31.48% The Owl House Watches The Owl House / Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Senses and Insensitivity

章節 17: Chapter 17: Senses and Insensitivity

At the Human Collectibles stand King is holding a block with a piece of bacon, an eight ball, a Santa sweet dispenser and a hot dog with toothpaste on it trying to pass it off as free snack samples; after customers holding books pass by without even looking, annoyed he throws it to the ground asking why they are not paying attention to him as their rightful overlord intellectually and such.

"If he really was the King of demons then he must have had the worst fall from grace in the history of existence." Snickered a human and there were more from more of the audience as King stood up frustrated.

"Tell me your name! Once I have reclaimed my rightful place then I will have you bathed in lava after I have all of your bones broken!" King ranted at the top of his voice which was more amusing than anything.

"Who is the cutest little dethroned tyrant?" Luz asked in a cutesy voice which had people giggling and King was close to doing his Squeal of Rage.

Eda who was sitting back with sunglasses grabs a passing by Hexside student holding a book saying it reeks more of nerd than money that day.

"Well the book fair is not that far off right now so it could be that time." Amity mused with Hexside students growing excited.

"You have book fairs here? I can't wait!" Luz cried with joy almost about to jump out of her seat.

"I hate book fairs, the most profits my stand gets during those are about 5 snails all together!" Eda ranted underneath her breath and her arms folded.

Luz surprises them excited causing Eda to drop the student letting them know that it's a book fair going on around them where books calm to life as a book from the pile of the Sword and the Stone and Me falls down to say hello to her but surprised she kicks it.

"Do I want to know how you read the alive books?" Luz asked hesitatingly and Willow whispered that she probably doesn't.

King comments on a fair without rides and a small guy with a bag filled with books asks who needs rides when a book could take him anywhere, he throws bacon onto his head causing a flying demon to grab him and fly away with the guy screaming.

King was snickering at the sight as Camila sighed at the image, Eda wasn't the only bad influence in that Owl House.

Eda takes a book from the Hot Romance stand being run by Eileen throwing it to the ground, says she is bored and she feels like pick pocketing some dork while they browse as she walks off.

"Wait, I lost a new purse at the last book fair with a hundred snails in it!" Boscha remarked looking angry at Eda who purposefully ignored her as Luz looked sad that Eda wouldn't be joining her.

Luz sadly tries to stop Eda before asking King if he will give it a chance and then says that she will let him ride in her hoodie as she knees down and put the hood up.

Camila smiled at how cute this was along with Willow and Gus.

Luz walks through the book fair saying it has everything while King is riding in her hood passing by the Reviewnicorn and the Ghost Writers. She comments on the scenic workshops, the meet and greets and then ask what is that seeing that it is a flag for a writing competition.

"A writing competition? I have always wanted to be a writer!" Luz squealed happily as the human students moaned remembering how Luz could get when they got writing stories for assignments.

King was about to point out that she had always wanted to be a witch but a glance from Cornholio told him not to as King realised that this would be another déjà vu moment about to happen.

"I attended those competitions and some just write themselves into the stories they like, some thinks they would actually publish them." Amity remarked shaking her head as people noticed Cornholio reading his Dragon Ball I Got Reincarnated As Yamcha manga (I am legit not making this up and I do own the book).

"Sorry did I accidentally unpause reality again?" Cornholio asked.

At the stand signing autographs is Jon De Plume with publisher Piniet next to him.

Most of the audience squealed in excitement, "Jon De Plume is the most famous writer in the Boiling Isles, he writes the Realm Warriors series and most of the student body are obsessed with him and his books! Never really appealed much to me personally." Amity explained with a look judging most of the audience shaking her head.

"I liked the early books but I lost interest after the third." Willow spoke up.

"I have a copy of the restraining order he signed against me!" Boscha's mother swooned as Boscha looked embarrassed.

Skara passes Luz as she happily talks about how she always wanted to be a writer, King asks that he thought that she wanted to be a witch and Luz explains that off course she does but from where she is from it's kind of impossible so her runner up dream was to be a writer.

Camila smiled knowing that even with how into her fantasies Luz could get; she still had plausible goals to work towards. She would always support her writing desires and looked at her stories which showed her talent.

She then takes out her 'about the author' picture that she had since she was 7 years old, in a happy dolphin and planet sweater.

Some were snickering mockingly while others thought that she looked cute, "Wow Kid, you were a real dweebus when you were younger..." laughed Eda.

"I wouldn't talk like that Edalyn, I still have the album with pictures of you at that age from our parents." Lilith said grinning as Eda had her mouth wide open.

"Dad promised me that he personally burned all those pictures!" Eda snapped to laughter from the crowd.

Luz says that she is going to enter the competition as Bo excitedly runs past her.

"Sorry about that..." Bo spoke out loud but Luz looked like she had already forgiven her before she had even spoke.

King asks what the basement dwellers doing in natural sunlight and Tiny Nose with a book above her head explains that they are in line for Jon De Plume the most famous writer in the Boiling Isles and famed author of the Realm Warrior series as Jon is seen autographing a book for Bo.

Bo was squealing happily as Amity muttered "uh, I swear most people I know have their dignity destroyed when it comes to this man and his work..."

"How about all the times we found you squealing while drawing scenes from your books Mittens?" Edric asked as Amity red in the face shouted at him to be quiet to snickers from the crowd. Luz was thinking about how excited she was at the comic conventions she had attended to see writers, actors and authors that she likes.

Tiny Nose says that she is going to get him to read her story and marry her.

"I would give my fortune to marry him!" squealed Boscha.

"So would I!" Skara shouted as similar shouts were heard.

"I had to ban the stupid books from being brought out in the cafeteria because the students were becoming out of control..." Bump muttered.

"I have had students go out of control thanks to talking about heartthrobs." Hal said as they stared at each other's directions. Bump got up to see him and they fist bumped.

"The sooner I get this image out of my brain the better..." Luz muttered as most didn't know what to make of that.

Jon sign's a demon's child's head saying he would sign anything laughing about it, King talks about wanting to have the same power and command over his minions that Jon has so he will enter the competition as well.

"You write? That's a good one King, I have read your attempts at writing your memoirs." laughed Eda and King glared at her.

Luz is excited saying they could work together with them being best friends so they will make the best team.

"You consider him your best friend? What about us?" Willow asked looking hurt along with Gus.

"Guys I didn't mean anything like that..." Luz said apologetically but they laughed.

"We know you didn't Luz, besides King looks like he would be cool to spend time with in the same house." Gus said.

"We have just started our own comedy hour if you want to come over and watch." Luz told them as Eda shouted annoyed.

"That horrid routine... It was the longest hour of my entire life!" Eda snapped as Camila gave her a look.

"It's good for you to be spending time with your friends Mija, this Comedy Hour should be something to work on should you go back to the Owl House." Camila told her intentionally ignoring the death glare that Eda was giving her for encouraging this idea.

Luz walks away as King says that his name goes first on the cover.

"Luz fair warning; don't be surprised if the end result is that barely any of your input is in the final product with only a thank you mention left." Eda said shaking her head as Luz looked like she couldn't believe Eda.

"Have more faith in King; he will be the best writing collaborator ever!" Luz said with a smile.

"So much optimism you are showing for someone who in the last episode took advantage of the Curse of someone who until recently was his only friend in order to get overblown revenge on a young toddler and to conquer a playground." Amity pointed out with a straight face.

"Well...I hate that I have no counter for that..." Luz replied as Camila thought about that she was going to bring that up herself to Luz just now.

The opening is shown.

Eda is walking about the book fair knocking down books calling them boring, she looks on the cover of a Magic Mirror book seeing her reflection in it and sees another wrinkle with the Curse quickening.

Eda looked concern as Lilith giggled with Eda's look turning to a glare.

Eda hears someone say 'you lackey' and goes to hide behind a banner to see Lilith and Steve talking to a vendor.

"Hey Mam, that's us!" Steve said excitedly pointing to the screen.

"How would you even be able to tell that it's you up there?" Eda asked incredulously.

She asked the vendor if he had the item they discussed and he brings out a map to give to her. She looks at it saying that it's excellent a map to the Bloom of Eternal Youth.

"Isn't that like a myth or something?" Skara asked with mutterings.

"Are you sure we should be watching this, this is top secret work for the Emperor's Coven!" Lilith asked Cornholio who ignored her.

She think the Emperor will be pleased and Steve asked her that shouldn't they be searching for the Owl Lady to join the Coven. Lilith says that her sister's Curse has left her frail and she will still be there when they get back causing Eda to glare.

Eda shared the same glare to Lilith, "Surprised that my glorious work doesn't revolve around searching for my errant sister Edalyn?" Lilith asked.

Lilith says that it comes first since it's for the Emperor and Steve knocks the books off the vendor's table throwing them into the air hailing the emperor. She pats Steve on the head and he gives himself shoulder pats as they leave.

"See; I was right as that is me! Shoulder pats for Steve!" Steve said excitedly patting himself on the shoulder.

Eda jumps to the table asking the vendor what he had sold her sister and he explains that it's a map to the Bloom of Eternal Youth, a rare flower that grows only once a millennia giving eternal youth to whoever holds it.

"He made no attempt to deny any such thing and just told you?" Lilith asked incredulously thinking that she should threaten him with silence when she comes to meet him.

Eda plans to get the flower for herself before Lilith and he takes out another map to give to her.

"A rare flower and he just so conveniently has a drawer filled with copies of the same map that he didn't Eda for payment?" Luz asked putting her hand to her chin as Lilith blinked upon hearing this pointed out to them and Eda had the thought in her head.

At the Owl House; Luz sets up a board so they could brainstorm ideas for the story and gives King a pad of paper and crayons saying yes when he asks if he could write anything as any idea is a good idea.

"Using me to get revenge on a 5 year old, taking Owlbert without proper permission, holding a Conjuring without my permission, taking my house on a joyride and should I go on using examples why not every idea is a good idea?" Eda asked with her arms folded.

"It's different when we are brainstorming ideas for a story!" Luz replied.

They start writing and King puts up the word 'violence' onto the board, Luz asks if that is all he wants to see and King shows her the word 'blood' with a smiley face. Luz puts up romance, magic and heartbreak onto the board and the main character is of course Luzura.

"An author insert really? Who would be pathetic enough to do that?" Boscha scoffed as Cornholio coughed.

"Let's hope Luzura does better in your story than she did against Otabin." Amity told Luz who giggled in response with Amity smiling for a second.

Luz knows that it's cliché but what's wrong with cliché, next to the Luzura drawing king puts up a drawing of him with a sceptre and crown with the name the Ruler of Demons.

"How original King." Eda said clapping as King glared at her.

Luz goes onto a typewriter with a face and Luz says for the easy part as they go through what goes into the acts with a high five, on a chalkboard Luz writes steps, they discuss story structure and Luz types down on the typewriter as a banner calling the story 'Luzura's Awakening' is up.

King reads about the tears of Luzura bringing a prince back to life and calls it unrealistic, Luz says that a little romantic tension could help the scene as in King's version Ruler just destroys everything.

"A small supposed King of Demons with a skull on his face talks about a story being realistic, I swear that today I am saying sentences that I never thought I would say before!" Camila sighed.

King tells Luz that there is more to life than shipping and Luz retorts to King not to dare insult shipping in her presence as Eda is heard calling Luz to the living room.

Luz had a serious look on her face as most of the human students were now hiding behind their seats in fear as King said the line. "Luz is terrifying when people insults shipping!" one of them weakly explained.

Luz says that she will be back and they will figure this out leaving and King says that it's his turn to write.

"Oh boy..." Eda muttered as most had a feeling this was going to get bad very quickly but Luz had a face of cautious optimism.

Eda folds up her glowing map as Luz comes up to her saying that Luz will be in charge for a few days and Luz says okay as Eda saying no questions as she leaves with her cloak.

"Leave the 14 year old apprentice in charge of your home for a few days without prior notice." Camila muttered with her arms folded.

"Oh we are back to judging my every move now are we?" Eda asked.

Luz returns shocked to see most of her notes in the trash with King's drawings on the board, "RULER'S REACH" is scribbled over the Luzura's Awakening banner as King says great news while on the typewriter.

"WHAT?" Luz shouted at the sky wide eyed as King looked excited as some thought that it felt like a bomb was dropping.

Luz asks what he had done and King says that he just made a few tiny edits, Luz sees that Luzura dies in the story. King calls it what a twist; Luz tells him that she knows that he is trying to help but she thinks that he is crossing a line and King unconcerned says into greatness.

"I don't believe this..." Luz cried looking like she was heartbroken and fell into her mother's waiting grip as she turned to silently glare at King along with Amity, Willow and Gus. There were judging looks even from those that didn't think too fondly of Luz.

Hooty then tried to cheer up Luz and then looked towards King and said "you are being real mean here King hoot-hoot..."

King looking uneasy looked towards Eda who told him "don't look at me for sympathy; you are still not out of hot water with me with what you end up doing in the last episode!"

"You should not be making your rightful ruler feel guilty like this!" King ranted looking down.

King asks if they want to win and Luz sadly tells him if this is how he wants to win then maybe he should submit the story on his own as she leaves. King asks what does she knows and the typewriter tells him off and to learn to collaborate, King says that he will prove to the both of them that his story is superior after telling the typewriter to hush.

"A judgemental typewriter, why not." Camila said simply just shrugging this off.

At Grimgub's Pub, King enters calling them scum and asks who wants to read his literary masterpiece, he is then thrown out into the dirt with his story hitting his head.

"It's a start but not nearly what you deserve." Willow said still glaring at King.

Piniet picks up the story saying that he will read it, after scraping dirt off it he reads it at great speed with his eyes glowing yellow.

"Is that the Jon De Plum guy's assistant?" Luz asked recovering and getting up onto her seat.

"Publisher; Piniet Publishing House publishes most of the bestsellers in the Boiling Isles. Most of the big authors have worked for him even if earlier ones have not been seen in a long while." Amity explained to her happy that Luz was getting better.

King says only he wrote it as Piniet asks if he wrote it and then offers to get him a fruit punch with King saying that he loves punching.

"Do you love being punched?" Camila asked as King looked scared.

King gets his punch as Piniet introduces himself saying he loves the story thinking it was so much better than the competition submissions so he wants to buy it and publish it for everyone to read making him as famous as Jon De Plum.

King looked excited about this, "Congrats King..." Luz told him with as much as a smile as she could give to him at the moment as some shook their head.

Jon is in the pub with Hexside students and other swooming over him, he leans down as Amelia and Skara instantly in smiles forms a chair for him.

"Do you both have any shame?" Amity muttered as Skara and Amelia looked embarrassed about this with some giggling.

"You witches really are losers with no self control." Laughed the girl from Luz's cheerleader tryouts as Luz glared at her and spoke up.

"Samantha, do you still have your copy of the restraining order that the pop star whose hotel room you broke into when he was in town?" Luz shouted as Samantha looked embarrassed at the giggling. "Humans are not so much better than being fawning over celebrities, check this out!" Luz said taking out her phone and showing Amity an auction website of celebrity memorabilia with Amity being surprised it. She had her mouth wide open at the auction for a lock of hair from an actor, even though she had no idea what the currency was she could tell highest bid was truly outrageous. Still the smile on Luz's face as she was showing this off was nice to see after earlier...

"Wait, you have internet here?" A human teen asked Cornholio realising what Luz was doing on her phone as Cornholio gave her a blank look.

"This is a room outside of time and space and I have been using my phone to watch Disney Plus whenever I pause reality so yes it does have internet." Cornholio replied. "Oh, before you get any ideas." Cornholio said as all the phones of the humans sans Luz and Camila went into a safe that disappeared. "So you don't go on them during the episodes as we have enough interruptions with the reactions but Luz and Camila are allowed due to main character status and I trust Camila not to misuse the privilege." Cornholio said as the human teens moaned.

King says that he always wanted a people chair and says he is in with it being the first step of his reclamation of power. Piniet puts down a contract and King puts his claw into the punch for ink as he makes a print of it.

"King... You didn't even glance at it before signing! This just made the top 5 list of the stupidest stuff that you have ever done in your life!" Eda cried out in agitation.

"What's the worst that could happen if I sign some dumb paper without reading?" King asked looking uneasy as everyone looked towards him.

"What's the worst that could happen if I sign some dumb paper without reading? Do you hear yourself? You ever thought about asking a lawyer or anyone else to look over it? Oh right I forgot, one of your only 2 friends is on a trip and you alienated your other one with your thoughtless actions!" Amity cried out regretting that she ever gave him that apology cupcake as Luz tried to calm you down.

"You have lawyers in the Boiling Isles; lawyers in a realm of demons... There are so many jokes that could be made that I don't know where to start..." Camila muttered with chuckles from the humans.

Piniet takes the contract as it glows and King says that he likes that Piniet is ominous, Piniet tells him to get ready to be famous as they shake.

A blacksmith carves out a block of stone that shatters away to reveal a copy Ruler's Reach: Enter the Bad Boy.

"What is that?" Luz asked with the humans in stunned silence.

"What? Is that not how books are made in the human world?" Willow asked as the other Boiling Isles residents didn't get the reactions of the humans at this.

Mattholomule is loading out books from a cart at the Book Nook store and the mat says ow after the books are put onto him who then carries them inside. The Reviewnicorn calls the book the perfect blend of heart and heartlessness like two authors mashed into one as Bow and Eileen clap.

"One of the big critics here in the Boiling Isles world of literature, I never regret it after checking out one of his recommendations." Amity told Luz.

At the Ruler's Reach section with a cardboard standee of King in a blue sweater, Hexside students take the books as Skara kisses the standee and takes it.

"No Comment." Amity just said resigned as Skara smiled sheepishly.

King is walking the streets looking fancy with sunglasses, a coat and a scarf passing a book store with a cardboard cut-out of King saying to spend money on the thing he wrote.

Some shook their heads while King was thrilled, "the fame..." King squealed.

A group of demons, Hexside students and Tiny Nose sees him and lifts him up in the air while they carry his books. Tiny Nose asks King to please read her story and King says that it's good to meet minions... he means fans as he just signs it and tosses it to her who calls him her inspiration.

"Could have at least taken a look." Gus said.

Looking through the forest while reading the map Eda finds the minotaur statue and tosses away it's vines, she hears someone and hides next to the statue with a light blue glowing sword as she gets a fireball and goes out stopping herself as she spots a dirt covered Lilith.

"Got to hand it to you Lily, years of being the head of the Emperor's Coven and the fame hasn't gotten to your heard to the point where you find dirty field work beneath you." laughed Eda.

Eda puts away her fireball and sword and Lilith says that of course Eda would be here as a nuisance and suggests that she go home and rest, not wanting her to break a hip.

"At least I don't look like I haven't washed my clothes in like half a year!" Eda shouted as she and Lilith glared at her.

Eda then says that she is stronger than she thinks and is going to save the Plume of Eternal Youth from the likes of her, as a child she runs saying that she is going to get there first with Lilith following in panic saying that she won't.

"So like siblings and acting less mature than Luz." Camila commented as Bump laughed along with Luz, Willow, Gus and Amity but Eda and Lilith both glared at her.

"We never squabble like that." Edric said proudly along with Emira.

"I remember hearing you both argue when you wanted Emira to help you hide the baby griffon you snuck into the Manor that broke one of father's experiments in his study Ed." Amity told them and they looked panicked.

"You heard and you know... Please don't tell Mum or Dad, Mittens... I mean Amity..." Emira pleaded as Amity grinned.

Luz is on the typewriter and glares at King when he calls her, King explains that he won the writing competition and became a blockbuster writing superstar. Luz ignores King as he talks and then says that his publisher is throwing a party for his book and he would like for her to be there. She just tosses the envelope that he placed on the table next to the typewriter off the table, off the table without a word.

"Nice sentiment even if nothing about it was an apology and I have to give you credit Luz; you are showing more restraint than I would have. King would have been dangling over one of my carnivorous plants by now." Willow said glaring at King who was taken aback.

"I would have shoved the envelop into his mouth and have summoned an abomination to send him flying through the window, uncaring if my parents yelled at me for breaking the window." Amity said with her own glare at King.

Luz just glared silently at King as the humans were stunned not used to seeing Luz so quiet.

King tells her to be that away as he leaves, Luz looks sad at his direction as the typewriter tells her that she doesn't need him and she says that she doesn't want to be mad at him either as she opens up the envelope to show a flyer for King's meet the author.

"Luz, you should listen to the typewriter!" Camila told Luz shaking her head not caring at all that she just said the sentence.

"He might cool down and we could work things out." Luz said hopefully.

"You are giving another chance to someone who doesn't deserve it." Amity told Luz but then remembered that Luz was now a friend to her who pretty much almost had her dissected on the day they first met.

There is a long line outside the building for the party, at the counter King says that it's between him and his publisher when Ruler's Reach 2 comes out in response to someone saying the fans are dying to know when it comes out and Piniet says that he needs a few moments of King's time.

"A few days at most and not only was the book published but fans are dying for the sequel?" Camila asked puzzled along with the other humans as the Boiling Isles residents looked at them oddly.

"Jon De Plume had his first six volumes of the Realm Warriors released in the same month." Boscha explained shaking her head to the surprise of the humans.

"Wondered how George RR Martin would fare publishing his books in this demon world?" Hal asked out loud.

King asks where Jon De Plume is as he wants to compare sunglasses and Piniet explains that he is taking a break to work on his latest masterpiece as fame can really box you in. Piniet asks how his latest book coming along and King brings it out saying that it's finished no with more swears. Piniet looks through it at great speed saying that not only is King a great writer but a practical joker as well confusing King. Piniet calls it awful and is looking forward to the real draft as he leaves.

"So looks like all the stuff that people were loving were because of Luz." smirked Willow as King was dumbfounded.

"But I made the story better myself so how..." King muttered.

King asks how could it be awful as he is a bestselling author and then notices Luz looking sad with her hands in her pocket, then he says that he can't write with her.

"Thanks King, consider your apology already accepted." Luz smiled as Eda gave a humourless laugh.

"You are once again giving King far too much credit." Eda said with Willow, Gus and Amity in agreement with her.

King comes up to Luz saying that he is glad that she could make it; Luz tells him that she didn't want to be angry at his success since he is her friend so she congratulates him. King says it's great to hear since he needs her help with the next book, apparently he can't write his daring works of genius without rebelling against her gushy fantasy slop to which she says 'excuse me'. King said they make a great team and shows a pen saying the clock is ticking.

The ones angry at King before were open mouthed and Luz had said 'excuse me' at the same time as herself in the episode, the glares became more fierce. "Of all the ... How could you have the... Nerve of You... Not even a weak sorry... I want to break..." Camila shouted out loud as King shrank in his seat.

"Wow King, you got her so mad that she can barely form sentences. Nothing I have done have gotten her to react like that." Eda told King shaking her head.

"You know you always looked uneven with the one horn broken, I would be more than happy to help you have the other one match." Amity told King in an unusually calm voice.

Luz takes the pen and drops it to gasps from everyone else saying that she is not writing for him after he made fun of her ideas and congratulates him some more as she walks off.

"You totally deserve that you demonic teddy bear thing." Hal said as he and Camila looked quite proud of Luz for not putting up with King's bull.

"Tell me human dirtbags, do you have Karma in the human world?" Eda asked and there was a collection of nods.

King asks what he is going to do as he can't write without her as Piniet is listening.

"Should I be scared?" Luz asked hesitatingly.

"You should be fine, he is the head of a respected publishing house." Amity told her trying to reassure herself as well as Luz.

Lilith is still chasing Eda as there is a figure, Eda asked Lilith if this reminds her how they used to race for to the kitchen but sees Lilith isn't there. She notices Lilith caught in a web by a giant spider demon, Eda yells for Lilith as she sends a fireball sending the spider literally flying.

"At least it's not us this time..." Gus muttered as Lilith looked at Eda gratefully.

"Aren't you supposed to be the head of the Emperor's Coven and you are being saved by your fugitive sister?" Boscha asked as Eda yelled at her to back off.

Eda gets Lilith out of the web as she is thanked, Eda says that Lilith is still her sister though they might fight and besides it's going to be her putting her down if it's going to be anyone. Lilith smiled but they see the flower.

The Plant Coven are amazed at the sight of this rare flower.

Eda pushes her down to race to it and Lilith asks why she is always like this, Eda says that it's because she is more than what Lilith thinks to her. Eda gets the flower but it disappears and there is the shadow of the vendor on top of the monument.

"So a trap with illusion magic?" Gus asked.

"Just as your apprentice predicted, if only I could have found her before you did Edalyn." Lilith muttered.

Luz sees a banner of King and says that they got his good angle but two large enforcers appear and makes way for Piniet who answers Luz's question if she could help them with perhaps. Luz nervously giggles as Piniet says that he heard that she is an aspiring writer.

"Don't worry as I am sure that Piniet just wants to sit down and have a nice negotiation with you." Willow said with a big obviously fake smile as Camila held Luz close.

"Willow..." Gilbert was saying.

"Please let me live in denial for the moment Dad." Willow replied in a pleading voice.

There is a giant crowd in the seat, a teen next to Amelia says that he can't wait for the sequel and Amelia says that if it's disappointing in anyway then she will spend the rest of her life trashing it.

"Amity..." Amelia said hesitatingly as people glanced towards her as Amity just put up a hand.

"Don't worry about it as most of us in the human world puts too much of our identify in our interests, I am guilty myself as I remember when I was thinking about how I could possibly act if the then upcoming 2nd season of Monster Slayer Academia was not up to the big expectations that I was giving it..." Luz told Amelia reassuringly as the human teens muttered about their own interests.

Backstage looking through the curtains King is nervous and tells Piniet they can't announce book 2 since he can't write without... Piniet finishes saying without his writing partner as they go into the dressing room where Luz is trapped in a purple giant cube which starts shrinking smaller.

"LUZ!" shouted Luz's friends and Camila shouted at once alarmed as they turned their glares to King once more.

"I deserve the looks... Sorry for letting this all get to my head and I never wanted this to happen to you..." King shouted at once as Luz was just silent afraid.

King tells Piniet to let her go as he said that if she doesn't want to be crushed they will write together again, he tells them not to give them that look as some of the best books were written in literal crunch time as the box becomes smaller once more. Luz calls it a toxic mentality which leads to burnout and unreal expectations.

"Call it like it is!" shouted some audience members along with others as Luz looked quite proud of herself.

"Luz wrote a paper once on that topic and got an A." Camila said with pride in her voice as there were comments from the teacher that said the paper felt like with its topic should be from college.

King tries to get him to set her free but Piniet says not until he has his bestseller and reminds him about the contract as King is put in the box as well.

"Who could have guessed that signing that without even reading anything would have consequences." Eda told King.

"Seriously with your decision making skills, it's a wonder any of you lot are still alive..." Lilith commented.

They are given paper and a pen told to make their deadline or they will never make a pen again like Jon De Plume as he holds up Jon who is now a hand sized box.

There were a hundred horrified and heartbroken screams filling the hall.

He is put into a box with other face cubes screaming for help as Piniet leaves with the box shrinking.

"...So he does this to writers who don't make deadlines..." Amity muttered.

"Piniet must be dealt with, we must save Jon De Plume!" cried someone.

King says that writing a book would take forever and Luz shows that she still has her story and King says that he can't put his name on it as it's all hugging and crying, Luz reminds him that it's why they are in there because he can't compromise. All Luz wanted was to write a dumb story with her friend.

"What it takes for you to learn your lesson..." Eda muttered as King looked down.

King says that Luz is living her dream of becoming a witch but becoming a celebrity is as close that he could get to living out his dream but it went to his head hurting her and he is sorry.

"I was about to tell you to cry a river but at least you said sorry." Camila said still with her glare.

Luz says that being with him is one of her favourite parts of the dream but the box shrinks, she has a plan but they need to work together and King says to be told what to do.

"Baby steps King." Eda said clapping her hands.

the vendor tells Eda and Lilith that they must be confused but he says the Bloom never existed at all and now that they are led to his best he will feed on their life to satisfy his never ending hunger.

Most of the audience looked afraid.

Lilith asked Eda if she can believe that he scammed them and Eda said that she thought there would be a 50/50 chance but hard not to admire the tenacity. Lilith says that it was a good entrance but they start insulting his outfit. The vendor says what the proper response to being led into a lethal trap is but Lilith and Eda shares a look before Eda cracks her knuckles and Lilith gets out her staff as the vendor cowers.

"Wasn't expecting this..." Camila muttered.

"This idiot decided to scam and try to eat the life out of the leader of the Emperor's Coven and the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles." laughed Eda.

By his enforcers Piniet builds a tower out of the cubed writers which is knocked over as King shouts that they are done. Piniet says faster than he expected and King says that it is the miracle of teamwork, he makes a hole in the cube to grab the story to read calling it more gushy than the last book as it shrinks. King tells him to skip to the finale as it is quite a payoff and he asks what the glyph on the last page all about, Luz taps it activating the glyph setting it on fire blinding him.

The audience were becoming tense again.

King talks about the proper line he should have said and Luz reminds King about the contract. King uses his scarf to lasso Piniet and Luz grabs the contract and eats it to break the cube.

The audience were becoming relieved.

Piniet asks if this is how King repays him for making him a star, King says this as he holds out the suitcase as the cubes jump out and attacks Piniet.

The audience were cheering for this.

Luz and King goes to the door but the enforcers are there, Piniet gets up shouting that they are making this harder than this needs to be and he is being very patient.

Luz blew a raspberry at the screen as Camila giggled along with Amity, Willow and Gus.

Piniet steps on one of the cubes.

The audience gasped at this, especially if they recognised the writer.

Piniet takes out a pen which turns into an axe saying to cut to the finish.

They were all glued to their seats.

the door is opened as Tiny Nose comes in pushing back the enforcers, she calls herself King's biggest fan and fought her way back to him to read her story.

"Well she is persistent and dedicated..." Luz muttered.

King says that his lawyer told him not to look at unsolicited work.

"If you even had one, I doubt you would listen." Eda laughed.

Piniet takes it and asks if she will go if he reads it so he can annihilate them in peace, Tiny Nose says off course and he reads it at great speed. With teary eyes he calls it beautiful and tells Tiny Nose that she must let him publish it making her a star. King asks about him as Piniet calls him old news taking the jacket from him and gives it and the sunglasses to Tiny Nose as the cubes go for freedom. Luz leaves with King.

"So... He gets to get away with what he did to all those writers?" asked Amity.

"Isn't he going to get into trouble with the Emperor's Coven? I mean technically isn't she still an escaped fugitive and just talking to Eda was enough for me to almost get arrested when I had arrived in the Boiling Isles." Luz pointed out as most didn't know what to make of this.

"You must take care of him so he doesn't have a chance to hurt Jon De Plume!" pleaded several fans to Cornholio who sighed. With a sigh he clicked his fingers and Piniet was suddenly there and the cubes taking from his case who then were turned to their normal shape and disappeared.

Piniet was about to ask who he was Cornholio was or what he thought he was doing but then found himself into one of his purple cubes, "You will stay there until you write War and Peace along with Stephen King's The Stand word for word." Cornholio said as a door opened with the cube pushed through it along with the puzzled Piniet and the door disappeared. "Satisfied?" Cornholio asked with his arms folded as they cheered.

"So that takes care of that..." Luz muttered.

"Are we just going to ignore what he just did to the owner of the biggest publishing house in the Boiling Isles Mam?" Steve asked Lilith.

"Are you going to try arresting an all powerful Author who can do anything he wants?" Lilith asked him rhetorically and Steve was silent. "Didn't think so." Lilith said.

The vendor is beaten up as Eda talks about the Bloom not being real, Lilith says that not that it makes any difference but she doesn't consider Lilith a tired old bitty with her being much easier to catch if she were. Eda asked if she was going to cart her to the Coven now and Lilith says that she wants to give her a chance to join on her own, she says to join and the Emperor could even heal her curse. Eda puts Lilith's extended hand down saying that she doesn't want to owe the Emperor anything and will heal the Curse on her own terms. Eda says to catch her later and Lilith says not if she catches her first. They smile as Eda leaves on her staff as Lilith looks sad with the vendor saying that they are welcome for the chance to bond but is then zapped by Lilith.

"So stubborn Edalyn..." Lilith muttered.

"The love of family still comes through even when put on difficult paths." Luz smiled as Cornholio stayed silent.

Eda arrives at the Owl House tired as Luz and King are near asleep on the couch calling it a rough couple of days. She joins them on the couch saying nothing a good book and apple blood can't mend. Luz and King speak hesitatingly about books as they leave leaving Eda confused as she picks up a copy of Ruler's Reach and the typewriter tells her that she doesn't want to know.

"Still a better thing to come home to after you put a 14 year old in charge of your home on short notice for a couple of days." Camila spoke again as Eda moaned.

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  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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