desperate Fight 5 years ago
    14. 100
      A Fight of Life and Death 5 years ago
    15. 101
      Returning From Death’s Door 5 years ago
    16. 102
      Sect Guardian 5 years ago
    17. 103
      Divine Sword Sect 5 years ago
    18. 104
      Odd Jobs Disciples 5 years ago
    19. 105
      Newcomer to the Sect 5 years ago
    20. 106
      Sabotaged By A Scumbag 5 years ago
    21. 107
      Brothers In The Same Boat 5 years ago
    22. 108
      The Path of Diligence 5 years ago
    23. 109
      Setting the Course of Your Destiny 5 years ago
    24. 110
      Partners 5 years ago
    25. 111
      Improvements 5 years ago
    26. 112
      Establishing Foundations 5 years ago
    27. 113
      To Part the Clouds and See the Sun 5 years ago
    28. 114
      Lucky Break 5 years ago
    29. 115
      Service Identity 5 years ago
    30. 116
      Writing Off At One Stroke 5 years ago
    31. 117
      Stimulating the Mysterious Rock 5 years ago
    32. 118
      The Mysterious Realm 5 years ago
    33. 119
      Two Doors 5 years ago
    34. 120
      Returning To The Past 5 years ago
    35. 121
      A New Beginning 5 years ago
    36. 122
      Racing Against Time 5 years ago
    37. 123
      Various Preparations 5 years ago
    38. 124
      What Was Happening? 5 years ago
    39. 125
      Becoming the Founder 5 years ago
    40. 126
      Ready to Begin 5 years ago
    41. 127
      Undercover 5 years ago
    42. 128
      Eliminating the Lurking Danger 5 years ago
    43. 129
      An Uproar In The City 5 years ago
    44. 130
      One Technique To Many More 5 years ago
    45. 131
      Returning to the City 5 years ago
    46. 132
      If The Mountain Spins, The Water Will Run 5 years ago
    47. 133
      Lu Clan and Wang Clan 5 years ago
    48. 134
      Operation 5 years ago
    49. 135
      Lighting up the Entire City 5 years ago
    50. 136
      Creating a Diversion 5 years ago
    51. 137
      Great Harvest 5 years ago
    52. 138
      An Uproar In The City 5 years ago
    53. 139
      Getting Lively 5 years ago
    54. 140
      Causing an Uproar 5 years ago
    55. 141
      In the Mass Grave 5 years ago
    56. 142
      Eliminating a Powerful Enemy 5 years ago
    57. 143
      Two Plans 5 years ago
    58. 144
      The Beginning Of A Great Show 5 years ago
    59. 145
      Alarming the Entire City 5 years ago
    60. 146
      Borrowing the Fire to Burn a Mountain 5 years ago
    61. 147
      A Well Deserved Punishment 5 years ago
    62. 148
      Worse Death Than A Dog 5 years ago
    63. 149
      Grievances That Soared To The Skies 5 years ago
    64. 150
      Returning to the Weaponsmiths Quarter Again 5 years ago
    65. 151
      Night Talk 5 years ago
    66. 152
      Reunion 5 years ago
    67. 153
      A Genuine Business (1) 5 years ago
    68. 154
      A Genuine Business (2) 5 years ago
    69. 155
      The Sudden Arrival of Armored Steeds 5 years ago
    70. 156
      The Cruel Reality 5 years ago
    71. 157
      The Wang Clan’s Calamity 5 years ago
    72. 158
      Lucky Star 5 years ago
    73. 159
      Eloping 5 years ago
    74. 160
      Seized 5 years ago
    75. 161
      Desperate Cure 5 years ago
    76. 162
      Martial Warrior 5 years ago
    77. 163
      Truth 5 years ago
    78. 164
      Command Reincarnation 5 years ago
    79. 165
      Back To The Divine Sword Sect Again 5 years ago
    80. 166
      Issuing The Slip 5 years ago
    81. 167
      Selecting A Secret Manual 5 years ago
    82. 168
      Game and Toy Capsule Machine 5 years ago
    83. 169
      Patrol Inspector 5 years ago
    84. 170
      Question 5 years ago
    85. 171
      An Offer 5 years ago
    86. 172
      Beneath The Surface 5 years ago
    87. 173
      Going Home 5 years ago
    88. 174
      Preparations 5 years ago
    89. 175
      Marriage 5 years ago
    90. 176
      Becoming An Attendant 5 years ago
    91. 177
      The Final Strike 5 years ago
    92. 178
      Unexpected Encounter 5 years ago
    93. 179
      Ruthless 5 years ago
    94. 180
      Reporting In 5 years ago
    95. 181
      Suggestion 5 years ago
    96. 182
      Intimidate 5 years ago
    97. 183
      Adapting 5 years ago
    98. 184
      Three Days Tour 5 years ago
    99. 185
      Drawing Sword 5 years ago
    100. 186
      Arrest 5 years ago
    101. 187
      Submitting Without A Fight 5 years ago
    102. 188
      Report On A Meritorious Performance 5 years ago
    103. 189
      Revered 5 years ago
    104. 190
      Feelings 5 years ago
    105. 191
      Discovery 5 years ago
    106. 192
      Conducting A Search 5 years ago
    107. 193
      Daringly Boasts To Devour The Heavens In Two Mouthfuls 5 years ago
    108. 194
      Another Meritorious Performance 5 years ago
    109. 195
      Preparing For A Long Journey 5 years ago
    110. 196
      Celebrity 5 years ago
    111. 197
      Cultivating Along The Way 5 years ago
    112. 198
      Provincial Governor, Lei Ting 5 years ago
    113. 199
      Subvert 5 years ago
    114. 200
      See Through 5 years ago
    115. 201
      Trade 5 years ago
    116. 202
      Improvised 5 years ago
    117. 203
      Response 5 years ago
    118. 204
      Respective Preparations 5 years ago
    119. 205
      Danger Is Here 5 years ago
    120. 206
      On The Way 5 years ago
    121. 207
      Still Alive 5 years ago
    122. 208
      Blackwind Bandits 5 years ago
    123. 209
      Encounter 5 years ago
    124. 210
      First Sign of Power 5 years ago
    125. 211
      Deadly Bow 5 years ago
    126. 212
      Total Annihilation 5 years ago
    127. 213
      True Identity 5 years ago
    128. 214
      Intimidated 5 years ago
    129. 215
      Hui Clan Gathering 5 years ago
    130. 216
      Hui Clan Gathering (2) 5 years ago
    131. 217
      Discovery 5 years ago
    132. 218
      Pursuit 5 years ago
    133. 219
      Clue 5 years ago
    134. 220
      Ambush 5 years ago
    135. 221
      Tracking Down 5 years ago
    136. 222
      Enemy's Trail 5 years ago
    137. 223
      Valiant 5 years ago
    138. 224
      Turn of Events 5 years ago
    139. 225
      The Moment of Life and Death 5 years ago
    140. 226
      Rescue 5 years ago
    141. 227
      A Real Man 5 years ago
    142. 228
      Pursuit 5 years ago
    143. 229
      Striking Down 5 years ago
    144. 230
      Fighting With Life 5 years ago
    145. 231
      Mo Ziye 5 years ago
    146. 232
      Agony 5 years ago
    147. 233
      Treatment 5 years ago
    148. 234
      Secret Strengthening Method 5 years ago
    149. 235
      Training 5 years ago
    150. 236
      Harvest 5 years ago
    151. 237
      Ambush 5 years ago
    152. 238
      Coming 5 years ago
    153. 239
      Kill Shot 5 years ago
    154. 240
      Great Victory 5 years ago
    155. 241
      Gains 5 years ago
    156. 242
      Along The Way 5 years ago
    157. 243
      Woken Up With A Start 5 years ago
    158. 244
      The Banes of Heaven and Earth 5 years ago
    159. 245
      Imperial Capital 5 years ago
    160. 246
      Entering the Palace 5 years ago
    161. 247
      A Trap 5 years ago
    162. 248
      The Universe’s Like A Stage 5 years ago
    163. 249
      New Arrangements 5 years ago
    164. 250
      Loyalty First 5 years ago
    165. 251
      Farewell 5 years ago
    166. 252
      Deer Villa 5 years ago
    167. 253
      Arrow In The Wind 5 years ago
    168. 254
      Yingyang Commandant 5 years ago
    169. 255
      Extreme Cultivation (1) 5 years ago
    170. 256
      Extreme Cultivation (2) 5 years ago
    171. 257
      Two Different Worlds 5 years ago
    172. 258
      The Sect Task 5 years ago
    173. 259
      The Reason 5 years ago
    174. 260
      Escort 5 years ago
    175. 261
      Terrifying Power 5 years ago
    176. 262
      Invincible Extraordinary Power 5 years ago
    177. 263
      Hoard As Rare Commodity 5 years ago
    178. 264
      No Hindrance 5 years ago
    179. 265
      Meeting An Old Friend In A Distant Land 5 years ago
    180. 266
      The News 5 years ago
    181. 267
      The Death Duel 5 years ago
    182. 268
      A Setup 5 years ago
    183. 269
      Powerless To Defend 5 years ago
    184. 270
      Beauties Love Heroes 5 years ago
    185. 271
      Pleasant Surprise 5 years ago
    186. 272
      Expert 5 years ago
    187. 273
      Gaining Another Master 5 years ago
    188. 274
      Imparted Wisdom 5 years ago
    189. 275
      The Question 5 years ago
    190. 276
      Secrets 5 years ago
    191. 277
      Spear Shaking 5 years ago
    192. 278
      Escorting to Jinling 5 years ago
    193. 279
      Ripping Open The Sky 5 years ago
    194. 280
      Catastrophe 5 years ago
    195. 281
      Destruction 5 years ago
    196. 282
      Disagreement 5 years ago
    197. 283
      The Edge 5 years ago
    198. 284
      Chaos Descends (1) 5 years ago
    199. 285
      Chaos Descends (2) 5 years ago
    200. 286
      Acts When It's Time 5 years ago
    201. 287
      Response 5 years ago
    202. 288
      Devising A Plan 5 years ago
    203. 289
      Action 5 years ago
    204. 290
      Destruction 5 years ago
    205. 291
      Surging Storm 5 years ago
    206. 292
      Sending Updates 5 years ago
    207. 293
      Anxious Heart 5 years ago
    208. 294
      Fight 5 years ago
    209. 295
      The Mysterious Man 5 years ago
    210. 296
      Gan Provincial Guild Hall 5 years ago
    211. 297
      Fellow Countrymen 5 years ago
    212. 298
      Hua Ruxue 5 years ago
    213. 299
      Dragonlike Spear 5 years ago
    214. 300
      Under The Same Roof 5 years ago
    215. 301
      Ice and Fire 5 years ago
    216. 302
      Traceless Spring Dream 5 years ago
    217. 303
      I Love You, Cui Hua 5 years ago
    218. 304
      Ascending Mount Liang 5 years ago
    219. 305
      Running Newspaper 5 years ago
    220. 306
      Go All Out 5 years ago
    221. 307
      Foxes In The City, Rats In The Temple 5 years ago
    222. 308
      Hiring 5 years ago
    223. 309
      The White Lotus Chaos 5 years ago
    224. 310
      Retaliation 5 years ago
    225. 311
      Tiger Charging Into a Flock of Sheep 5 years ago
    226. 312
      News 5 years ago
    227. 313
      Acquaintance 5 years ago
    228. 314
      A Surprise 5 years ago
    229. 315
      The Imperial Capital Is Too Small 5 years ago
    230. 316
      Gathering People 5 years ago
    231. 317
      A Bet 5 years ago
    232. 318
      Yet Another Master 5 years ago
    233. 319
      The Great Han Times 5 years ago
    234. 320
      Raise The Curtain 5 years ago
    235. 321
      Mixed Feelings 5 years ago
    236. 322
      Left Hanging 5 years ago
    237. 323
      Conflict 5 years ago
    238. 324
      Preparations 5 years ago
    239. 325
      Psychic Serpent 5 years ago
    240. 326
      Extraordinary Creature 5 years ago
    241. 327
      Reputation 5 years ago
    242. 328
      Rainy Day 5 years ago
    243. 329
      Being Watched 5 years ago
    244. 330
      Engineer 5 years ago
    245. 331
      Lonely Person 5 years ago
    246. 332
      Soul Mountain’s Honorary Visitant 5 years ago
    247. 333
      Night of Killing 5 years ago
    248. 334
      The Advantage of Striking First 5 years ago
    249. 335
      Mind-reading Technique 5 years ago
    250. 336
      Trouble Comes Knocking 5 years ago
    251. 337
      Handling 5 years ago
    252. 338
      Implications 5 years ago
    253. 339
      Blown Up 5 years ago
    254. 340
      Rising To Fame 5 years ago
    255. 341
      Reading Minds 5 years ago
    256. 342
      Joint Hearing 5 years ago
    257. 343
      Clear My Name 5 years ago
    258. 344
      The Emperor Arrives 5 years ago
    259. 345
      A Shocking Arrow 5 years ago
    260. 346
      Overwhelmed 5 years ago
    261. 347
      Returning to the Sect 5 years ago
    262. 348
      Arrangement 5 years ago
    263. 349
      Welcoming 5 years ago
    264. 350
      Important Figure From The Sect 5 years ago
    265. 351
      Interrogation 5 years ago
    266. 352
      Display of Skill 5 years ago
    267. 353
      Sword King Disciple 5 years ago
    268. 354
      The Great Han Crisis 5 years ago
    269. 355
      The Great Han Crisis (2) 5 years ago
    270. 356
      The Great Han Crisis (3) 5 years ago
    271. 357
      The Great Han Crisis (4) 5 years ago
    272. 358
      Complication 5 years ago
    273. 359
      Contest Rules 5 years ago
    274. 360
      Planning Ahead 5 years ago
    275. 361
      Glorious Moment 5 years ago
    276. 362
      Entering the Sword Cavern 5 years ago
    277. 363
      Sword Cavern’s Pagoda 5 years ago
    278. 364
      Not To Be Caught Up In Love 5 years ago
    279. 365
      Clearing Trials In Succession 5 years ago
    280. 366
      Skilled In Both Literacy and Martial Arts 5 years ago
    281. 367
      Great Wisdom 5 years ago
    282. 368
      Real Challenge 5 years ago
    283. 369
      Each Making Their Own Preparations 5 years ago
    284. 370
      Impending Murderous Intent 5 years ago
    285. 371
      Power Millstone 5 years ago
    286. 372
      Great Depletion 5 years ago
    287. 373
      Mysterious Change 5 years ago
    288. 374
      Endless Stream 5 years ago
    289. 375
      The Publishing Company’s Crisis 5 years ago
    290. 376
      The Weight of Mount Tai 5 years ago
    291. 377
      Inevitable Confrontation 5 years ago
    292. 378
      Resolution 5 years ago
    293. 379
      Reward 5 years ago
    294. 380
      Surprising Person 5 years ago
    295. 381
      Come Knocking On the Door 5 years ago
    296. 382
      A Ruse 5 years ago
    297. 383
      Chain Reaction 5 years ago
    298. 384
      Visit 5 years ago
    299. 385
      Not Staying Idle 5 years ago
    300. 386
      Acting Wantonly For Once 5 years ago
    301. 387
      Attempt 5 years ago
    302. 388
      Activating the Spiritual Eye 5 years ago
    303. 389
      The Ultimate Inheritance 5 years ago
    304. 390
      The Realm 5 years ago
    305. 391
      The Unpredictable Heavenly Law 5 years ago
    306. 392
      Qiyun Protectorate General 5 years ago
    307. 393
      Choice 4 years ago
    308. 394
      Making Rumors 4 years ago
    309. 395
      Returning to Gan Province 4 years ago
    310. 396
      Arrangements 4 years ago
    311. 397
      Tailing 4 years ago
    312. 398
      Adapt To My Opponent 4 years ago
    313. 399
      Another Homecoming 4 years ago
    314. 400
      Hometown Sensation 4 years ago
    315. 401
      Grand Banquet 4 years ago
    316. 402
      Incite 4 years ago
    317. 403
      One Shot (Two chapters in one) 4 years ago
    318. 404
      Between Father and Son 4 years ago
    319. 405
      Origin 4 years ago
    320. 406
      Grace and Enmity 4 years ago
    321. 407
      To The Weaponsmiths Quarter Again 4 years ago
    322. 408
      Epoch 4 years ago
    323. 409
      Gan Province Manufacturing Bureau 4 years ago
    324. 410
      Four-wheeled Carriage 4 years ago
    325. 411
      Reforms 4 years ago
    326. 412
      Constructing the Carriage 4 years ago
    327. 413
      Invitation from the Provincial Governor 4 years ago
    328. 414
      Commotion 4 years ago
    329. 415
      Own Respective Plans 4 years ago
    330. 416
      Confiding 4 years ago
    331. 417
      Big Business 4 years ago
    332. 418
      Oil Comparison 4 years ago
    333. 419
      Silent Thunder 4 years ago
    334. 420
      Retaliation 4 years ago
    335. 421
      Destruction 4 years ago
    336. 422
      Leveraging Force 4 years ago
    337. 423
      I am the Red Scarf 4 years ago
    338. 424
      Agitation 4 years ago
    339. 425
      Changes 4 years ago
    340. 426
      Strong Foundation 4 years ago
    341. 427
      The First Snow 4 years ago
    342. 428
      Back At Home 4 years ago
    343. 429
      I Am The Ancestor (1) 4 years ago
    344. 430
      I am the Ancestor (2) 4 years ago
    345. 431
      Real Spear Technique 4 years ago
    346. 432
      Massacre 4 years ago
    347. 433
      The Arrival of the Pursuing Troop 4 years ago
    348. 434
      Annihilation 4 years ago
    349. 435
      Saving a Life 4 years ago
    350. 436
      Choices 4 years ago
    351. 437
      The Great Moon Crisis 4 years ago
    352. 438
      The Show Must Go On 4 years ago
    353. 439
      Sorrow At The End Of The Road 4 years ago
    354. 440
      Appearance 4 years ago
    355. 441
      Instant Kill 4 years ago
    356. 442
      Display of Martial Prowess 4 years ago
    357. 443
      To The Battlefield 4 years ago
    358. 444
      Crushing Defeat 4 years ago
    359. 445
      Total Annihilation 4 years ago
    360. 446
      To Submit 4 years ago
    361. 447
      Elders of Great Moon 4 years ago
    362. 448
      First Strike 4 years ago
    363. 449
      Ambush 4 years ago
    364. 450
      Intentions 4 years ago
    365. 451
      Progressing Into Martial Grandmaster 4 years ago
    366. 452
      Farewell 4 years ago
    367. 453
      The Precious Human Body 4 years ago
    368. 454
      Back to the Prefecture 4 years ago
    369. 455
      Pulley 4 years ago
    370. 456
      Surprise 4 years ago
    371. 457
      My Qing’er 4 years ago
    372. 458
      Gradually Visible Trend 4 years ago
    373. 459
      Bottleneck 4 years ago
    374. 460
      Changes Had Occurred 4 years ago
    375. 461
      Down Memory Lane 4 years ago
    376. 462
      Brotherhood 4 years ago
    377. 463
      Partnership 4 years ago
    378. 464
      The Beginning 4 years ago
    379. 465
      Obey Orders In All Your Actions 4 years ago
    380. 466
      Trial 4 years ago
    381. 467
      Students of the Archery Academy 4 years ago
    382. 468
      Forging Steel 4 years ago
    383. 469
      Military Treasure 4 years ago
    384. 470
      Prototype 4 years ago
    385. 471
      Injured 4 years ago
    386. 472
      Transportation Office 4 years ago
    387. 473
      How Would You Like To Die? 4 years ago
    388. 474
      Break Their Worthless Legs 4 years ago
    389. 475
      Decisive Kill 4 years ago
    390. 476
      Punishment 4 years ago
    391. 477
      Improvised 4 years ago
    392. 478
      Unity of Will Is An Impregnable Stronghold 4 years ago
    393. 479
      Strategy From The Pugilistic World 4 years ago
    394. 480
      Recruiting A Large Army 4 years ago
    395. 481
      Accidental Encounter 4 years ago
    396. 482
      Ex-Servant of the Gu Clan 4 years ago
    397. 483
      Reluctant To Part At The End Of A Song 4 years ago
    398. 484
      Building A Troop 4 years ago
    399. 485
      The Transportation Office 4 years ago
    400. 486
      Ready To Ambush 4 years ago
    401. 487
      The First Battle 4 years ago
    402. 488
      Pocket 4 years ago
    403. 489
      Killing the Chief Patrol Examiner 4 years ago
    404. 490
      A Miraculous Battle 4 years ago
    405. 491
      Influence 4 years ago
    406. 492
      Inspection 4 years ago
    407. 493
      Shocked 4 years ago
    408. 494
      Purpose In Coming 4 years ago
    409. 495
      Ending and Trouble 4 years ago
    410. 496
      Progressing of the Comrades 4 years ago
    411. 497
      The Power of the Five Animal Frolics Technique 4 years ago
    412. 498
      Trouble Comes Knocking 4 years ago
    413. 499
      Uninvited Guests 4 years ago
    414. 500
      The Soaring Heaven Sect Appears 4 years ago
    415. 501
      Battle Invitation 4 years ago
    416. 502
      Nowhere to Flee 4 years ago
    417. 503
      The Decisive Battle 4 years ago
    418. 504
      Reaction 4 years ago
    419. 505
      A Chance 4 years ago
    420. 506
      Steadfast Execution 4 years ago
    421. 507
      The Strong Looms 4 years ago
    422. 508
      Rich and Spontaneous 4 years ago
    423. 509
      Great Support From Soul Mountain 4 years ago
    424. 510
      Only The Beginning 4 years ago
    425. 511
      Ascertaining Relationship 4 years ago
    426. 512
      Aquapyro Engine 4 years ago
    427. 513
      Replicate 4 years ago
    428. 514
      Late Coming of Spring 4 years ago
    429. 515
      Accepting The Lu Clan 4 years ago
    430. 516
      Arrangements 4 years ago
    431. 517
      Responsibility 4 years ago
    432. 518
      Solo Cloud 4 years ago
    433. 519
      Intricate Thoughts 4 years ago
    434. 520
      The Fortress’ Completion 4 years ago
    435. 521
      Arrangements 4 years ago
    436. 522
      A Visit From The Zhong Clan 4 years ago
    437. 523
      Visitors 4 years ago
    438. 524
      Changes 4 years ago
    439. 525
      Paying A Visit 4 years ago
    440. 526
      First Gift 4 years ago
    441. 527
      Partnership 4 years ago
    442. 528
      A New World 4 years ago
    443. 529
      Epoch (1) 4 years ago
    444. 530
      Epoch (2) 4 years ago
    445. 531
      Arrangement 4 years ago
    446. 532
      Liveliness 4 years ago
    447. 533
      The Imperial Edict 4 years ago
    448. 534
      The Greatest Mill 4 years ago
    449. 535
      Partnership 4 years ago
    450. 536
      The Storm Army 4 years ago
    451. 537
      Perhaps The Will Of Heavens 4 years ago
    452. 538
      The Meeting 4 years ago
    453. 539
      Money Or Life? 4 years ago
    454. 540
      Ambush 4 years ago
    455. 541
      Cutting Edge Blood Whetstone 4 years ago
    456. 542
      A Test of Strength 4 years ago
    457. 543
      Game Changer 4 years ago
    458. 544
      The Change at Pingxi 4 years ago
    459. 545
      Night of Blood and Fire 4 years ago
    460. 546
      Clearing The Area 4 years ago
    461. 547
      Advancing 4 years ago
    462. 548
      Hidden Arrow 4 years ago
    463. 549
      Intense Battle 4 years ago
    464. 550
      Recover The East City 4 years ago
    465. 551
      Insurance 4 years ago
    466. 552
      Head and Tail 4 years ago
    467. 553
      Talisman master 4 years ago
    468. 554
      Dark Wood Tribe 4 years ago
    469. 555
      Interception 4 years ago
    470. 556
      Changes 4 years ago
    471. 557
      Monster In The Lake 4 years ago
    472. 558
      Water Fight 4 years ago
    473. 559
      Moment of Life and Death 4 years ago
    474. 560
      Fortune and calamity comes together 4 years ago
    475. 561
      Underground Stone House 4 years ago
    476. 562
      Ten-Thousand-Year Spirit Leech 4 years ago
    477. 563
      Thousand-Faced Divine Technique 4 years ago
    478. 564
      The Tiger Escaping the Dungeon 4 years ago
    479. 565
      Strike Fear 4 years ago
    480. 566
      Late Night Return 4 years ago
    481. 567
      Between Father And Son 4 years ago
    482. 568
      Situation 4 years ago
    483. 569
      Encounter 4 years ago
    484. 570
      Counter Measure 4 years ago
    485. 571
      Outsmart 4 years ago
    486. 572
      The Situation At The Capital 4 years ago
    487. 573
      Come Again 4 years ago
    488. 574
      Place to Stay 4 years ago
    489. 575
      Settle Down 4 years ago
    490. 576
      Before the Great Catastrophe 4 years ago
    491. 577
      The Stone Turtle Shocks The World 4 years ago
    492. 578
      Detonation 4 years ago
    493. 579
      Decision 4 years ago
    494. 580
      My Heart Is bright 4 years ago
    495. 581
      Watch The Point 4 years ago
    496. 582
      God Extermination Arrow 4 years ago
    497. 583
      Unexpected Person 4 years ago
    498. 584
      Jade Luo Palace Appears 4 years ago
    499. 585
      Demon Reveals Himself 4 years ago
    500. 586
      Great Shock 4 years ago
    501. 587
      Incident 4 years ago
    502. 588
      Demon Invasion 4 years ago
    503. 589
      Great Secret 4 years ago
    504. 590
      Statue of the Deity 4 years ago
    505. 591
      Join 4 years ago
    506. 592
      Chicken feathers 4 years ago
    507. 593
      Returning Once Again 4 years ago
    508. 594
      A Spell of Good Fortune 4 years ago
    509. 595
      Meeting Old Friends 4 years ago
    510. 596
      Important Mission 4 years ago
    511. 597
      Fame and Actuality 4 years ago
    512. 598
      Heated Discussion 4 years ago
    513. 599
      Set Up 4 years ago
    514. 600
      Grand Opening 4 years ago
    515. 601
      The Protectorate General’s Authority 4 years ago
    516. 602
      Qiyun Wealth 4 years ago
    517. 603
      Institution 4 years ago
    518. 604
      On the way 4 years ago
    519. 605
      Reaching Ying Wei 4 years ago
    520. 606
      The Black Ram Royal Bloodline 4 years ago
    521. 607
      Inside The Border Trading Post 4 years ago
    522. 608
      Meticulous Plan 4 years ago
    523. 609
      The Mysterious Flame Oil 4 years ago
    524. 610
      Useful Item 4 years ago
    525. 611
      Riding Toward White Stone Pass 4 years ago
    526. 612
      In A Spurt of Energy 4 years ago
    527. 613
      Troubled Times 4 years ago
    528. 614
      First Battle 4 years ago
    529. 615
      Clash of Steel and Blood 4 years ago
    530. 616
      Total Annihilation 4 years ago
    531. 617
      Arrangements 4 years ago
    532. 618
      Surprise Attack 4 years ago
    533. 619
      Exterminating The Tuli Tribe 4 years ago
    534. 620
      Brutal 4 years ago
    535. 621
      Spoils of War 4 years ago
    536. 622
      Holding The Plains In Awe 4 years ago
    537. 623
      Making An Inventory 4 years ago
    538. 624
      Winning Support 4 years ago
    539. 625
      Monopoly Bureau 4 years ago
    540. 626
      Coin Making 4 years ago
    541. 627
      Bloody Prince 4 years ago
    542. 628
      Shocking News 4 years ago
    543. 629
      The Founder’s Might 4 years ago
    544. 630
      Shatu Envoy 4 years ago
    545. 631
      Honey Trap 4 years ago
    546. 632
      Mutual Schemes 4 years ago
    547. 633
      Changes 4 years ago
    548. 634
      Meeting 4 years ago
    549. 635
      Mess 4 years ago
    550. 636
      A Dangerous Banquet 4 years ago
    551. 637
      Reversed Situation 4 years ago
    552. 638
      A Scheme Within A Scheme 4 years ago
    553. 639
      Happy Birthday 4 years ago
    554. 640
      Information 4 years ago
    555. 641
      Getting Involved 4 years ago
    556. 642
      Ultimatum 4 years ago
    557. 643
      Left Protector 4 years ago
    558. 644
      Root Cause 4 years ago
    559. 645
      Meeting Violence With Violence 4 years ago
    560. 646
      Summon 4 years ago
    561. 647
      Entering the Imperial Capital 4 years ago
    562. 648
      Falling Into An Abyss 4 years ago
    563. 649
      False Information 4 years ago
    564. 650
      The Pugilistic World 4 years ago
    565. 651
      Disposing 4 years ago
    566. 652
      Acquaintance 4 years ago
    567. 653
      Rescuing A Beauty 4 years ago
    568. 654
      Face-Off with the Demon King 4 years ago
    569. 655
      Puzzlement 4 years ago
    570. 656
      Prison 4 years ago
    571. 657
      Reason 4 years ago
    572. 658
      Meeting Sun Bingchen Again 4 years ago
    573. 659
      Show Loyalty 4 years ago
    574. 660
      People Are Like Weeds 4 years ago
    575. 661
      Swearing to Heavens 4 years ago
    576. 662
      Returning To The Deer Villa 4 years ago
    577. 663
      House Arrest 4 years ago
    578. 664
      Rules 4 years ago
    579. 665
      Audience 4 years ago
    580. 666
      Into the Palace 4 years ago
    581. 667
      The Anger 4 years ago
    582. 668
      Meeting Fairy Again 4 years ago
    583. 669
      Strange Changes 4 years ago
    584. 670
      The Panic 4 years ago
    585. 671
      Freedom 4 years ago
    586. 672
      Criminals 4 years ago
    587. 673
      Laying Out 4 years ago
    588. 674
      Vitality Soup 4 years ago
    589. 675
      Meeting Eunuch Liu Again 4 years ago
    590. 676
      Dragon Transforming Steed 4 years ago
    591. 677
      Subdue 4 years ago
    592. 678
      Restlessness 4 years ago
    593. 679
      Play It Big 4 years ago
    594. 680
      United Frontline 4 years ago
    595. 681
      Getting people 4 years ago
    596. 682
      The Appearance of Demon 4 years ago
    597. 683
      Into The East Palace 4 years ago
    598. 684
      Archery Contest 4 years ago
    599. 685
      Begin the Blindfolded Contest 4 years ago
    600. 686
      Shooting Without Shooting 4 years ago
    601. 687
      Stall 4 years ago
    602. 688
      Waiting For Opportunity 4 years ago

    作者 Drunk Tiger