25% The Former Spy / Chapter 7: Chapter 7-8-9

章節 7: Chapter 7-8-9

Chapter 7

The days passed, and the bond between Kim and Tom grew stronger and stronger. What began as brief encounters and small interactions turned into a surprisingly deep friendship.

Tom became a constant presence in Kim's home, especially during the times he set aside for physical activities with the children, who had already considered him part of their routine. He came naturally to them, as a kind and inspiring figure, someone who offered a completely different view of the world than what Kim's children were used to seeing.

One afternoon, while Kim was reviewing appointments on the phone and supervising her children, she heard North sigh heavily. She looked at her daughter, who was bent over her geography notebook, her face in an expression of frustration.

"What's wrong, North?" Kim asked, approaching the table.

"Mom, I can't understand this part about countries and borders…" North said sullenly, pointing to a map of the Middle East. — It talks about how the borders have changed several times, and I just can't understand why it's all so complicated.

Kim smiled, understanding her daughter's frustration, but before she could answer, Tom entered the room, carrying two bottles of water that he and Saint had left in the kitchen.

"Trouble with geography?" he asked, with a friendly smile.

North looked at him with a hopeful expression.

"Yes, Tom! It's confusing! Countries change names, borders change... How can anyone understand all of this?"

He approached, pulling up a chair next to North and looking at the map carefully.

"Geography is something much more interesting than it seems," he said, pointing to the map with a twinkle in his eye. "Each of these changes you see here didn't happen by chance. These borders were drawn and redrawn after wars, treaties, and agreements, all with repercussions for the entire world."

North frowned, still trying to absorb Tom's words.

"But why? Why is everything so complicated?"

Tom laughed, feeling challenged to explain it simply.

"Let's try to understand this with a story, okay? Imagine that the world is like a neighborhood. You have several houses, and each house represents a country. Now, imagine that some houses are huge, have everything they need, and others are smaller and need help. But... what if a bigger house decides it wants more space and invades the land of the house next door?"

North looked at him, understanding dawning.

"And what happens then?"

"Well, the smaller house gets mad, doesn't it? It might call on other neighbors to help, or maybe even agree to a deal to split the land, just to avoid a fight." Tom pointed to the map again. "That's kind of how a lot of these borders were drawn, especially in places like the Middle East. A lot of the time, the countries themselves weren't even consulted. Big powers drew the borders as they saw fit."

North shook her head, puzzled.

"So they didn't get to choose?"

"A lot of the time, no," Tom replied, his tone serious. — Some countries were controlled by other, stronger countries, and the people who lived there had to accept what they were told.

Kim, who had been listening attentively, was surprised by how clearly Tom explained everything. She noticed that North was completely focused on the explanation, as she rarely was in class.

— And did you have to study all this for your job, Tom? — North asked curiously.

Tom nodded, giving a small smile.

— Yes, I needed to understand geopolitics to know what I was getting into. My job required me to know not only the borders, but also the culture, leaders and conflicts of these places. Every detail mattered.

North looked amazed.

— Wow... so you know about all these countries? — She looked at the map with a mixture of respect and admiration.

Tom smiled.

— I know a little, but I'm always learning. In your case, the secret is to not see these maps just as lines and names, but as stories that help you understand the world.

Kim looked at him in awe and said,

"I never thought geography could be explained like that." She smiled at Tom gratefully. "I think you just made North's homework a lot more interesting."

North shook her head, smiling.

"Much more interesting! Thank you, Tom. Can I ask you more questions if I don't understand?"

"Sure, North. I'll always be here, and you can ask me anything you want."

After the conversation, Tom stayed a little longer with Kim and the children, who insisted that he stay for dinner. It was a simple thing, but Tom accepted with a smile, and the evening unfolded as naturally as a family dinner.

As they ate, Kim noticed how Tom was able to engage the children in conversations about a variety of topics, respecting their curiosity and always with a lightness that captivated them.

After the children went to bed, and Kim and Tom stayed in the living room, each with a glass of wine. The silence that settled between them was comfortable. Kim was reflecting on how much he had been a part of their lives, even without realizing it.

"Tom, you really have a special way with children," she said, turning to him. "You know, it's rare for someone to get their attention like that."

Tom shrugged modestly.

"I think they're the ones who make it easy. It's actually rewarding. After so many years of seeing the world from an… intense, let's say, perspective, being able to share something with them reminds me of what really matters."

Kim sighed, smiling softly.

"I imagine your work in the government has made you see a lot of complicated things."

"Yes, a lot. But in the end, we learn that moments like this" he gestured to the living room, where the children's toys were still scattered "are what make it all worth it. This is peace, something that for so many years I could only wish for from afar."

Kim studied his face, noticing a certain vulnerability there.

"It's amazing how quickly you've adapted." She paused, smiling. "I mean, for someone who used to deal with secret missions and everything. It's a completely different world from ours here."

He looked at her, an amused glint in his eyes.

"Well, I don't know if I'm completely adapted. You guys are much more famous than any mission I've ever done." They laughed together. "But it's comforting. I've learned that sometimes life brings us where we need to be, even if we don't even imagine it."

Kim was silent for a moment, feeling a familiar and unexpected warmth. It was something she hadn't felt in a while, a sense of security and mutual understanding.

"Tom… you're a unique person." She said, a little hesitantly, but sincerely. "I didn't imagine someone with a story like yours could be so simple and kind."

Tom laughed.

"Believe me, kindness is something you learn over time, especially in my old job." We realize that, despite everything, that's what makes the difference in the end.

They looked at each other, and in that moment, there was no distance between such different worlds. Just two people who, somehow, found an unlikely and valuable friendship.

After that night, Kim realized that something in her routine had changed forever. Tom was no longer just the mysterious British neighbor; he had become an essential presence, not only for her, but for her children. She knew that their friendship was just beginning and that there was something special in the way he became part of their lives in such a natural and unpretentious way.

As she packed up the glasses and closed the house that night, Kim went to sleep with a smile. She knew that meeting Tom had been an unexpected change, but something told her that, even with all the surprises in life, he was exactly what she and her family needed at that moment.

Chapter 8

The sun was shining softly, and the weather was perfect for a family lunch at Kris Jenner's house. Kim arrived with her children, who were running excitedly around the garden before going inside. As soon as they entered the house, they heard familiar voices coming from the living room: Kendall, Kylie, Kourtney, Khloe, as well as Kris and Corey, who were organizing the last details of the lunch.

"Look who's here!" Kris exclaimed, hugging each of her grandchildren. "How are my little ones?"

"Grandma, did you know that mommy's new neighbor is amazing?" Saint announced, before Kris even had a chance to hug Kim.

All eyes turned to Kim, who just smiled, trying to keep calm while her children began to fill the living room with stories about Tom.

"Yeah, he knows how to do those cool exercises, Grandma! Like, lifting his whole body in the air!" Psalm added, waving his arms as if he was trying to show off the moves.

— And he also helped me with geography! — North added, with a proud expression. — He knows everything about countries and borders.

Kris raised her eyebrows, with an amused look.

— So it seems that the new neighbor is quite impressive, huh? — she said, glancing at Kim, who could already feel her cheeks blushing.

— Oh, mom... — Kim sighed, trying to hide her blush. — He's just... a nice guy. And great with the kids, that's all.

Khloe, who was sitting on the couch, looked at Kendall and Kylie with a mischievous smile.

— That's all, right, Kim? — she teased, crossing her arms. — A 'nice guy' who is so amazing that he even won the approval of his children in record time.

— And apparently, not just his children... — Kourtney murmured, laughing.

Kim shook her head, laughing a little awkwardly, but still amused by the situation.

— I swear, it's nothing like that! He's good company, and… being around him is easy. He just seems… natural," she confessed, with a slight smile. "And, well, the boys love him. It's like he's always been part of our circle."

Kris watched her daughter with a twinkle in her eye. "But you've never talked about anyone like that before, Kim," Kris said, her tone gentle but full of curiosity. "What's so special about him? Just the fact that he's good with kids?"

Kim hesitated, but decided to tell a little more about the mystery surrounding Tom.

"Well… he is special, yes. I mean, he was trained by the British government. He told me he served in the SAS, then worked for MI5, and finally, MI6." She looked at her sisters, who were watching her intently. "He has a lot of stories, but of course, he can't tell them everything."

Kylie let out an impressed whistle.

"Wait a minute… are you telling me the guy is like a spy? A real-life James Bond?" — She smiled, clearly fascinated by the idea.

Kendall laughed, crossing her arms.

— And you think he's just a "nice guy"? Kim, he's literally a secret agent! — she said, in a playful tone.

Kim rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile.

— Calm down, he's not exactly James Bond. But yes, he does have an interesting past... and, well, some stories to tell.

Khloe shook her head in disbelief.

— Kim, you know you practically found the perfect man, right? — she said, teasing her sister. — He's charming, mysterious, knows everything about the world and is also kind to children. If I were you, I would have already closed the deal.

Kourtney laughed, patting Kim's arm.

— And he still insists on showing off his calisthenics skills outside, right when the children are around? It seems that the guy has already figured out how to impress the whole family.

Kim blushed and even tried to defend herself, but her children intervened before she could say anything.

"Tom is the best, Aunt Kourtney!" said North, with a genuine smile. "He showed us a lot of exercises and even taught us some things about countries that I didn't even know existed."

Kris watched the scene with a smile, but soon called everyone to sit at the table.

"Come on, guys, we better go eat lunch before the food gets cold." She winked at Kim. "And Kim, don't think you escaped this conversation. I want to know more about this mysterious neighbor later."

They went to the dining room, where a hearty meal was already prepared. During lunch, the conversation flowed lightly and fun, but the subject of "Tom" kept coming up as a recurring theme, mainly due to the teasing of the sisters and the excited comments of the children.

At one point, Corey, who had been listening in silence until then, turned to Kim with a smile.

"So, Kim, it seems your neighbor is really something special. Who would have thought the condo would have a former British secret agent? You're in luck."

Kim smiled, taking a sip of her water.

"He's a very private person, but it's true… he's special. I didn't even know people like that existed outside of the movies." She paused, laughing to herself. "And, well, I can't deny that the kids are loving every second he spends with them."

Kris looked at her daughter with a dreamy expression.

— Kim, have you ever thought that maybe this is a sign? — she asked, a little hesitantly, but with the usual sparkle in her eyes. — I mean, someone with such an intense life story, but who is here, close to you and your children... Maybe it's a unique opportunity.

Kim pondered, fiddling with her cutlery, lost in thought for a moment.

— Maybe it is, mom. But it's all so... different from what I'm used to. He's a man with a past that I can barely understand. At the same time, it's like he brings a peace that I haven't felt in a long time.

The sisters exchanged knowing looks, realizing that Kim was really shaken by that mysterious neighbor.

— I think it's worth giving this a chance, Kim — Khloe said, with an encouraging smile. — You deserve someone who truly understands who you are and respects your space. From what you've told us, he seems like just that kind of person.

Kim nodded, grateful for her sisters' support. She knew there was something special about Tom, something she didn't easily find in others.

As lunch continued, the children continued to share the little lessons Tom had taught them. Saint told a story about how Tom explained the concept of discipline with a simple analogy, something Saint had understood immediately. Psalm talked about calisthenics, and North, still fascinated, repeated the details about borders and countries.

At the end of the meal, when everyone was satisfied, Kris looked at Kim with a warm smile.

— Daughter, you know that we all just want you to be happy. And if this Tom is a part of that, then we're here to support you. He seems like an exceptional man, and from what you've said, he already cares deeply about you and the children.

Kim smiled, feeling embraced by her family's understanding and support.

"Thank you, Mom." She looked around, taking in each loving face at the table. "I know you all just want the best for me. And who knows? Maybe… maybe I'm ready to let someone else into my life for real."

As lunch ended, as everyone relaxed in the garden, Kim reflected on her family's words. She knew Tom had come into her life unexpectedly, but now, she was increasingly convinced that maybe it was more than just a coincidence.

As she watched the children play and her sisters laugh nearby, Kim allowed herself to dream about the possibility of a different future. She knew she would have to take it slow, but at least there was a glimmer of hope there, and that was something she hadn't felt in a long time.

Chapter 9

The sun was beginning to set, tinting the Los Angeles sky with shades of orange and pink, as Kim prepared to take one of her bravest steps in recent memory. The conversation she had had at her mother's house was still fresh in her mind. Every word from her sisters and her mother resonated, as if encouraging her to follow her instincts, something she rarely allowed herself to do.

She took a deep breath before leaving the house, heading to Tom's door. Her children were staying at Kris's house for the night, and this brief freedom made her feel an unexpected excitement.

"You can do it, Kim," she muttered to herself, trying to encourage herself before knocking on Tom's door.

The door soon opened, revealing Tom with a surprised expression, yet at the same time pleased to see Kim there.

"Kim! What a nice surprise," he said, with his warm smile, which made her heart beat faster.

— Hi, Tom, I hope I'm not disturbing you — she replied, trying to keep her voice steady, but unable to completely hide her nervousness.

He stepped aside, making room for her to enter.

"Of course not. Come in. I was just finishing organizing a few things." He closed the door while Kim looked around, taking in the details of Tom's house, which, in a way, reflected his personality: organized, welcoming, but not overdone.

Tom soon joined her in the living room, pulling out a chair for them to sit. The initial silence seemed slightly uncomfortable, but Tom broke the ice.

"So, what brought you here? Something tells me this visit isn't just for a casual chat," he joked, with that slight smile that always relaxed Kim.

She laughed, relieving some of the tension she felt.

"You know me well, huh?" She took a deep breath, preparing to say what had been on her mind since lunch with the family. — Actually, I wanted to ask you a question... A little different from what I usually do.

— Different? — He raised his eyebrows, showing interest, but waiting patiently for her to continue.

Kim hesitated for a second, but decided to get straight to the point.

— Well, you know... We've spent a lot of time together in the last few weeks, and I think... I feel closer to you every day. And that's something rare, something I usually... — She stopped, taking a deep breath to organize her words. — What I mean is... Tom, would you like to go out with me, like a date? — she asked, feeling her cheeks get slightly flushed.

Tom was surprised, but it didn't take long for a genuine smile to spread across his face.

— Kim, I would love to — he replied, with a sparkle in his eyes that she had never seen before. — I'm flattered that you had the courage to ask me.

Kim relaxed, feeling a mix of relief and happiness.

— That's good, because... I was afraid of looking foolish. — She laughed at herself, with a touch of lightheartedness.

Tom shook his head, laughing too.

"You definitely don't look foolish. In fact, you're brave. Most people wouldn't know how to take that step."

She smiled, feeling like she was finally doing something for herself.

"So, what do you think about having dinner tomorrow? It could be something casual, without the press, of course."

Tom nodded, still smiling.

"I think it's a great idea. And I promise not to take you to a secret restaurant in the middle of the desert." He winked, making her laugh again.

The two continued talking about the details of the meeting, and little by little, the nervous atmosphere gave way to a light and relaxed conversation. They spent the rest of the night exchanging stories, laughing and getting to know each other even better, until Kim realized it was already late.

"I think I should go," she said, standing up, but clearly hesitant.

Tom walked her to the door.

"See you tomorrow, Kim." And... thanks for the invitation. I'm sure it'll be an amazing night.

She smiled, feeling a small spark of excitement.

"I think so too, Tom. See you tomorrow."

Kim left Tom's house with a smile she could barely contain.

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