Instead of him answering, Ash spoke up, deciding to follow along with what Mewtwo was doing.
"Remember when I first visited the Kingdom of Rota a few years ago? Well…" Ash quickly explained the tournament he was in and how when he held the old guardian's staff, it revealed how he could use aura and how luckily it was kept secret with only the Queen, her closest advisor and his friends knowing about it. He didn't mention other things since it wasn't needed and didn't want her to become even more sacred than she was now.
"And, I was practicing my aura at Mount Silver after learning a bit from Master Riley. That's how they found me," revealed Ash, mixing in some truth behind his explanation. I'm sorry Mom, but please believe us!"
Delia didn't move or say anything for a while until she just sat back down and let out a long sigh.
"Ash…my little boy actually using aura…I just…wow…" She shook her head a bit, clearing her mind and looked at her son. Locking eyes with him, she spoke.
"You might be seventeen years old now…a young adult…but you'll always be my child. I want you to be happy and strong. But I don't know. Is this…is this what you want?" she asked him.
Not moving his eyes off of her, Ash nodded as a small smile spread on his face.
"Yeah Mom, it is. This is important. I need to train and become stronger." For all of our sakes…
Delia didn't say anything else for a bit as she thought about what she was just told. Standing up again, she looked at Riolu, at Mewtwo, at Pikachu and then finally at her son.
"Ash, I understand. I don't like it, but I understand it and I respect your wish. Just promise me that you'll be alright and that you'll take care of yourself. And there's no way to keep in contact? Just to let me know that you're alright? Just a quick update?" she asked, almost pleading like.
Ash glanced at Mewtwo who shook his head.
"Unfortunately we cannot. It is for his safety, the training spot's safety and your own as well. And you can't tell anyone either about it. We only told you as you are his mother, but you can't say a word to anyone no matter what because it will cause problems for everyone involved. If anyone asks about his whereabouts, just tell them he went into heavy training with his pokemon. Nothing regarding his aura training," informed the psychic.
Delia's lips quivered.
"Three years…no contact with my baby for three years. And I can't say anything to anyone…" She controlled her tone of voice so she wouldn't sound too depressed. A short while passed in silence that seemed to last forever until Delia took in a long breath and slowly exhaled it out.
"Fine. I understand. BUT, if anything bad happens to Ash, anything at all, you will let me know. That is not up for debate," she told him with conviction. Silence for a moment until both Riolu and Mewtwo gave a curt nod in agreement. Delia locked her gaze with her son next.
"Same goes for you and promise me that you'll take care of yourself. Got it?"
Ash stood up and hugged her. "I promise Mom."
Delia hugged him back tightly, her eyes watering but kept from crying. "Good." When they separated, she looked at Riolu and Mewtwo. "And you'll watch over my son, right?"
"You don't need to worry about that Lady Delia. I will protect him with my life as we train. I give you my word as an aura user myself," promised Riolu as he stood up and bowed.
Mewtwo nodded before replying back. "I give you my word as the most powerful legendary psychic in the world."
Ash was surprised to hear that from him and Delia let out a shocked gasp as she heard that. She knew that this purple feline was powerful, sensing it somehow. But she didn't know he was a legendary for Mew's sake! Keeping herself composed, she replied back.
"T-Thank you…Riolu and Mewtwo. I appreciate it."
"Mom," started Ash, making Delia look at him. "We need to go to Professor Oak's so I can get my pokemon before heading out again. But we also need to get some supplies. Do you think you can help us out with that?"
"Of course sweetie. By the time you come back from the Professor's, I'll have everything ready for you."
"Cool, thanks Mom. C'mon guys, let's go." The four of them left the house and headed towards their destination, the laboratory of the world famous Professor Oak.
Watching her son leave, Delia didn't move at first. She was stuck thinking about everything she just learned and she just couldn't believe it. My son…a true aura user? Like…him?
She let out another sigh, one of many she's being doing just today. Please Mew, watch over my Ash… Letting out a sigh, she moved to get some supplies ready for her son with a few tears flowing down her cheeks.
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