18.51% The Owl House Watches The Owl House / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Lost in Language

章節 10: Chapter 10: Lost in Language

Luz is standing on the couch in the Owl House reading Hecate going to Azura seeking her as an ally to King, King tells her that she is going all swoony again.

"When did this happen?" Amity asked confused noticing the cover looking different from any of the Azura books that she had seen and Luz smiles as Eda starts moaning about the flowery language again.

"Azura book 5!" Luz told her surprising Amity wondering if she can get away with asking her to borrow it as well as her previous idea of asking where to acquire the Azura figure that she has.

Luz says that she can't help it since Azura is able to befriend anyone even her biggest rival and wishes that she had that kind of power.

"Why would you want power like that when I can show you about better magical power?" Eda asks showing off her magic with a few spells.

King states that rivals are supposed to annihilated and not befriended and tells her to keep reading as he has been sucked into her awful fandom.

"What? The fandom isn't awful?" remarked one of the Hexside students.

"You can see some awful fans online..." Remarked one of the human students thinking about some angry fans on an Azura forum and one that Luz was heavily involved in and had debates with the angry fans and trolls before.

Luz continues on saying the door swung open as the Owl House door swings open with Hooty making a doorbell noise.

"Wow Hooty, did you seriously decide to time it like that?" Eda asked as Hooty said that he doesn't know.

King says to burn the book since it has come to life and Luz checks the door and notices a basket on the floor. In the kitchen Luz puts the package on the table with King putting on a bib, she says that it's for Eda and it looks like a gift basket. Eda says that it is probably an offering to the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles, King puts the blanket down revealing a sleeping baby and King calls it fresh meat and Luz says not eating that and Eda says that witches eating babies is so 1693.

Some were cooing over the baby and some were glaring at King, "So is this one of those babies left in a basket to be raised stories?" Camila asked nervously.

"If it this then some idiot doesn't know what they are doing, no way am I putting up with this!" Eda said shaking her head.

King notices the note saying to take care of the child until morning and it's also written 'Yi Yi', and Eda says not happening since babies are awful.

"Wanted Eda to babysit and didn't even come to speak with her?" Camila asked incredulously wondering what kind of irresponsible parent is this.

"So whoever this is, is more of an idiot that just wanting me to waste my time babysitting!" Eda continued on.

King continues reading saying that she will be handsomely reward and it's also signed the Bat Queen.

There were mutterings of surprise from the Boiling isles residents and Eda sat up with Snails signs in her eyes.

Eda is surprised and talks of the reward as King takes out some coins from the basket, Luz asks who the Bat Queen is and Eda explains that she is the wealthiest demon on the Boiling Isles and get in with her and you're set for life.

"Well then she should be able to afford an actual babysitter or someone else who would actually know what they are doing... Do you have daycares here in the Boiling Isles?" Camila asked looking back to the audience with some nodding.

"Are you kidding, for the right price I could so do it!" Eda replied as Camila just sighed.

Eda calls it easy if they just need to keep the baby alive for a few hours, Luz calls it their greatest adventure yet in learning about love and life through a child's eye.

Eda was thinking that hopefully her future self would have an idea on where to send Luz so that they don't have to give her a cut of the loot.

Eda tells her that she has to return the books that she checked out from the library and magically summoned a stack of books for Luz to carry, Eda whispers to King that she doesn't want her to get a cut of the loot and King tells her good thinking.

Eda smirks but then as Luz looks her way shocked and Eda changes her face to look sheepish as Camila glares at her. "Well Eda, I hope that you realise that for your greed that you send off the only person in the house that would have a clue on what to do." Camila tells her as Eda humphed at her.

Eda takes away the blanket as the baby starts crying at a loud volume moving the house, Eda tells Luz that on second thought they could use her help and Luz tells her that she better head to the library and leaves closing the door.

Eda sheepishly looks to Luz as some of the audience were covering their ears, "Luz when the day comes... I think that I could use your help so would you do it for half of the cut and King and I could split half off the loot?" Eda asked as King was surprised but Luz glared at her. "How about 3 quarters?" Eda asked her voice going lower as King asks what is she doing, Luz folds her arms and looks away to Eda's panic and a look of pride from Camila.

Eda tells King they got this as the baby flies up and attacks her face.

Eda glares at the laughing audience.

The opening is shown.

Luz passes by Tiny Nose carrying a large book and reaches the library building which she is excited for.

"Good for her continuing to live her life after we freed her, looks like she is to pardon the pun a big reader." Luz smiled.

"Are you kidding, she is in my Jon De Plume fan club!" remarked one of the Hexside students.

Luz goes in but notices the books in her stack being telepathically moved through a circle by the librarian at the desk marking them as late, he checks the last one noticing coffee grass and blood stains and asks Luz that they are Eda's. Luz says that was a crazy night as a framed picture of Eda is shown on the desk with a notice saying her library card is revoked.

"Has that happened yet Luz?" Camila hesitatingly asked and Luz shook her head as Camila thought about not wanting to know the details.

The librarian said that he will put it on her tab as he gives out a long thin scroll to write on and says that they are closing early for the Wailing Star meteor shower.

There were mutterings from some of the audience members, Luz looked to Eda for an explanation who said "a magical meteor shower with weird effects Luz, quite random at times."

Luz asks what is it and the librarian reminds her that she is in a library and tells her to read a book, Luz excitedly says that she is in a library and will read a book as she runs off and the librarian shushes her.

"I should go there as soon as possible to read about the literature that the Boiling Isles has to offer!" Luz excitedly says out loud to amused glances and Edric and Emira whispering to eachother wondering if she will run into Amity when she is there.

"You should come and see us for story time Ms Luz; it would be cool!" Braxas said along with a few other children in the group and Amity silently looked their way and pleaded with them not to say anymore while wondering about how to hide from Luz when she gets to the library.

"I would love to since I do the best monster voice!" Luz says a little weirded out by the voice of Braxas and Amity was scared of the idea.

At the Demon Decimal System section with a notice not to feed, Luz gives a piece of candy to one of the drawers with a face on it causing it barf out papers.

There were laughs at this and one of the adult Boiling Residents said "let's see if you push your luck and you get banned by Malphas the head of the library." The other humans were still being weirded out by the Demon Decimal System.

On an upper level Luz looks at floating books while Hexside students are reading on the table on the level under, she reaches out and grabs onto one of the books carrying her away and yells as the students shushes her and she apologises.

"I don't think I will be trying that when I get there now..." Luz muttered looking embarrassed to some giggles from the audience with Camila remarking that she should be careful.

At the reference section some are looking through crystal books seeing flying lessons, a demon animal playing a piano and one is loading. Luz says that the place is amazing and hears a voice asking what the is she doing, Luz says that she has been caught and to pretend to be a book.

People were wondering about the voice, some were amused by Luz's reaction and the humans were in awe at how the crystal balls were like the internet.

She then hears children laughing and goes to look at the children section as she spots Amity on a stood reading to children with an open book as a stand show the cover of Otabin the Bookmaker.

Amity looked down embarrassed and in horror as Luz looks her way and asks surprises "you read to kids Amity?"

"Ms Amity is the best storyteller!" shouted Braxas excitedly as he and the other children were excited about being on screen. Some of the Hexside students were laughing with Amity's posse remarking about how uncool this looked to her.

"Come on Amity, Otabin is a nice story and you loved it when we used to play together..." Willow said only to stop as Amity's embarrassment went up.

"Come on Amity, I think it's cool seeing you all nice and smiley!" Luz tried to cheer Amity up as she got her head up.

Amity is smiling as she reads of the tin boy telling Otabin that they are his friends and they want to help with a yelp, Otabin smiled and said while pacing that he never had real friends before. Amity is confused about Amity reading to children and goes in closer, Amity reads that the chicken witch clucked to Otabin that they will be his first and Otabin couldn't believe his luck. Otabin surrounded by friends bound a book of friendship and that was the end as Amity closed the book.

"The childish language is much worse than anything in those stupid Azura books!" Eda yelled looking like she was in physical pain.

"It sounds like a nice story, I saw the book at the Owl House so I have to check it out myself!" Luz told Amity who started letting her embarrassment go away.

"What are you doing advertising that I have that garbage in my home!" Eda yelled.

"You think that you can read it to me Luz? I feel left out when I hear you reading to King hoot-hoot!" Hooty asked Luz as she pulled him into a hug and said that she would love to.

Luz remarks about how nice and smiley Amity seems and maybe she can befriend her like Azura befriends her rival and hides as the children leaves saying goodbye to Amity who waves at them.

"You still expect things to go like they do in your books Mija? Not that I don't mind the sentiment and idea." Camila said amused hoping that Amity won't give Luz such a hard time this time.

Braxas hugs her legs and tells her goodbye thanks in a booming adult voice, Amity thanks him and says that she will see him next time as he leaves.

Braxas was excited about being seen as Amity just smiled thinking how much she liked doing that with them.

Amity is annoyed when she notices Luz hiding with a book on her head as they are in the middle of the Manga and Encyclopspedia sections.

"YOU HAVE MANGA IN THE BOILING ISLES?" Luz shouted excitedly along with some from the human students.

"Knowing how that place is like, all the Manga are probably just like Junji Ito." Commented one of the human nerds.

Luz tells Amity that it looks like this sour lemon drop has a sweet side after noticing her reading to kids, Amity tells her that it's for extra credit and not to get her leggings in a bunch. Luz offers to help and take turns and they can do voices and she does the best monster voice. Amity asks Luz if she sees her going to the Owl shack and bugging her while they fry up owls and she doesn't really know what she does there, she says that everytime that she goes near here she gets into trouble and to just leave her alone. Luz tells her sorry sadly and walks off as Amity has her facial expression goes down.

Camila sighed about so much for Amity not giving Luz a hard time this time, Amity looked apologetically to Luz and Camila who noticed as he her attention went back to the screen.

Luz is frustrated and remarks about so much for befriending rivals, she hears a voice asking if she is going to let her get to her like that and notices Emira and Edric.

"Oh no..." Amity muttered looking absolutely horrified at the screen as Edric and Emira looked excited.

"Look Mittens, we now get a chance to meet your human friend!" Edric yelled as Amity put her face into her hands.

Luz asks who they are and Edric says that they are well wishers on a mission, Emira says on a noble quest and Edric says to watch this as she calls out to Amity calling her Mittens getting her red in the face. Edric says that their mum said to stop forgetting her lunch in a bunny carrying case and to stop being a jerk to her friend.

There were laughs with Boscha commenting on how lame and uncool this was; Amity got up from her seat looking unusually calm, "Can I have a moment please?" she asked Cornholio popped up a door to another room. "Thank you." She told him as she went through and closed the door. The audience then heard yelling and screaming and words that the humans never heard of but some were muttering about the colourful language. After a few minutes the screaming went away and Amity came out going back to her seat as Cornholio had the door disappear.

"So... Feeling better after you got that out of your system?" Luz asked hesitatingly as Amity said that she did and thanked her for asking.

Amity angrily grabs the bag and says she is not her friend with Luz putting her head down sadly.

"I think we are going to be here far longer than we need to if you just keep apologising for everything, just consider it water under the bridge." Luz told her before Amity could speak.

Emira says that it makes sense since she seems too cool for her and Luz asks if she is, Amity tells them that they can leave now. Emira giggles as Edric winks at Luz making her giggle and red in the face.

"Are they flirting with me?" Luz asked looking embarrassed and Amity was red in the face.

"Why is the idea angering me, I mean I couldn't be... I didn't even have the best opinion of her before we came here..." Amity thought in her head.

Edric tells Luz that she is the human that they had learned so much about and Emira introduces them and says that they are Amity's older siblings and they heard about how Luz embarrassed Amity at the school and the witch Covention the last week and no wonder she hates her.

"You talked about me at your home?" Luz whispered to Amity who asked her not to ask any further about it.

Luz says that she didn't mean any of that and thought that they were as cool as cucumbers but they are as sour as pickles. Emira tells Luz not to waste any time on Mittens and they are more fun and to follow them.

"They will be nothing but trouble." Amity warned Luz with Bump having heard her and was nodding.

"Their permanent record is trying to rival Eda's." Bump remarked with some students muttering about their pranks as Edric and Emira looked proud of themselves.

Edric at the sign detailing fiction and non fiction rubs out the 'non' word. A three eyed librarian Gary showing some students on a tour saying that they were going to the non fiction section but notices the sign and freaks out asking if their world was just fiction and if his life is real anymore causing him to cry.

Some were laughing but Cornholio said "but do think about what happens if your life is just fiction. I think that's some thought provoking stuff."

The librarian from the desk is putting books away while reading one; Edric, Emira and Luz are hiding while snickering while Emira is telepathically putting the books he puts away back on the stack.

"I already have Eda as a bad influence on my daughter so I don't think I need you two as well!" Camila remarked looking behind her seat to glare at the siblings.

"You know the more people for her to criticise than me, the happier I am!" Eda remarked with a smile.

She then moves his place to Gary who sees he is in the fiction section and cries 'not again' while the other one falls off the ladder.

"Poor Gary, I drink with him sometimes." Steve said as more people were laughing.

Luz and Emira are sitting on a stack of big books at the Demon Decimal System as Edric blows dust from a book to the drawers causing them to sneeze out papers.

"Why do you have living drawers in the first place and do they eat the papers?" asked Hal as some other student said that it would probably be best not to think about that.

They laugh as they hear Amity shout 'hey' as she is standing with the first librarian with their arms crossed glaring at them; he then asks where is Gary who comes over and cries.

The librarian pushes them out saying that they make reading far too fun and to stay out and they laugh.

"Nothing compared to what I did to get my card revoked." Eda said with a smile as no one wanted to ask.

Luz says that Amity is even madder at her now which she didn't think was possible and Edric corrects her saying that when Amity gets mad she looks like this as he holds his breath making him red in the face until he almost passes out.

"I do not!" Amity yelled at the screen as the siblings laugh.

Emira tells Luz that she is pretty fun and she and Edric shares a nod, Emira says that they are coming back tonight since there is a certain book that she forgot to check out and Edric says that the Wailing Star is supposed to unlock some magical event and asks Luz if she is in. Luz says sure and Edric says to meet back there at midnight and they will see her as they leave and Luz waves at them.

"My daughter is going to break into a library at midnight and that is my least concern at the moment!" Camila shouted in disbelief and glared at the siblings some more.

"Mum, if it makes you feel better then I promise that I won't do so now!" Luz told her calming her down and the siblings moaning about Luz's spoilsport mum ruining it now.

Luz says that this is great and says first she befriends her siblings and then she befriends Amity and runs off not noticing Amity watching from a hiding spot.

"Quite optimistic of you to think like that, still I am not sure whether to be flattered or not about you wanting to so do much to try and befriend me after all that has happened." Amity told Luz and Luz smiled.

She then glares at Luz becoming red in the face before remarks that she almost passed out.

"See, you are like that Mittens!" Edric yells to more laughs and Amity covers her face with her hands some more.

The baby is on the couch screaming as Eda and King both have their ears covered with something; King asks how could it keep screaming as it has been hours.

"Someone here should contact this Bat Queen saying not to trust Eda with anything!" Camila shouted and Eda moaned about her going back to her 'criticising Eda' expression.

Eda tells him that she hates it too but to think about the money as the screaming breaks stuff and King says that no amount of snails is worth this torture and begs to make it stop. Eda says that she can't believe that she is about to do this as she picks up the baby and tries rocking it, Luz comes through the door saying that she just had the best day since cool teens like her and to call her a library book because they were checking her out.

People were laughing at Eda for this and she just looked disgruntled, Amity glared at her siblings after Luz said that. "Am I crushing on Luz now, this can't be happening and I don't have time to process this!" Amity yelled in her head.

Luz tells Eda that she looks so motherly and Eda says if she says it again then she steals her tongue.

"That goes for if you ever bring it up again!" Eda warned Luz.

Luz comes closer as out from the baby's mouth is another one and then it repeats freaking Luz out and one starts spitting out fire.

Luz and the other humans began yelling in fright as well as other unprepared Boiling Isles residents.

Luz says that parenting sure looks rewarding and to enjoy their life lessons as she gets her bag and leaves. The babies start breaking stuff and King in Eda's arms remarks for the money and Eda repeats it before they have to get out of the way.

"Well Edalyn, I think the money will be well spent fixing your house after you are done." Laughed Bump as Eda just looked horrified at what she may have to go through.

Luz waits at the library building trying to practice look cool and falls as she spots Edric and Emira with Emira saying to keep going as it's fun to watch.

Edric and Emira were giggling as Luz was embarrassed.

Edric asks if she is ready to bring this to the inside and Luz excitedly nods, they go to the front door as Edric says that it says no trespassing but he is allergic to the rules.

"I would never have been able to tell Mr Blight." Bump said with his arms folded up and a glare on his face.

Emira points out dairy as well and Edric says wow just expose him as she passes Emira a parchment which starts glowing and Emira uses it to open the keyhole enlarging it into a door as the parchment is destroyed.

"Seriously sis?" Edric asked Emira who looked unconcerned.

Luz says that standing in a dearly lit lobby and they know how to party and Edric points out the Wailing Star through the stained glass window. Luz is amazed as Edric and Emira are disappointed that nothing happened but Luz points to the books glowing bright green, she picks out a bird book and opens it with birds coming out of it.

The audience looked amazed, "You know that I hope that you don't get careless with this magic like what happens if you picked out a history book with figures that are serial killers or the Boiling Isles equivalent to Hitler or Stalin!" Hal asked to the confusion of most but the horrified reactions of the humans who realised what he meant.

They are amazed and Luz closes it with the birds disappearing and Edric and Emira shares a look. At the magazine section Edric picks up Regal Couture and opens it with them dressed in royal clothes, Luz picks out Witches Wares Weekly and is dressed in warrior clothes with an oversized blade on her back but the sword causes her to fall down.

"I look like I could have been in one of those RPGs!" Luz asked amazed not even embarrassed about falling over and the siblings remarking that they look like high status as they are as members of the Blight family.

At the graphic novels section Luz opens up a book and remarks about nothing happened but they saw that she has speech bubbles showing her words shocking them.

The comic fans looked especially excited about this.

They then use copies of a snowman history book to have a snowball fight.

People were talking about how fun this was while Amity and others looked disapproving.

At the children section Luz sees the Otabin book glowing and opens it with Otabin coming out.

Amity now looked intrigued at this.

The babies are messing about in the living room using whatever they could get their claws on while Eda and King are hiding underneath a table, King asks what if they invent a TV network for ages 6-11 and Eda calls it insane.

The humans laughed at this.

Eda says that there is only one way out of this and pulls out a switch blade and King is shocked.

"Seriously Eda?" Luz yelled along with other horrified reactions from the viewers.

Eda says apple slices and story time while holding a copy of Otabin.

"I mean what did you think that I was going to do?" Eda asked as Luz and the others looked nervous.

Eda sits down on the couch opening the book looking disgusted as the babies and King sits down.

She starts reading about Otabin living alone with the books that he sewn and it cuts to Luz reading the book about him longing for a friend with Otabin repeating the word friend to her.

Amity was smiling at this which didn't go unnoticed by Luz and Eda was moaning about having to swallow her pride and read this garbage.

Edric and Emira tells Luz to check out what they discovered and Emira opens up a children's book about ducks and a duck comes out and Luz calls him a cute little quackster. They then draw legs on the drawing in the book which forms on the duck freaking him out, Emira calls him extra cute as she closes the door and laughs along with Edric.

"Now you are vandalising perfectly good books as well as library property!" Amity yelled looking towards her siblings as people were thinking about how cool this was and what it would be like to go through what the duck did.

Emira tells Luz her turn and Luz is unsure but Edric says to don't stop the fun as she is passed a pencil, she says that she can't do it as the book is open and Edric says to let him help. He has her draw a snarling angry face with eyebrows and claws on the drawing of Otabin in the book.

"You dare do this to Otabin?" Amity asked their way looking even angrier than she was a second before.

"Just a dumb little kids book Mittens, calm down and learn to lighten up!" Edric told told her with Emira in agreement but the children were moaning about Otabin being made to look angry.

Luz closes the book as something was about to come in, Emira tales Luz by the arm saying to come since they didn't come here just to doodle. Luz drops the book and it lands on the ground open as a monster Otabin leg is shown coming out.

"Oh no..." Luz muttered along with others in concern as Amity somehow managed to glare even harder at her siblings.

They had taken her to the romance section and Luz tries to play at it being lame unless they are into it.

"They better not have found it..." Amity thought in her head as people were giggling at Luz's attempts to play cool.

Edric says that he is into this one as he grabs a book opening up a secret passageway.

"Oh no, they did..." Amity thought in a panic.

There is a clubhouse inside, Luz comments on it and Edric tells Luz that they don't hang out in a library and says 'teacher, I am in love with a dictionary' and Emira says 'I am studying the Dork Arts'. Emira explains that this is Amity's secret hideaway shocking Luz.

Amity looked down as people were now looking her way.

Edric says that Amity has gotten too full of herself and keeps tattling on them when they cut class, Emira says that she needs to learn not to mess with people like that so they are going to find her diary and post the pages all around school for everyone to see. Luz asks if that is taking it too far and Emira says that they are her family and she needs to lighten up.

Amity now looked at her siblings as if she had an intention to kill her and some were muttering that it did seem like it went too far but others thought that it would be fun to read about what was written in her diary. "You need to calm down Mittens, you do need to learn to lighten up!" Emira tried to tell her looking afraid along with Edric and with Luz pulling Amity back from trying to lunge at them.

"You thought that Amity went too far by stepping on a cupcake and now you both went to plan to do this to your own sister?" Camila asked incredulously as the siblings now looked nervous at the judgemental eyes on her. "Luz, I don't want you spending time with those two! I would rather you be allowed to spend your time at the Owl House under Eda's supervision than let them be a bad influence on you..." Camila told Luz and then Eda yelled out excitedly. Camila muttered what had she done realising what she had just said.

"Don't worry Mum, they are not as cool anymore..." Luz muttered.

Luz says that she doesn't see any diaries there so they should just leave but then notices the first 4 Azura books among a section listed as her favourite books.

"You get those there?" asked one of the human students surprised and Amity looked embarrassed again.

She is amazed that they get them on the Boiling Isles and notices a hand drawn cover of Amity dressed as Azura on one of the books and opens it up revealing a small Amity saying that she saw that human girl again, Luz realises that it's her diary.

Amity looked mortified and Luz trying to lighten the mood told her "It's a nice drawing Amity..."

The small Amity admitted that she overreacted and she doesn't want to be seen as cruel but can't show weakness.

Amity wished that she was anywhere else as Luz gave her speech and there were more mutterings, "Leave her alone! Not like you don't sound silly and vulnerable when you go over your private thoughts!" Luz yelled to the people giving judgemental statements as Amity looked appreciatively at her.

She closes the book as Edric asks what she has there; Luz hides it behind her back and tries to claim that it's Good Witch Azura 5 where she goes through her Goth phase.

"Wish I could have come up with a better lie since as if Azura would go through a Goth phrase... Wonder if there is fanart of that..." Luz muttered.

Emira telepathically takes it from Luz and Edric opens it with a little Amity saying that it's not fair and that she is the only one that knows her siblings are not perfect but they keep getting away with things.

Some victims of the siblings glared at them and some more new critics were among them making them nervous.

Emira asks Luz if she was hiding it from them and Edric tells her that she sees how she treats people and how she treats her. Luz says that she knows that Amity can be kind of cold but no one deserves this and to put it back as they are private thoughts.

"You didn't hesitate to defend me and didn't even consider going along with their plans..." Amity muttered sounding guilty as Luz gave her a look trying to be warm.

She tries to take the book as the siblings are trying to stop her saying that Amity needs this and it's for her own good as pages start falling out. The pages starts talking about why won't Luz leave her alone, she called her teacher mum again and sorry that she hadn't written in a while and then asks why is she apologising.

Some hidden laughs and more embarrassment from Amity.

She starts to pick up the pages as Amity comes by with her face red, Luz tries to say that it's not what it looks like as the siblings are trying to hold back their laughs.

Amity knew too well how her future self would react to this image.

Amity calls them the worst and gets the pages back from Luz saying that she has been trying to figure out what Luz's deal is and calls her a bully.

Luz tries to stop Amity from apologising but Amity told her "you need to hear this and this wasn't called for from me especially after how I acted before... I know my siblings and should have known they would be the ringleaders of the scheme and my future self here should given you the time to try and explain. You should stop trying to befriend me as you deserve a better friend than me and I am sorry..." Amity told her and Luz just gave her a sad look and then gave a glare to the siblings who now looked guilty.

Amity sees her run off and the siblings about how Amity killed the fun again and offers Luz to come with them to goblin tipping, Luz asks if they are just going to leave and Emira says with her as she takes Luz's hand. Luz says that they are cool but she needs to go talk to Amity after accidentally calling her Amity. Emira calls her cutie and says to see her around as they leave.

"Okay I knew how this looks and... We kind of feel like jerks now..." Emira said as she and Edric looked nervous at the looks sent their way. "We swear that we will make it up to you Mittens, we're sorry!" Emira told Amity who gave them a look saying that she will believe that when they prove it.

Luz runs after Amity asking her to wait; Amity says that first she embarrasses her and then she wants to be her friend and she doesn't get her asking her to pick a side. Luz asks her to listen and Amity tells her to go away before things somehow get worse and they notice the giant monster Otabin who starts rhyming.

People were now scared of the sight and being freaked out, "Wow, I just felt my childhood ruined..." Amity muttered.

Otabin says that he has found a friend to make his own as he picks up Amity dragging her away as she calls for Luz.

"I called you a bully and now needed to call for you to help..." Amity said shaking her head as she let Luz put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Luz looks down at the diary and Amity finds herself against a giant book as Otabin starts sewing around her arm keeping her in place and putting her hand into the book.

People were being freaked out about the sight of this.

Amity asks why is he doing this, she had being about him since she was a kid and knows that he is not like this and someone changed him.

Amity was too busy being scared to be embarrassed by this and Edric and Emira looked guilty knowing that this was their fault.

Otabin said that friends were all he sought and now one his claws have caught.

"Well feel flattered that it's not just me wanting to be your friend..." Luz told Amity weakly.

From purple mist is Luz dressed as Azura and Amity asks if it's Azura before Luz reveals herself while holding the open diary.

The Azura fans looked at Luz amazed at this.

Luz asks if it's okay since she interpretated the descriptions and Amity calls out her name reminding Luz to stay focused.

Luz writes about the Good Witch Azura grabbing her trusty staff as the other page lists witch, hat, cape and cool entrance as there is a drawing of her with a head drawing of Amity calling out wow excited.

People giggled and Amity just thought that it looked nice and even smiled.

She gets a staff and tells Otabin to let go of her as she charges forward trying to hit him with the staff before Otabin grabs it from her and throws it away.

The audience bursted into laughter and Luz looked embarrassed, "Seriously Luz, did you give more than half a minute when you put this plan together?" Eda asked incredulously.

"I should have written in how to do fancy attacks..." Luz muttered.

He grabs the diary closing it causing Luz's costume to disappear and Luz nervously asks if he is not an Azura fan. Otabin throws Luz to the opposite page of the open book next to Amity and starts to sew her in saying making friends, taking friends and never to be without his friends and Luz yells at him saying that he can't rhyme 'friends' with 'friends'.

"Priorities Luz..." Amity told her shaking her head at Luz's failed plan thinking about how it went better when she imitated Azura to face off against Warden Wrath.

Amity sarcastically says 'great work Luzura' and Luz remarks that she was trying to save her; Amity says it doesn't matter since they are going to be stuck together forever.

"Well, we will have plenty of time to form a friendship stuck in that book." Amity said sarcastically folding her arms as Luz thought that they had to find a way to fix that.

"Not what I had in mind when I dreamed about being part of a book..." Luz muttered trying to lighten the mood some more.

Luz looks at her sewn in arm and tries to move it moving the page as well, Luz says to follow her lead as she starts kicking her legs against the page with Amity asking what is she doing. The book goes forward hitting Otabin and they have escaped with Otabin giving chase.

"Okay now let's see if you have an actual plan this time Luz!" Eda said sternly as Luz hoped that she did.

The book is covering them as they run away and Amity asks now what, Luz says that she doesn't know and she didn't even think that would work and makes sounds describing what she was like making Amity laugh and Luz smiles at that.

Eda made annoyed sounds as Amity laughed along with her self in the episode.

Luz sees the needle being poked through the book as Otabin starts pulling his thread back, the book lands on its covers on the ground as Otabin continues dragging his thread back. Luz tries to free her arm as Amity grabs a ladder getting the book up and gets her arm free as she lands at a book cart.

The audience were becoming tense.

Amity calls out after Luz as the book is being dragged back, Otabin gets the book back as Luz tries to kick against Otabin, Otabin grabs his needle saying that while she screams and shouts friendship would always win out.

"A children's book character wants to make me his friend by sewing me into a book, this is what I get for wanting a life of adventure..." Luz muttered out loud.

Luz's legs are sewn in and her head is close until Amity runs at him riding on the book cart sending him back against a bookcase which falls onto him. Amity frees Luz with Luz remarking how she missed third dimension, Otabin gets back up saying that they must remain friends until the very end and no tear that he can't mend.

He grabs Luz an starts to strangle her with his thread and Amity starts writing on the large book that Luz has to write a wrong causing a giant magic eraser to appear, she throws it to Luz who erases the drawing of Otabin on the open book connected to his body. Otabin turns back into his normal self as they fall down with Luz catching him and putting him down.

A lot of relieved sighs filled the room.

Amity smiles as she picks up Otabin who starts apologising saying that he doesn't know what came over him, Amity says that it's okay and they're still friends. She nods to Luz who closes the book causing him to disappear and Amity's smile falls.

"Hey Amity, if you want we can sneak into the library on that night and spend it with Otabin without the nightmare dangers..." Luz offered to Amity who couldn't believe that she was considering it. "Okay Mum, I know what i said earlier about not doing it..." Luz muttered to her mother who smiled at her.

"I can't believe I am saying this but I think I would let this slide if you did that..." Camila whispered to Luz who smiled and Amity daydreamed about playing with Otabin.

They then leave the library and Luz comments on the adventure and thanks Amity for helping clean up and Amity passes her saying that it didn't happen.

There were whispers about Amity back to being Amity.

Luz tells Amity to wait and that it doesn't make up for reading her diary as she opens up her bag, she asks Amity if she wants to borrow Good Witch Azura book 5 since she noticed that she only had up until 4. Amity thanks her and says maybe she isn't a bully and she hasn't been exactly the friendliest witch either and she will think on that as she walks off.

"You can still borrow it when we get out of here and sorry about being pushy about trying to force a friendship..." Luz told Amity who smiled as there were mutterings about what Amity just said.

"I guess you can consider us friends now..." Amity whispered and Luz quietly squealed with Amity hoping that she didn't regret saying that later.

Luz enters through the door of the Owl House and notices Eda and King asleep with the sleeping babies in Eda's arms.

Eda and King grunted as people remarked about how cute they looked.

Luz smiles but then the door opens with Hooty making a ding dong noise but then comes the Bat Queen through the door.

The humans were freaked out about how she looked along with others in awe at the sight of the infamous Bat Queen.

She whistles and the babies wake up and flies to her and go inside her hair. She then barfs out a treasure chest filled with Snails coins and a skull whistle saying for her troubles and that Eda is owed one.

People looked disgusted by this but Ed and King looked at the treasure.

"So are you sure that you want to miss out on that cut Luz?" Eda asked and Luz smiled at Amity thinking that she will have other plans that night.

She leaves and Luz closes the door, Eda wakes up and notices the babies missing from her arms and Luz motions with her hands about the mother coming and them flying off. Eda said that she just taught one of them to pick locks and Luz says that their night was very successful and points out the chest and the whistle which she gives to Eda but says that she would wash it before using it.

Camila just shook her head at what Eda taught one of them as Eda and King looked sad at the babies going away after they seemingly bonded.

Eda sadly remarks that they did it all for the money and king cries that they miss them and Luz says that she had gotten them a book from the library.

Ed and King looked embarrassed and there were laughs at this.

Eda takes it and it's a book on coping with empty nest syndrome and Eda thanks her asking how was her night. Luz remarks good then bad and then maybe good and then Hooty opens the door asking if they want to hear about his night.

"NO!" shouted practically the entire room at once and Hooty looked sad but was pulled into a hug by Luz.

Luz says no while putting her arms to her ears, Eda says no and King says that it's not a thing anyone ever wants.

"Well, it's the truth!" King said as Hooty looks his way as they all wondered what happens in the next episode while the siblings wondered about how to make it up to Amity.

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  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景

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