9.09% Star Wars: The War That Only the UNSC Can End / Chapter 4: Calm Before The Storm

章節 4: Calm Before The Storm

Location: Coruscant

The Jedi Council was gathered in the Temple on Coruscant, and the atmosphere in the room was thick, filled with an unease rarely felt among Masters. In the center, footage of the surviving clones from the mission to Terminus was projected. The images showed species they had never seen, devastating technologies and weapons. As Obi-Wan Kenobi recounted the events in detail, the room fell into a somber silence, a dark shadow seeming to fall over each of those present.

They had faced threats before, but never anything like this.

Master Mace Windu, frowning and arms crossed over his chest, pondered as Obi-Wan finished his account. The sight of destruction, the massive enemy ship, and the unprecedented power they had witnessed was beyond disturbing. It was terrifying.

"This... is far worse than I imagined," Windu finally commented, breaking the silence. His voice was deep and heavy. "This new enemy doesn't just have an army, it has something else... a power that could wipe us out completely if we're not cautious."

Ki-Adi-Mundi, with an expression of forced serenity, was the first to intervene.

"We must consider all options," he said, remaining calm. "We are Jedi, protectors of peace. Before we rush into war, we must explore dialogue. I'm sure that if we approach them with diplomacy, they will also seek a peaceful solution."

Plo Koon, however, did not share the same optimism. Wearing his signature respirator helmet, his voice echoed with a deep, cautious tone.

"The power they have shown is overwhelming. We don't know what their intentions are, but if we make a mistake in trying to negotiate and fail..." he paused, his eyes reflecting the concern he felt. "An army like yours could easily overwhelm the Republic forces. We're barely holding off the Separatists, and now we're facing an entirely new threat. We can't ignore the possibility that this is more dangerous than we imagine."

Obi-Wan Kenobi remained silent, thoughtful as he watched the Jedi Council debate. The gravity of the situation weighed on him like never before. After a moment of pondering, he finally raised his voice.

"Opening two battlefronts is impossible," he said, his tone calm but laden with concern. "Clone production cannot be accelerated beyond what is already scheduled. At best, we'll have a million troops ready in six months, but that's six months we don't have if this war breaks out. We don't know the extent of their power, but what we saw at Terminus..." he paused, his gaze fixed on the others. "A single ship was enough to destroy two of our Star Destroyers. Our best ships were wiped out in an instant. We are not prepared to face them."

The silence that followed his words echoed through the great hall. Mace Windu and the other masters exchanged worried glances, each processing the enormity of what was at stake.

"We must consider all options," Obi-Wan continued. "War… would be doom for the Republic. We cannot afford to enter into conflict with this new enemy without first attempting dialogue. If we fail to negotiate, it could spell our downfall."

Behind Obi-Wan, Anakin Skywalker stood silently, frowning. Beside him, his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, watched her master and the Council. Both had been tasked with collecting Obi-Wan and the surviving clones, so they were there as first-hand witnesses. Although Anakin was usually impulsive, something in his instincts told him that Obi-Wan was right this time. They were not ready for this battle, not yet.

"But this is all strange..." Master Adi Gallia said, breaking the silence in the room. "A ship that is virtually undetectable, or rather, completely invisible to our sensors. We know that ships of this type exist, but never one more than twenty kilometers in length. It is possible that, as we speak here, they are preparing an invasion on any of our planets... even here on Coruscant, the capital of the Republic, and we are wasting our time without even realizing it."

The idea of ​​a stealthy invasion in the heart of the Republic further unsettled those present. Gallia continued, her tone filled with concern.

"We don't know if this is a secret alliance between the Separatists and some unknown species beyond the Outer Rim. We know there are thousands of uncharted planets, with races we've never encountered, and some of them might even be more powerful than the Republic itself. If the Separatists have made a deal with one of those species, they may be desperate to end this war. And if their new ally is as brutal and deadly as we've seen on Terminus..." he paused, looking around at the others. "We could be facing an enemy that knows no mercy, one that doesn't distinguish between soldiers and civilians. To them, everyone is a target to be eliminated."

An uneasy murmur ran through the room. The masters exchanged worried glances. Uncertainty and fear of the unknown were beginning to take shape.

Finally, Yoda let out a deep sigh, and all eyes turned to him as he spoke calmly:

"Stay calm, we must," the master said in his characteristically calm tone. "Pointless argument is dangerous. This new enemy may be deadly, but we must be guided by the Force. We must all meditate, find solutions, without giving in to fear."

The Council fell silent as Yoda continued, his wise gaze fixed on the present masters.

"Secure the galaxy we must. Block trade routes and hyperspace lanes, it is necessary."

The entire council fell silent, surprised by Yoda's words. It was rare for the wisest master to suggest such an aggressive measure as blocking routes, but the situation warranted it. They all knew that his experience and wisdom were unmatched, and that if Yoda suggested it, it must be because the threat was real and dangerous.

Obi-Wan watched as the discussion progressed. The war was already taking its toll on them, and the possibility of facing an enemy more powerful than the Separatists put everything at risk. They had to act cautiously, but also quickly, because this time it could be more than just a war. It could mean the end of the Republic as they knew it.

"What is the closest Republic facility to Terminus?" Mace Windu asked, his tone serious.

Master Shaak Ti, with a worried expression, quickly replied.

"Polis Massa," the Togruta said. "Though, in reality, it is a borrowed medical facility, located on a large asteroid. It is in the Outer Rim, far from the main conflict, and serves as a medical center for clones who are seriously injured. Currently, we have over ten thousand clones there."

At the mention of this, the tension in the room visibly increased. Losing a medical center of that magnitude would be a devastating blow to the Republic forces.

"If we lose Polis Massa," Shaak Ti continued, "we will lose not only a critical facility, but also the ability to treat our wounded soldiers in the areas closest to the Outer Rim. We cannot afford that loss in the midst of this war."

Mace Windu nodded gravely, processing the information.

"Then we must prioritize the protection of Polis Massa," he said, addressing the council. "We do not know for certain if that is the objective, but we cannot risk it. We will reinforce the security and protection of the place."

The day passed with more discussion about the new enemy, the destruction of the ships at Terminus, and how to strengthen defenses on vulnerable fronts. The Jedi Council, once dedicated to preserving peace and justice, now talked of nothing but war. The threat of the Separatists was already overwhelming, but the possibility of a new and unknown enemy added even more pressure to their deliberations.


On Coruscant, the majestic capital of the Galactic Republic, the night enveloped the immense planet in an apparent calm, but air traffic continued unstoppable, as every day. Speeders crossed from one side to the other, while on the horizon stood the imposing silhouette of the Senate building, surrounded by the gigantic skyscrapers that symbolized the greatness and power of the Republic.

Lights shone everywhere, neon lights illuminated the heights, and ships ascended and descended to the lower levels in an endless flow. Coruscant, a planet that never slept, was full of life, and was often the scene of the most incredible adventures.

In front of the Jedi Temple, the young Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker stood next to his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano. Although the relationship between master and apprentice was strong, the connection between them went much further; For Anakin, Ahsoka was almost like a little sister, and for Ahsoka, Anakin was like the older brother and mentor he had always dreamed of having.

At that moment, however, Anakin was anxious and restless. His thoughts were not entirely on the Jedi Council or the teachings he was to impart. He could only think of one thing: his wife, Padmé. He wanted to leave the Temple as soon as possible to go see her, he wanted to be by her side. The weight of his double life, as a Jedi and a secret husband, was pressing on him more every day, but he didn't care. He would have given everything for her, for just one moment at her side.

He didn't want to stay a second longer in the Temple, and he needed to find a way out without attracting attention. He moved restlessly, looking for an excuse, any reason to momentarily leave his duty behind and lose himself in the arms of Padmé. His wife, he didn't want to be there even a second longer even though he wanted to go unnoticed.

Anakin smiled with that carefree expression he always used to hide his true feelings. "What's wrong, Smarty?" he asked his Padawan in a playful tone.

Ahsoka looked at him seriously, clearly more affected by what she had seen. "Master... how can you be so calm after everything Obi-Wan told us? What we saw was... terrifying."

Anakin, although he also felt the same uneasiness, knew that he had to keep his composure in front of his Padawan. He couldn't let her see the fear that was invading him inside. Yes, his organic hand had trembled when he saw the recordings, and his mechanical hand had closed into a fist instinctively. But as always, he had learned to push those emotions aside. He couldn't do anything until there was really something to face, and he had to get on with his life, at least for now.

"It's easy, Smarty. Just stop thinking about it," Anakin replied with a shrug. "It works, trust me. Just thinking about nothing and meditating, or... I don't know, what do kids your age do?" he asked jokingly. "At your age I was already a super engineer and a pod racer. Did I mention I won a race? That bought me my freedom, you know?"

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, clearly used to hearing the same story over and over again. "You always talk about the same thing, Master. But you make it sound so natural... like we're not in the middle of a war."

"Yes, we are in the middle of a war, Wise Woman. And yes, we're always on the brink of death... but so what?" Anakin said with a reassuring smile. "Focus on the present, enjoy it. We are Jedi, we are the knights of peace, and we can do anything."

Ahsoka sighed, but couldn't help but smile back. "I suppose you're right, Master. Still, I can't help but wonder what's going on in the Outer Rim right now."

Anakin shook his head gently and, with an affectionate smile, gave her a light caress on her lekku. "Don't talk nonsense, Smartypants. You'd better go get some rest. Tomorrow will be another good day. Let's take advantage of these moments of rest, you never know when you'll sleep in our comfortable beds in the magnificent Jedi Temple again."

Ahsoka raised an eyebrow, aware that her master didn't always respect these times of rest. She knew well that Anakin tended to sneak away whenever he had the chance, but she decided not to argue with him. Instead, she simply smiled at him and waved goodbye.

However, before she left, Ahsoka left Anakin completely bewildered with her final words. "Say hi to Padmé for me," he said with a mischievous grin.

"What?!" Anakin exclaimed, immediately turning pale and nervous. "Padmé? I don't know what you're talking about, Smartypants. I'm not going to see Padmé..."

"Whatever you say, Skywit," Ahsoka replied with a mocking laugh as she walked away, leaving Anakin to try to regain his composure.


The hotels reserved for the senators of the Galactic Republic were truly majestic, monuments to luxury. Not everyone could afford that level of comfort, and it had been that way since the earliest days of the Republic. The comfort and well-being of the senators had always been a priority, especially when they stayed on Coruscant for long periods of time.

Anakin had always been impressed by such luxuries. In fact, he had always thought he could never afford anything similar. Being a Jedi meant stripping oneself of material comforts, and that included money. Jedi were only given what was necessary to survive, nothing more.

He had carefully sneaked to the top floor of the imposing skyscraper, making sure to go unnoticed. His footsteps echoed in the long, elegant hallway, where every detail seemed designed to convey opulence. Finally, he stopped at the last door.

His heart was pounding. After three long months, he was finally going to see his wife again. A surge of excitement washed over him as he raised his hand to knock on the door, holding his breath.

He knocked, and waited, heart in hand. A few seconds passed that felt like an eternity, until finally the door slid smoothly upwards, revealing the shiny, polished figure of a protocol droid. To his surprise, it was the very droid he had built himself when he was still a slave. Now, C-3PO was covered in a gleaming coat of gold paint, so shiny that it caught the attention of anyone who saw it.

The droid, upon seeing Anakin, immediately recognized him and in a cheerful voice exclaimed:

"Master Ani, is that you?"

Anakin smiled, responding in a familiar, warm tone.

"3PO, I see you're still as radiant as ever. How are you?"

The droid, in his usual clumsiness, replied,

"I've had some touch-ups done, master, and... oh, I'm sorry for my rudeness. Come in, come in, Senator Amidala is in her room."

"Thank you, friend," Anakin replied with a smile as he crossed the threshold. The luxurious interior of the hotel was more like a palace, with high ceilings and lavish decor that gleamed in the dim light of the night. Everything about the place exuded an almost excessive luxury, far removed from the simplicity of Jedi life.

Without wasting any more time, Anakin walked quickly through the elegant room, his footsteps echoing on the polished floor, until he reached the main room. There, at the foot of the balcony, stood Padmé, bathed in the soft moonlight that streamed in from outside. Her figure looked ethereal and peaceful as she gazed out at the vast city of Coruscant in silence.

Sensing movement behind her, Padmé glanced sideways. Seeing Anakin, her eyes lit up with a mix of surprise and happiness.

"Ani!" she exclaimed, filled with excitement, as she ran towards him.

Anakin opened his arms and welcomed her with a loving hug, closing his eyes as he felt her against his chest after so much time apart.

"I'm back, my love," he whispered, holding her even tighter, as if he feared losing her again.

Padmé, filled with emotion and desire, could not contain herself any longer and crashed her lips against Anakin's in a passionate kiss. It was a kiss that conveyed everything they had kept during those months apart, a kiss that seemed to unite them again as if time and distance had never existed. They both clung to each other, as if they never wanted to be apart again, only breaking the kiss when their bodies forced them to breathe.

"I missed you so much," Padmé whispered, her eyes shining with emotion, almost on the verge of tears from the happiness of having him by her side again.

Anakin, with his gaze full of love and devotion, replied:

"Every day away from you was hell, Padmé. Being separated from you is... indescribable. I love you." Unable to resist, he kissed her again with the same intensity, losing himself in the moment.

That night was a refuge for both of them, a night in which they made up for lost time. In each embrace, in each caress, they released all the tension accumulated by war and uncertainty. It was a night of passion, where fear and worry dissipated, replaced by the warmth and love they shared. They both felt complete again, leaving behind the shadows of war, at least for those hours.

Finally, in Anakin's arms, Padmé was able to smile with peace, knowing that, although the conflict continued, that night they were together. And for a moment, the outside universe ceased to exist.

It was early morning. The dim light of Coruscant, with its bright neon lights and incessant air traffic, softly illuminated the luxurious room. In the large bed, Padmé rested in relief, hugging Anakin, dressed in her soft pajamas. He, barely covered in his underwear, enveloped her in a warm embrace, but he could not fall asleep. His thoughts kept him awake, trapped between the present and the uncertain future.

While Padmé breathed calmly, relieved to have him by her side again, Anakin felt the weight of darkness lurking. The memories of what had happened, the threat of a new war, and the constant fear of being away from her in the midst of chaos tormented him. The mere thought of being apart again, of not being able to protect her, caused him unbearable anguish. If something were to happen to Padmé, he felt like he would die. The mere thought made him shudder.

But at the same time, he was a Jedi. Duty was his greatest commitment, his greatest burden. He could not abandon it. Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Master Yoda, even the Chancellor, all relied on him. Breaking those bonds, betraying that trust, seemed impossible. The responsibility weighed too much. How could he choose between duty and love? If things got worse, what would he do?

Anakin felt a constant disturbance in the Force, like a warning of chaos, destruction, and death. And with every dark thought, the dark side seemed more and more present, whispering temptations, quick solutions to his fears. But fear took root in his heart, growing with every sleepless minute.

The light of the city bathed his face, revealing the internal struggle he found himself in. The conflict was evident, his mind could not escape the tumult that slowly consumed him.

Padmé, although resting, could feel the tension in her husband. She did not need to ask him what was happening. She knew him well. She knew Anakin was trapped in his thoughts, torn between his duties as a Jedi and the love he felt for her. Instead of words, she chose silence and, in a silent gesture, she hugged him tighter, as if with that simple act she could calm his inner torment.

Anakin, feeling Padmé's embrace, closed his eyes for a moment, but the fear did not disappear.


"You're late," Obi-Wan commented with a slight smile as he watched his former Padawan enter with a satisfied expression he couldn't hide. "And last night you disappeared from the temple."

Anakin walked over to stand beside him, still wearing the same smile on his face. "I'm sorry, Master. I fell asleep."

Obi-Wan arched an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Where have you been? Did another thief take your lightsaber?" he asked in an incredulous tone, remembering previous incidents.

"Nah, nothing of the sort," Anakin replied nonchalantly. "What are we doing here?" he added, looking away toward the Senate chamber which was filled with senators, with Chancellor Palpatine in the center, as usual.

"Another debate about the war budget, more discussions about joining planets to the Republic... things that don't usually interest you," Obi-Wan replied with a hint of sarcasm. "By the way," he added, giving Anakin a more scrutinizing look, "I saw you leave last night on a speeder for the Senate hotels. Any explanation?"

Anakin gave him a mischievous smile. "Really? Again with that?" he replied, avoiding the question directly.

Obi-Wan let out a sigh of resignation, although with a hint of affection. "You never change. It's like you're still my Padawan, Anakin."

Anakin returned a more sincere smile this time. "You will always be my teacher, Master. And every sermon or advice you give me is another lesson. I always learn something from you... besides, you're like a father to me."

Obi-Wan couldn't help but smile at those words, although with an implicit warning. —Stay out of trouble, my young padawan.

"Me, get into trouble?" Anakin replied with an even wider grin. "Never!" he said in a playful tone, making it clear that Obi-Wan's words were always welcome, but not necessarily followed to the letter.

Behind Anakin appeared Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Master Yoda, walking with an air of seriousness.

"Well, you finally appear, Skywalker," Mace Windu commented in his characteristically direct tone.

"The pleasure is mine, masters," Anakin replied, bowing his head in respect.

"Has the senator spoken yet?" Plo Koon asked, addressing Obi-Wan.

Obi-Wan shook his head. Anakin, intrigued by the conversation, asked with a slight hesitation.

"Talk about what?"

"About what happened to your master on Terminus," Mace Windu interjected. "Master Yoda decided it was time to show Chancellor Palpatine everything that had happened."

Anakin was not entirely surprised. It was something that had been coming. Yoda and Chancellor Palpatine had a close relationship, and such a serious event could not be ignored by the leader of the Republic.

Anakin turned his attention back to the Senate, taking in the vastness of the place. Despite the years, the size and magnitude of the galactic Senate still impressed him. The endless rows of podiums and senators argued fervently, awaiting the Chancellor's words.

"Well, now we will discuss a matter of utmost gravity and importance," Chancellor Palpatine's solemn voice echoed throughout the Senate, managing to silence any murmurs and capture the attention of everyone, including the Jedi.

However, just as the Chancellor was about to begin his speech, the lights of the Senate abruptly went out. A tense silence filled the place. The Jedi reacted instantly, putting themselves on alert, ready for any threat.

Suddenly, in the middle of the darkness, a gigantic hologram appeared in the center of the Senate, projecting itself as if emerging from nowhere. Everyone present was petrified. The image was that of a woman sitting on a throne, with a malicious expression and a sinister smile that chilled the blood. Her clothing was a combination of dress and armor, giving her an appearance that was both majestic and menacing.

The hologram shone with a cold, somber light as the woman watched the senators from atop her virtual throne, with a gaze that seemed to challenge everyone present.

"Greetings, Galactic Republic," the woman's voice echoed with an eerie calm, "and to the entire galaxy as well, as this message is being broadcast to every corner of space. You may wonder who I am... but that doesn't matter. Some of you, especially the bugs who escaped Terminus, already know who we are. But I'll say it right away," she paused, her smile widening menacingly. "We are a superior race. A faction so powerful that we can destroy you without effort. We call ourselves the Covenant. We are not allied with any other faction, nor do we hope to negotiate peace."

The hologram changed, showing an image of space crowded with colossal Covenant ships. It was a terrifying sight, with the towering silhouettes of the ships filling the screen, obscuring the stars.

"We do not come to ask permission or to negotiate. We are here to dominate the galaxy, to enslave... and to have fun." Her laughter echoed, cruel and merciless. "This is a declaration of war. Prepare for the worst, for there will be no mercy. Consider this a holy war, one that not even your Jedi can win."

With one last cruel smile, the hologram faded away, leaving the Senate chamber in a deep, oppressive silence. The atmosphere was thick with tension, as everyone took in what they had just witnessed.

Anakin watched in silence, his fists clenched, his expression hardening.

"Another war begins..." he whispered to himself, feeling the weight of impending darkness on his shoulders.

End of chapter 4

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