66.66% The Owl House Watches The Owl House / Chapter 36: Chapter 36: Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances Part 1

章節 36: Chapter 36: Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances Part 1

Young Eda's voice is heard saying that it always starts the same way as she wakes up someplace dark and then the Owl Beast appears stretching it's neck and has its mouth open with Eda running behind her with tears.

There were yells of fright at this as Lilith looked on with remorse, "this is what you have been dreaming about ever since you had the Curse, Edalyn?" Lilith asked with great remorse and guilt on her face.

"Don't sweat it Lilith, I learned to get used to the dreams and don't beat yourself up too much over this." Eda told her with like a shrug off her shoulders.

"The Owl Beast up there looks scary, i am so glad that I don't look like him." Hooty said as there was looks towards him.

"You still look pretty creepy though." commented a Hexside student.

Then it cutes to young Eda in a doctor's room explaining that eventually she wakes up and knows that she turned into the Beast. Gwendolyn is watching along with the doctor as the doctor gives her a gem saying that it will tell her when the Beast's energy is bubbling up the surface, hearing that they are quite fashionable for young witches.

"Wait, is that your mom Eda?" Luz asks and Eda gave an annoyed grunt as she gave a nod.

"But on the topic of what the doctor said, aren't I still the trendmaster of fashions?" Eda asked striking a pose only for there to be silence. "Nuts to you all." Eda muttered with her arms folded as she sat back down.

"What do you know about fashion Eda, considering the stupid bee suit you put my body in that body swap episode!" King yelled as Eda glared at him.

"Come on Eda, I think Boscha thinks you are the height of fashion considering all the times we have spent here and she was dressed like you were in that body swap episode that King brought up." Willow reminded them all as there was much laughter as Boscha had her arms folded.

"I hate everyone here!" Boscha yelled out loud.

Gwendolyn calls it a beautiful little stone and asks to see the doctor outside the room, Eda goes to the door to eavesdrop with Gwendolyn asking what the heck was that and thought that they were the Healing Coven and not the Bobble Brigade. The doctor explains that they never heard of a curse quite like that and isn't sure that it can be healed, perhaps they can talk to the Potions Coven they may know a way to keep it at bay. Gwendolyn yells at the suggestion, saying that her daughter is suffering and wants him to cut it out if he has to shocking Eda and causing her to cover her mouth.

Eda grunted at the screen as there were shocked gasps at this, "Come on Ms Owl Lady, your mother was just worried for you." said one of the Hexside students as Eda gave a humourless laugh.

"Kid, see what Gwendolyn does out of worry for me before you try and defend her." Eda snarked as Lilith was wondering if they get to see her in this episode.

"Wait, what are surgeries like in the Boiling Isles....... Forget it as I am certain that I don't want to know." Camila sighed.

Eda sees the open window, cuts to Gwendolyn going through the door saying that she is taking her to someone else but notices that she isn't there. It then cuts to Eda running through the trees and then reaches the gate saying that she never knew that this was back there. She then trips over something buried in the ground and picks it up pushing away the mud to reveal that it's the Portal Door which then opens up to show the woods.

"Wait, this is where you got the Door?" Luz asked surprised and Eda nodded.

"Yeah, no idea where it came from or who it belonged to. Once I saw what it could do I put it to good use. Helping me create my human junk stall as well as making some money and spending some time in the Human Realm." Eda replied.

"Plus getting yourself hitched in that Vegas place, I remember all the loot that I got us from pick pocketing the guests in that casino!" King said as Eda grinned at the memory as Camila sighed.

"Say Edalyn, how do you think Raine would take the revelation of this ex-husband of your's?" Lilith asked with a smirk as Eda just blanched.

Eda says what but then hears her mother calling for her as she then runs through it and the portal door closes before Gwendolyn could find her. Gwendolyn says to herself that she will find a way to cure her, no matter what it takes.

"More like wasted her time for all those years...." Eda muttered as there were glares from Lilith, Camila, Luz and Amity. "What? Are we back to you criticising me Camila?" Eda moaned as Camila shook her head.

"You could be more grateful to your mother wanting to do what she can to help her daughter." Camila said keeping Luz close to her.

"Plus having a mother that does care about you and not as a tool for your family legacy." Amity said as Eda shook her head.

"I have so many stories of herself being scammed trying to help me." Eda laughed humourlessly.

The opening is shown.

In present day Eda is in her nest as her screaming alarm clock goes off and she then throws it breaking it and the pieces landing next to the other broken pieces.

"Are those heart pieces in the clocks, please don't tell me that those things are actually alive...." muttered Hal and the humans hated how many things they keep seeing that have horrible implications.

Eda then drags herself out of bed and then gets herself ready in the mirror putting in her claw and then shaving the feathers off her legs.

Eda glared at the audience who were all moaning about how gross this sight was.


She then gets out a potions bottle and drinks it before getting dressed, ripping off a piece of it.

It cuts to Luz sleeping with her chin on top of a stack of books but she is woken up by Eda yelling about them running out of Apple Blood. Eda asks her if still no luck and Luz replies none and she was up all night reading every tome, book, notepad and tea leaf but nothing explained how to make a portal to the Human Realm.

"All night?" Camila asked as she looked towards Luz about to chide her.

"I wouldn't be sorry about this Mami, to be able to get back to you." Luz replied as Camila pulled her into a hug unable to blame her too much but still a growing girl needs her sleep.

Eda says that she wishes that she could help but her door was already pretty old when she found it, Luz asks how long she had it but before she could answer they hear a yell. They then go to the living room where Lilith is on the ground asking for help as her arms are transforming with black feathers. Eda quickly gets a potions bottle from a pillow and gives it to her, telling her to calm down as the Curse acts up when she is stressed and her arms returns to normal.

There were yells of fright at this and the audience looked towards Lilith as Hooty was especially worried, "This...... Looks horrible! Is this what it is like to live with the Curse?" Lilith asked and Eda just nodded.

"It's takes time to get used to the transformations when they happen along with the dreams........ Hold on a second!!!!" Eda yelled in surprised as she looked towards Cornholio. "Lily should have had her first stages of transformation by now and the dream and to come to think of it: I haven't had any symptoms myself since we got here!" Eda pointed out as they looked towards Cornholio who was reading a book.

"Oh yes, I haven't said before but I keep your Curses at bay when you were brought here, you should feel the first effects when you leave Lilith." Cornholio explained as Lilith sighed but they thanked him. But then they noticed the book he was reading "oh Hunters and Hunted the official movie prequel to the Predator. A guilty pleasure in what is the black sheep of the Predator movie franchise. Still hopefully the upcoming prequel movie Prey will put the series back on track."

After that everyone turned their attention back to the screen.

Lilith calls it horrible and asks how she has managed all these years, Eda says that it has been hard but since they split the Curse at least the Elixir is working again which Lilith calls a relief but notices her missing hand, Eda apologises calling it a side effect of the curse as she picks up the hand and gives it to her.

"Actually fun when you get used to it." Eda laughed.

Eda calls it actually fun once in a while and tells her not to worry as she has stashed elixirs all over the house, telling her to help herself when she starts to feel feathery as Luz claps.

Lilith says that she had no idea this was what she did to her and apologises, Eda says that at least she got company now and she has her if she needs anything. Lilith holding a potions bottle lies on the couch and looks at more bottles taped to the ceiling which she finds amused.

"Before you say anything of an apologetic nature again Lilith, don't worry as no more hard feelings and don't worry about thanking as well." Eda said as Lilith gave a nod.

Luz and Eda are outside and Eda says that she was saying she had the Portal Door for years but she originally just found it in the dirt, never figured out who made it or where it came from and just kept it to herself. Luz asks why she wouldn't tell anyone and Eda amused asks if she is suddenly curious about her past and Luz seriously says always curious.

"You know your mentor is not a character in one of your books or shows Luz." Camila reminded her and Luz nodded.

Eda then says she may have been using it to hide from someone and Luz asks who.

Then they hear Gwendolyn shouting probably her as there is a gust of strong wind like a tornado with a bird but it disappears showing Gwendolyn holding her staff with her eagle Palisman.

"Mom!" Lilith spoke out loud as Eda yelled out annoyed along with King and Bump.

"I hate when she comes over...." King muttered as Lilith gave a look at this.

There were surprised reactions to Bump yelling like this as they turned to see him, "I have stories to tell of how she acts during Parent Creature conferences." Bump muttered.

Gwendolyn says hello to Eda calling her 'little witchlet' and runs forward with a hugging motion, Eda annoyed calls her by her name pushing her back by the head. Gwendolyn asks if they are still on that and says that she is her mother and to call her mom.

"Such a bad relationship with your own mother that you call her by her name?" Camila asked as Eda glared at her.

"After all I have been through, I don't need you judging how I treat her unwelcomed visits!" Eda retorted looking angry now.

Luz surprised yells out 'mom' at the same time as Lilith who peeks her head through the window, Gwendolyn starts looking over Eda asking if she has been eating well, she heard all about the Petrification Ceremony and she has a lot of strong words to Belos.

"I am sure that Belos will be shaken your complaints Gwendolyn." Eda snarked and King snickered.

Lilith then comes up saying that she was there too, Gwendolyn then says hello to her calling her 'sweet flea', sees that she has started dying her hair and asks to be given a moment with Eda since it's important.

Lilith looked down as Steve consoled her.

"That would have been the first time she had seen you in a long while especially after the Petrification Ceremony and she just brushed you aside?" Amity asked aghast along with Luz, Camila, Willow, Gus and their parents.

"See how it was like growing up; the troublemaking daughter who she thought needed extra attention was always her favourite...." Lilith muttered as there were stunned sympathetic reactions to this.

Lilith steps aside looking disappointed as Gwendolyn says that today she is about to complete a 30 year mission and Eda says oh no, Gwendolyn says she has finally succeeded and Eda says here it comes scratching her forehead with her eyes closed. Gwendolyn says that she will be curing her curse as Eda with her finger in her ear says no thanks as Luz and Lilith asks what.

"She comes over every year with these cures that never work so you should take this new one with a grain of salt." Eda told the audience with her arms folded.

"Wait a second 30 years? So you are over 40 then, probably pushing 50...." asked a human student but then in a flash there was Eda in front of the poor sap towering over him with her staff threatening.

"Got something to say about that?" Eda warned as the other human students were ready to run for their lives.

"Off course not Ms Owl Lady, you look amazing for your age!!!" said the student at once as she grinned and went back to her seat and the student sighed relieved.

Eda says that she said no thanks as she has got her elixir system so she's good but Gwendolyn asks who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions.

There were strong glares coming from the Potions Track students, "Wait, so she is like one of those anti-vaxxers? Anti-Potioneers you said they were?" Luz asked remembering they being brought up earlier.

"Who knows how annoying they are in the Demon Realm." Sighed Camila.

"I mean isn't that harsh, we are supposed to trust these supposed experts over what they think should be put in our bodies?" said the same stupid Hexside student who made a similar comment earlier. Then there was glares and Barcus was snarling ready as if he was about to attack.

"Keep talking you idiot and I will make Luz and her group think that they got off easy during the Grudgby episode!!!" Boscha yelled and was surprised to find cheers for her this time as the student looked scared. Then she looked up to Cornholio.

"Oh no, I am on your side on this time. So many times out and about I have found that idiots put anti-vaccination stickers on places." Cornholio told her and Boscha felt relieved.

Eda says that she does and looks at her imaginary watch while grabbing Gwendolyn's staff, she asks what you look at the time and says that she has got a lot to do as she puts Gwendolyn on her staff, she then sets the staff flying back off and asks 'mom, am I right'?

There was silence at this and Luz looked towards Camila saying "mom, if I ever think of treating you like that then I want you to check that I haven't been impersonated by a fake." Camila smiled at this but thought that there was no fear of anything like that happening...

Luz and Lilith are open mouthed shocked and Lilith exasperated comes over saying that she hasn't seen their mother in forever and she was handing her a cure on a silver platter and Luz comes over saying that she would kill to see her mom right now and Eda just launched her into the sky. Eda tells them to listen explaining that she comes around every year with some new cure for her Curse but they never work so she is done getting her hopes up as she walks back inside. Lilith follows saying that their mother visits Eda regularly.

Lilith sighed as Eda brought it up earlier but to have the confirmation right there on screen.

"Ms Clawthorne, when was the last time you saw your mother?" Amity asked hesitatingly and Lilith gave a humourless laugh.

"Been years..." Lilith muttered and there were gasps at this and Amity knew what it was like to have parents playing favourites.

Luz sees Gwendolyn flying back down as she walks off and Luz calls for her walking up to her introducing herself saying that what she is doing is so sweet but Eda can be so Eda sometimes.

"Kid, if you only knew...." Eda muttered.

Gwendolyn says to call her Gwen and says not to blame Eda as it was the Curse that created the rift between them and Luz understands though there is an actual rift between her and her mom in the Human Realm. Gwendolyn then says that she may know how to fix both of their rifts and Luz asks really, Gwendolyn says that she may have heard information that may assist her on her quest and asks to help her cure Eda's Curse and the information is her's as Luz excitedly agrees.

"Luz, when will you learn not to involve yourself in things that shouldn't involve you?" Eda asked shaking her head. As if Gwendolyn could find anything that could actually help Luz...

Luz asks where do they start and Gwendolyn says that they will be consulting someone very special as she goes to the medallion around her neck which starts glowing.

Luz is following Gwendolyn asking if they are going to meet a curse expert and calls it rad, Gwendolyn says that after years of dealing with the Healing Coven she finally found someone who promised her a cure.

"What's wrong with us?" asked a Healing Track student feeling insulted with agreements from his fellow classmates.

they are at rocks as Gwendolyn uses her medallion to open up and inside is filled with crystals and Master Wartlop in a lotus position at the centre of it. A goblin with itchy boils in his eyes is cured by him as Luz looks amazed along with Gwendolyn. The goblin thanks him and walks off and Gwendolyn explains that he is a travelling curse expert who perfected next level healing magic.

"I don't believe this, I bet this is all just smoke and mirrors just like the clown from the second episode." Eda said shaking her head as most did think that this did look too good to be true.

Gwen then comes up kneeling before him as he says that her aura is shining bright as Gwendolyn says that it took many months to get the sacred items that he requested. Wartlop calls her a dedicated mother and brings out the tome saying that inside is the healing ability that she seeks but to keep it away from the eyes of the non believers. For many will be grinded by the power it holds. Gwendolyn bows saying that she is in his debt and leaves with Luz.

"This will not end well at all...." Eda muttered shaking her head.

Luz and Eda are putting up an Apple Blood sign which Luz paints as King watches from the window. King asks isn't it amazing to Francois that if Eda's mum can just pop up then who says that his dad can't and gets his hugging arms ready.

King squealed in excitement as there were happy looks of amusement at this but Lilith shook her head.

Lilith shouts 'ha' while eating ice cream on the couch telling him good luck with that dad stuff. Lilith says that sometimes it doesn't matter how dutiful you are or how successful you are parents just won't give you the time of day.

"Have to ruin King's mood with your projecting Lilith?" Camila asked as Lilith glared at her.

"It's nothing but the truth, we all can't have parents that are as good as your are Camila." Lilith retorted.

"You should be careful with the ice cream Lulu. Eda gets the stuff from the Night Market." Hooty said concerned as Luz then jumped out of her seat.

"Wait what? After all the time I have been eating on that stuff, were you ever planning on telling me?" Luz exclaimed asking Eda who tried to look innocent from the glares that Camila and Luz's friends were giving her.

"Come on, there shouldn't be too much side effects..." Eda claimed and then glared at Hooty. "Thanks a lot for that Hooty!" Eda sarcastically told Hooty.

"You're welcome Eda!" Hooty said not getting the sarcasm.

King tells Francois not to listen since his dad won't be like that, Lilith says right his mysterious father who didn't even stick around to watch him hatch and says it looks like they are in the same boat as King realises her words.

King was doing the same as most felt sorry for him, "come on King, I am sure your father has his reasons. Who knows what he had to do..... Trying to parent a small demon is hard...." Eda muttered as she wasn't certain what to do here.

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